Meeting the others

Breaking the Rules for you [Hiatus]

Note: This color means that the characters are speaking in Chinese, this color means they are speaking English.


Heechul blindly followed Hangeng through the streets. He knew the younger had found out that he searched his room, but decided not to talk about it as long as it wasn't brought up. Hangeng refused to let him stay in the appartment, though, so now the two of them were on their way to Kris' house. Heechul had no ing idea who Kris was, but he decided to trust Hangeng for once. Once? Okay... maybe he trusted too easily. But hey, the younger was hot.

"We're here." Hangeng pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He threw his coat on a chair and kicked off his shoes, motioning for Heechul to do the same.

"Where is 'here'?"

"You'll see." The younger stepped into the living room and Heechul could see a soft smile curve his lips. "Hey Tao, Kris."

" Hangeng gege !" Heechul curiously looked inside the room to see two boys. One of them was smiling at Hangeng, the other was asleep.

" Are Amber and Krystal here ?" Hangeng questioned.

The same boy nodded and nudged the other man who blinked and rubbed his eyes. " I think they're watching a movie. Amber jie jie said you'd be meeting Kai. .."

 "I did. He didn't change and still refuses to come back. He said he doesn't understand why we still do what we do ."

For the first time, the boy who had been sleeping spoke. " Taozi, can you get the girls ?" His gaze landed on Heechul. "Who's this?" 

"He lives with me until his appartment gets completely renovated," Hangeng replied in Korean. "His name is Kim Heechul."

"I'm Kris, the other guy is Tao."

As if on command, the black haired boy came back into the room. "They'll be here in a few seconds."

"Heechul here doesn't speak Chinese, so you'll have to talk in Korean," Geng explained calmly.

"Oh... okay. My Korean isn't very good though, so... sorry." Tao smiled awkwardly before slumping down on the couch next to Kris.

"I still don't get why you don't just come to America with me," a girl's voice said. Heechul recognized Krystal as she stepped through the doorway, followed by a guy.

"You know that I can't do that. I'm needed here, and Yunho oppa counts on me."

"I have no idea what you two just said," Heechul interrupted, "but I heard the word oppa. Shouldn't you be saying hyung?"

The guy rolled his eyes. "God dammit. I'm a girl."

Krystal laughed. "Amber babe, this happens way too often. Maybe you need to change your style..."

"Not gonna happen. Those words were what my parents told me a few years ago, and you saw how that ended."

"How did it end?" Heechul inquired.

Hangeng waved his hand lazily, signaling everyone to move on to a new topic. "This really isn't that important now. I had to take Heechul with me because apparently he can't function on his own. I... we met Kai last night."

"Did he say anything new?" Amber raised an eyebrow.

"Nope. He still refuses to come back."

"That . Kyungsoo is basically suicidal and he still doesn't get it?" Krystal angrily kicked the couch. "You didn't beat sense into him?"

"He was crying, Krystal."

"Obviously pretending."

" Calm down, Krys. If Kai was really crying, you'd feel sorry for him as well. It must hurt to have your father adopt you and then forget you. He even likes me more than Kai ." Amber laughed slightly, and a small smile appeared on Krystal's face. "Let the poor boy live his ed up life." 

"Guys. Korean," Heechul snapped.

"Is there another reason why you came, gege?" Kris asked.

Hangeng looked like he was going to add something, but his gaze fell on Heechul and he shook his head. “We’re gonna go now. Bye, guys!”



“Heechul-ah. I have new orders for you.”

Heechul groaned. “What is it, Leeteuk?”

“Come back to Korea.”

“What?” The feminine man sat up on the sofa he had previously been sleeping on. “Why?”

“Just do it.”


“Goodbye.” Leeteuk hung up. Heechul stared at the phone for a while before realizing what was happening. He had to go. And to his surprise, he didn’t want to go. He enjoyed Hangeng’s company and even forgot about the fact that the younger worked for the mafia.

“Hangeng, wake up,” he whispered once he snuck inside the Chinese man’s room.

“What do you want?” the latter groaned.

“I just got a call from my company.”


“They said I should… they told me to come back to Korea. I won’t move in here. I’ll leave like you always wanted.”

Hangeng sighed. “I don’t want you gone anymore, Heechul. You weren’t an for the past few days. But if you really have to go…”

“I’m sorry, Geng.” Heechul was surprised that Hangeng didn’t respond to the nickname, and it encouraged him to continue talking. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.” Hangeng reached out and grabbed Heechul’s arm, pulling him onto the mattress. The older male froze when he felt hands slip around his waist and a warm body pressing against his.


“Sleep now. I’ll book your flight tomorrow.” Heechul obliged and rested his head on Hangeng’s shoulder, taking in his scent. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but the nightmare came back quickly. Before he could scream, though, Hangeng started his sides soothingly, whispering something in Chinese. Heechul smiled softly before drifting to sleep again. No more nightmares bothered him that night.


Look who finally got her together. I am so ing sorry, but school's been horrible recently and I'm moving this summer so we're kind of stressing out right now. I'll try to update more!

Saranghae, Pancakes <3

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hymeki #1
Chapter 1: Sooo interesting story,,
Let read the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Being separeted already ? Too bad .
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 5: Oh so they forgot that night. It is good.
I really wait for the moment that Hangeng fell for Heechul. It would be interesting.
Thanks for the update. Please update soon.
Chapter 4: ....! I am speechless . They did sth that they shouldnt do in the early.
Thanks for the update.Update soon please
Chapter 3: Your story is interesting .
And I wish you the best at school.
Chapter 2: lol
heechul's failinp attempts to make han believe him!!!
so cute and funny!!
hangeng!!what are u thinking???
update soon..
Chapter 1: Interesting plot! Ooohh Hangeng is a bad guy, I LOVE when he's an _______ or a bad guy or simply a jerk. Lol.