04 - Fourth

The Guardian - Kai [An Angel's Sin]





{One Month Earlier }




"We were taught to ghostly protect and never act divulging ourselves. When there’s nothing we can do, we must ignore and never use our powers in such reckless way!”




   Firmly, head up, lips pressing on each other, he made his steps longer and faster anxious about his punishment. The hall was extensive and at the end you could only have a sight of light. Doors behind him began to open slowly and whispers dashed melodiously through the hallway bringing the boy to a sigh.

He knew what he had done. He knew the risks. But still he had to do it. There was no other way out.

Let her die? No.


Unthinkable. Absurd.


He couldn’t recall when he started to develop inappropriate feelings towards that girl.

Uncontrollable and irrational feelings for her.


That massive feeling that makes him lose control of his own acts, the feel of protecting her from anything harming, the desperation of being next to her…

“JongIn…!” A louder whisper caught his attention. Quickly he looked at the whisper’s direction. A boy of big eyes, small stature, and slim body made him a sign to walk towards him. JongIn did so. “Are you completely out of your mind?”

JongIn sighed. He stared at the ground nervously blinking as if he was looking for an answer.

“You should have let her die…”


No!” He abruptly cut his friend’s mindless statement. He tightened his fists and pounded against the wall beside his friend. His fingers trembled as he gulped in frustration. “I… can’t let her die.”


The boy raised an eyebrow not understanding his friend’s sudden reply.

“JongIn… I mean, Kai, what’s the motive? That human girl is just another soul. You were supposed to protect her silently, not exposing yourself! We were taught to ghostly protect and never act divulging ourselves. When there’s nothing we can do, we must ignore and never use our powers in such reckless way!”

“She was not supposed to be there!” JongIn whispered desperately. “It was my fault…”

“You did wrong once. You didn’t ne-, no, you shouldn’t have tried to erase your mistake…” The shortest boy placed his hand on JongIn’s shoulder and gripped it in a comforting way. “Moreover… her destined to be has already been chosen.”

“I know… I’m late, excuse me D.O…” JongIn’s voice almost faded. He the corner of his lower lip and turned around taking his way.






JongIn kneeled before his superior and bowed on the floor. He knew his judgment. From any mistake that he could have made, the biggest and one of the most unforgivable was to change the natural order of events. Not once, but twice. And even a greater sin he had committed. He fell in love with his human. How could that happen? How could he let that happen? To the eye of the divine law, it is the biggest sin a trained shield could commit.

Yes. It had happened before, with other reckless guardians. Like any other sin, it can’t be ignored. They would have their wings taken and be cursed to rot on Earth. Or… the worst and most shameful punishment for any heavenly divine Wight; to be sent to “the other side”.

Every ear has heard about it but no living eye has witnessed it.


The Other Side.


In Jewish, Christian and Islamic scripture it is called Gehenna.

Some scholars may called it Abyss. The deepest ocean floor or the underworld.

Few call it Barathrum, but the term is often mistaken with the heavy metal band.

But it is best known by a small, four lettered word: Hell.


“Kai. Third Rank Guardian. Follower of the 14618th high celestial force. Are you aware of your sins?” A monstrous voice echoed through the gold and white room. JongIn knew that it was a rhetorical question so he didn’t even blink. He was still in the bowing position staring at the floor only. “As the Lord’s second direct messenger, I have your sentence.”

The messenger opened an ancient scroll and read it out loud to every Celestial Council members. The language was an ancient language only used for these occasions.


“… Subsequently, you are sentenced to spend the rest of your eternity…”


“Please bring this to a close.” Someone interrupted. No one is allowed to interrupt the supreme court of the Celestial Council. No one but, the Lord himself or…

“BoA…” The messenger stopped surprised by the sudden appearance.


The first direct messenger of the Lord. One of the oldest angels of era. She is also known as “The Dazzling Lady”.


A long white sparkling dress yanked on the aisle, holding a perfect creature in it, and the laces around her waist defined a pure curvy silhouette. Her hair perfectly styled with an awe-inspiring grace and dressed with beautiful jewelry. And her face, holding a perfect, flawless beauty. She rightfully owned the nickname “The Dazzling Lady”.

“U-Know. Council.” She gracefully held her dress and bowed, greeting.

“What brings your glorious presence here?”

“I have a message.”

Kai slowly lifted his head up, and with a point of surprise in his face he turned around. His heart pace grew a little as the anxiety controlled his body.

What could be the message? So important that it freezes the Supreme Court of the Celestial Council?

BoA rhythmically walked towards Kai.


“He will not be judged.”


Shocked whispers echoed through the room. Kai’s eyes widen and lips slightly parted stunned.

“I’m only here to transmit the Lord’s will. He has decided that, this lowly angel’s act is translated to bravery. As a human guardian angel he did his best to protect his human. Furthermore, he indeed, tried to erase her memory…”

“Which he is not specialized at. It is a very powerful spell to erase a human’s reminiscence of an angel! And he is, yet, not powerful enough!” U-Know interrupted frustrated.

“How dare you raise your voice and suspend me?”BoA quickly regains her spot in the conversation. “You certainly know the consequences…”

“I-I apologize.” He bowed afflicted.

“Excellent.” She e more time to the confused angel kneeled in front of her. “You are free. Free to come back to your work as a guardian angel.”

Kai gasped in disbelief.

“However… You are not going to protect eighteen year old, Korean child, Shin Yura.”

Kai had a speedy heart attack. The shock was immense. He was not going to protect Yura, the girl he had always been protecting ever since she turned the age to have a legal guardian angel, eight years old.

“Instead, you will guard her one and only soul mate. The one she is destined to. Eighteen year old, Korean child, Park Chanyeol… ” BoA glanced upon the distressed boy and lifted an eyebrow elegantly. “You will not only protect him as you will also reinforce their relationship and join both. You will be sent to earth in a human shape, visible and tactile for any human. You will become Park Chanyeol’s friend in order to proceed with your mission. Park Chanyeol’s previous guardian angel will guard Shin Yura instead but he will keep his divine shape. You are the only one who can see him because even in your human form you’ll still possess your powers.”

Kai couldn’t decide whether he would take the punishment to rot on hell or this. Certainly the first option would hurt less.

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Chapter 6: I love your writing :) and the way the story is moving ^_^
Chapter 5: Sorry I've been reading and haven't been commenting :(
It's great so far. I love the way the story is going :) keep it up! (Y)
Chapter 2: Interesting chapter! :)
Can't wait for more!
2minfanboy #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^