
Breaking the Rules for you [Hiatus]

Damn China. I couldn’t understand anything and Leeteuk knew it. So why did he send me here? To befriend the enemy. Considering that he usually got pissed about me not being “friendly enough”, it didn’t seem like that was the smartest idea, but it.

Finally I reached the address written on the small piece of paper. I rang the doorbell to apartment 5b – and my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. And I’m Kim ing Heechul; I don’t do those kinds of things for no reason. My reason in this case was the guy who opened the door. Black spiky hair, brown eyes that were hard at first glance but had a soft core, not to mention the slightly tanned skin and the fact that he only wore a tight tank top and sweatpants and damn, them muscles. If this was the guy I had to pretend to be friends with, then hell, I would. But a tiny voice in the back of my head brought me back to reality with the words “he’s your enemy, for ’s sake. You’re not supposed to drool over him”.

It was only when he raised his eyebrow that I realized he said something. “Um… what?”

“I asked you what you are doing here,” he responded in accented Korean. He knew Korean? Well, that made everything ten times easier.

"I originally wanted to move in the apartment next door, but the people who live there didn't move out yet," I explained without a hint of unsureness in my voice.

"And you are in front of my apartment because?"

I blinked. "Wasn't it obvious? I don't have anywhere to stay."

"You could stay at a hotel," he suggested.

"I don't exactly speak Chinese, you know."

"Most of the hotels here have employees that speak Korean." Hangeng waved his hand dismissively. "Goodbye."

He was about to close the door, but I quickly put my foot in the gap. "Wait!"

"What?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"Are you sure I can't stay?" I gave him my cutest face.

"Damn sure." Hangeng pushed me backwards a bit and slammed the door shut.

"!" I yelled before turning around and stomping down the stairs. Seriously, why was he like this? And why didn't this stupid building have an elevator? "Aish, some people..."


"Welcome to Grande Hotel, how may I help you?" the receptionist questioned with a smile.

"Room for one." God, that sounded pathetic.

"Alright." She typed something into her computer. "Would you like to pre-pay?"

"No, I'll pay when I'm done."

The woman nodded. "Here is your room card. Breakfast is from six until ten, we have a spa with a sauna and a swimming pool, and a bar that is open all night. Enjoy your stay!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I grabbed the card and made my way to the elevator. Why was everyone so damm happy? It pissed me off. I was on a mission and it was currently failing because of this hot 's stubbornness. Yes, hot . He was hot.

The elevator stopped and I stalked out towards my room. It contained a single bed, a TV, a nightstand, a closet, and a mini bar. The bathroom was equipped with a toilet, a large mirror, two sinks (this was a single room, why two sinks?) and a bathtub. With a deep sigh, I grabbed my phone and punched in the number.



"Ah, Heechul. Is everything okay?"

"Nope. It turns out that Hangeng is a jerkbag who doesn't want to help his future neighbor."

"Where are you currently?"

"In a hotel. Cause you know, I have nowhere else to stay, since we assumed everything would be fine. Har har har."

“Do you have enough money?”

Another thing I didn’t think of. “I’ll get by.”

“You are not going to e yourself. Just making that clear.”

I sighed. “I didn’t have that in mind. I’ll just hang out here for a while and then leave and just not give them any money.”

“It doesn’t work that way, Kim Heechul!” he nearly yelled and facepalmed. “I made a mistake.”

“That you did.”

“Not helping, Kangin!” Leeteuk shot his boyfriend an angry glare.

“He’s Kim Heechul. Why did you think this was a good idea again?” Kangin put his arm around Leeteuk. “Look, Teukie. You have all the connections. You can call the hotel and tell them to kick him out.”

“I feel uncomfortable doing that, though. What if he can’t find a place to stay?”

“He’ll manage. Don’t worry, angel.” Leeteuk smiled softly at the nickname and leaned in to give his secret boyfriend a chaste kiss.

“Guys!” I shouted angrily. “I can hear you whispering, and I know it’s about me. What are you talking about? I have a right to know!”

“No, you don’t!” Kangin replied loudly and hung up. I gaped at the phone. How dare he?


I woke up at around 1 PM. Finally I managed to get some sleep! So, today’s mission: try not to murder everyone, even if they piss you off. And try to make that hot fall for you let you stay at his apartment.

How fun.

On my way back to the apartment, I considered my different options. One, beg again. Two, say something about not having enough money because of a bank account problem. Three, threaten him. Four, flirt violently. One of these was bound to work, or so I thought as I made my way through the pedestrians. I was close to the house now, but stopped when I saw him in front of it, waiting for someone.

“Did you miss me?” I asked in my most innocent voice.

He turned around and gave me an angry glare. “What do you want?”

“The same thing that I wanted yesterday.”

“You didn’t find a hotel?” There was disbelief and mocking in his voice.

“I did.” I blew my hair out of my face. “I just don’t exactly have a lot of money. There’s been a… slight bank problem.”

Just then, a black jeep pulled up in front of us. The driver got out and opened the door for a young woman. She stepped out elegantly and waved at Hangeng. Was she his girlfriend? No ing fair. I scowled at her, but she ignored me completely.

“Hi, Geng oppa!” she said happily and gave him a hug.

“Hey Krystal. How’s life in America?”

She shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m glad to be back, though. I missed you, my brother, everyone.”

“Especially Amber, huh?” he teased.

“Of course. Do you know where she is?”

“She’s still in China, if that’s what you want to know. I think she’s currently staying with Kris and Tao.”

“I’ll go to them, then. Thank you, oppa!” Krystal waved one more time before getting back in the jeep.

“She seems pretty distant for a girlfriend,” I commented with a slight sneer.

Hangeng raised his eyebrow and grinned. “Jealous?”

“Curious,” I replied without missing a beat. “Curious as to why your girlfriend cares more about her friend than you.”

“She’s not my girlfriend, you know?” He turned around and walked to the door of his house. Before stepping in, he looked back at me once. “She’s Amber’s girlfriend.” With that, he was gone.


Aah, mianhe for not updating for a few days~

I was in St. Petersburg because I'm gonna move there this summer and yeah.

But this update is longer than the first chapter so yay ^^

Saranghae, Pancakes <3

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hymeki #1
Chapter 1: Sooo interesting story,,
Let read the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Being separeted already ? Too bad .
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 5: Oh so they forgot that night. It is good.
I really wait for the moment that Hangeng fell for Heechul. It would be interesting.
Thanks for the update. Please update soon.
Chapter 4: ....! I am speechless . They did sth that they shouldnt do in the early.
Thanks for the update.Update soon please
Chapter 3: Your story is interesting .
And I wish you the best at school.
Chapter 2: lol
heechul's failinp attempts to make han believe him!!!
so cute and funny!!
hangeng!!what are u thinking???
update soon..
Chapter 1: Interesting plot! Ooohh Hangeng is a bad guy, I LOVE when he's an _______ or a bad guy or simply a jerk. Lol.