→ e p i s o d e 4

→ Perfect Isn't Always Perfect
i get all my random ulzzang couple pictures from here~

*the same night as the previous chapter 
"Where is she?" a wide eyed Kyungsoo mumbled to himself as he leaned on the University kitchen door and waited. He checked his phone to see it was exactly 9:00 pm, two hours after his odd encounter with a random girl. He sighed as he turned toward the kitchen, wondering to himself why he was doing this. 
"You must have been eager to cook for me if you're here this early." Jingwei exclaimed as she approached Kyungsoo standing in the doorway, smiling. 
Kyungsoo smiled awkwardly, "I just came when you told me to so there's no need for you to come hunt me down." 
Jingwei laughed as she teased, "You're one obedient puppy." 
Kyungsoo smirked as he nodded, "Uhh sure. Why not." 
Jingwei smiled as she eyed the closed door and walked toward it. "What are we waiting for, I'm hungry." she pointed out as she opened the door easily and walked right in. 
Kyungsoo's eyes opened wider than usual as he scoffed in disbelief, "Why is the door to the University kitchen unlocked?" He took a step forward but then stopped, reluctant to go in. He stood awkwardly in the doorway and peeked into the empty and dark kitchen. "Are we allowed to be in here?" he wondered unsure if they'll get in trouble for this. 
"I don't think so." Jingwei responded bluntly as she started looking for ingredients in the refrigerators. "But I mean we're already here right?" she stated happily as she took out ingredients with a smile on her face. 
"I can really make food for you somewhere else though." Kyungsoo offered, really uncomfortable coming to the University kitchen without permission. 
"We're already here though." Jingwei repeated as she looked up at Kyungsoo standing awkwardly at the doorway. She walked over and pulled him into the kitchen and mentioned, "You look suspicious just standing there." 
Kyungsoo tripped as he was pulled into the kitchen. He was abruptly seated in a nearby chair as Jingwei walked away to get more ingredients. He sighed as he looked to the floor and whispered, "What we're doing is more suspicious." He lifted his head to look back at Jingwei who had finished laying out ingredients. 
"You're not going to come Kyungsoo?" Jingwei questioned as she motioned him to come over. 
Kyungsoo reluctantly headed over to stand next to Jingwei. Unnerved by her actions he stood a good distance away. He looked at her directly in the eyes as he seriously asked, "What are you trying to do?" 
"Just eat this." Jingwei ordered as she stuffed chocolate into his already open mouth from talking. 
Shocked, Kyungsoo just chewed not knowing what else to do. He finished chewing and swallowed and asked, "Where did the chocolate come from?" 
Jingwei turned to him and smiled. "I always carry around two packs of chocolate with me. I like sugary things." she explained as she picked up a whisk and handed it to him. "It's time to cook Chef Do."
Kyungsoo smirked, "You're very straightforward." 
"You just noticed?" Jingwei retorted as she took out other materials. Kyungsoo turned to her with mouth open just as Jingwei interrupted, "Make me shortbread biscuits."
Kyungsoo chuckled, "How did you know I was going to ask that." 
"I didn't Chef Do. I just want it." Jingwei responded as she walked away from Kyungsoo. 
"Where are you going?" Kyungsoo questioned, still unsure of why he was doing this but doing it anyway. 
Jingwei smiled as she took a seat at the chair Kyungsoo was sitting at before. "You're the one cooking, so I'm going to just sit and wait." she replied happily as she leaned back in the chair. 
Kyungsoo sighed, "I'm being treated like a slave." 
"Just for tonight Chef Do." Jingwei teased as she watched Kyungsoo work with the ingredients. She watched him as she suddenly asked, "Can I just call you Do?" 
Kyungsoo's eyes narrowed in confusion as he measured out ingredients. "I'd rather be called by my given name." he admitted as he focused on cooking. 
"It is your given name. Do is your surname." Jingwei argued as she continued to persist if she could call him Do.
Kyungsoo pouted, "It's very close to calling me Dodo though.. I don't want to be referred to as an extinct bird." 
Jingwei laughed at the comment. "Then how about change it to D.O." she suggested, "Like the two alphabet letters 'D' and 'O'." 
"I guess that's okay." Kyungsoo shrugged as he thought it wasn't such a bad nickname. 
"Then D.O. it is!" Jingwei exclaimed as she clapped her hands. "Kyungsoo is too long to say." she complained as she fidgeted with her hands. 
Kyungsoo chuckled and argued, "It's not long." He suddenly looked up in realization as he faced Jingwei and pointed out, "Come to think of it, I don't even know your name." 
"Yu Jingwei." she announced proudly as she got up from her chair and looked at Kyungsoo straight in the eyes. "And yes i'm not full korean. I'm Chinese-Korean." she continued as she made her way to stand across the counter from Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo nodded as he took in the new information. "That's cool." he confessed as he moved the dough he prepared onto a cooking pan and into the nearest stove. He stretched out his body as he stated, "Now all we have to do is wait." 
"You have some skills." Jingwei complimented randomly as she moved to help clean up the used up ingredients and utensils. "Never once did you ask for help."
"I have some experience." Kyungsoo admitted as he helped with the cleaning. 
Jingwei laughed as she teased, "You cooked desserts before? For a possible girlfriend perhaps?" 
Kyungsoo's face turned red as he laughed awkwardly and took the messy bowls and utensils to the sink. "You're being straight forward again." he accused as he refused to meet eyes with Jingwei. "I cook for my friends that's it." He defended feeling awkward at how open the new 'friend' was. 
"Girl friends?" Jingwei continued to tease as she saw Kyungsoo's face turn redder. 
"No." Kyungsoo retorted as he washed the bowls and utensils. "You're the first girl I've ever cooked for." 
Jingwei's smirked as she chuckled satisfied, "I'm honored. Sorry I can't say the same for you." 
Kyungsoo scoffed, "It's okay, i'm not expecting you to cook for me.. I was forced to do this anyway." 
Jingwei pouted, "Let's say you wanted to do this so I don't sound like the bad person." 
"Are you sure you're not a bad person?" Kyungsoo joked as he finished cleaning the mess. 
"Pfft. I'm sure." Jingwei countered as she crossed her arms. 
Kyungsoo laughed as he found Jingwei very fun and interesting. "This is the most random way I have ever met a person." he mentioned as he looked over at Jingwei. 
Jingwei shrugged, "I have an uncanny ability to make things like that happen." 
"I don't doubt that." Kyungsoo agreed as he laughed to himself. 
Jingwei chuckled when she suddenly heard footsteps approach the door. Her eyes widened as she whispered hurriedly, "Hey D.O. besides cooking, do you have experience in hiding?" 
"What?" he responded confused at the sudden question when Jingwei suddenly grabbed him by his sleeve and dragged him away from the door. 
"Time to play hide-and-seek." Jingwei mumbled as the door to the University kitchen door opened. 

