05 - Fifth

The Guardian - Kai [An Angel's Sin]

{Back in time: One month ahead}

Chanyeol sheepishly accepted the reality that he was nothing more, nothing less than jealous. Jealous of dark skin Jong, or how Yura would call him: Kkamjong. 




   “I’m here… Please don’t forget that.” Chanyeol held Yura’s hand gently and comfortingly rubbed it. Yura slightly smiled with a hint of sadness and melancholy. Talking about her sister’s death was hurtful, essentially to someone whom she had a special friendship bond and brings memories of her sister back to her. Chanyeol knew her very well in view of the fact that he and Yura were inseparable when kids.

Warm. They are very warm…

She gazed his hands. They are bigger than hers, easily covering her small hands almost making impossible to see them. He looked down at her and unconsciously smiled at her smile. Flashes of their childhood friendship ran through his eyes. Everything looked like a flash of light running so fast and he inhaled every memory. Like little pieces it all came together and that one specific day came to thought:



----------------“Pumpkin...” A shy voice echoed from a half opened door. The room was empty and dark, a dark red light was the only thing shading everything. Only a petite girl was occupying the place. Timidly she ran her fragile and delicate fingers through the counters, curiously trying not to touch the objects on them. The items were inquisitive. Instruments for photography. The little girl slowly looked up and saw pictures dangling on a thread.

“Pumpkin, I don’t think we are supposed to be here.” The voice from behind the door revealed itself.

“Then why are you here?”She didn’t take her eyes from being in awe of photography. The pictures were simply delightful to look at. An amused smile couldn’t leave her lips. Hearing her words the boy blushed into a light pink color. His eyes nervously looked at her. He kept silence and slowly approached her. “Aren’t they… ‘g-gorgeous-seu’?” She turned at the boy and tilted her head questioning. Earlier at the English class some kid was discussing the word with the two kids. Remembering the word she tried to pronounce it feeling like it is the most appropriate word to use as a description to the pictures.

“G-gorgeous-seu?” The boy repeated with amusement and let out a little laugh. Her Korean accent in the English word sounded extremely adorable. “Yes. They are.”

“Kkamjong brought me here…” Something lit up her eyes. They say that some kids have an imaginary friend, and they also say that that specific friend is their guardian angel.

“K-Kkamjong a-again?” Little Chanyeol muttered without thinking and with a little jealous. The past weeks every sentence little Yura would say had “Kkamjong” attached to it.

“Chanyeol Park! Yura Shin!” A grown up voice called from outside the room.

Shin Yura & Park Chanyeol – 8 years old-------------------



Yura peacefully rested, consumed by her deep dreams. She was a heavy sleeper. No matter what noise there is, is just very hard to make her wake up. Chanyeol having knowledge of the fact took advance of it to quietly observe her in her sleep. He was thrilled to have met her in the same flight has his. Chanyeol’s reason to be there, travelling back to Korea, was that he was accepted to the prestigious University of Seoul, too.



---------------------- “Little, where are you?” Yuhee called out running excited through the house. She was eager to find her little sister. The little package with bright beautiful colors that she was bringing was a surprise gift. After spending a bit more than her allowance could forgive, she finally fixed a camera that her art teacher intended to throw away. Every time the Photography subject would come up in their conversations Yura’s eyes would glow beautifully. Yuhee stopped in front of their room open door. ‘The attic…’ She remembered Yura’s little hiding place.

“Where’s Chanyeol?” Yuhee asked while she tried hard to go up pulling her body.

Yura raised her glance from the book she was reading and sweetly smiled to her older sister. “He just called saying that he has some ‘blowing awesome’ news.”

“And of course he is flying here right now.” Yuhee laughed. Yura blushed and tried hard to deny what actually didn’t and couldn’t exist. “Come on, little. Everybody knows he has this huge crush for you since forever!”

“He doesn’t. Trust me. We are just good friends and you know how-“

“…how would Kkamjong react?” Yuhee broke off the younger’s speech. A little annoyed she wrap her arms and pressed them to the space between and belly. “Is that what you were trying to say?”

“N-No… That’s not what I was trying to say…”

“Yura… How long will you still listen, hear and see this imaginative person? Aren’t you old enough to-“

“No!” Yura irritated, cut her sister’s statement back. Kkamjong would never leave her, should never leave her. He was more than just a friend. He was… special. Her fears at night would only fade away with Kkamjong’s soothing words. The hardships she would go through at elementary school would only be surpassed with Kkamjong’s help. Everything she had to go through, everything, only Kkamjong would make her feel well again. “Let me. I prefer to be hallucinated for life…”

“Pumpkin!” Chanyeol hopped inside the attic with a bright and cheerful aura around him. “Hi, noona.” He greeted Yuhee with a cheery wave.

