You Can Borrow My Shoulder

After School Love

Yunho’s POV

Like I expect before, after I go home, Park Yoochun texts me with his silly question like “Have you tasted his lips?” or “Did he flirt with you” or the most silly question is

“Did you having fun with him?” Then, I won’t reply my massage. But, Yoochun come to my apartment and brng some foods. Yeah, that’s good because I live here alone so that mean I must cook by myself.

“Yo Yunho! Why did you don’t reply my massage? Still remember your good time with that y teacher right?” said Yoochun when he put some foods on the dining table. I just roll my eyes and prepare the plate and the chopsticks.

“Good time your ! HE GAVE ME 2 PAGES OF PAPER AND I DID IT FOR 45 MINUTES LIKE A HELL! AN ESSAY YOU KNOW!” I yell at Yoochun because I’m tired.

“Whoa~ calm down dude. You’re very short tempered guy.” Yoochun seems scared of me and digs his food. I follow him and eat my food in silent. We both in silent after we finish our food and Yoochun starts the conversation.

“Uhm, Yunho, what will you do with Mika? I saw him with a guy today at a club.”

“I don’t care. She meant nothing for me. Or you want her?” I smirk at him.

“Aw~ you’ll be kidding me. I have someone else.”

“What? Who’s she?” I’m shock at his answer. A playboy Park Yoochun has a crush at someone? It’s rare.

“Correction. It’s ‘he’ not ‘she’. He’s a cute guy who’ll be my partner at English literature assignment. Kim Junsu.”

“What? You’re gay now? No offense you always compliment Jaejoong sensei. Hahaha.”

“Shut up, Yunho! I just turn gay because of Junsu. No other.”

“okay, up to you Mr. Playboy. Or must I call you Mr. EX Playboy?”

“Whatever! Hei, what’ll you do tomorrow? Do you have a dance class?”

Ah, I remember that tomorrow I have a dance class. I have a dance studio and I teach there. Although I come from a rich family, because my father owns Jung Corp, one of the biggest companies in world, I live alone at my little but comfortable enough apartment and I bought it with my own money. I got much money because I attend some dance competitions and I won. I gain a lot of money and I save it. After I have a lot, with mine and much extra money from my parents, I bought a little apartment and I built a dance studio. My parents proud with me because I have my own money without asking them.

“Uhm, yes. I have a dance class tomorrow. Why?”

“Nothing I just ask you.”

“Hei, let’s do something. How about watching DVD and play some games? ”

“Yes, that’s good! I’ll sleep over here since no one stay at home.” Answer Yoochun sadly. I know that his parents are very busy with their company too. I nod at him and we both watching and playing until dawn. Then we just sleep for 3 hours before school.

End Yunho’s POV

The next morning, it happens like usual. Yunho and Yoochun must attend classes at school. The different is they almost late because they can’t get up at the time. But, fortunately they don’t get any detention because like yesterday, Jaejoong sensei comes late again.

“It’s twice he comes late.” Said Yunho with curiosity drawn in his face. He doesn’t understand what happened with his strict teacher lately. In normal situation, Jaejoong sensei always come on time and gives punishment for whom that late.

“Yeah…hoahm…” said Yoochun lazily. He starts yawn and yawn again because he’s very sleepy.

“Ohayou minnasan…” greets Jaejoong sensei 5 minutes after the bell rang.


“Gomennasai, it’s the second time I’m late. Hahahaha.” He laughs with his melodic laugh. Students just smile seeing their sensei’s attitude. And also Yunho, without his realization he smile watches that.

“Today, I’ll announce the score at the last test. And like usual, the higher score is given to Changmin and Yoochun. Congrats!” Changmin just stay cool when he hears that he got the high score. But, Yoochun grins widely because he knows that the only lesson that he good at is English.

“And next, I’ll announce the other. Please go to front when I call your name and take your paper. Odawara, Nakashima, Sakura……… Jung,…”

Yunho goes to front immediately and take his paper. Before he goes back, Jaejoong sensei said something to him.

“Please study more and do the test seriously. I already check your essay and actually you have a potential.” Yunho just nods and take the paper.
Everything goes well but Yunho can sense something toward his *beloved* sensei.

After school, Yunho teaches at his dance studio. Now, he accepts a form that makes him interesting. The name that written at that form is Shim Changmin. He knows him well. He’s the most genius and the youngest student in his class. He also the tallest and the cutest but in other way he’s the coldest.

Yunho’s POV

Wow, I never expect this. A Shim Changmin applied his form to a dance school. I think he just care at his school and homework. Hehehe, It will be interesting. I’ll teach him soon.

“Mr. Jung, it’s time for class.” Said Fuyumi, my secretary.

“Ok, I’ll be there.”

“Mr. Jung, how about the new guy?”

“Just put him at my class.” After I said that, I leave my room and go staright to the class. I see my students already wait me.

“Konbanwa. Ogenki desu ka?” I greet them first. They immediately stand up and bow a little to me. Then, I find Changmin’s face in there. He seems a little bit... shock?

“Haii, genki desu.” Answer them loudly. I smile at them because I know that they have a good stamina.

“Let’s do the stretching first. Then, we have a new choreography. But, before that, I see you dance one by one for deciding the team. Wakarimasuka?”

“Haii.. wakarimau!” Then I lead the stretching up and after finish, I call them one by one and performing a dance. I see them pretty good at dance now. I can see their “crack” moves when they do popping, and they power is good. Finally, it’s time for Changmin. I want to play with him a little.

“Shim Changmin. I see that you’re a new student here. Are you sure you want to perform now?”

“Yes! Of course.” He answers quickly. I smile at him because I know that he won’t be a loser. I turn on the music and he dances. I see him pretty good for an amateur. His moves just like a professional. And he makes a perfect wave and some powerful moves.

