→ e p i s o d e 3

→ Perfect Isn't Always Perfect

although it's already passed in korea, today is chen chen day~ puahaha
photo credits to @chanyeolcap on twitter
warning: with 9 OCs the chapters will get longer!
might need to read previous chapters if you don't understand some of the references made in this one


*takes place the same day as "time to meet" sometime in the evening. 

"I'm so late." Bomi mumbled as she ran toward the after school center for the kids whose parents can't pick them up right after school. 
Bomi entered a room, relieved to find her adorable 6 year old brother playing happily with a cute little girl. 
"Yoogeun." Bomi called out sweetly. 
Yoogeun turned his head and smiled widely upon seeing his favorite person in the world. "Noona!" he shouted excitedly as he ran up to her and hugged her legs. 
"It's time to go home." Bomi chuckled as Yoogeun nodded his head in understanding. 
He released his hug on Bomi's legs and turned to wave at a cute little girl still in the room. She smiled and returned his wave. Bomi watched the little interaction then headed out the door first, Yoogeun running after her from behind. 
"Was that your friend?" Bomi asked as she and Yoogeun walked out of the after school center hand in hand. 
Yoogeun nodded his head as he tried to stifle his laughter. 
"What's so funny?" Bomi chuckled as she watched her little brother avoid eye contact but continue to smile. "Do you like her?" Bomi laughed as she poked her younger brother. 
"No!" Yoogeun denied defensively, continuously shaking his head. 
Bomi teased, "It's okay if you do." 
Yoogeun pouted, "I don't." 
"What's her name?" Bomi asked, amused that her little brother possibly had a little crush. 
"Lauren." Yoogeun mumbled as he kicked at the ground. 
"That's a pretty name." Bomi stated as she watched a small smile appear on her brother's face. 
He nodded in agreement. Suddenly, he looked directly up at Bomi and asked, "What did you do today noona?" 
Bomi laughed, "Trying to change the subject now are we?" 
He shook his head, "Nope! You were studying huh noona? With Kris hyung?" he continued eagerly. 
Bomi smiled as she gave in to his change in topic and responded as if she was surprised, "How did you know?" 
"Noona is always studying!" he exclaimed. 
"Not always." Bomi argued playfully as she looked up to find they had already reached home. 
They both entered the house, Yoogeun dashing across the living room and sitting in front of the t.v. 
"Not until after homework Yooguen!" Bomi ordered as she put her bag down on the table. She went into her room, which she shared with Yoogeun, and got changed into comfortable clothes. 
"I finished at after school center!" he replied back already watching a cartoon. 
Bomi sighed as she walked out in her pjs. She sat at the table and opened her bag to see what work had to be done for today. Her phone tumbled out and onto the floor. She opened it to find an unopened text which read, 
"Thank you for using MinamLove Matchmaking Services. 
Please contact us again if you'd like another chance at finding your perfect match." 
She scoffed as she deleted the text and mumbled, "No thank you." She eyed the clock that read 4:30 P.M. "Work in two hours." Bomi groaned as she put her head face down against the table. She jolted up then clasped her face in between her hands and grumbled, "Study, work, study, work. That's all I have to do." 
Time passed of straight studying when Yoogeun showed up right next to her. "No more studying! Play with me!" he shouted out, swaying side to side waiting. 
Bomi looked at the clock that read 5:45 P.M. and sighed, "I have to get ready for work though." 
Yoogeun pouted as he crossed his arms and muttered, "But we didn't play today." 
Bomi ruffled his hair and admitted, "True. You can play with fishy hyung while i'm at work though." 
Yoogeun's sad face lit up as he recalled his other playing partner. He nodded in remembrance, "Oh yeah." 
"So go get ready. Noona will get ready too." Bomi replied, smiling happily at her brother. 
In the next thirty minutes, Yoogeun and Bomi arrived at a brightly lit cafe with girls dressed in maid outfits running around serving the customers who came. 
Bomi sighed. She eyed Donghae standing at the front of the entrance, waiting for her and Yoogeun. 
"Fishy!" Yoogeun yelled out as he ran up to Donghae who immediately picked him up as he ran toward him. 
"You've gained some weight little guy." Donghae joked as he patted Yoogeun's little belly. 
"I need to eat to grow!" Yoogeun argued as he moved his hands to play with Donghae's face. Donghae laughed as he avoided becoming a play toy. 
