
Breaking the Rules for you [Hiatus]

After being drunk and having rough with someone you met a few days ago, most people would be in shock and not talk to that person. Hangeng and Heechul were different. They talked about it and decided that it was best to shrug it off and pretend it never happened. Heechul was glad that he didn’t get kicked out.

It was on the second day after that night that someone called. At first Heechul didn’t notice. He was busy texting Leeteuk whatever he had talked about with Hangeng – not mentioning the more intimate details, of course. However, when the Chinese man’s loud voice echoed through the walls of the apartment, Heechul decided to check what was happening.

Hangeng was on his phone. He was speaking in rapid Chinese; his voice was irritated and angry. Heechul wished he could understand what was going on. Hangeng stopped talking and stood silent in the middle of the living room. When his voice came back, it was quieter, like a whisper. He seemed disbelieving, shocked, with a hint of furious.

“Who was that?” Heechul questioned the second Hangeng hung up.


“She’s that Krystal chick’s girlfriend, right?”

Hangeng nodded shortly. “You remember stuff too well.”

“You sounded really angry. Why?”

“Some came up. Listen, I’m going to have to leave, but I’m not sure if I trust you in my apartment.” Hangeng raised an eyebrow. “Do you promise to be good and not snoop around?”

“Of course,” Heechul replied casually. “Just out of curiosity though – where are you going?”


“I’d like an address in case I get lonely.”

Hangeng scoffed at Heechul’s fake sweet voice. “The same club we went to.”

“Ah, I see.” The older nodded with a sigh. “A girlfriend.”

“I wish,” Hangeng groaned. He turned around and grabbed his keys and wallet. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Heechul didn’t keep his promise. A slight feeling of guilt crept up his spine, but he decided to ignore it as best he could. He opened Hangeng’s closet and searched the clothes, but found nothing of interest. His search was only successful when he found a picture.

“Finally!” There were three teenage boys, one of them clearly Hangeng. Heechul let a smile tug at his lips at how similar the man looked to his past self. He didn’t recognize the other two boys, however. Heechul swiftly grabbed his phone, took a picture and sent it to Leeteuk for examination.


The club wasn’t any quieter than before, but Heechul decided to ignore the loud beats and focus on his mission: find Hangeng. It was easier than he thought to be completely honest. The Chinese man was sitting at the bar, his eyes never leaving the dancer. Heechul recognized him. He was known as Kai, an underage boy who had somehow gotten a job as a dancer in different clubs. Apparently his main preference was underground gay clubs.

Kai’s performance was done, the sweaty crowd cheered, and he calmly waltzed away. Heechul felt anger stirring inside him when Hangeng gave the younger boy a drink and started talking to him about something or other. So that’s his type, huh? Young, rebellious… naïve, in a sense. Does he sleep with that guy when he gets drunk as well?

Heechul decided to this . “Ayo, Geng!”

“What the are you doing here?”

“I was lonely.” Heechul slung his arm around Hangeng’s neck and pouted best he could.

Much to his annoyance, Kai laughed. “Your new lover, hyung?”

“In his dreams,” Hangeng replied darkly and pushed the older male away. “I should keep you away from alcohol. Go home.”

“So you two had some… experiences after drinking?” Kai smirked and took a sip of his drink.

“Aren’t you too young to be at a club and drinking alcoholic ?” Heechul snapped.

“Much too young.”

Hangeng put his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Jongin, look. Kyungsoo’s been really upset lately. Aren’t you ever going to come back?”

“With a monster as a father? Hell to the ing no.” Kai’s breath shook. “Tell Kyungsoo hyung that I’m sorry, but I can’t return. Not until someone finally believes that this is bad.”

“We know that it’s bad!” Hangeng nearly yelled. Heechul flinched at the angry tone in his voice.

“Then why won’t you do anything?”

“It’s been this way since I was a teenager. No one can leave.”

“I did. And I’m his son. Quite a dad I have there, right?” Kai turned to Heechul with a smile that seemed out of place and fake. “What would you do if your father decided that you’re worthy enough to be adopted but forgot about you the second you came home?”

“I definitively wouldn’t become a hooker,” Hangeng mumbled while taking a sip of his drink.

“I’m not a ing e!”

“You’re all over the news. Random rich men cheat on their wives with you.”

“It’s not true!” Tears welled in Kai’s eyes. “I never did anything like that. The wives invented that after seeing their husbands go into the clubs I dance in.” He sniffed. “What kind of father doesn’t care that his son is throwing away his life?”

Hangeng sighed and pulled Jongin into a hug. “It’ll be okay, Kai. For now it would be best to stay with Kris, Tao, Amber, and Krystal.”


Heechul had another nightmare. They came often, but this one was intense. Everything and nothing happened at once and then he was falling deeper and deeper and when he landed he saw Hangeng in front of him. He started running towards the younger, but the further he ran, the further away he was from his goal.

He only woke up when he felt someone shaking him. Heechul opened his eyes, panting and sweaty. His gaze found Hangeng sitting on the edge of the couch.

“You were screaming,” the Chinese man said softly. He held a mug towards Heechul. “Drink it.”

“What is it?”

“Hot milk with honey. It’s perfect if you have nightmares or can’t sleep.”

Heechul carefully took a sip. “Thanks.” He drank some more and a grin spread across his face.

“You look like the Cheshire cat,” Hangeng chuckled.



Look who finally decided to update~

If you read By the Life of my Enemy you'll understand the whole Kai situation, but if you haven't I hope it's not too confusing for you guys.

So... Hangeng is nicer now. That's good :P

Saranghae, Pancakes <3

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hymeki #1
Chapter 1: Sooo interesting story,,
Let read the next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: Being separeted already ? Too bad .
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 5: Oh so they forgot that night. It is good.
I really wait for the moment that Hangeng fell for Heechul. It would be interesting.
Thanks for the update. Please update soon.
Chapter 4: ....! I am speechless . They did sth that they shouldnt do in the early.
Thanks for the update.Update soon please
Chapter 3: Your story is interesting .
And I wish you the best at school.
Chapter 2: lol
heechul's failinp attempts to make han believe him!!!
so cute and funny!!
hangeng!!what are u thinking???
update soon..
Chapter 1: Interesting plot! Ooohh Hangeng is a bad guy, I LOVE when he's an _______ or a bad guy or simply a jerk. Lol.