A Sickness That’ll Never Leave Me...

It's Too Late....

(Mika’s POV)

“Mika you come down here immediately!!” yelled my step-mother from downstairs. 

I quickly ran down as fast as I could so I wouldn’t get yelled at.

“Yes umma? Did you need me to do anything for you?” I asked.

“You are bringing shame to this family!! You have a B+ in Physics! What is this suppose to mean?” yelled my step-mother throwing my progress report down to the ground.

“Umma I, I, I am sorry I never meant for this to happen” as I quickly knelt down to my knees.

“Clean the house till your father comes home, you ugly little pest” as my mother ran off to her bedroom.

I quickly grab the broom and started sweeping the floor.

Suddenly there was a pain in my chest.  I couldn’t breathe at all and feels like I was trap, like everything was closing on me.  My eyes were closing on me.

“Is this the end of me?  What is happening? Am I having a ?” I thought to myself while I was trying to get my breathing to normal again.

Out of nowhere the front door swung open and standing there was my father.

“Mika!! What happened!! Hurry let’s go to the hospital!” said my father rushing towards me as he sees me lying on the ground.

My step mother was still asleep to notice that anything was happening.


(Xiao Bao POV)

*In the clothes store*

“Hello, wait what are you trying to say? WHAT! Mika’s in the hospital. Yes I’ll be there immediately uncle.” I said quickly running out the store.

“Oh Mika what is going on with you?” I said mumbling to myself.

As I got there I quickly pulled in a parking space and ran to the front desk.

I saw Mika’s father sitting on the chair waiting for them to come out with an answer.

I know her father loves her very much but can’t do anything to save his precious daughter.

“Uncle what is going on? What’s wrong with Mika?” I said sitting next to him.

“I don’t know… It must’ve been me… I am such a bad father; I can’t do anything to save her at all. Her step mother would always yell at her and yet I do nothing but stay as far away as possible” said Mika’s father wiping away his tears.

“Don’t worry I know she will be okay.  Mika is a strong girl and nothing in this world can stop her.” I said trying to hold back my tears.

-*80 minutes passed-*

As the doctors were rushing out I quickly ran towards them trying to know what is wrong with Mika.

“What is wrong with Mika?” I asked with a worried face.

“She is fine, she was just too exhausted and just collapse.  Sorry it took a long time we were just checking up on her if anything else was wrong” said the doctor looking at his papers while talking.

The doctors took uncle away and I was left with Mika in her room.

Mika looks so pale sleeping on that bed.  Her eyes looked a little swollen. Slowly Mika opened her eyes and I quickly stood up to greet her.

“Hey girl, what’s wrong?” I said trying to look calm.

“Nothing, I was just exhausted and I guess I just out for a sec. It’s nothing serious Xiao Bao. Don’t worry” said Mika trying to put on a smile.

I couldn’t help but laugh and smile along with her.


(Mika’s POV)

-*In the Emergency Room-*

With a startle I awoke with a bright light shining towards me.

“Where am I? How did I get here?” I asked looking around.

“It’s okay you’re in the Emergency Room” said one of the doctors looking down at me.

I remember my dad carrying me out of the house and putting me in the car.  Tears started rushing down.  It has been a long time since my dad has ever cared so much for me.

One of the nurses looked at me and started talking to me, “You know, your father was in tears when he came to us.  He looks like he was worried that you wouldn’t make it but, don’t worry nothing bad is gonna happen to you.”

I wanted to smile at the nurse but I couldn’t.  All I thought was my father and my best friend Xiao Bao.

After around 30 minutes or so the doctor came back and looked at me.

“Hi Mika, I wanted to consult this with you before I break the news to your family.  It seems like you have Pneumonia.  It might be too late to take the vaccinations but don’t worry we doctors will try our best to help you” said the doctor looking at me with his big eyes.

I couldn’t help but let out a gasp.  Tears started falling from my eyes and I couldn’t help but started to sob.

“Doctor, please don’t tell anyone about this.  Not even my family.  Just say that I was too exhausted or something, I know it’ll be bad for your image to lie but please for me.  Please I beg you.” I said crying helplessly on the hospital bed.

“Rest assured Mika, I will do as you say.  But I would still like you to come in after 3 months to check up.  Also I will write you a prescription for the pain” said the doctor smiling at me.

He then left the room.

I was alone in silence.  All I could think of was how much time do I have left. 

I started to cry some more and more.  I knew that my dad or Xiao Bao would notice that I’ve been crying so I quickly got up and washed my face.

After washing my face I than went back to lie down on the hospital bed.

My eyes were a little drowsy so I decided to close my eyes for a sec.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Xiao Bao sitting next to me.

We talked for a while or so than my father came in and sat down on the other side of me.

“Oppa, sorry for worrying you, I promise I would clean the house later and do all my chores.” I said looking down.

“Mika, I already told your step mom to do your chores for you already.  I am the one to be sorry for not being a good father for you.  Ever since your umma died I remarried and did nothing to help you” said my father while crying.

He couldn’t say anything more. 

He rushed to the bathroom and closed the door.

I could hear him pounding on the ground in the bathroom.

I started to cry some more.  I didn’t want Xiao Bao to see me cry so I buried my face in my pillow and let out a painful scream. 

I knew I wouldn’t live that long anymore.  I knew I was going to hurt my father soon by making him feel more guilt for leaving him.

I knew I was never going to get my first love.

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kOizoRa_LoVe #1
hahha okayy:))
harmony101 #2
hey, update soon ;P
kOizoRa_LoVe #3
OMO~ I LOVE this! :)