"You should eat here so you don't spend so much money on him." Bomi suggested as she led the two boys to the back of the the cafe. 
"I'm alright with spending money on this little guy. He's like my own little brother." Donghae mentioned as he let Yoogeun down from his hold. 
Bomi laughed, "Well, I'd like to know what Yoogeun's been eating. How do I know you're not feeding him bad things?" 
Donghae scoffed, "So you're worried about his health, not my wallet." 
Bomi shrugged as if she didn't know what he was talking about. 
"I feed him very well for your information. You don't need to worry like an over protective mother." Donghae grumbled as he ruffled Yoogeun's hair who was beside him.
"I have no choice." Bomi answered as the three entered the back kitchen. They greeted the other workers, who in turn welcomed them warmly, comfortable with the frequent visits from Yoogeun and Donghae who normally were not allowed in staff territory. 
"I mean I understand." Donghae nodded as he continued, "Your mom always busy with work and all." He sighed as he watched as his best friend moved frantically around the cafe kitchen to make some food for her younger brother. "But I don't think you have to overwork yourself. You need to enjoy yourself." Donghae admitted as Bomi quickly made an omelet and brought it over to her brother waiting for food. 
"I am enjoying myself." Bomi countered, "I enjoy the life I have with my little brother." 
Donghae frowned as he grabbed Bomi by the arm and whispered, "But you're not enjoying yourself here are you?
Bomi sighed, "What choice do I have." 
"Find a new job?" Donghae suggested as Bomi shook her head in response. 
"I don't have time to do that." Bomi replied as she put away the ingredients used to make her brother's omelet. 
"Then, how about a boyfriend?" he offered as he sat next to Yoogeun eating happily. 
Bomi looked up from what she was doing and frowned, "Regarding that." 
Donghae looked at her surprised. "Do you want a boyfriend?" 
Bomi turned to glare at Donghae, "Of course not. It's just that earlier today I got a text from a matchmaking service. I have no idea how I got it when I never even requested for the service." 
"Oh...really?" Donghae responded awkwardly, recalling when he checked the 'Yes' box on Bomi's matchmaking service form handed to them months before.
"Do you know something?" Bomi questioned, curious as to why Donghae's tone was full of awkwardness and guilt. 
He shook his head violently in response, "Of course not. Why would I?" 
Bomi smirked, "You know you're horrible at lying Donghae." 
Donghae chuckled, "It's not that I'm horrible at lying. You're just good at reading me." 
"So then you admit you had something to do with it." Bomi accused as she crossed her arms, waiting for an answer. 
"Maybe..just a little?" Donghae responded chuckling as Bomi pouted in annoyance. 
Donghae laughed awkwardly as he smiled at Bomi, who in turn just sighed and left to go change into her maid outfit. She came back out and looked through the kitchen door and into the main lobby of the cafe. "It's starting to get busy. Can you take Yoogeun now?" Bomi asked as she packed Yoogeun's food so he can eat it elsewhere.
"You're not mad right?" Donghae asked as he watched her pack the food.
Bomi smirked, "There's no point in getting mad about trivial things like that. It was dealt with quickly so it's not a problem." 
"What a relief." Donghae sighed happily. 
"Now if I was dragged out to a blind date, that's a different story." She threatened jokingly. 
"Again, what a relief." he repeated as he took Yoogeun by the hand. "I'll bring him back in a couple hours." he assured her as he walked toward the back door. 
"Go out through the front instead. There are probably people smoking out back." she replied quickly as she got her apron adjusted. 
Donghae laughed, "There you go worrying about Yoogeun again." He turned and headed out the kitchen door with Yoogeun, Bomi following from behind. 
"Force of habit." Bomi reasoned as she continuously looked down at her outfit to see if anything was wrong with it. 
Donghae chuckled, "You look fine. I've always wanted to tell you but the outfit actually suits you."  
Bomi frowned and punched him in the arm, "I would die of embarrassment if anyone at school saw me in this." 
"Donghae?" a deep voice rang out through the crowd of people. 
Donghae and Bomi turned to see their class clown, tall and smiling widely, standing in the midst of the customers. 
"Chanyeol?" they gasped in unison. 

"I still think this is a bad idea." Daehyun mumbled as his twin sister and friend walked in front of him. 