"Thank you! Come again!" Aeyoung exclaimed loudly as two customers left the Bubble Tea cafe. Aeyoung sighed happily as she went to clean the cups left on the table. 

"You should take a break Youngie. You're going to over work yourself at this rate." her co-worker offered as he took over cleaning for her. 
Aeyoung smiled as she nudged her co-worker and best friend in the side. "I'm perfectly fine. Go take care of yourself Joonmyun." she responded as she snatched the cups from him and ran away toward the kitchen. 
Joonmyun scoffed, "How are you so full of energy after working for hours." Joonmyun glanced over at the clock that read 9:00 pm. He looked toward the door to see if the person Aeyoung referred to as deer would walk into the cafe. He sighed when he suddenly felt something hit him in the head. 
"Stop day dreaming and get back here." Aeyoung teased playfully as she pointed to the floor, referring to a rag she threw at him to get his attention. 
Joonmyun picked up the rag and smirked , "Why did you throw this dirty thing at me." 
Aeyoung shrugged playfully as she went back to working. 
Joonmyun walked back to her side as he nudged her, "You're lucky there's no customers right now or you'd get in a lot of trouble." 
"That why I threw it now, duh." Aeyoung countered as she pushed her best friend to bug him. 
Joonmyun rolled his eyes a bit amused then looked over to the door once more. 
Aeyoung smirked as she watched Joonmyun's gaze. "Are you expecting someone? Why do you keep looking at the door?" She asked in curiosity. 
"Huh? It's nothing." Joonmyun responded a bit shocked she noticed his actions. He looked at the clock once more and suggested, "You should think about going home for the night. It doesn't seem like there will be any more customers. I'll close today too." He waited for Aeyoung's response as he thought to himself, "Just in case, he comes." 
Aeyoung lifted her head in thought. She pondered for a while before she answered cutely, "Just one more customer?" 
Joonmyun chuckled as he pointed out, "And if there are no more customers for the night?" 
"Then I guess i'll just close and leave with you. We're neighbors anyway." Aeyoung responded not thinking much of her statement.
Joonmyun smirked and mentioned, "I'm not the most enjoyable person to go home with though." 
"Better than going home alone!" Aeyoung reasoned.
"Even though you'll probably get checked by the security guards at my house?" Joonmyun pointed out as he sighed, thinking about his highly protected and intimidating house. 
Aeyoung nodded as she admitted, "I like going through those checks. When I pass I feel like I accomplished something." 
Joonmyun laughed at her weird response. "Thanks for liking things like that." he acknowledged as he wiped down the counter for no reason. 
"If it's for you, of course." Aeyoung replied happily, as she began to remember the first time she was checked by her childhood friend's security guards. Every day, without making it obvious, she missed dearly the friendship she shared with Joonmyun before his father became rich and successful, making the gap between her and Joonmyun wider every day. 
"Well if you want to go home together, you should pray that there are no more customers." Joonmyun commented, half joking, half serious. 
Suddenly, three people entered the cafe. "You jinxed it!" She joked as she laughed and added, "I guess I didn't pray fast enough either." 
She welcomed the customers and took their orders as Joonmyun disappeared into the back kitchen to prepare the things needed for the order. 
"It would have been better if there were no more customers." Joonmyun thought to himself. He sighed, thinking it was a shame that he couldn't spend more time with Aeyoung. He suddenly frowned as he thought, "Why do I want to be with Aeyoung so bad.... I can just talk to her at home." He paused as he shook his head and mumbled, "Then again, home isn't really...home." Joonmyun struggled in his thoughts when Aeyoung suddenly came into the back kitchen.
"Day dreaming again? C'mon Joonmyun we have orders to fill." Aeyoung ordered as she nudged him in the shoulder. 
"It's not that hard to prepare tea Youngie." he countered, smiling at Aeyoung's hard working attitude. 
"Fast service is good service." Aeyoung exclaimed as she quickly made a drink and dashed out back toward the front counter. 
Joonmyun chuckled as he caught himself smiling like an idiot. "She's just a childhood friend, my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less..right?" He thought to himself, confusion overwhelming him. He finished up the other drinks that were ordered. He walked out with the drinks in hand and handed them to Aeyoung who served them swiftly. Unconsciously, Joonmyun scanned the cafe to find the "deer" nowhere in sight and smiled. He walked back into the kitchen to see Aeyoung preparing to leave. 
"You're leaving?" Joonmyun asked, a hint of sadness evident in his voice. 
Aeyoung laughed, "You said to leave after I serve one more customer. Saying I should head home." 
Joonmyun nodded as he recalled his words. "Right." He chuckled as he cleaned up the kitchen a little out of habit from work. "I only said that thinking that guy would come though." he thought to himself in regret. 
Aeyoung smiled as she put on her sweater and grabbed her bag. She walked out of the kitchen with Joonmyun following after her. 
"I'll see you later Joonmyun." Aeyoung exclaimed as she waved and walked toward the cafe entrance.
"Get home safely." Joonmyun responded as he waved back. He sighed sadly as he went back to the counter and wiped it down. "Just a good friend, nothing more, nothing less."

