Our First Memory

After School Love

A/N: Hi all~ Sorry for a very late late update. I was concentrating for my other fics and finally I manage to write this chap :) I hope it's good enough for you. Happy readiung ^_^



Today is the first day YunJae becomes an official couple. They have a commitment to hide their relationship until Yunho graduates from school, if their relationship goes that long. But they still confuse with one thing. That’s about their girlfriends. They don’t know how to explain and will they still keep their relationship with their girlfriend?

            “Yunho, what should we do? I don’t have a heart to say break up to Mayu. She’s too kind to me.” Jaejoong has a conversation with Yunho in the morning before the bell ring. They promised to meet at the park when Jaejoong borrowed Yunho’s shoulder to cry. Yunho looks in a deep thought too and he just sighs heavily.

            “I don’t know. How about we still keep our relationship with other until we decide the right time to explain our relationship to them? But there’s no physic contact and keep our space with them. I don’t want you to kiss her again.” Yunho said firmly at Jaejoong and he holds Jaejoong’s arms tightly.

            “Erm, yeah fine. We’ll think it later. So, let’s think about us first.” Jaejoong leans on Yunho’s shoulder and smile. He likes Yunho’s shoulder to lean on very much since that day. Yunho smiles seeing his lover act. He bruises Jaejoong’s hair gently, feel it’s soft.

            “You’re right. Let’s just think about us now. I still can’t believe that we’re together now. Although I ever hate you and I feel like want to scatter your face into pieces when you gave me detention and detention. ” Yunho said it innocently. He wants to tease his lover. Jaejoong hits his arm hardly until he winced in pain.

            “Aww! Iita (hurt)... how could you hit me like that? I just say the truth.” Jaejoong chuckles at Yunho’s cuteness while he’s rubbing his pain arm.

            “Because you’re not a good boy at class. You always be a rebel and never listened to me. But I know that you’re a genius person. You should study to earn a good score and graduate from the school..” said Jaejoong with his teacher’s concern to Yunho.

            “Yes, Sir!” Yunho smiles at Jaejoong’s words and he puts his hand on his forehead like soldier. Jaejoong laughs at Yunho and finally they laugh together.

            “So, we have 15 minutes left and I don’t want us to be late. I’m a teacher so I should give a good example to my students. See you at school. You have my lesson at the 6th hour right?” Jaejoong grabs his bag and puts it on his shoulder. He gets up from the chair and ready to leave but Yunho holds his wrist, prevents him to go. He shows his unpleasant expression.

            “What’s wrong?” Jaejoong looks at Yunho worriedly. He bents down in front of Yunho and holds his hands.

            “You forget. Here…” Yunho pouts and points his lips, asking for a kiss. Jaejoong’s earlier worry face now replaced by an annoying face. Yunho still stares at him with his innocent expression.

            “Aish, this kid. Now get up or we’ll be late.” Jaejoong gets up and leaves Yunho behind. Yunho gets up from the bench and he catches Jaejoong from behind. He pulls Jaejoong’s hand and he holds Jaejoong’s waist. He brings their body closer. Now, they’re staring at each other. Yunho smirks and he comes closer to Jaejoong’s face.

            “I’ll be a rebel if you disobey my demand.” Yunho crushes his lips towards Jaejoong’s and he it. Jaejoong surprised at first but he replies Yunho’s kiss. He wraps his arms around Yunho’s neck and he deepened their kiss. They kiss until they out of breath. Luckily, there are no much people there so no one see them kissing. Jaejoong’s face reddened and there is a slight blush on his cheeks. His red lips also swollen and apart a bit, looking for some air. Yunho is same with him. Jaejoong quickly releases his grip around Yunho’s neck and he fixes his clothes a bit.

            “I’ll go first. There’s no way I can late. Bye!” Jaejoong said nervously and he avoids Yunho’s eyes. He jogs to the front park and he takes a bus. Yunho only smiles at his lover’s nervous acts.

            “Aish, that Kim Jaejoong. He can’t admit that I’m a good kisser. Hahaha…”

 He walks happily to the parking area and he rides with a very happy feeling. I think the fortune woman in his side and he didn’t come late to school.



            “Yunho~” Mika goes to Yunho’s desk soon after the break bell rang. He drags a chair with her and she sits beside Yunho. She smiles and she saves his arms on the table. Yunho replies her with only a tiny smile.

            “Let’s go to canteen and have a lunch together. I’m hungry.” Mika leans closer to Yunho and she wraps her arm around Yunho’s arm. She whines cutely, asked Yunho to follow her to canteen.

            “Ah, gomen ne (I’m sorry). I have an appointment with Jaejoong sensei. He said he has something urgent about my academic score to be talked. Maybe tomorrow I’ll accompany you. Daijobu desu ka? (Is it okay?)” Yunho acts gentle towards her. He gives her an apologetic smile and he rubs Mika’s hair gently. Actually, Yunho has a lunch with Jaejoong like their earlier promise. But of course he can’t say the truth.