"You're worrying too much." Chaerin responded playfully as she walked along the sidewalk to the location MinamLove Services texted her about. 
"It just seems a bit weird. What do you think Kyungmi? Isn't it a bit suspcious?" Daehyun asked Kyungmi who walked next to Chaerin silently. 
Kyungmi shrugged, "I'm just curious as to how this works. Since I just dismissed the text that came to me." 
Daehyun threw his head back in frustration and groaned, "How can girls be so naive." 
Chaerin turned and stuck her tongue out at her brother, "I trust that our school wouldn't set their students up for weird things." She smiled as she turned back around and skipped enthusiastically. 
Daehyun rolled his eyes. He turned his head and saw a very familiar looking face across the road. He stopped as he tried to get a better look, his eyes widening to see an old friend from his hometown. "Yejin?" he mumbled to himself. 
Chaerin turned again to see her brother looking across the street. She pouted, "If you're going to come, come faster! I'm going to be late!" 
Daehyun snapped out of his daze and hurriedly responded, "Sorry Chaerin, go on ahead. I'm going to go meet someone." He dashed across the road without another word, leaving Chaerin and Kyungmi standing confused. 
"That was...uncalled for." Kyungmi admitted as she smirked and continued to walk on. 
Chaerin laughed, "He said he was going to go all the way with me to make sure I would be okay too. What a brother." 
"Dae-?" Kyungmi mentioned as Chaerin laughed. 
"Exactly!" Chaerin agreed energetically as the two continued to walk laughing. 
Suddenly, Kyungmi received a text. Her eyes opened in shock as she face palmed and eyed Chaerin with apology. 
"Sorry Chaerin. I have to go too. I completely forgot I had to help my sister prepare dinner." Kyungmi informed as she suddenly gave Chaerin a hug as a goodbye. "Tell me what happens alright?" 
Chaerin nodded, "Of course!" 
Kyungmi smiled as she ran off in the other direction and yelled, "Good luck! Have fun!" 
Chaerin waved at the already disappearing Kyungmi. She laughed, "She's such an energetic person. I like her." Chaerin giggled as she walked further down the sidewalk.
She finally reached her destination as she walked into a cozy cafe and found a guy sitting by himself. She timidly walked toward him when he suddenly got up out of his chair and turned, facing her. 
Chaerin stepped back, shocked by his tall stature and good looks. She smiled unconsciously as she stuttered, "Are you...."
"You must be her, from MinamLove." the guy interrupted as he acknowledged Chaerin and gave her a very charming smile.
Chaerin grinned, at a loss for words. "He's so good looking what do I do." she thought to herself as she made her way to sit down at the seat across from him. 
"I was just about to go outside to wait for you." he mentioned as he took his seat. "I was kind of getting bored waiting." 
Chaerin bowed her head and muttered quickly, "Sorry for making you bored!" 
He shook his head and chuckled, "No, it's alright. You didn't make me bored. The waiting did." He smiled as his confidence glowed through him. "The name is Kris by the way." he mentioned as he returned to sit down in his chair.
"My name is Chaerin. Jung Chaerin." Chaerin replied, nervousness overtaking her. 
"No need to be so polite." Kris chuckled as he leaned in closer, facing Chaerin right in the face. "You can be yourself."
Chaerin's eyes widened at how close he was to her face. She immediately looked down in embarrassment. "I..I just feel a bit awkward." 
Kris chuckled, "I get it. You seem like the type whose shy in the beginning but becomes super energetic later." 
"I guess you can say that." Chaerin admitted as she looked up at Kris, only to look down again due to embarrassment. 
Kris smirked, getting up from his chair, shocking Chaerin again with his sudden movements. "I guess we're going to have to go somewhere to push you out of that awkwardness." he stated as he took her by the hand and led her out the door. 
"Wa-Wait where are we going?" Chaerin stammered as she was dragged out and led to a nice looking car out front. 
"Somewhere fun. I think you'll enjoy it." Kris replied, beaming with confidence and amusement. 
Chaerin kept her eyes glued toward the window as she and Kris drove off onto the road. "Maybe Dae- was right." she thought to herself as Chaerin made occasional glances at the good looking male in the driver's seat. "Maybe this is a bit suspicious." She closed her eyes, praying nothing weird would happen. 
The car stopped. Kris cleared his throat as he turned to see Chaerin, eyes closed, looking as if she feared for her life. He chuckled, "We're here." 
Chaerin opened one eye only to be welcomed by bright colorful lights. Both her eyes shot open and her face lit up as excitement over took her. "We're in Seoul Land!" she exclaimed happily, jolting out of the car like a five year old.  (Amusement Park in Korea in city of Gwacheon) 
Kris smirked, "Just as I expected." He followed after Chaerin who waited enthusiastically at the entrance for Kris, gesturing him to come faster. 
They entered the amusement park, Chaerin running around frantically, not able to stay in place, leaving Kris standing at the entrance.
Kris watched her as she moved around looking at everything, not knowing what to do first. He smiled at her cute and bubbly nature. He frowned as he eyed a couple of guys walking towards Chaerin very suspiciously. Without hesitation he ran toward Chaerin and hugged her from behind. 
"I found you!" Kris exclaimed like a teasing boyfriend, holding onto her tightly as he heard strong footsteps turn toward the opposite direction. 
Chaerin stood frozen and mumbled, "K-Kris?" 