"Mengxin, Mengxin, It's Joonmyun." Victoria repeated obnoxiously as she pointed toward the counter of the Bubble Tea cafe she, Mengxin, and Amber decided to try out. 

Mengxin turned her head toward the said direction and her eyes opened wide. opened in shock as she saw her ideal type taking a customer's order. Her shocked expression suddenly changed into one of admiration. 
Amber eyed Mengxin oddly as she scoffed, "Mengxin seriously has a bad case of love sickness." 
Victoria turned away from the shocking scene of their student council president taking tea orders to look at Mengxin's love struck face. Victoria smirked, "Supposedly this is attractive to Mengxin too." 
Mengxin's love struck face returned to her strong poise as she argued, "It's humble of him." She crossed her arms and continued, "His father is the CEO of a digital technology corporation and yet he has the pride to be a man and earn his own money. If that's not admirable then I don't know what is." 
Amber and Victoria both shook their head in disbelief at their friends strong support for her dream guy.
"There could be another reason he is working part time though." Amber mentioned as she sipped on her drink. 
"I know right? Did you not see the girl he waved bye to earlier? They seemed close." Victoria muttered as Amber nudged her, giving her a 'why-would-you-say-that' look.  
"Are you guys trying to make me upset?" Mengxin grumbled as she glared at her friends. 
Amber and Victoria exchanged glances as they both laughed awkwardly. 
"I'm just saying let's not jump to conclusions." Victoria reasoned as she reached over to pat Mengxin on the back.
"You're jumping to conclusions too." Mengxin accused as she leaned her cheek into her palm. 
Amber smirked, "Then we can just go ask him for the truth." 
Mengxin and Victoria both looked at Amber oddly. 
"That's such a guy thing to do Amber! Being so direct like that." Victoria pointed out as she patted Amber on the back and suggested, "You should stop hanging out with so many guys and hang out with some girls."
"I am right now aren't I?" Amber replied as she smirked, knowing she won this argument. 
Victoria pouted as she looked back toward Mengxin and stated strongly, "Do NOT ask him directly. Never." 
Mengxin chuckled as she nodded in understanding.
Amber rolled her eyes as she commented, "Maybe he works part time to just get away from the stress of inheriting his dad's company." She gestured toward Joonmyun and continued, "There's news about the transferring process already starting." 
Victoria nodded, "That's right. Maybe it's just an escape." 
Mengxin shrugged as she didn't want to discuss this topic anymore. "Whatever the reason, I find it praiseworthy that he is widening his abilities and not letting his status stop him from being like other people." 
"Whatever you say." Victoria and Amber replied in unison. 
Suddenly, a customer in a rush ran past Victoria, Amber, and Mengxin's table, knocking their drinks onto the floor with her bag. 
All three girls stood up shocked as they saw their drinks spilled all over the floor.
The customer turned to see the mistake of her actions. She rushed over to the girls and apologized repeatedly. Mengxin responded maturely as she consistently assured it was fine, while Amber and Victoria tried to find a way to clean up the mess.
"Is everything alright?" A voice came from behind as Mengxin turned to see Joonmyun standing with a rag. 
Mengxin nodded as she stood speechless in front of Joonmyun. He moved to clean the puddle of tea that ended up on the floor. Amber and Victoria moved away so he can do the job. He glanced toward Mengxin as he suggested, "The bathroom is down there to your right if you'd like to rinse yourself off." 
Mengxin shook her head as she muttered, "I'm fine. It didn't get on me." 
Joonmyun nodded in understanding as he got up from cleaning the spill. "Likewise, if you'd like to rinse yourselves off, the restroom is down there to your right." He mentioned to Amber and Victoria also. They both smiled and politely refused, saying it was fine. He smiled and to each of them offered, "Would you like another drink then? I'll give it to you on the house." 
Mengxin shook her head as she replied, "No need. Thank you." 
"No problem. I apologize for the trouble while you were here." Joonmyun exclaimed as he bowed and returned to his place at the counter. 
Mengxin took a deep breath as she turned toward Amber and Victoria. The two stood up as they shouted out "Thank you" toward the counter and left while half dragging the shocked and confused Mengxin out of the cafe. 
Joonmyun looked up as he watched the three girls leave and frowned, feeling bad they left after such an embarrassing and awkward situation. His frown deepened as he thought to himself, "Haven't I seen that girl before?" 

