Tried to Walk



It was Saturday at morning Lay was still sleeping when Lian burst into his room “Wake-up lazy boy is time to work”, Lay obeyed her and followed her outside the house with sleepy face through the fields, “I help my father every Saturday and I thought you would like to help us” she explained him while they were on the wheat fields, they continued until arriving at the soy field at the edge of the road. Lian taught him how to know which one was ready to be cut and how he should take it off, a few hours passed and Lay was moving away with every plant he tore to cover more field and keep looking for his original objective, after a few minutes he noticed he has moved away too much from Lian and he hasn’t found anything yet, so he stood up and walked towards Lian. When he found her he notices she was talking with a couple of men that were on a white van over the road, “¡Go away !” he only heard Lian screaming that to the men before they continued with their way, Lay approached Lian to make sure she was ok, but whe she saw him she walked away in the opposite way, before that Lay could noticed the worried expression on her face but he didn’t know if follow her or just stay there,  he just decided to leave her alone so he took his basket and Lian’s from the ground and went back to the house and wait for her.

 In his way to the house he found Lian’s friend, Chen. He met him a couple days ago, Chen waved at him when he saw him “Hi YiXing, How are you?, Have you seen Lian?”, “Hello Chen, she went there, she was a bit worried she didn’t want to talk to me”, ”Worried?, Why?”, “I don’t know I just saw her talking with two men after that her humor changed”, “Two men?, and how were they?”, “I don’t know I just saw there  was two and went into one of those things that move white with red”, “oh no, not again” Chen said with a worried face before going to find her but Lay stopped him, he wanted to know what was happening “what happen?” he asked him holding Chen from his arm, “Don’t worry, is just that one of those guys has been interested in Lian since two years ago, but she has never ceded, that butters him a lot and some months ago he forced her to kiss him  but Lian didn’t allowed him so she punched him on the face and she ran away, they haven’t appeared again since then so we thought he had lost the interest, but now I can see it wasn’t true, Go back home I will talk to her don’t worry” Chen said reassuring him so Lay obeyed him going back to the house with the baskets.

He waited for them for an hour, so he got surprised when both of them arrived laughing, he felt the need of asking what happened but he didn’t instead of that he moved back to his place.

That night after the dinner Lay went to the garden he just sat and looked at the sky even though  there was just ine moon instead of two like in home he could feel comfortable y feel like he was able to feel and see his loved ones specialy, Kai with who he used to stay looking at the sky in the night for hours, just to appreciate it without saying a word, just to remember how beautiful the life could be. And he made it, he laid there for a few minutes until Lian joined him and sat beside him, “the moon also helps me to remember” she said looking at the sky while he was sitting, “Remember what?” he asked her, “Remember how beautiful life could be, I just need to find the light inside the darkness. It’s late we should go back “she said putting on standing. Her words shocked him, it was like if she has heard his thoughts, he followed her inside the house.  

Next morning Lian and Chen led him to wander around the village near there,they showed him their school and bought him some dumplings which were delicious, they tried to tech him how to ride a bike but no matter how many time he tried it he could progress at all, he continued falling so they decided to stop the class before he got seriously hurt. “Tomorrow start the exams week so we better leave soon” Chen said and Lian agreed with him. Lay was hatting the bike right now so he refused to ride it again so they has to walk back although they took longer and only managed to leave them hungry and thirsty luckily Lian's mother was waiting them for dinner Mrs. Song food was very good but this time Lay felt a different taste on his palate something chewy but juicy "What is this?" Asked taking another piece on his hand "is beef" replied Mrs. Song. "it means that this is a carcass?" Exclaimed surprised and quickly dropped the pieces in his hand "How could you kill this innocent being and also eat it?" Lay Scream furious to the point of tears "then you will want to eat eachother this is unacceptable!" Cry for last before retiring and leaving everyone stunned by his reaction "I think he's vegetarian," remarked Chen doing all to see him with a scowl, Lian went to meet Lay to try to reassure him, And try to calm herself, tomorrow was week exam and she knew what that means; staying at school till the night studying. She hated it but she knew it wasn’t impossible.

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