Rooftop Memories

After School Love

Jaejoong’s POV

I pack all my stuff that I need at school and ready to go. And I don’t forget to bring something that I want to give to Yunho. I know maybe I was crazy last night. I asked him to borrow his shoulder and I told him everything about my broken heart problem. I admit that I felt very comfort when I lean on him, until I fell asleep. When I woke up, that was already midnight. I saw his sleep face with mouth widely open and also his eyes. I chuckled at that time and I see him very cute. Then, he woke and he drives me home. All his actions could erase the pain that I felt a little. It’s all because of Yamaa.

I already have 3 years relationship with him. He said he loves me and I accept him. He promises that he’ll never hurt me and always make me happy. But I know that’s all just a promise. He leaves me and he cheated with a girl from his office. And the worst, that girl gets pregnant because of him. That broke my heart until Yunho came and save my day.

“Niichan, where’s my breakfast?” I hear my little brother, Junsu, shouts from dining room. Ok, I forget to prepare the foods on the table. It’s all Yunho’s fault! He’s still running in my mind.

“Haii.. Wait a moment. Gomen ne, I forget to prepare it,” I smile sheepishly at him.

“Niichan, daijobou (are you ok)?” Junsu asks me seriously. I startled at his question.

“Haii… daijobou ( I’m ok).”

“I know that Yamaa hurt you. From the beginning, I don’t like him. Glad to know that you already broke up with him.” Junsu says that and he eats his sandwich carelessly. He’s right. Yamapi is a jerk. He pretends to be a good man at front of me, but he’s totally jerk at back.

“Uhm, niichan, can I ask something?” I lift my face to Junsu. I give him “just say it” look.

“Why did you pair me with Yoochun instead with a girl? It’s Romeo and Juliet project by the way. And why did you ask us to make a drama with it?” I see his confuse face and that makes me want to laugh.

“Bwahahahahaha….” I take down my chopsticks and I cover my mouth when I laugh.

“Yah! Niichan.. Don’t laugh! That’s not funny!” I see him pout and continue his food. Kawaii desu ne….

“Okay, okay, I won’t laugh. Junchan, I have my own reason.” I call him with his nickname. He faces me and listens carefully.

“First, I don’t want to pair you with any girl in class because I don’t want you have a scandal with them. As you said, this is Romeo and Juliet story that very romantic and has a passion, so the player will get some feeling and it’ll grow inside your heart. I keep you because I don’t want to ruin your concentration at final exam because you’re at the third grade now. And I know that you’re straight right?” He just nods in understanding.

“Then, why are you rare to smile and very strict? This is the first time I being taught by you. Actually I want to ask it months ago. Well, if you don’t mind to answer. ” I smile at his question and answer it.

“You know my occupation. I teach and become a teacher in my young age. I’m not rare to smile. I love smile a lot. But not in the serious time. I’m professional anyway. Outside the class and school time, I always being nice at my students. They’re all like my own brother because our short age difference. Beside the fact that I’m the hottest English teacher at school. Hahahahaha.”

“Silly!” Junsu mocks me and finish his foods.

“Well, I’m done. Thanks for the foods,” Junsu stands and bring his bag. I clean the table and put the dirty plate at the dishwasher. Here we go! Start the busy day again and go straight to school.

End Jaejoong’s POV

Yunho’s POV

I feel different today. I wake up easily and happily. Although my shoulder a little pain because Jaejoong sensei leaned on it for hours. Yesterday we sat on the bench until midnight after he woke up. I saw him very cute and young. He told all to me. How he dumped and how he hurt. After he woke up, I drove him back with my motorcycle. He lives at a simple apartment. But a little bigger than mine. I feel… That’s just right. I don’t know why.

I take a bath and ready go to school. Like usual, I ate simple omelet and a glass of milk as my breakfast. I’m not too good at cooking anyway. I pack my stuff and leave by motorcycle. In the road, I remember days ago. How I really want to slap that face. He was too strict and cold. But who knows that outside he’s very warm and cute. Also when I saw his weakness, I really want to protect him. Aish, Jung Yunho! Concern at the road or you’ll get an accident. It’s impossible too if I have crush with my own teacher and he’s a… guy. Finally I arrive at school safely without any injury. I park my motorcycle and go straight at my class. For the first time after this 3 months period I become a third grade student, I’m not late and come on time. I’m proud of myself.

“Hi, dude! On time huh? Not usual.” Greets Yoochun after I put my bag on my desk. I just give him my sweetest smile and I know that he’s a little scary of me.

“Whoa~ what happened? Why are you smiling like that? It’s scary!” He puts his hand in front of his chest and he acts dramatically.

“Huahahahaha! You always know how to make me laugh.”

“I’m serious. Hei, Mika comes to you.” I turn back my head and I see Mika comes to my desk.

“Ohayou Yunho-san.” Greets Mika.

“Ohayou. What are you doing here?”