"Miss, can I get more coffee?" an amused young male asked as a the waitress dressed in a maid outfit came with a pot of coffee.

"You called 'master'?" the girl responded as she tried hard to fight back her embarrassment. 
The young man smirked as he shook his head, not satisfied. "I told you to call me Chanyeol. I don't like the master title." he responded as he watched his classmate sigh in defeat.
The girl forced a smile as she poured more coffee into Chanyeol's cup. "Anything else Chanyeol?" she asked as cutely as possible, since her job as a maid waitress called for it. She cringed from embarrassment as Chaneyol chuckled happily. 
"Nothing Bomi. I'm good for now." Chanyeol replied as he smiled. 
Bomi pouted as she whispered, "Can you not call me by my real name here? I don't want anyone else to know I work here." 
"It's your name though isn't it?" Chanyeol argued as he mouthed her name repeatedly without saying it audibly. 
Bomi groaned quietly as she pleaded, "Then just don't tell anyone I work here, please?" 
"Of course not!" Chanyeol agreed immediately. 
Bomi smiled momentarily as she bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you so much." she exclaimed 
Chanyeol nodded as he revealed, "I won't tell anyone because then I can't use this secret to my advantage anymore." He chuckled as he held out his cup and asked, "More coffee please." 
Bomi's smile faded as she reluctantly poured Chanyeol another cup of coffee, imagining in her head spilling it all over his hand. She stopped pouring as she sighed and went back to put the coffee pot away. She looked at the clock that read 9:00 pm and groaned, "One more hour till I'm off work." 
"Miss Bomi!" Chanyeol shouted loudly to call her back out. Bomi slumped her shoulders as she stood in front of Chanyeol once more. 
"Yes, Chanyeol?" she responded pouting. 
Chanyeol chuckled, "Is pouting a new way to be cute?" 
Bomi nodded, "Yes, for me, so what would you like? More coffee?" 
"I actually have a series of questions. Is that alright?" Chanyeol confessed as he waited for Bomi's response. 
Bomi took a deep breath as she forced a smile and gave a thumbs up, "Anything for you Chanyeol." Her head sank as her embarrassment overwhelmed her. 
"Alright then. First question." Chanyeol revealed quickly, "Does Kris Wu tutor you?" 
Bomi's eyes widened as she nodded yes to the question. "How did you.." she began to question. 
"Second Question." Chanyeol interrupted as he continued, "Did you get a text from MinamLove Matchmaking service?" 
Bomi began to frown, finding it creepy that Chanyeol knew all this. "Did Kris tell you..." 
"Third Question." Chanyeol continued as he smiled at her reaction. "Did you reject the partner meet up?" 
"Yes." Bomi answered quietly, knowing there was no use of trying to question Chanyeol on how he knew all this.
Chanyeol smiled as he took out his phone and showed her a text message from MinmaLove asking about a second chance with his perfect girl. He persisted, "Fourth Question. Should I ask for a second chance with you?" 
"Huh?" Bomi answered confused, "With me? What does this have to do with me?" 
"It has everything to do with you." Chanyeol admitted. "Probably to your surprise, I'm friends with Kris and I showed him the meet up text from MinamLove. Shockingly, Kris told me a girl he tutors received the exact same meet up text, but she denied it. This directly ties with you, Bomi, the girl Kris tutors." Chanyeol explained with a huge smile on his face. 
Bomi completely shocked and confused at the situation, mumbled, "But I didn't receive..." 
"Last question." Chanyeol interrupted once more. He got up from his chair and brought himself closer to Bomi and asked, "Want to see if a relationship between us will work out?" 

"Aren't you getting tired Tao?" Yejin mumbled as she limply rested on her best friend's back as he carried her along the road. 