"It's been a while Yejin." Daehyun managed to mumble as he sat in his chair in a cafe, trying to catch his breath after running after his Busan acquaintance. "Has Seoul been treating you well? he asked after regaining his breath. 
"Of course!" Yejin responded happily. "I'm not letting a new environment bring me down." 
"You haven't changed a bit, always positive." Daehyun mentioned as he recalled his bright and happy friend. 
Yejin smiled as she rested her chin on both hands. "How have you been? Everything good?" she asked in return in a slurred cute way. 
Daehyun laughed, "Good good. Aegyo seems to still be a habit too." 
Yejin stuck her tongue out as she retorted, "More like a hobby then a habit." She smiled then sighed, "We need to meet up more often. I miss my Busan buddy." 
"I know right." Daehyun agreed. 
"You should say that you miss your Busan buddy too." Yejin joked as she stuck out her lower lip. "You know? Give and take?" she concluded as she put her hand to her ear, waiting to her him say the words.
Daehyun chuckled as he replied, "I miss you too Busan buddy." 
Yejin smiled satisfied as she clapped to herself. "What's your class schedule? Let's work around that so we can hang out." Yejin exclaimed happily, smiling widely at Daehyun.
Daehyun smirked, "Oh that. I don't go to school. I work instead." 
Yejin's eyes narrowed as she pouted upon hearing the news. "You're 19 aren't you? You should be at school." she wondered as curiosity overwhelmed her. 
"I have my reasons." Daehyun replied smilling. He sighed deeply as he changed his tone and proudly stated, "I am the sole provider for my family so I don't mind working." 
"I see. That's good for you. I'm happy for you." Yejin applauded him as she encouraged, "You're becoming a man early." 
Daehyun laughed, "I'm already a man for your information." He smiled as he asked, "What school do you go to?"
"Gihwae Universtiy." Yejin responded while nodding. "It's still a bit of a new school." 
"Oh, my sister goes there." Daehyun pointed out, suddenly remembering she was on a blind date. "I wonder if she's okay." he wondered out loud. 
Yejin titled her head in confusion. "What do you mean? Is something wrong with her?" 
Daehyun shook his head, "No, not that. She was on her way to this matchmaking service meet up before I saw you." 
"MinamLove?" Yejin guessed as she saw Daehyun nod his head in response. "I remember filling a form out at school too." Yejin commented as she suddenly became very shy. 
Daehyun eyed her amused and smirked, "Did you say yes to the service?" 
Yejin shook her head, "No. I do want a boyfriend though." She paused as she looked up at Daehyun embarrassed, "But I only have one guy I would ever want as my boyfriend." 
Daehyun nodded his head, recalling a conversation they had long ago on Yejin's huge crush. His eyes light up as he leaned in close to Yejin and asked, "Do you want to know a way you can frequently see this one guy?" 
Yejin's shy posture brightened as she nodded her head and shouted. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?! What is it?" 
"Do you still dance as a hobby?" he continued to question, amused at her reaction. 
She nodded her head as she reached over to grab Daehyun's hands and cried out, "Hurry and tell me!" 
Daehyun laughed, "I know the assistant dance instructor of a studio nearby. You should check that dance studio out." 
Yejin took a deep breath as she whispered, "Is he there?" 
Daehyun smirked as he nodded his head. 

