The Strict (but Beautiful) Teacher

After School Love


The school bell is finally ringing. That mean, we must enter the class quickly if you don’t want get late. A lot of students run quickly before they late and get punished by cleaning the toilet or the worst, they must clean the entire school swimming pool by themselves that have an Olympic size.

A boy with his school uniform shirt well, that revea hisl inning white shirt run quickly before the gate close. Some sweats already covered his temple and drown over his face side. His lips part a little because of lack oxygen. That does all make him hotter and ier. Finally, he reaches the class before the teacher in.

“Yo Yunho!” Park Yoochun, his classmate and his bestfriend greets him.

“Late again huh? What did you do last night? Lucky you sensei doesn’t come yet.”

Yunho just sigh hardly after hear Yoochun’s sentence.

“Nothing. I did nothing last night. It’s all because of my motorcycle. It suddenly stopped at the road. Hey, you’re right. Sensei doesn’t’ come yet? What happened? It’s not like usual.” Yunho try to guess something.

“Hahaha, Jung Yunho. You miss him already huh? Yeah, I know that he’s very hot. A hot y teacher. But, if you can bear with his strictness. ”

“Stop tease me!” Yunho rolls his eyes and back to his desk beside Yoochun’s.

Yunho POV’s

Aish, today I’m almost late again. That’s all because of my motorcycle. And after I arrived at class what did I get? My bestfriend teased me again. When in the normal situation, I probably back with his night activity, but I’m not in the mood. And Yoochun is right. Where’s sensei? It’s not usual he’s late. Argh, why do I concern about him anyway?

“Ohayou minnasan.” I hear a sound interrupt my mind. I hear that familiar soft voice again. That’s sensei. Finally, he arrives.

“Gomennasai. I’m a little bit late today.” I saw him bows a little and smile. Why is he so sweet?

“Well, students please take out your assignment book and put it on your desk. If I know there’s someone who doesn’t bring or doesn’t do yet, you know the consequence right?” Yeah, finally he drops his smile and back to his cold side. I search my assignment book inside my bag. Oh, Crap! I forget bring it.

“Jung Yunho, do you forget it?” Jaejoong sensei stands up in front of my desk. I lift my face and see him.

“Yes, sensei.”

“Do you know the consequence?” I see a smirk there. Argh, I really want to beat up that face.

“Yes, I know,” I answer coldly.

“Meet me after school.” He said that and leaves my desk.
I sigh hard and turn around my head. I see the entire class look at me.

“What do you see huh?” I scream at them and they get back at their business immediately.
End Yunho’s POV

“Okay, okay, stop it students! Get back at your book and read the Shakespeares’s Romeo and Juliet story. Now, we study about English literature. Park Yoochun, please read the story.”

Yoochun starts to stand up and read the whole story with his great pronounce and accent. Even Jaejoong sensei not that good as Yoochun. No doubt, because Yoochun ever lived at ia, USA when he was child.

“Good job Yoochun. I hope other student have a good work like you,” compliment Jaejoong when he look at Yunho who sit beside Yoochun. When Yunho notice that, he sends Jaejoong a death glare then he looks at the other side.

“Thank you, sensei.”

“Now, I’ll split you as teams. Each team consists of two people. Please identified about this story, the character, the storyline, and search the information about this story. Then you do presentation by doing a drama. Any objection?” Everyone shook their head.

“Ok, I’ll announce the team. Jung Yunho and Mika Odawara….” After Yunho hears his partner he sighs hardly. He knows that Mika really has a big crush on him. But, Yunho doesn’t like her because Mika isn’t his type. And it makes him hate Jaejoong more.

“And the last, because no girl left, I’ll paired Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu. I give you a week to do this assignment start now. I’m sorry I must attend teacher’s meeting now. See you tomorrow. Ohayou. Oh, wait. Jung Yunho, don’t forget to meet me at my room after school, ” said Jaejoong and wink at Yunho.

“Woah, Yunho! I think Jaejoong sensei likes you!” Yoochun taps his friend’s shoulder and smirk. Yunho still doesn’t respond Yoochun because of his shock.

“Yah! You don’t hear me? C’mon Yunho, I know that he already amazed you. He’s very hot!” Yoochun shakes his friend body and finally Yunho gets back at reality.

“Huh? I think I really want to vomit now. Or when I meet him later, I just want to punch his face. What does his mean by pairing me with that ? He already ruins my whole life!” said Yunho harshly. Yoochun who seeing his scary attitude, starts to move away and do his own business.

~~ After School~~

Yunho’s POV


The school bell finally ringing. When I’m at my normal situation, I’ll rush out of class happily and play basketball with my friends. But, today is different. I’ll do my execution. I must meet Kim Jaejoong, my sensei. Well, actually I admit that he’s very hot and beautiful. But he’s very strict! I can’t imagine what kind of detention that he will gives to me.

“Yo Yunho! Ganbatte! I’ll hear the report and please tell me what happened between you. Ow, I really envy you because you can have a date with a hot guy!” a voice interrupt my mind and he’s no other, Park Yoochun. He teases me. Again.

