Unexpected Guest

The Art of Body Language


Chapter 6

Third Person’s POV (No one)

Lee Soyeon twirled the ends of her long braid while looking at Kim Jongin. He  gave crooked smile at her as she continued to blink at the handsome boy in front of her door. Kim Jongin abruptly showed up at her front door, dressed in a plain white v-neck and some skinny jeans. His hair was somewhat messy and his eyes was covered by Ray Ban shades.

Lee Soyeon, however, was not dressed to impress. She looked down at her attire and instantly became embarrassed. She was wearing a pair of cutesy pajamas that aren’t made to be seen by anyone. A pair of pink pajama shorts and a white tank to go along with it.

“J-jongin” Soyeon croaked. “ What are you doing here?”

He smiled at her and  let himself inside her cosy house. He lifted his sunglasses above his head and stretched his smile when he saw the inside. Fortunately for him, Lee Soyeon was alone. Her parents already had left for work. And her younger brother was sleeping over a friend’s house.

“I came to visit.” He took his sunglasses and placed it on the desk next to the wall. His eyes wandered around the house, and Soyeon was quite anxious on the reason why he was here in the first place.

“At 9 in the morning?” Soyeon questioned crossing her arms in the process. “ By the way, how did you know I lived here?”

Jongin turned his head to her direction, “Oh, I have my ways Soyeon.” He said creepily. “Or I just asked one of your friends. It really wasn’t that hard.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed her eye glasses up to her face. Jongin kept observing the area and nodded satisfyingly. “Seriously Jongin, why are you here?”

He plopped down on the couch leaning his elbow on the armrest. “Didn’t you read my text? It said since you-”

“I read it.” She interrupted. “But why now?” Jongin let out his lower lip and shrugged his shoulders.

“I woke up and didn’t have anything to do today, so I  decided I would  help you  out now because I have something to do later.” Jongin said rather fast, yet casual.

“Should we go somewhere else? Because I don’t feel comfortable-”

“No.” He placed his hand in front of him. “This is exactly where we need to be.” He stood up from the couch and went upstairs, roaming down the halls that leads to the bedrooms.

As if he doesn’t have any polite bone in his body, he opens each door. “Where’s your room?”

“Jongin!” Soyeon whined. “Please, don’t go in there. It’s nothing interesting!” He gave his infamous smirks and let himself into the room which Soyeon reacted to the most.

Jongin walked inside the room. A breeze of a clean scent went through his nostrils. He noticed the unmade covers of  her twin sized bed and the notebooks lying around on her desk. He  smiled just a little bit before turning around to find Soyeon furrowing her eyes at him.

“Jongin.” She said sternly. “Get out.”

“No, we need this room.” Jongin replied. He opened the closet to find her clothes. “Jackpot.”

Soyeon stood in front of Jongin, separating him from the closet.  She spread her arms out, trying to block the view, but unfortunately, she was too small to cover up anything.

“Soyeon please. This is not ladylike.” he noted

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. psh. ladylike. “Well, you aren’t so proper yourself. Acting as if you can barge in my house, into my room and-”

This will do.” Jongin reaches for a dress inside your closet.

“Jongin I will not wear that dress!” She exclaimed as she began to turn red. She reached for the dress but Jongin pulled it away before she could snatch it. “Jongin, don’t be so difficult!”

“Difficult? Right now you’re difficult, Soyeon.” He said teasing. “It will definitely look nice on you.” Jongin murmured, eyeing her up and down.

“JONGIN!” She whined, yet again.

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Why do you have clothes that you don’t wear? Sheesh.”  He rummaged through the closet, putting away the y little dress and picked another one, less provocative.

“Now this,” he says yanking out the dress for Soyeon to see. “This is perfect for you.”

“Perfect for what?” Soyeon asked annoyed. She sat on top of her unmade bed and placed a pillow right on her lap. She was uncomfortable with what he’s going to say.

“For our little party tonight.” He examined the unworn dress and noticed the price tag. H glances back at Soyeon on the bed and raised his eyebrows. “You’ve never worn this yet?”

Soyeon shook her head slowly. “I don’t where those kinds of things of clothes. If you haven’t noticed.”

“Well, I did notice.” He retorted. “And why not?”

“Because I don’t want to.” She said, suppressing her actual reasonings.

“Or because  you don’t have the perfect occasion yet.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And tonight will be the perfect occasion.”

“Kim Jongin,” Lee Soyeon let her lower lip out in a pouting manner. “Where are you taking me tonight.”

“Where else babe?” He said ever so casually. “A party, of course.”



Wooo, another update!

I should stop posting so much updates in one week, but I can’t help it. I have so much ideas!

Hehe, thank you my lovely subscribers.

Until next time.



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Nana_Kai #1
Chapter 1: Yeah me too! I love Kai! This story plot kind of reminds of a manga. I luv it! :)
Chapter 11: omg i love this fic!!!
UPDATE SOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!! *^* <3
minniscule #3
Chapter 11: Ohmygod what is Krystal talking about. :O
Chapter 11: Aigoo~ love triangle~ xD update soon! :)
Chapter 10: asdfghjkl;'opeai;fjlkkbhfd;v
Jongin is a sizzling hot ball of . That has got to be the reason why even just the mere mention of his name makes girls melt...
Chapter 10: I love your story!! Seriously!! >//<
I'm new here and I'm already in love with you story. Keke <3
Update soon!
minniscule #7
Chapter 10: Jongin asdfghjkl I see you like being by her side. :">
Happymaknae #8
Suju13215 #9
Dhjhfjhhvjhdghcjhfh Kai is starting to like her