"Honeydew Bubble tea for the irritated looking deer." a cheerful girl with a bright smile exclaimed as she placed the drink in front of a male sitting in the cafe. 

"Thanks Aeyoung." the male responded as he took a sip then sighed. Aeyoung shook her head as she eyed her boss, signaling she'd be taking a quick break, in which he complied. 
"You need to brighten up Luhan. Smile!" Aeyoung suggested as she took a seat across from the number one customer of the Bubble Tea Cafe. 
"I've been having an off day." Luhan replied as he looked at a text message on his phone. 
Aeyoung chuckled lightly as she asked, "What kind of off day?" 
Luhan looked up at her frowning, "I got stood up." 
"Ahhhh... THEE Luhan was turned down by a girl?" Aeyoung teased as he scoffed in return. 
"No. Not turned down. She never showed up." Luhan argued as he showed her the text message he was looking at. 
Aeyoung nodded as she read the message, "MinamLove Matchmaking Service. The one from school. I signed up for that too. I'd like a little romance in my life." 
"Not the best matchmaking service if you ask me." Luhan grumbled as he took another sip of his drink. 
Aeyoung shook her head in disagreement, "No no. It just means that she wasn't the right girl. Don't beat yourself up for it." 
Luhan sighed as he looked directly at Aeyoung, who was smiling encouragingly at him. He managed to chuckle, a small smile appearing on his face. 
Aeyoung smiled upon seeing she was able to encourage him in some way. She eyed his school bags and scrunched up her face in confusion. "Why do you still have you school stuff? You came directly after school?" she asked in curiosity. 
Luhan looked at his own bags and nodded, "I got the text from MinamLove after tutoring someone." he paused as he recalled the tutoring session, "Or tried to tutor someone." 
"Huh? You're tutoring someone? Wow, my student is doing well." she teased as Luhan pouted. 
Luhan scoffed, "Just because you tutor me doesn't mean you can act all superior."
Aeyoung chuckled as she shrugged in response. 
Luhan growled, "I'm tutoring her because Coach Jung asked me too. She's supposedly the ace on the female soccer team but her grades are lacking." He eyed Aeyoung and said in arrogance, "I'm the smartest one in the university's male soccer team so of course Coach would ask me to tutor someone who needs it. 
"Alright alright. Calm down. I get it." Aeyoung laughed as she played with her hair then asked, "Who are you tutoring?"
"Her name is Moon Ara, the tomboy." Luhan responded as he played with his drink straw. 
Aeyoung's mouth formed an 'O' as she recognized the name. She smirked as she recalled, "I was dropped from soccer tryouts because of her. I acknowledge she's really good, the team needed her." 
"Oh. Sorry about that." Luhan replied, not sure how to respond. 
"No it's perfectly fine!" Aeyoung insisted. "I don't have any hard feelings since being dropped from soccer got me more involved in volleyball instead." she informed happily. 
 "It's amazing how you find something good about every situation." Luhan commented as Aeyoung smiled in return. 
"Aeyoung, it's time for you to get back to work." a fellow co-worker called out hurriedly. 
"I'll be right there Joonmyun! she responded as she got up and waved a goodbye at Luhan. 
Luhan smiled in return as he looked at the text one more time.

