[SooSica] Fluffy

Sooyoung pairing (One Shot Collection)



That Choi Sooyoung?

She is the most annoying person I've ever met in my entire 23 years of existence.

I hate how Pretty she is.

I hate her fine, chocolate hair..

I hate her huge round, brown eyes…

I hate her charming and disarming smile…

And I hate her well-toned body.

It just pisses me off because her physical beauty brutally reminds me of how hapless and pathetic I am.

And she's too good at becoming a total jerk when she feels like it.

She is stubborn, impatient and arrogant. She loves to boss around a lot, she's downright lazy and she constantly grumbles about even the smallest of things like how dark my room is or how much I treasure my romantic movie collection and why I have a crush on Daniel Henney or why just making me think of Daniel Henney Oppa makes me blush.

And oh, did I mention that she is such a glutton? She is a creature who is perpetually hungry and by that, severely demanding—up to now, I couldn't get used to her exasperating whines as if preparing meals could be done with just a snap of a finger. And she keeps on stealing my chocolates and my favorite chocomint ice cream—the two delicacies that I'd die for.

She can be so selfish and indifferent, too, that it's a wonder how people could forget about how much of a pain in the she is just by merely looking at her too dazzling physique.

She is everything that I don't want to be.

She is everything that I can live without.

She is everything, everything that a girl like me loathes…

And yet, despite her infinite faults, I know one thing is certain.

Choi Sooyoung loves me unconditionally.

And that, for me, is truly enough.



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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 2: Funny haha ^^
ohmygawd soori full-blown ~~!!! jjang ^^
Chapter 10: Oh gawd!! SooTae and SooRi at the same chapter? yay!!! so cute for SooRi...but sad for SooTae...though, there's SooSica there hekhek :D