“Good job, Changmin. Now, I decide the teams.” Afetr I decide a teams, we practice together and they enjoy it. I see another side of Changmin. When he dances, I see happiness in his face. That makes me forget his self when we at school.

Finally, the practice end and they say goodbye to me. I approached Changmin who still tie his shoelace.

“Hi, Changmin! I never think that you’ll join a dance school.” I greet him and he turn on me. I see him smile a little.

“Yeah, and I was shock when I saw you here. But you’re a good coach.”

“Thank you. Hey, why do you join a dance school? I think you just care about school stuff.” I see him laugh at my question and that’s cute.

“Hahahahaha. I’m a human being too. I have something that makes me interest like dancing. I love dancing very much and I hear that this is the right place. And what about you niisan? How could you teach here? ” I smile at his question and his compliment.

“To tell the truth, I’m the owner. I built it with my own money. It’s getting late. Let’s go home.”

“Woah~ that’s cool. Yeah, let’s go home. See you tomorrow niisan.” He brings his bag and leaves the room. I think he’s not as cold as my opinion. He’s nice tough. I go home too after I greet my staff. Like usual, I go home by my motorcycle. But I don’t know why, I really want to park now. I just want to see the night scenery there.

I park my motorcycle at the nearest park from my studio and look for a bench. But at that time, I catch something. I see a guy with golden hair that n the bench. And he looks like sensei. I approached him but surprisingly he’s crying at the time. I feel hesitant but I really want to greet him.

“Sensei?” I call him. He turns his head and look at me. I see his puffy eyes and red nose. What happened to him?

“Ah, Yunho-san. What are you doing here?” I sit beside him and put my bag down.

“Just look around. And you sensei? what happened?” I ask him back and it’s the first time I see him without his formal uniform. A grey T-shirt with a black vest outside, a skinny black jeans and a pair of brown boots. He doesn’t look like a teacher. Like a normal student for me.

“Nothing.” He answers shortly and silent. It’s a little bit awkward, but I ignore it.


“Yes?” Finally he broke the silent. I faced him and so do him.

“Could I ask you something?”


“Can I borrow your shoulder?” I shock at his request. But before I answer it, I feel a weight lean on my shoulder. His head lean on me. I feel comfortable? With it.

“Do you know how it feel when you broken heart?” I look at him and don’t answer it. I let him talk first.

“It feels hurt you know? Very hurt. Deep inside my heart.” He continues and holds his chest. I feel the sadness at his voice.

“Why? Why do you broken heart?”

“My boyfriend dump me you know! He often beats me at my body and left some scars that never disappear.” I hear him crying again. And I hear he said ‘him’ instead ‘her’. That mean that he’s gay?

“We already have 3 years relationship. He always said that I’m beautiful. But I always angry when he said that. But, actually I feel happy when he said that. But now, he dumped me with other girl. And he said that he knocked up that girl and makes her 4 months pregnant. He cheated on me.” I never imagine it before. The strict and cold teacher Kim Jaejoong, cry and tell his sad story at his student, me. He looks so weak and powerless. Hs big doe eyes all red and so does with his nose. I touch his hair to calm him down. Then I slide at his face side. I find that he has some piercing there.

“Sshh.. It’s okay. Please be strong. There are more guys outside the world. Not only him. You deserve better because you’re sweet.” Oh God! I must remove the last sentence. I said he’s sweet?? Oh well, for now, YES! He’s very sweet and beautiful.

“Arigatou, Yunho-san. Can I borrow you shoulder next time?” said him softly.

“Yes, of course. You can borrow my shoulder anytime.”

“Sou desu ne. Can I stay like this for a while? I feel comfortable when I lean on your shoulder.”

“Uhm, yes. You can stay like this until you calm down.”

We stay like this for a while. He leans on my shoulder, and I touch his hair softly. When he asked me can he borrow my shoulder, I don’t know why I just want to say YES! When I look at his face, he closes his eyes and fall asleep. Kim Jaejoong sensei, how can I resist your request with your angelic face like this? You can borrow my shoulder. Like my promise.

End Yunho’s POV


Woah, thanks for a good respect toward my fic *bow*

It's my old fic. I don't edit it. Hehehehehe

I'll be on a short hiatus for 2 weeks start tuesday. I'll have exam T.T

Wish me luck guys :)

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-_- I dont like the idea that my Yunho is with jae, but I like the story either way!
I know this....I have the word copy when u posted in winglin before, bacuse it's damn good! Happy to see u reposting it here teheeee...update soon dear!
Erikaoi #3
Reading in a go.between chapter 3&4 there’s huge chap3 both yunjae don’t have girlfriend and in chapter 4 suddently they are?you should be carefull with the plot.put detail in it and with the words.<br />
btw if you want to say lets go in Japanese its “ikou”not iku.iku is basic form means “go” so it should be ikou,short form of ikimashou.
grutugomuk #4
waaaa~~~ i've been waiting for this~~!!! ^^ update soon k~
Stranger #5
I finish your story right now and I have to say that I love it ! <br />
Yunjae is the best couple :x ... Pleaseee updatee
kawaiicat #6
.....<br />
Finally u update!!<br />
Yoosu moment is very cute., haha
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Yoochunswifey #9
“Niichan! Yunho!” <br />
<br />
“Junsu?!”<br />
DUNDUNDUN!!!!!<br />
Where they discovered? What will happen next?! Don't leave me hanging like that!!! Bad Unnie/dongsaeng!!! T_____________T<br />
<br />
I used to follow your fic on winglin, but now I'm stalking the story here XD<br />
ahhhhHh~ so sweet :D O_O Lots of Japanese though, thank god I watch alot of anime to understand most of the phrases XDDD