Game Starts !

Let's See How You Change A Player

I go back to my class and my classmate all looking at me and whispering to each other .


Without caring these people , I sit at my place. DongHee and Dae Ri are already sitting there .


"Today you are popular again huh ." Dae Ri coldly say.


"Yayayaya ! That girl was like crazy !! " DongHee excitedly said .


"It's not first time so .... I don't care " I said.


"Yaya ! Now here ! I treat you candies ! I know you love mint so I leave this for you !" DongHee said as she gives me few sweets.


"Thanks ! " I said but then a guy come in front of me and snatch awat the sweets .


"YAH ! G.O ! Give me back my sweets ! " I shouted at him as I stand up and glare at him .


"No way ~~ !" He childishly said as he run out from the class .


I chased him untill a dead end alley and he is standing at the dead end .


"Now you have no way to go ! So just surrender and give me back my sweets !" I said as I slowly approach him.


"If you dare then take from me " He said as he open all the sweets and stuff it into his mouth .


"You think I don't dare ? " I said as I smirk.


He froze at there when I stand in front of him . We're so close that I can feel his heartbeat .


"Now I will get back the things that is mine ! " I said as i pressed my lips to his and my tongue starts to interupt his mouth and explore .


After a while , I get all my sweets back into my mouth .


After that , I break the kiss and looking at him .


"I won ! " I said as I turned around and leave the alley .


G.O is still stunned at there .


*G.O's POV*


'OMG .... My first kiss ... ! She smells great and nice and .... oh wait ! What am I thinking ! ' He think as he slaps himself .


"She is a good kisser ! " He said to himself .




---- * At Class * ----

"How did you get back your sweets? " DongHee asked .


"This is a player's secret ! ' I wink to her .


G.O come into the class , with a blank expression .


Three of us saw it and DaeRi asked " What have you done? I think for sure something that makes him high ."


I just smiled to her .


The bell rings and our class starts .


* G.O's POV *

My first kiss ...... My first kiss ...... my first kiss ....


My mind was full of that scene .


Aww ... Stop thinking !



----*After School *-----


After the school over , we had to stay back to do some school event . The club that I joined have organized some games for our school event .


I was sitting there looking at them playing the games . There's a guy I notice that he keep playing the game in front of me and keep glancing towards me .


"That guy looks like fond on you " DaeRi said and we three looking at the guy . The guy quickly glance to other direction as he saw us looking at him .


"But he keep on losing the game and keep on playing !" DongHee said as she pop in a lolipop into .


"Let's play a game with him " I said as I wave to the guy to call him come over .


The guy come over and say " Yes? You called me?"


"Did I ? I was calling the one beside you " I said .


"Really ? Sorry then " He said as he turn around


"What's your name ?" I asked .


"Me?" He turned back looking at me .


"Yes ."


"My name is Mir " He answered.


"You keep on glancing us just now ! You like Eunhye? "DongHee ask and Mir's face immediately start to blush .


"Let's put a bet " I coldly say.


" What bet? " He curiously ask.


"If you could win the teddy bear from the game then I will give you a kiss " I challenge him.


"Really?!" He said with a surprise expression.


"But ! I just give you 10 minutes !" I said .


"What ? 10 Minutes?" he said .


"Now you left 9 minutes and 24 seconds " I said as I look at the watch .


He rush to the game area .


"Heh .. Not much man can resist you huh " DaeRi laugh at Mir's attitude .


I smirked .


We keep on chatting and laughing untill 5 minutes passed . Mir come towards us with a teddy bear . He handed the teddy bear to me .


"Present for you " he said .


I looked up and smiled .


"Yay ! Teddy bear ! " I happily get the teddy bear from him .


Mir stand at there looking at me .


"Ermm ... our ... bet?" He mumbled .


"Oh right ! " I looked at him .


I stand up and slowly approach him .


* G.O's POV *


"Ahhh .. how cute ...." I said to myself .


I sit at the corner looking at Eunhye .


"Hey bro ! What are you looking at ?" A guy shouted from behind .


"Oh ! Hey Rain !" I greeted him.


"Looking at who ? DaeRi?" Rain asked .


"Nahh ... The cold mountain is not my cup of tea " I said .


"If is not DaeRi then for sure its not the candy girl too .... Don't tell me it's EunHye? He asked .


"Uhhh ... No ! Of course .... not ! " I protested .


"Ohh ~ Really ? " Rain doubt me .


"Of course! She is not ... my taste ! " I said .


"Oh yeah ~ She is a player ! Of course is not the one you like "


"Don't say her like that ! She is not like that !" I said .


"What? You're protesting her and you say you are not looking at her? " Rain tease me.


"Of course not ! I don't like her ! " I said


"Then , Do you dare to make a bet? " He challenge me .



My idea get cut off ==

Still thinking idea to continue this story !

Sorry if this story borings you !


Comments are most welcome ! ^^

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Chapter 10: Aww this is so exciting and it thrills you , I would of thought the ending part would be a bit more like " you finally came back ,I had to tell you something a year ago ,and ect. " Overall it was really good
@OohShinyDistracted Hahahaha !! >< its good to cry for once a while =P Hehehehe XDD
OohShinyDistracted #3
I kind of do but I'm afraid I'll cry again XP
@NanaKirae Haha ! Lets see if anymore want it ! ^^
i want sad ending~!!
@MidnightMistress0912 Haha thanks !!!!! :D I thought it will turn out but glad its nice ! ^^ Hehe
Aw! Awesome story! I love it! ^_^
@PeroPero Thanks !! XD Glad you like it XD<br />
@DLovesMBLAQ Hope its not disappointing ^^ Hehe thanks! :D
Awh.. great :)
PeroPero #10
Nice. I loveeee it :)