*happens the next day

"It's nothing, nothing at all." Kyungmi mumbled to herself in the quietness of the school library. She looked down at her notes and repeated, "Nothing, nothing at all." 
A guy sitting next to her suddenly turned to her and whispered, "Is something wrong with you? You sound like a broken record." 
Kyungmi sighed, "Oh Sehun. I don't feel comfortable." 
Sehun turned in his seat and scoffed , "Just Sehun is fine. No need to add the Oh."
Kyungmi frowned as she glared at him. "Can't you tell i"m upset about something?" 
"Yes. I can because you told me." Sehun teased playfully. 
Kyungmi pouted, "I want to be comforted not teased you meanie." 
"What is it?" he asked, chuckling lightly at the effects of his teasing. 
Kyungmi sighed as she answered dully, "I think I stood someone up last night. Do you know what MinamLove matchmaking service is?" 
Sehun nodded, "The whole school was asked to fill out request forms for it." 
"How come I didn't know about this and still got a text from it?" Kyungmi asked confused, never hearing about the service from school. 
Sehun shrugged as he mentioned, "The forms went to all departments." He quickly suggested, "Maybe you accidentally signed one in the midst of all your dance forms?" 
Kyungmi groaned, "But Jongin signed those for me...." Kyungmi deadpanned as she reached for her phone. 
Sehun smirked as he looked down at his notes to study some more. 
Kyungmi grumbled as she violently typed into her phone, "Jongin! Did you sign me up for a Matchmaking Service that time I gave you my information for the dance competition?!" 
In a couple of minutes, her phone sounded a text message. The response read, "Yeah. You said you were interested in everything and anything." 
Kyungmi scoffed as she began to type a response when another text came. The context reading, "I'm hanging out with friends so talk to me later. Shouldn't you be in class too? keke" 
"Is he being serious." Kyungmi growled as she set her phone on the table. 
Sehun laughed as he patted Kyungmi on the back. He explained, "Jongin doesn't have class at this time so he probably is hanging out with his friends." 
"No need to restate what was already in the text Sehun." Kyungmi retorted, irritation overwhelming her.
"Well, let's bring happy Kyungmi back and head to class." he said as he got up from his seat and got ready to leave. "We're going to be late." 
Kyungmi sighed in defeat, "Whatever. He's going to get it later." 

"It's not my fault." Jongin laughed to himself as he tossed his phone onto the couch, then followed after it and plopped onto the cushions.

"What's not your fault?" a guy questioned as he looked up from playing the piano. 
Jongin smirked, "I got someone involved in a matchmaking service, but apparently she didn't really want it." 
"Then, it is your fault." the guy admitted as Jongin shook his head in disagreement. 
"Lay! Jongin! I'm super hungry!" A girl shouted out as she ran down stairs and collided into a couch, rolling right into it. 
Lay chuckled as he got up from playing the piano and helped the girl roll back out of the couch. 
"You're a crazy child." Jongin retorted at the girl but still laughed at her.
"I prefer unique." She countered as she got up then sat properly on an armchair. 
"I can make something if you guys want to eat something." Lay offered as he moved toward the kitchen. 
The girl nodded her head in agreement, "Yay! Lay's a better best friend than you Jongin." 
Jongin scoffed, "Just because I don't cook for you." He sighed as he turned toward the girl and pleaded, "Minhi, can't we go to your mom's restaurant instead of rotting in your house? I've eaten enough of Lay's cooking." Jongin muttered, pouting and trying to be cute.
Minhi shook her head as she sat at an arm chair, "It's going to be busy at the restaurant right now. I don't like waiting for me food." 
"Your mom's the owner though. You don't get any special treatment?" Jongin retorted as he turned to make himself comfortable on the couch. 
"That's not fair for the other customers!" Minhi reasoned, strongly believing in what she felt was right. 
Jongin rolled his eyes as his phone signaled a text. He read it and laughed, "I'm going to get it later." 
Minhi looked at him confused and asked, "What are you talking about?" 
"I got someone involved in a matchmaking service when she didn't want it. She's pretty mad." he responded shrugging. 
"That's not nice." Minhi mumbled as she recalled getting a matchmaking service form earlier in the week. "Is it MinamLove?" she asked timidly. 
Jongin nodded, "Exactly." 
"Oh. I signed up for that a while back too." Minhi confessed as she eyed Lay to see his reaction, who in turn was just diligently cooking. She pouted and continued to sit, tapping her feet as she sat on the chair.
Jongin looked up, not noticing Minhi's pout or change in tone and groaned, "Lay, are you done yet?" 
"Don't be so impatient. Just wait." Lay responded, focused on cooking. 
Jongin teased, "No need to sound like an irritated mother." 
Lay smirked, "I wouldn't have to if you didn't act like an annoying child." 
"You guys bicker too much." Minhi complained as she sat frowning at the two.
Lay laughed, "I think you and Jongin bicker a lot more." 
"It's his fault." Minhi defended as she crossed her arms. 
Jongin scoffed, "Why is everything my fault?" 
"It just is." Minhi stated bluntly as she nodded her head in emphasis. 
"Why you little." Jongin grumbled, ready to throw a cushion at her. 
"Exhibit A." Lay concluded as he put the cooking utensils down and exclaimed, "Food is ready." 