Tao shook his head as he replied, "It's the least I can do for ruining your moment with your dream guy." He smirked as he thought to himself, "But truthfully, it's just because I want to carry you while you're hugging me." 
Yejin laughed, "I'm not upset though." Yejin poked him in the cheeks as she swung her legs in his grasp.  
Tao chuckled as he moved to adjust her on his back, "Are you trying to fall off? Stay still." 
"When have I ever been able to stay still." Yejin retorted as she pulled at Tao's ears for fun. 
"Having fun there?" Tao asked as he winced at the slight pain from Yejin pulling at his ears too hard. 
Yejin teased, "Not really. Take me somewhere fun!" 
Tao smiled but complied, "It's 9:00 pm, what is there to do that's fun at this time?" 
"A lot of things, dummy." Yejin replied as she began to hum to herself. Her eyes widened as she suddenly jumped off Tao's back. 
Tao turned around, shocked at her sudden movements. "Is something the matter?" he questioned, sad he wasn't able to hold her anymore. 
Yejin smiled widely as she exclaimed, "Let's go to Karaoke!" 
Tao smirked and agreed, "Of course, singing is one of your hobbies no?" 
"You bet it is!" Yejin announced happily as the two made their way to the nearest Karaoke studio. 
"I'll pay." Tao assured her as they entered the studio. Yejin nodded and ran off to the room on her own. Tao laughed as he paid for the room and a couple of refreshments. 
He walked toward the room as he pondered if there would be any use in indirectly confessing at this time. He decided to see how the situation went and continued to walk toward the room, hearing Yejin screaming rather than singing. He chuckled as he opened the door and walked in.
"You couldn't wait for me?" Tao complained as he watched Yejin singing (shouting) her heart out. 
Yejin shook her head and pouted, "No sorry I couldn't. I was too excited." 
Tao ruffled her hair as he laughed, "It's alright. I know you were excited." 
Yejin responded with a huge smile as she turned to the song book to pick a new song. "Let's sing one together!" 
Tao shook his head as he spread himself out on the karaoke room couches, "Let me take a break for a while." 
"You're tired after carrying me around huh?" Yejin scoffed as she threw a prop at Tao. "You should have told me!" she exclaimed pouting, feeling bad she used up Tao's energy. 
Tao smiled as he looked up from his position. "It's okay Jin. I'll sing later and get 100." 
Yejin smirked, "Sure, I bet I can get a higher score than you." 
"Of course." Tao commented as he watched Yejin turn to sing again. Tao smiled as she sang everything off pitch, basically yelling rather than singing. 
"I was good right?" Yejin asked as the song finished. 
Tao chuckled as he nodded his head and raised his hand for a high five. Yejin jumped happily as Tao thought to himself how he would never be able to tell her how bad she really sang. 
The score came out to be 94. Yejin grinned widely at the score as Tao thought to himself, "Good job shouting Jin. The machine liked your energy." 
"You can sing something next." Yejin offered as she grabbed the song book and handed it to him. "Choose any song." 
Tao took the song book and set it down. "I actually already know what I want to sing." he admitted as he got up from the couch, punched in the numbers, and grabbed the mic. 
The song began to play as Yejin sat comfortable on the couch to listen. She smiled as she recognized the song. "That Man." she whispered as she looked up to see Tao's back view, ready to sing. Her eyes began to get heavy with sleep as she listened quietly to the words Tao sang. 
One man loves you
That man loves you with all his heart
Everday, he follows you like a shadow.
He cries as he laughs
That man's personality is very shy. 
So he learned how to laugh
That man's heart has many stories that he can't even tell his best friend
His heart is filled with scars. 
As the song went into a short pause, Tao turned to see Yejin's reaction to his song choice. He scoffed surprised, hurt, and amused as he watched Yejin peacefully asleep on the couch. Tao smirked as he took a seat next to Yejin, her hair. He let the instrumental of the song continue, the unspoken words being sung in his head. 
Do you know that man is me?
You aren't doing this to me even though you know it?
You probably don't know. Because you're a fool.
Just how..how much more do I have to gaze at you alone
This love that came like the wind
This love like a beggar
If I continue this way will you love me 
Just come a little nearer..a little more
If I take one step closer to you 
Then you take two steps back
I who love you is next to you even now. 
That man cries. 

"I'm so tired!" Kyungmi exclaimed as she walked out of class, Sehun following behind her. 

"Are you going to get your revenge on Kai now?" Sehun joked as he put his notebook into his backpack. 
Kyungmi shook her head as she muttered, "I'm too lazy right now. But I want to go shopping." 
Sehun eyed her weirdly and laughed, "You're too lazy to get back at Kai, but have enough energy to go shopping?" 
"I want to go shopping at Myeongdong." Kyungmi added as she faced Sehun with a smile. "I'm a girl, of course shopping would come first." 
Sehun smirked, "Didn't you just say your were lazy though." 
"I have separate energy for shopping." Kyungmi retorted as she shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the Myeongdong shopping district. 
"Isn't it a bit late though?" Sehun asked, hesitant about going. 
Kyungmi shook her head as she stated, "It's never too late for shopping. It's only 9:00 pm!" 
"Well, unless everything is closed." Sehun grumbled as he followed Kyungmi reluctantly. 
"Don't worry there will be things open." Kyungmi assured as they walked together in the cold night. 
Sehun pouted, "I'm not worrying." 
Kyungmi giggled as she walked. She shivered as the wind blew against her body. "I need to buy a sweater for Roo. It's getting cold lately." 
Sehun rolled his eyes as he scolded, "You're the one shivering right now and you want to buy your dog a sweater?" 
Kyungmi stuck her tongue out in defiance as she continued to walk forward. "What's wrong with my dog needing to be warm?" she countered when Sehun suddenly wrapped his jacket around her. 
"I don't want you to blame me if you catch a cold." Sehun explained as Kyungmi nodded timidly and cuddled herself into his jacket.
Sehun smirked at Kyungmi's speechlessness as they continued to walk in silence. 
Kyungmi suddenly poked Sehun as she poked her head out of Sehun's jacket hood and mumbled, 'Thanks Sehun." 
Sehun smiled, "No problem. But next time, you should carry a jacket around. It's getting colder and yet you don't prepare for these kind of things." Kyungmi pouted at getting scolded when her eyes lit up upon reaching the shopping center. 
Sehun saw the change in her eyes as he looked forward. "When did we get here." Sehun mumbled as he was welcomed by the bright lights and loud chattering. 
"In the midst of your nagging that's when." Kyungmi joked as she ran on ahead of Sehun. 
Sehun frowned as he ran after her and yelled, "Hey wait for me!" 
"Sehun! Look! Isn't this cute?" Kyungmi asked as she lifted up a sweater for dogs. 
Sehun pouted. "Isn't it too small?" he grumbled, grumpy he was left behind because of dog sweaters.
Kyungmi punched him as she countered, "Roo isn't that fat!" 
A chuckle came from the stand as the seller commented, "You two make a cute couple." 
Kyungmi and Sehun exchanged glances as they both shook their heads. 
"We're not a couple. I'm too good for her." Sehun exclaimed smirking as Kyungmi punched him in the arm again. 
"He's not worth being in a relationship with sir." Kyungmi explained as she gestured over to Sehun. "My dog is better than him." 
Sehun growled as the seller chuckled in amusement, "What a shame." 
Kyungmi and Sehun both laughed awkwardly as Kyungmi payed for the dog sweater and they left. 
Kyungmi and Sehun were both quiet when suddenly Kyungmi's phone rang, signaling a text. 
Kyungmi jumped in shock as she reached for her phone. Her eyes opened wide as she mumbled, "It's from MinamLove." 
Sehun peeked over as he watched Kyungmi open the text that read, "We were contacted about a mishap in our service and meetings. Would you like a second chance to meet your perfect match?" 
"Uhhh what do I do?" Kyungmi pondered as she stared at the text. 
Sehun shrugged as he joked, "Today is just filled with relationship talks now is it." 