            “Ah, if that’s urgent, I’m okay. I’ll go to canteen with my friends. Bye and good luck.” Mika bids goodbye to Yunho and she leaves the class. After Mika’s leaving, Yunho sighs and he starts to pack his stuff before he goes to the rooftop.

            “Hey, buddy! I see a rejection here. What’s up? I think both of you are a couple so it’s normal if you and Mika go to lunch together.” Yoochun that sits behind Yunho all the time and heard the conversation approaches Yunho. He taps Yunho’s shoulder and moves beside him. Yunho rolls his eyes when Yoochun sits beside him. He knows that this friend of him can’t keep his mouth shut.

            “So what? It’s not like I’m her husband already. Beside we have relationship only for days. I have an appointment with Jaejoong sensei now. So, you better move your from here so I can move,” said Yunho annoyingly.

            “Aww, that’s hurt. So, finlly you get behind Jaejoong sensei’s pants huh? I bet he has a nice .” Yoochun shows his ert face. He can’t sense the danger beside him. Yunho hates it when someone says something unnecessary about his lover. Yunho whacks Yoochun’s head hardly and he pushes him down from his seat until he falls down.

            “Shut up, Chun! I’m late now.” Yunho leaves Yoochun behind that still rubbing his poor sore .

            “What happen with him? I think he hides something between him and… Jaejoong sensei?” Yoochun wonders himself after Yunho leaves. He gets up from his embarrassing position and starts to search Junsu to annoy.



            Jaejoong wraps a well made bento that placed in the big pink lunch boxes. There are two chopsticks in it. He wraps it with a black fabric and he smiles by himself all the time. He just too happy to meet his Yunho this lunch. He imagines Yunho’s happy face whenever he eats his foods.

            “Konnichiwa, Jaejoong-san.” Jaejoong turns his head when he heard someone called his name. Then he smiles at that person.

            “Konnichiwa, Mayu-san. How’s your day? Do you have some difficult times with your students?” Jaejoong starts a conversation while he’s still wrapping his bento. Mayu smiles sweetly at him.

            “I’m okay. Just some rebellious students like usual. Err… Jaejoong-san.” Mayu hesitates with her words and she plays with her fingers. Jaejoong that sense a nervousness around her, stop to wrap the bento because he done it. He turns his body so he faces Mayu.


            “Ano… do you mind if we have lunch together now?” Mayu still lows her head, doesn’t dare to look at Jaejoong’s big eyes. After heard Mayu’s request, Jaejoong feels uneasy. Actually he has an appointment with Yunho and he doesn’t have a heart to rehect Mayu. He takes a deep breath and says it all.

            “Gomen-ne, Mayu-san. I already have an appointment with one of my student. I promised him to give a lunch if he gets a good score. Maybe next time we’ll go together. I’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend.” Jaejoong touches Mayu’s cheeks softly and he rubs it gently as apologize. He sees a slight pink crept on her face.

            “Ah, it’s okay. We can do it next time. Good luck with your student.” Mayu gives Jaejoong her sweetest smile and she releases Jaejoong’s hand from her face. She leaves and Jaejoong sees her asks some of her friends to go to lunch.

            “Fiuh, I never expected that it’s that difficult.” Jaejoong sighs and he grabs his bento, ready to leave to the rooftop and meets Yunho there.



            Yunho sits on the ground on the rooftop. He lays his body down and stares at the sky. The weather is very nice. It shows a clear blue sky with some soft clouds around it. The sun light shines not too bright so he doesn’t hurt his eyes when he looks straight to the sky. A slight wind blows his face and dances along with his hair. When he hears the door opened, he quickly gets up and sees at that direction. Soon he smiles happily when he sees his lover stands there with a lunch box that wrapped with black fabric in his hand.

            “Hey, do you wait me too long?” Jaejoong smiles after he opened the door and saw Yunho smiles at him. Yunho gets up and he runs to Jaejoong. Then he pulls Jaejoong to his embrace and hugs him tightly.

            “I miss you.” Yunho inhales Jaejoong’s sweet scent through his soft hair. Jaejoong replies his hug with only his free hand that doesn’t hold the bento. After Yunho feels enough, he releases the hug. Jaejoong kisses Yunho’s cheek and he sits on the ground. Yunho follows him and sits closer to him. Slowly, Jaejoong opens the wrap on the bento and open it. He hands Yunho a pair of chopstick for him and another for himself.

            “Woah, it looks delicious like usual.” Yunho’s eyes sparkling when he sees the sight of delicious foods in front of him. Jaejoong chuckles at Yunho’s excited act.

            “Let’s eat. I’m hungry too.” Jaejoong holds the chopstick with both of his hands and he brings it closer in front of his chest. Yunho does the same too.

