New Faces, Weird Feeling’s

It's Too Late....


(Mika POV)

-*8:30 am walking to school-*

“Mika wait up!  I need to tie my shoes” yelled Xiao Bao tying her shoes behind me.

“Ahdeso, just hurry up or we’ll both be punished for being late to the ceremony.” I scream back still walking forward down the road.

We always have this ceremony thing at school where kids that do good get their awards.

I’ve only gotten 6 of those so far.

My sickness has been increasing more these last few days.

*sigh* I don’t know what to do no more. 

I can’t go on like this no further.

“Ya Mika wait!” Xiao Bao said running out of breaths.

“Why should I when we are going to be punished if we are late?” I said looking away from her.

“Bienay Mika” said Xiao Bao looking down.

I started laughing at her saying how dumb she looks like acting like a child again.

Soon we reached the school.

The ceremony has not begun yet, so we both quickly ran to our places and stood in line.

Out of nowhere the Head of the School Director started talking.

“Hello today is a good day.  We will be having 2 new students; they are Jiro and Mong Ryong.  Please help them out if you see them” said the Head of the School Director shaking their hands.

I stood there looking at them.

I don’t know why but my face starting burning and my heart starting beating fast.

“Mika, are you okay? Ya Mika what’s wrong” said Xiao Bao shaking my shoulders.

“What… oh bienay Xiao Bao ah I just kind of dazed out a bit…” I said smiling.

After standing there for half an hour we were finally let out to go to our classes.

I went to my classroom and sat down. 

I started to grab my stuff out but then next to me someone sat down. 

Usually the desk is always empty.

I turned around and look who it was.

It was Jiro, the new student who was introduced during the ceremony earlier.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Jiro, nice to meet you for the first time.” He said holding out his hands towards me.

“Yes, nice to meet you too.  My name is Mika” I said shaking his hand lightly.

Suddenly someone started yelling for Jiro.

We both turned to look who it was.

“Yo Jiro, I am hungry I haven’t ate breakfast yet. Let’s go get something quick from the lady over there” said Mong Ryong the other new students who transfer with him.

“Adheso, I’ll be right over” screamed Jiro standing up; Jiro than smiled at me and left with Mong Ryong.

I don’t know why but I started to burn.  My face was getting hot and I didn’t know why.

All I could do was smile and look at my hands.



(Jiro POV)


“Aish hurry up Mong Ryong” I said looking back at the classroom.

“Ya just wait, there are so many delicious stuff” Mong Ryong said picking up each of everything.

“Whatever come back yourself class is starting and I don’t want to be late” I said running back to class.

“Aish, what a sore loser” he said looking back.

When I got in the classroom Mika was taking out her notebook and pen.

She looked so cute and pretty. 

I don’t know but I always have this feeling of going up to her and talking to her.


I slowly walked to my desk and sat down.

I turned to her and smiled.

She didn’t see me so she didn’t turn back.

“Arrg what a stupid move… I must’ve looked like a doofus doing that out of no where” I said to myself.

“Oh where you trying to say something to me?” said Mika turning around looking at me.

“No, no I was just talking to myself… Hahaha it was nothing.” I said trying to look calm and normal.

Right then the teacher came in we started our lessons for the day.

It was so boring, my eyes kept on closing on me and I couldn’t help but fall asleep.

I felt a tug on my elbow and look up to see what’s going on.

“Ya, wake up. The teacher will yell at you if she sees you asleep.” Mika said quietly as she made such a cute smiled at me.


(Mika’s POV)


I couldn’t help but smiled at him falling asleep again.

I started chuckling to myself.

“Hey you back there! Wake up! Or else I’m gonna punish you for sleeping!” The teacher said screaming across the room.

Jiro stood up and looked around.

I felt bad for him but at the same time I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Aish, I am so tired..” said Jiro looking down shaking his head.

Classes ended and well it was time to go home.

Jiro was still in the classroom packing up his things.

I felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside of me.

I started to smile and walk away with Xiao Bao.

“Ya What’s up with you? You look like you just saw a beautiful rainbow” Xiao Bao said looking up and down at me.

“Bwa, what are you doing. Hahahhah it’s mainly nothing, I guess I just feel happy, you know happy” I said smiling at Xiao Bao.

“Yeah, I know what’s going through your mind…. You like him don’t you?!” She said walking right in front of me making me stop.

“Xiao Bao, who are you talking bout? Hahahhaha I am not in love” I said laughing stupidly so she wouldn’t think wrong.

Or am I?


*Yeah sorry for lame chapters I don’t really know what to write…*

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kOizoRa_LoVe #1
hahha okayy:))
harmony101 #2
hey, update soon ;P
kOizoRa_LoVe #3
OMO~ I LOVE this! :)