"It's a good time to go warm up the body no?" Ara muttered to herself as she walked toward the soccer field with a ball in hand. She stretched as she walked, trying to loosen her body. 

She frowned as she heard the sound of a ball being kicked around. "Someone is here?" she questioned as she looked at her phone that read 9:00 pm. "None of the girls would be playing at this time." she thought to herself as she approached the gate and decided it was someone from the men's soccer team.
She walked in arrogantly and without looking at the other person shouted out, "Want to go one on one?" 
A male turned from shooting a goal as Ara's mouth dropped in disbelief upon seeing the person's face. 
"Ara." the male exclaimed as he waved. 
Ara sighed, "And to think I was avoiding him so well. I meet him here out of all places." She scratched her head as she walked up to him with a forced smile. "Hey Luhan." she mumbled, only saying hi out of courtesy. 
Luhan smiled, "So you did know my name." 
"Need to know your name so it's easier to avoid you." Ara thought to herself as she nodded in response. 
Luhan smirked as he watched Ara's actions. "Have you been trying to avoiding me Ara? You don't look very happy to see me." 
"How did you know?" Ara admitted, unable to control with her brain. 
"I figured." Luhan laughed as he eyed the ball in Ara's hand. "Can I see your ball?" he asked suddenly, his hand stretched out to receive it. 
Ara eyed him oddly as she reluctantly handed it to him. "You're not going to use the soccer balls to get me to study now are you?" 
"How did you know?" Luhan teased. 
Ara frowned as she snatched her ball out of his hands, "No thank you. My math is good for your information. Your ball plus my ball equals two balls. Yay I did math." she stated sarcastically as she started to walk away from the field. 
"Wait!" Luhan yelled out hurriedly, "I'm not going to ask for you to study right now." 
"Who said I would anyway?" Ara retorted as she continued to walk. 
"I want to take you up on the one on one game offer!" Luhan shouted out as Ara was about to leave the gate. 
Ara stopped as she smirked, a bit interested in the return offer. "I suppose you want to propose a bet too?" she guessed as she slowly made her way back to where Luhan was standing. 
"You may not be book smart, but you're pretty street smart." Luhan commented as he held asked for Ara's ball once more. Ara threw it toward Luhan who easily caught it. 
"What are you suggesting?" Ara asked as she crossed her arms waiting. 
Luhan smirked as he lifted both balls up in each hand as he stated competitively, "A one on one game, with two balls. Winner is the one who kicks the opponent's ball into the goal post." 
Ara nodded her head in understanding as she elaborated, "Winner gets to choose whether we study or not?" 
"Winner gets to choose when and how much we study." Luhan suggested, "You still have to study a little, since Coach said so." 
Ara sighed as she hesitantly agreed, "Call." 
The two ran out onto the field with their own ball to start the game. 
Suddenly, Luhan's phone lit up as it signaled a text message. The preview read, "MinamLove gives you a second chance with love!" 

"I want to go back to last night." Chaerin mumbled to herself as she remembered how Kris had suddenly back hugged her without warning. She smiled as she recalled the feelings of shock and happiness. 

Her thoughts were interrupted as the doorbell rang repeatedly. Chaerin frowned as she went to open the door. "Who is it?" she asked dully, finding a familiar face standing in the doorway. 
"You can be a little more cheerful when greeting me." The visitor commented as he chuckled in amusement. 
Chaerin's frown turned into a huge smile as she exclaimed, "Baekhyun! Long time no see!" 
Baekhyun laughed as he pointed out, "We go to the same school and have a class together, what do you mean long time no see? 
Chaerin shrugged as gestured him to come inside. "It's cold, let's talk inside." 
"I thought you'd never ask." Baekhyun joked as he leaped into the warm home. 
"So what brought you here?" Chaerin asked as she went over to the kitchen to prepare some light snacks. 
Baekhyun sighed as he admitted, "I just came because I was bored." 
"Really? I thought you came to see my brother." Chaerin mentioned as she stirred some batter to make sugar cookies. 
Baekhyun shook his head laughed as he watched his friend's twin happily make sweets. "Do you really have to make sweets at this hour? You're the reason why I always get fat." he accused as he moved over to stand next to Chaerin. 
Chaerin pouted, "What's wrong with eating sweets?" 
"At this hour, it's not good for you." Baekhyun reasoned as he watched Chaerin pour the batter onto a baking sheet and put it into the oven. 
"To me, sweets are good anytime, anywhere." Chaerin argued childishly as she moved around to clean the kitchen. 
"Even at 9:00 at night?" Baekhyun sneered as Chaerin nodded her head. 

