01 - Plot

The Guardian - Kai [An Angel's Sin]



  The number you are trying to reach is currently unavaiable...



  “Come on… Do it for me, hm?” Those bright eyes begged her again. A firm pout grew on the older girl’s lips. The younger rolled her eyes and with a small chuckle she agreed.

“Okay. But we have to go back by five.”

“I love you little!” The older hugged her joyfully. If someone didn’t know they would assume that Yura was the older sister and Yuhee was the youngest. Their acts are the complete opposite. Yura was the mature and quiet girl. Meanwhile Yuhee was the gleeful, childish girl.

Yuhee rushed into another store inside the vast shopping center. Shopping was her only and loved hobby. As if fashion was a competition that she had to succeed no matter what. And the fact that she was currently living in L.A made her obsession stronger. Yura could only sigh at the glance of her jovial sister. Fashion and shopping weren’t her thing. The only thing that could make Yura happy was her Photography Journal, where she treasures her devotion for photography. The colors and the way which nature exquisitely blends them intrigued her, making her want to discover more and ponder over the little things that make them special.

The only stores that could magnetize Yura’s eyes were The Photography Art store or any electronic store. A minute later she approaches one of those. Silently and amused she observes every instrument.

For a minute her moment was interrupted. A wind coming from nowhere rushed on her slim body, and caused her shiver inside. The odd sensation made her anxious. She looked to her right side, hoping to see something unusual. But… Nothing. Only a small crowd walking to random places. She blinked feeling uneasy and slightly confused.

“Yura unnie! Let’s go there!” Yuhee called sweetly chuckling.

“I’m not your unnie.” The other replied letting out a small snort. Yura was already regretting her decision to let her sister browse more around the shopping center.

“There’s something that I want you to try on.” Yuhee smiled and grabbed her sister wrist, technically dragging her inside the store.

The large store slightly disgusted Yura. She wasn’t a big fan of large and closed spaces. Because she thought that things could happen inside and people wouldn’t even notice.

“So when are you starting university?” Yuhee asked while browsing the racks.

“Next month.”

“Our parents would be proud to hear that their youngest got in Seoul’s University.” Yuhee chuckled which later turned in to a pout. “I’ll miss you, little. Though I would love to have your brains!” She laughed cutely and Yura laughed too.

“I’ll be calling you every day!” Yura replied with a thumb up.

Yuhee snatched a bright violet blouse from the rack and demanded her younger sister to try it on. An annoyed and tired Yura sighed and even tried to deny once, but she knows that she wasn't able to tell her sister a “no”, ever.

Yura kept herself leaned on the changing room entrance’s wall, waiting for her turn.

I already pictured how it looks on you. Just go to the changing room by yourself and I’ll meet you there when you’re done.

Yuhee’s words flashed in Yura’s mind.

How irritating…

Yura thought.

She leaned on the changing room wall waiting for a vacancy. A quick glance at her wrist watch made her worry and feel afflicted.

I have no time for this…

“Your turn.” The employee pointed to the last booth.

Yura didn’t like the fact that she only found vacancy on the last one, but she wasn’t someone who’d complain to strangers. The place was crammed with teenagers walking around with their underwear, or the store’s clothes. She uncomfortably walked to the booth, hiding her glance and clumsily opening the door.

Meeting herself in the mirror, she closed the door. For few seconds she only gazed her face and body, sighing a little after.

Weird sounds travelled from the store to the changing rooms. The girls wondering what could’ve happened decided to take a look at what happened. Yura, without even taking her shirt off to try the blouse on, blinked several times with little shock in her eyes.

“What…?” She wondered. Her sister’s thought came over her mind. “Oh my god… Yuhee!” She picked up her phone to make her sister a call.

The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.

“What the hell?”

Quickly, she buttoned her shirt back. But before she could touch the booth’s door knob, it opened by itself. A tall and slim figure appeared in front of her, clearly with fear written on him. Yura’s eyes widen at the sudden appearance in front of her. Black hair, tall, slim and undeniably handsome. Her eyes were dazzled but her heart was afflicted.

Before she could mutter a word he locked the door and rushed towards her sealing with his warm and soft hand.

Her eyes could only blink nervously.

Her lips trembled in fear.

He slowly turned her to face him. He breathed heavily. In his eyes the fear was great and desperate. He shook his head slowly and tremblingly. Telling her secretly to not talk or do anything.

After looking in his eyes, her strength vanished and she unconsciously agreed.

Those deep black eyes were unexplainably enticing.

After a break of awe her heartbeat began to punch her chest, its strength was unimaginable strong.

“Everyone get out!” A husky and brute voice yelled out of the blue.

Gunshots, horrific screams and door slamming filled the scenes background.

“Kill everyone who won’t leave the booths.”

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Chapter 6: I love your writing :) and the way the story is moving ^_^
Chapter 5: Sorry I've been reading and haven't been commenting :(
It's great so far. I love the way the story is going :) keep it up! (Y)
Chapter 2: Interesting chapter! :)
Can't wait for more!
2minfanboy #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^