"I'm heading to the dance studio guys," Jongin announced as he finished his food and got up from the table. 

"Something bothering you?" Lay wondered, knowing Jongin would randomly go to dance when something was on his mind.
Jongin shook his head, "No, I can't dance for fun?" 
Lay laughed, "You can. I do." 
"Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do." Jongin confirmed as he went out the door. 
Minhi giggled, "I think deep down, he felt bad about getting the girl into the matchmaking service."
Lay nodded, "I agree." 
Jongin arrived at the dance studio only to be welcomed by a whack in the head. 
"You deserved that. Don't deny it." Kyungmi grumbled as Jongin turned to see an angry Kyungmi. 
"Sorry. But to be honest, you weren't clear about what you wanted either." Jongin muttered as he rubbed his head. 
"I agree to that." Kyungmi nodded as a smile returned to her face. 
Jongin smirked, "Are you bipolar or something?" 
Kyungmi stuck her tongue out at him as she left to do her job as the assistant dance instructor.
Jongin stood in the back to watch the other dancers before starting to dance on his own. A girl caught his eye as he turned to see it was someone he had never seen in the studio before. He smiled, impressed by her dancing. He walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder, surprising her. 
"You were dancing to BoA weren't you?" Jongin asked enthusiastically. 
The girl smiled, "Yeah BoA is amazing." 
"Do you happen to know her song Only One? There's a duet dance in that song, between a guy and a girl." he continued to ask. 
The girl nodded, "Of course!" 
Jongin chuckled, "Even though it's short, would it be okay if you did that dance with me real quick?" 
The girl's mouth opened to speak, but instead smiled and nodded her head in response. Jongin smiled as he asked another studio member to play the song. 
They began to dance, the close contact causing the girl to turn red in embarrassment but continue to dance anyway. Jongin moved to the music, enjoying the harmony he had with the girl's dancing. They only danced for 30 seconds when a voice suddenly came from the entrance. 
Yejin?" A voice echoed out into the room. 
The girl dancing turned her head toward the entrance as she mumbled, "Tao?"
The male in the entrance ran toward her, stopping in front of the girl and Jongin who was dancing with her. 
"Only One by BoA?" Tao asked as he eyed the position the two were stopped in. (The male is lying on the floor and the girl is standing over him) 
Yejin jumped back and away from Jongin as she stood next to Tao, nudging him in the side, annoyed. 
Jongin got up from the floor and smiled, "So your name is Yejin. I forgot to ask you your name. My name is Jongin." 
Yejin nodded, "No problem with that. Nice to meet you." 
"More like nice to finally meet you." Tao whispered into her ear. Yejin elbowed him  as Tao gaped in pain. 
Tao smiled at Jongin who held a confused expression. Tao pointed toward the door and muttered, "I'm here to pick her up. Sorry for interrupting anything." 
"Not at all." Jongin replied. 
Yejin laughed, "I'm going to get my stuff then." She left and returned quickly, grabbing Tao by the arm. "We'll be leaving then." she announced as she bowed to everyone in the studio and left with Tao. 
Outside, Yejin groaned as she continuously slapped Tao lightly on the arm, "Way to make a scene Tao." 
"Whether I made a scene or not, you must be super happy Jin." Tao responded as he pushed her hands away. "And stop hitting me, it hurts." 
"It's suppose to." Yejin pouted as she stopped her slapping then sighed. "But I guess you're right. I am happy." She smiled as she kicked at the floor. 
She suddenly turned to Tao and pouted. She lightly tapped her fists against Tao's chest as she complained, "What if Jongin thinks your my boyfriend or something?" 
Tao stopped shocked, "Where did that come from? I'm lost." 
She grabbed her face in between her hands and mumbled, "A guy coming to pick a girl up makes it look like they're in a relationship doesn't it?" she sighed and looked up to the sky. "If i'm not able to get a boyfriend because of you, will you take responsibility?" she accused as she pouted at Tao. 
Tao patted Yejin on the head and responded, "Enough with the aegyo. And don't worry, I will take responsibility." 
"How?" Yejin asked poking him. 
"I'll be your real boyfriend." Tao responded bluntly then smiled and walked on ahead. 
Yejin stood there in confusion then ran after Tao. "Don't make jokes like that!" she shouted as she jumped onto Tao's back. 
Tao laughed, "I'll tell him i'm your best friend don't worry." 
Yejin nodded, "That's what I thought you said." 
Tao smirked as he carried his crush on his back. "I wasn't joking." he thought to himself.