Baekhyun laughed, "I'm blaming you if I get fat." 
"You wont get fat when i'm only making like nine cookies. Three for you, me, and dae-." She countered, smiling widely at Baekhyun. 
Baekhyun smiled at Chaerin's cuteness as he leaned on the countertop. He watched as Chaerin basically skipped around the kitchen. 
"Did you have a good day or something?" Baekhyun asked as he laughed at her actions. 
Chaerin stopped as she turned toward him in confused, "What do you mean?" 
"Did something good happen." Baekhyun insisted, "You're in an abnormally good mood." 
"Maybe..something happened." Chaerin hinted as she continued to skip around,unconsciously having flour fly around the kitchen. 
"It's about your matchmaking date right?" Baekhyun guessed as Chaerin stopped skipping to look a Baekhyun oddly. 
Chaerin squinted her eyes as she whispered, "Are you stalking me?'
Baekhyun laughed, "No, your brother told me about it." 
"Ahh I see." Chaerin nodded as a smile appeared on her face. 
"Did you guys have fun?" Baekhyun began to tease as he watched Chaerin's grin grow wider. 
Chaerin giggled as she explained happily, "I don't know. He was just really cool, took me to an amusement park which I love, gave me a back hug and protected me and it was just good." 
"Ohhh even a back hug? Skinship?" Baekhyun teased as Chaerin started to get red with embarrassment. 
She pouted as she nudged him and complained, "You're being like Dae-, stop." 
Baekhyun chuckled as he continued to tease and asked, "How close did you guys get?" 
Chaerin fidgeted as she whispered quietly, "Pretty close I guess." 
"Even this close?" Baekhyun asked as he brought his face right in front of Chaerin's face. Chaerin froze in shock as Baekhyun smiled and suddenly wiped flour off her nose. "You should be tidy when you cook, you're too excited right now." Baekhyun nagged as he looked away and leaned on the counter. 
Chaerin stood frozen in place when Daehyun suddenly walked in. 
"I'm ho-.." Daehyun started to say when he saw his sister in shock and blushing and Baekhyun standing next to her amused. He frowned as he yelled, "Byun Baekhyun, did you do something to my sister!?" 

"No. No. NO!" Minhi shouted as her character died on the last level of her game. She whimpered and pitifully mumbled, "I was so close to winning." 

Lay came up from behind as he patted her back. "Don't worry, you can do it next time." he comforted as Minhi sprawled out on the floor in despair. 
"You always say that but I never win." Minhi pouted as she shot up from laying down and looked at Lay seriously. 
Lay chuckled and awkwardly asked, "Is there something you want from me?" 
"Verse me in Mario Kart." Minhi challenged as she looked at Lay with her game face. "It's not fun playing alone." 
Lay nodded as he accepted Minhi's challenge. He moved to sit in front of the t.v. and next to Minhi as they both took a controller and started the game. 
"If I win you have to skip class tomorrow and go to the arcade with me." Minhi muttered as her eyes stayed glued to the screen. 
Lay smirked, "I better not lose then." 
Minhi pouted then whined, "You don't want to hang out with me tomorrow?" 
"Not that. I have an important lecture." Lay explained as his character crossed the finish line first. 
Minhi let out a frustrated sigh as her kart barely spun it's way into ninth place. "I want to play something else." she grumbled as she frowned in disappointment. 
She fidgeted with her fingers when she suddenly asked, "Can we go to my mom's restaurant?"  
Lay smirked and mentioned, "You just ate a while ago though." 
"But I'm hungry." Minhi whimpered as she suddenly mumbled, "I want a New York hot dog." 
Lay nodded as he understood what Minhi meant as he went to comfort her. "Do you miss your hometown Min?" 
Minhi sighed as she shook her head in disagreement. "No, I don't miss it since my dad is there." She paused as she burried her face into her knees and mumbled, "I just want a hot dog." 
Lay smiled as he got up and headed toward the kitchen and offered, "I'll make you a hot dog Min, don't fuss. It won't be New York style though. Is that okay?" 
Minhi nodded as she rolled herself into the couch. 
"I'll make a Lay style hot dog." Lay proclaimed loudly as Minhi started to giggle for no apparent reason. 
Lay chuckled as he watched Minhi try to hold in her laughter. He smiled to see Minhi laughing at something he said even though it wasn't funny at all. 
Suddenly, both their phones rang at the same time, startling the both of them. 
"It's probably Kai asking us if we're still here." Lay assumed as he looked through the cupboards for hot dog ingredients. 
"Most likely." Minhi agreed as she opened her text. Her eyes widened as she looked at the words in front of her. 
"What did he say?" Lay asked, his hands busy with preparing. "Can you check my phone too?" he added completely occupied with making a hot dog. 
Minhi timidly reached over to Lay's phone and opened the text. Her eye's grew wider upon seeing the same text she saw in her phone. She tried hard to hold back the joy that threatened to burst out of her. "Is this a dream?" she thought to herself as she looked over at Lay who busily prepared what she wanted. He looked up to see her looking at her and smiled. 
"What is it Min?" Lay questioned, curious as to why Minhi had suddenly become quiet but smiling widely. 
Minhi took a deep breath before she finally stuttered, "MinamLove is telling us to meet our perfect match." 
"And?" Lay insisted in confusion when Minhi didn't continue the sentence.
"We...already met." 