            “Itadakimasu (Bon appetite).” Yunho and Jaejoong say it together and they start to dig the food. Luckily, Jaejoong made a big portion so it’ll enough for both of them.

            “So, how’s your day? I hear from Mayu that your Math score is getting better? That’s good.” Jaejoong starts to open the conversation. Yunho is still busy with his food and he only nods his head.

            “Yeah, I promise to myself for being a good student until I graduate. Beside, I really want to make my parents proud of me and I’ll study business later. I want to be a businessman like my father does,” explained Yunho after he swallowed the foods inside his mouth. He makes Jaejoong amazed of him.

            “Wow, I never expect that you’re that great. So, how about your dance studio? Do you still teach there?”

            “Sometimes if I have done my homework and there’s still a time to go there. And I think today I’ll go there. Do you want to come?” Yunho asked Jaejoong to come to his dance studio. Jaejoong only nods his head because he’s still swallowing his food. Then he gives Yunho his sweet smile. Suddenly, Yunho comes closer to Yunho and he whispers at Jaejoong’s ear.

            “I want to graduate properly so we won’t have this forbidden relationship. Don’t worry, I won’t make you ashamed and give me a reward as a return.” Yunho blows an air inside Jaejoong’s ear. Jaejoong shivers a bit because he feels tickles with what Yunho did. Now, he’s blushing madly.

            “Yah! Don’t do that!” Jaejoong slaps Yunho’s arm playfully. Both of them laugh with their silly act. When Yunho looks at lunch box, it’s almost empty and he sees there’s only a meat roll left. Without hesitation, he puts it with his chopstick and ready to eat it but Jaejoong stops him.

            “Yah! That’s mine. I only eat a few and you ate a lot. Give that to me!” Jaejoong wants to pick that meat roll from Yunho’s chopstick with his chopstick but Yunho already eat it a half and the other half still hanging outside his mouth.

            “Aish Yunho, don’t you think that I can’t do this.” Jaejoong comes closer to Yunho and he pulls Yunho to him. Then he eats the meat roll from Yunho’s mouth with his mouth. He bites the meat but Yunho takes his opportunity when his mouth opens. Yunho kisses Jaejoong and feeds him with the leftover meat inside his mouth. They’re kissing also feeding each other. They also stuck their tongue and taste the food inside their each mouth.

            “Riiiing….” The bell as a sign the lunch break is over is ringing. They’re apart from mouth feeding and pant heavily due the lack of oxygen.

            “Is the food delicious?” asked Jaejoong with a smirk.

            “Very delicious. Especially when you fed me like that,” replied Yunho with a smirk too. Jaejoong only replies him with a smile.

            “Okay, let’s go back or we’ll be late.” Both of them get up from the ground and loosen their wrinkle shirt. After they clean their clothes and also the lunch box, they’re ready to leave.

            “Good bye. See you after school,” said Jaejoong to Yunho. He pecks Yunho’s lips as good bye kiss.

            “Bye.” Yunho waves his hand and he comes out first. They won’t make any person suspicious on their relationship. After Yunho’s leaving, Jaejoong leaves 5 minutes later. He smiles a lot after he had a very good lunch with Yunho.


Hi, thanks for the comments and subscribers :) I love you all! I wanna say, there'll be a change in this fic so just look forward to it. Khukhukhu~ a comments won't hurt and for my silent reader, I love u too~ *throws Hello Kitty*

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-_- I dont like the idea that my Yunho is with jae, but I like the story either way!
I know this....I have the word copy when u posted in winglin before, bacuse it's damn good! Happy to see u reposting it here teheeee...update soon dear!
Erikaoi #3
Reading in a go.between chapter 3&4 there’s huge gap.in chap3 both yunjae don’t have girlfriend and in chapter 4 suddently they are?you should be carefull with the plot.put detail in it and with the words.<br />
btw if you want to say lets go in Japanese its “ikou”not iku.iku is basic form means “go” so it should be ikou,short form of ikimashou.
grutugomuk #4
waaaa~~~ i've been waiting for this~~!!! ^^ update soon k~
Stranger #5
I finish your story right now and I have to say that I love it ! <br />
Yunjae is the best couple :x ... Pleaseee updatee
kawaiicat #6
.....<br />
Finally u update!!<br />
Yoosu moment is very cute., haha
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Yoochunswifey #9
“Niichan! Yunho!” <br />
<br />
“Junsu?!”<br />
DUNDUNDUN!!!!!<br />
Where they discovered? What will happen next?! Don't leave me hanging like that!!! Bad Unnie/dongsaeng!!! T_____________T<br />
<br />
I used to follow your fic on winglin, but now I'm stalking the story here XD<br />
ahhhhHh~ so sweet :D O_O Lots of Japanese though, thank god I watch alot of anime to understand most of the phrases XDDD