“Ng.. Yunho-san, I want to talk about our project.” Mika sits on the chair beside me.

“We just have 5 days left and we still do nothing. How about this night at my apartment? ” Mika puts his best smile to me. But I feel disgust with that look.

“Yeah, up to you.”

“Arigatou Yunho-san.” She stands up immediately and kisses me on the left cheek quickly.

“I’ll wait you tonight.” Not just that, she also winks at me when she leaves! What a y. I wipe my cheek like I want to make it disappear. I mean the mark.

“Oh my lord Yunho!” Crap! I forget there’s still Yoochun there. I see him widened his eyes unbelievable.


“How dare you not tell your bestfriend that you already dating Mika?”

“Dating your !” I answer harshly.

“Yeah, you can date my if you want. I’ll give my big V for you Yunho~” Yoochun teases me again with his disgusting girl-like-voice. I’m dying of laughter now. And we laugh together until sensei come.

“Ohayou minnasan. O-genki desu ka?” Jaejoong sensei finally comes. And now he’s not late again.

“Ohayou sensei. Haii, genki desu.”
I stare at him and finally he changes. He’s not sad again I guess. I can see that from his happily greeting to us. When I keep stare at him, suddenly he stares at me too. Our gazes meet for seconds. I see him smiles a little. I am shock a little bit but, that’s good.

“I have an announcement. You know that I’m your room teacher, so I have prepared something for your best. 4 months later, we’ll hold a final exam and we must do our best. So, I want you all have an additional lesson after school. Wakarimasuka?”

“Haii.. wakarimasu.”

“Ok, let’s start the lesson. Please open page…..”
An additional lesson? How about my job? I must teach my students and I can’t leave them for 5 months. Argh, it’s confusing. I must talk with Jaejoong sensei then. But, what if he doesn’t agree? What if he forces me to stop teaching? What if….

“Jung Yunho! Stop day dreaming and do the exercise on the board!” Damn! I get punished again. Jaejoong sensei gets back at his old self. I come to front of class and do the exercise. Gosh, how I miss that warm smile of Kim Jaejoong?

~After class~


Finally, the bell ringing and Jaejoong sensei leaves. I can live peacefully again. But before he leaves, he gives me a piece of paper. I give him my confuse look but he ignores. Ok, I can read it by myself.

‘Please meet me at the rooftop at the launch break.’

Wow, it’s a memo. I wonder why he gives it to me. I’m curious and I feel a little bit… excited? Well if I can describe it with ‘excited’ word.

“Wow! What’s that? A love letter?” Yoochun comes to me and take the paper. But I grab it fast before he reads it.

“Nothing. That’s a detention letter.” I lie. Yoochun goes back at his seat after I told that.

“Niisan…” Changmin calls me and I turn my head to face him.

“Ah, Changmin! What happen?”

“Ng.. It’s about the additional lesson. It starts after school right? But how about my dance class? I confuse. ”

“Ah, so desu ne. Don’t worry I can teach you another time after school. I see you’re talented so it’s not difficult to teach you anyway.” I see him blush at my compliment. He’s very cute, just like my little brother.

“Arigatou, niisan. Can we eat together at lunch time? If you and Yoochun-san don’t mind. ”

“Gomen ne. I have an appointment with someone. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Haii.. arigatou.” He leaves. He’s very pure and cute. Yah! What happened with myself? Why am I so into cute things lately? I really want to slap my face.

“Yunho, since when you close with Changmin?” Yoochun asks me. Then, I tell him the story how me and Changmin get closer. He interest with Chagmin’s ability. Then he realizes something.

“Hei, I know something! He’s Junsu’s bestfriend right? It’s better if he invite Junsu tomorrow during lunch.”

“Up to you.”

“Konnichiwa minna….” Our Art teacher, Tanaka sensei already enters class. We go back to our seat and silent. This is my favorite lesson. Thanks to headmaster that arrange the lesson journal like this, after English, the lesson that I don’t enjoy, yeah except if the teacher act nicer, replace with Art, a lesson that I love. I’ll enjoy it until the lunch break.

End Yunho’s POV

Jaejoong’s POV

I think it’s the right way to invite Yunho during lunch break. I prepared him a handmade bento. I just want to say thanks to him. But I feel a little bad because I punished him. It’s his fault who didn’t hear my explanation and day dreaming. And I think the rooftop is the best place because no one goes to that place during break.

“Jaejoong-san, let’s have lunch outside together.” I turn my head and I see Mayu, a Nihon-go teacher talks to me. She’s very cute with her long curly hair and his round eyes. She looks young and fresh. But to tell the truth, she’s 2 years older than me.

“Ah, gomen ne Mayu-san. I have an appointment with someone already.” I feel guilty to reject her invite.

“So desu ne. It’s ok. Maybe tomorrow?” I see hope in her eyes.

“Haii. Maybe tomorrow.”