Author's  Note:

Okay, so as you can see, I can't keep my promise of not disappearing for more than a month..at least I update right? >< 
so new chapter is up, or as you can see I changed ever "chapter" to be instead referred to as an episode. I realized it's way to hard to come up with a title when there are so many things going on.  so if you want to refer back to an update, look for it under episode# 

I have another game for you guys! In my opinion I think this one is pretty simple and easy so the first person to get it will be the winner~ The same "prize" as before! Your choice of an emphasis in this story, a specified oneshot, or scene request that I will do no matter what.

It's a three part question: 
What specific number comes out the most in this story?
How is this number significant to the story in general?
Who sings the song Tao sings in the story and from what drama is it from?

Like I said this one is simple! Don't try and think too hard just look through the story haha

Remember to comment and subscribe if you'd like to see new updates! whether you're a new reader or an old reader ~ thank you ^^

Lastly, I'm super excited for EXO's new variety show coming out either today or tomorrow (depending on your time zone) 
(this picture is currently my desktop wallpaper tehee)

and this second gif because majority of my biases come out in this one >< 



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Thank you!
It's been so long everyone! but just a heads up that I will most likely update a new chapter sometime tonight! I'm so excited (: I hope you're all still here~


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okay first comments about the chapter. 1) I love what you're doing with Mengxin's character, but more importantly how you're nailing Vic and Amber as well. A+. Though I do wonder how long you're going to take to get into her relationships - not that there's anything wrong with a slow build-up! :) 2) MAN I LOVED HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD CHANYEOL WAS HERE IDEK i just really felt that that fit his cheery, confident character.

also your chart is so cute haha - i'm actually really surprised nobody picked jongdae. he's so handsome though!!! :< and minseok's so squishy!!!

and now the questions!

1&2) 9? You've got nine girls in the story. Plus you've used 9:00 pm a lot too lol

3) Hyun Bin's 'That Man' from Secret Garden!!!
Chapter 10: oohhhh a relation chart.
too bad it doesn't tell whose the right guy LOL
awww xuimin and chen :(
and yes i got those references LOLOLOL
it was okaaaay for me, just hoping they'd be more funny LOLOL

i have yet to get to reading the chapter, but thanks for the hint ^.^

will get to reading the chapter asap and make a comment :D
Chapter 9: So uhm crying because MY POOR TAO OPPA OH MY GOSH WHY I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING MY CHARACTER OBLIVIOUS TO YOUR FEELINGS Dx I really love all the couples in here, but Mengxin and Joonmyun are my favorite; she's just so in love with him and it's so cute but I'm pretty sure he likes Aeyoung and WHYYYYY. </3 I like Bomi and Chanyeol too (even if I'm jealous that she's with my second bias).
So for the contest thingy, I know that the song is from Secret Garden because I looked it up so I could listen to it as I cried with this chapter okay. As for the numbers, I was going to guess 2 too but since you said in the pairings chapter that it wasn't that and it was a time, I went through all the chapters (yes all) and found that the number 9 is used most for the time. And there's 9 girls in the story? Is that right?
OMFG XIUCHEN NEEDS LOVE AUTHOR-NIM FEEL FREE TO PUT THEM IN THE STORY IF YOU WANT BECAUSE MY POOR BABIES Dx Minseok was actually my first EXO bias and my friend ships me with Jongdae xD
PenguinCakes #4
Chapter 9: OMG yay an update! Welcome back author-nim! I really love the chapter and how everyone interacts with each other. The way you connect them is really cool and. I can't wait to see when the drama starts!
Hmmm.....I'm guessing the number is two because everyone always seems to be in pairs but I'm not sure about the song , from what I read of the other comments it seems to be from a drama and it's pretty sad to say I have never watched one, mainly because I cry easily so let's just save my tears.
Chapter 9: I have to say I love how every character is connected with each other and the chapter was really cute! I really liked it, great job! About the number I think is 2 and the song is sung by Hyunbin and it's from Secret Garden! ^-^
Chapter 9: Welcome back!!! First, let me say that I love this story so much! I like how all the characters are somehow connected, it makes the story feel more...complete??? Haha, this chapter was really cute! It wasn't like fluff galore but it had lots of cute/funny interactions between the characters :)
Chapter 9: dude, we would wait for you to update till the end of time because it always worth it! im usimg my kindle for internet surfing since we havent paid our bill so i skimmed through the chapter a bit but i saw the authros note and wanted to answer right away since i feel like i always miss them. the name of the song tao sing is this man from the kdrama secret garden.um,im going to say that the number you use alot is 2. i saw it twice in this chapter and it fits since well,its a romance story ad evryones in pairs, you know,couples. im sorry if this isnt what you wanted! its tough using this kindle to type stuff out.
i'm glad your back!!!! :D
i'm excited to read the next update though i probs won't get a chance until friday when i come home LOL

annnd i'm also anticipating the update of your other story tooo :D
PenguinCakes #9
Chapter 8: OMG such a long chapter, but I loved it! The interaction between the exo boys and the girls is so entertaining to read and can I just say I love Kris' personality.
Oh poor Tao, in love with his best friend :(
And then there's Yejin who has has a crush on Kai
OMG there was also Yoogeun and Lauren just totally brings me back to SHINee's and MBLAQ's 'Hello Baby' days~
Sooo many people having crushes on each other...
Anyway great update and I can't wait to see what you have installed next XD
wxfflemeup #10
I can't even..
You don't even know how I feel.. <3
well. maybe you do, but oh well..