“Hey Chanyeol…” Yura greeted him with a low and gloomy voice. Chanyeol’s senses alarmed right away. He ran towards Yura concerned.

“What happened pumpkin?”


“Yura… Okay. Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but… no. Forget it…” Yuhee’s eyes wandered the ground regretfully yet still very concerned about Yura. “Here… I know I’m late but, happy birthday.” She tried to sound as much cheerful as she could. She extended her arms to Yura showing the wrap. Yura changed her glance to the package in front of her surprised. Chanyeol did the same.

“A gift? Why?”

“Aigoo…” Yuhee placed the package on the book in front of Yura and walked back to the entrance. “Every professional starts poorly.” She stated and chuckled. Her cheeks painted a light pink color and her pink lips pressed on each other avoiding a laugh.

Yura slowly opened the package, struggling to not ruin the wrap paper. You never know when you might use it again. She liked to keep things that may be are helpful in the future. That’s what Yuhee likes to call “Junk maintenance”. Every since she could remember she would always recycle things. Money has never been something abundant in their family. They had enough, not too much, not too little. But Yura and Yuhee learned since back in Korea that recycling is a much better way to face life, their parents told them that they never know when money will vanish from their hands. So it is good to build healthy habits from ever since kids. Yuhee’s only recycling is: instead of buying new clothes all the time, she would design diverse kinds of outfits and make them out of her old clothes.

“A… Camera?”

Yura’s lips gradually started to outline a smile. Her eyes lit up, she was so thrilled that tears shyly fell to her cheeks. Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile. He was sincerely excited for Yura, but something or someone made him quit the sweet smile and look down at the floor sad. That friend that only Yura could see. Chanyeol sheepishly accepted the reality that he was nothing more, nothing less than jealous. Jealous of dark skin Jong*, or how Yura would call him: Kkamjong.

“W-What are you reading?” Chanyeol wanted to dodge his thoughts out of his head. His eyes landed on the book under the box that brought the camera. After a little while he noticed the pile of books on the desk. “Are you studying?”

Yura sweetly smiled. A smile that conveyed, not only sweetness but, also bravery and determination. “I need to get in that university.”

“What university?”

“My biological parents always wished to have one of their kids in that place. Yuhee’s dream is to be a designer, so I have to work hard to be the one accepted. I want to accomplish this dream… For my parents…” Yura held the camera with both trembling hands and tears slide down from her eyes.

 Chanyeol  stared the girl with an astounded expression. Everything she’d do, everything she’d say, ever since the day they first met, would make his heart skip a beat. Because of her he begged his father to change him of school, even if that would mean to wake up earlier than usual and take a longer trip home. Everything, only to see her every day. Being so young he couldn’t explain very well his feelings, yet he made a promise to himself to always take care of her. Like a signed baseball ball he was convicted to look after her and always treat her well. The news of him going to her school had to wait because he decided another thing, and that one thing took over his whole state of mind: he’s going to that same college too.

Stalker thought, no?

But he would do anything for her. And her only.

His first love.

Shin Yura & Park Chanyeol – 10 years old, Shin Yuhee – 14 years old ------------------



“Excuse me sir… I really…” A voice embarrassedly complained. “I am not who you said I am…”

“No, no… I know you are young man! I never forget a face and a pretty shirt.” Another husky voice chuckled.

Chanyeol who just left the toilet came to face with the discussion. “Excuse… me…”

The older man’s tired eyes widen at the sight of the tall boy. “Oh mommy in the sky, I’m so old that now I’m seeing double…”

“Excuse me, I do not understand what you-“ Chanyeol’s statement broke off when he saw a boy wearing the exact same shirt, pants and snickers as him. The boy expressed the same surprise.

“Y-You…” He started but a chuckle he let out made him stop and think about being polite. He smiled sweetly and offered a handshake. “Hi, I’m Kim JongIn.”




*Kkamjong is a nickname the EXO members attributed to Kai due to his dark skin; he has not a pale white skin.*

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Chapter 6: I love your writing :) and the way the story is moving ^_^
Chapter 5: Sorry I've been reading and haven't been commenting :(
It's great so far. I love the way the story is going :) keep it up! (Y)
Chapter 2: Interesting chapter! :)
Can't wait for more!
2minfanboy #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^