“A date your !” I just leave him alone. I hear his laugh from outside class.

“Just shut his lips with your mouth if he starts to over talk!” I hear his silly advice and pretend not to hear that. Oh God, why do you give me a friend like that? Ok, I’m starting become a drama queen because of my sensei.

“Konnichiwa, Yunho-san,” I hear someone call me at the school corridor. I turn my head and I see Mika there.

“Oh, yeah. What?” I answer coldly. I see her moves a step in front of me. She puts her look-I-am-cute-but-actually-y smile to me.

“Uhm, Yunho-san when do we start our project?”

“What project?” I act careless in front of her.

“Of course from Jaejoong sensei. Do you forget? How about today? My apartment is empty. My parents went to other city.” I see her… smirks? God, she’s flirting with me.

“Gomen ne, I can’t. I must meet Jaejoong sensei now. Got to go now. Next time maybe. Bye!” I left her immediately and go ahead to Jaejoong sensei’s room. For the first time, I feel relief when I get punished. Weel, at least I’m not trapped with a . Finally, at sensei’s room.

*knock knock*

“Come in.” I open the door after hear sensei’s permission. I go inside and see the most beautiful scene. I see sensei closes his eyes while the sunset light shines on his face. That makes his white skin glow. His upper button of his shirt already s and his tie loosens. His red cherry lips part a little. That’s y. I feel something weird inside my heart, and... I ignore it.

“Uhm, sensei. Are you okay?” I try to get his attention. He opens his eyes and turn his chair to face me. I sit in front of him and take my bag down.

“Oh, Yunho, you’re late.” Jaejoong sensei sees me at my eyes with his big doe eyes.

“Gomennasai. I was late because of something.” I explain at him and he nods of understanding.

“Sou desu ne. Then what do you want at your detention?”

“Huh?” I give him my puzzled face. I don’t understand.

“Fine, you don’t know yet. Then I’ll decide it. Please make an essay. Two pages full. Just write anything that you want. Get it?”


“Don’t complain. I already gave you a chance to decide your own detention. If you ask me to get you free, I’ll give it. But you waste your chance.” He smirks when he said that. Well, this guy is very smart. I trapped by him.

“This is the paper and I’ll wait you until you done.”
Aish, it’s frustrating. I just accept my paper and do my essay. I write about dance. The types, the year, and the music. I feel confident with this topic. I feel a pair of eyes keep eyeing on me. I know that sensei stares at me. I feel uncomfortable.

“Uhm, sensei. Could you stop staring me? I feel disturbed.” He laughs at me and the way his laugh is very funny with his melodic laugh. He covers his mouth with his hand.

“Ok, If that you want. But please do it quickly. I don’t have much time. I’m busy.” He puts his headset over his head and he turns on of his I-pod. That’s better than he keep staring at me.
Finally, after hard 45 minutes, I finish my essay. I give it to sensei. But, when I see him, he closes his eyes. Maybe he’s sleeping.

“Sensei, I finish.” I call him to wake him up. He opens his eyes and stretches his body. That’s cute! Aish, Jung Yunho! Don’t you ever think that this strict guy is cute! I think I’m insane already.

“Ow, yes. You can go home now. Study hard and don’t forget to do your assignment from me. If you don’t do it, I won’t allow you to enter my class and let you get a zero score.”
Well, a cold and strict guy will always that way. I bow a little at him and go out. Finally, I see the outside and feel my freedom. I just feel like a prisoner for 45 minutes ago.

End Yunho’s POV


I don't know whether it's good or not. But million thanks to you for read it :)

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-_- I dont like the idea that my Yunho is with jae, but I like the story either way!
I know this....I have the word copy when u posted in winglin before, bacuse it's damn good! Happy to see u reposting it here teheeee...update soon dear!
Erikaoi #3
Reading in a go.between chapter 3&4 there’s huge chap3 both yunjae don’t have girlfriend and in chapter 4 suddently they are?you should be carefull with the plot.put detail in it and with the words.<br />
btw if you want to say lets go in Japanese its “ikou”not iku.iku is basic form means “go” so it should be ikou,short form of ikimashou.
grutugomuk #4
waaaa~~~ i've been waiting for this~~!!! ^^ update soon k~
Stranger #5
I finish your story right now and I have to say that I love it ! <br />
Yunjae is the best couple :x ... Pleaseee updatee
kawaiicat #6
.....<br />
Finally u update!!<br />
Yoosu moment is very cute., haha
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Waaahhhh.. After such a long time.. I think I read this in Winglin... <br />
Update soon..^^
Yoochunswifey #9
“Niichan! Yunho!” <br />
<br />
“Junsu?!”<br />
DUNDUNDUN!!!!!<br />
Where they discovered? What will happen next?! Don't leave me hanging like that!!! Bad Unnie/dongsaeng!!! T_____________T<br />
<br />
I used to follow your fic on winglin, but now I'm stalking the story here XD<br />
ahhhhHh~ so sweet :D O_O Lots of Japanese though, thank god I watch alot of anime to understand most of the phrases XDDD