“Arigatou Jaejoong-san.” She bows a little to me and leave. I ever heard that she has crush of me. The way she talks to me and her blush at cheeks explains that. It’s just too obvious. But sadly, I don’t like her as a lover. Or I try to like her?


The lunch bell interrupts my thought. Well, I can think it later and now I must go to rooftop. I grab my two boxes of bento then leave. When I open the rooftop door, I see Yunho already there. I feel my heart beats faster and I just don’t know why.

“Hi, Yunho.” I greet him first. He turns his head and look at me. He smiles and bows a little,

“Hi, sensei. What happened? Why did you invite me here?”

“Let’s have lunch together.” I offer one of my bento boxes to him. He accept it with confuse face.

“I just want to say thanks for yesterday. And by the way, I make the foods by myself.”

“Ah, wakatta. No need to do this. Uhm this is your handmade? Is it able to eat?” He teases me.

“Yah! Of course. Beside I’m your teacher so please act politely.” I pout at him. I can’t help but I just want to act cute in front of him. Oh My God! Act cute! I’m the tough guy anyway. And want to act cute in front of my own STUDENT! I feel something wrong in my head.

“Okay, okay. Gomenasai JAejoong sensei.” He opens the box and I see spark in his eyes.

“Woah~ sushi! It’s my favorite.” He takes a sushi and eats it full.

“Oishii desu ne…” I giggle at his act. He’s like a kid that found a new toy. His round eyes get bigger when he feels satisfied. He’s too innocent.

“Sensei, why don’t you eat?”

“Ah, haii. Itadakimasu.” I eat at my own bento and I feel it’s more delicious then before.

“Sensei, are you okay now? I see you get normal again. You punished me for the prove.”

“I’m okay. Really good and happy like a newly born.” Yeah, that’s true. I feel happy now.

“Sensei, could I ask something?”

“Say it then.”

“I think I can’t join an additional lesson afterschool. I must go to work.” What? Jung Yunho works? As what?

“You work? Where?”

“I’m a dancer coach. I have my own studio and everyday after school I teach them. Yeah so I can suffer and live.”

“So, that means you live alone?” I think I find some interesting facts about him.

“Yes. I live alone at my apartment. I bought it with my own money and so did my studio. I get it from my savings and prizes from some dance competitions. I want to be an independent and make my parents proud of me although they can give all what I want because they are Jung corp owner and I’m the only child.” Wow, he’s mature at his age. Usually I find some high school student still beg for some money to their parents and sometimes steal it. Good point for Yunho.

“I’m happy because I have a student like you. And for the additional lesson, you can have private with me. I can teach you all lesson and it’s free. Because I want all of my students pass the exam excellent.” I pat his shoulder and I smile warmly.

“Arigatou sensei. And thanks for the food. You must bring me this often. Hahahaha…”

“No problem. I can bring you lunch everyday and eat it here. We’re friends outside school time? No need to call me sensei.” I offer him my hand for handshake and he accepts it.


“Let’s go back to class. The break will end in a minute.” I give him a hand to support him stand up.

“Okay, let’s go!”

I think my relationship with my student getting better. And I think he understands me or maybe when I have another problem I can tell him again. It’s just felt so right. I never be happy like this before. Never this happy when I was with Yamaa. Kim Jaejoong ganbatte! I can forget him quickly!

End Jaejoong’s POV


Finally, after a long day of my first day exam, I can go home safely and update it :)

Really, I feel like dying when I did the test -.-"

Everyone, please enjoy :)

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-_- I dont like the idea that my Yunho is with jae, but I like the story either way!
I know this....I have the word copy when u posted in winglin before, bacuse it's damn good! Happy to see u reposting it here teheeee...update soon dear!
Erikaoi #3
Reading in a go.between chapter 3&4 there’s huge chap3 both yunjae don’t have girlfriend and in chapter 4 suddently they are?you should be carefull with the plot.put detail in it and with the words.<br />
btw if you want to say lets go in Japanese its “ikou”not iku.iku is basic form means “go” so it should be ikou,short form of ikimashou.
grutugomuk #4
waaaa~~~ i've been waiting for this~~!!! ^^ update soon k~
Stranger #5
I finish your story right now and I have to say that I love it ! <br />
Yunjae is the best couple :x ... Pleaseee updatee
kawaiicat #6
.....<br />
Finally u update!!<br />
Yoosu moment is very cute., haha
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Yoochunswifey #9
“Niichan! Yunho!” <br />
<br />
“Junsu?!”<br />
DUNDUNDUN!!!!!<br />
Where they discovered? What will happen next?! Don't leave me hanging like that!!! Bad Unnie/dongsaeng!!! T_____________T<br />
<br />
I used to follow your fic on winglin, but now I'm stalking the story here XD<br />
ahhhhHh~ so sweet :D O_O Lots of Japanese though, thank god I watch alot of anime to understand most of the phrases XDDD