"This doesn't look right." Ara muttered to herself as she eyed her ink art. 

"I think it looks fine." A deep voiced male commented. Ara turned to see her classmate Chanyeol looking at her canvas. 
Ara grumbled in irritation, "You're just saying that." 
Chanyeol shook his head, "No, I genuinely think it's good." 
"Sure. Whatever you say." Ara retorted as she went back to staring at her art, wondering what about it was bothering her. 
Chanyeol continued to stand there, smiling widely at Ara's art. 
Ara turned around and frowned, "Did you want something?" 
"I thought you'd never ask." Chanyeol chuckled as he reached over for one of her paint brushes and asked. "Can I use one of these? I forgot mine." 
Ara nodded as she eyed him oddly, "Why didn't you just ask directly?"
Chanyeol smiled, "I didn't want to disturb your line of thought." 
Ara scoffed, amused at his statement. "You just standing there is more distracting then asking for a paint brush." 
"Is that right?" Chanyeol mumbled as he scratched his head then turned to walk back to his own canvas. He stopped before leaving and pointed out, "Just saying, but a lady should sit like one." 
Ara looked down to see she was sitting with her legs spread open and shrugged, "You consider me as a lady?" 
"Yes. Why wouldn't I?" Chanyeol responded bluntly as he smiled then walked away. 
Ara smirked as she nodded, taking the comment to heart and appreciating it. 
She looked over her shoulder and watched Chanyeol laughing with his other friends in the class. She recalled the first day of art class when he sat next to her, making a comment about how she sat just like he had done before. She laughed as she recognized that Chanyeol had been one of the few people who genuinely treated her like a girl. She looked up at her ink art then smiled, thinking of what was bothering her about her art. 
The teacher called out, signaling class had ended. 
Ara began to pack her things when Chanyeol came up to her with the paint brush. "Thanks. I might need it again." 
Ara scoffed as she retorted, "Why don't you just bring your own materials?" 
Chanyeol shook his head, "Nahh." He eyed Ara's ink art still on the canvas and suddenly applauded. "Now, that piece is perfect." he beamed giving Ara a thumbs up. 
"Thanks." Ara replied happily. 
Chaneyol smiled as he waved bye and disappeared out the door. 
Ara picked up her ink art, please and amused. She set it back onto the canvas and headed out the door herself. 
(The art piece was a collage of many different people meshed into one. The thing that she added was a heart placed on one of the people's chest. While everyone else is frowning, the one with the heart is smiling. The heart idea influenced by her feelings for Chanyeol)

"Finally done with all my classes." Mengxin exclaimed relieved. She stretched out onto the cafe chair as her best friend Victoria took the seat next to her. 

"You seriously overwork yourself. Why?" Victoria questioned as she eyed her best friend's tired expression. 
Mengxin lifted her head proudly and responded, "What's wrong with working hard?" 
Victoria scoffed, "You twisted my words. I was going for more like working too much. It's not always good for you. You're going to work yourself into an old grandma!" 
Mengxin laughed, "You're always talking about becoming old. Enjoy yourself." 
"I should be saying that to you." Victoria retorted as she took Mengxin's hands in her own and looked at her with wide curious eyes. 
Mengxin eyed her oddly and chuckled, "What do you want?"
"You never explained to me what happened between you and Joonmyun yesterday!" Victoria complained as she tugged on her hands. "Tell me!" 
"I told you there was nothing to explain. He just needed the computer I was using." Mengxin informed remembering the short encounter with her dream guy. 
Victoria shook her head, "There has to be more. There are so many more computers he could use. Why yours?" 
"I'm telling you it's nothing like that. There was a file he needed on the computer I was using." Mengxin insisted, getting worn out by her best friend's constant questions regarding the encounter.
"Who saves a file you need on a public computer. That's dumb of him." Victoria grumbled as she cupped her face into her hands.
Mengxin frowned, "He is not dumb. I'm sure he was in a hurry and couldn't save it before." 
"Oh my look at you, defending him." Victoria laughed. "Love can change even the strongest of woman." 
Mengxin rolled her eyes in response. At that time, Amber walked over toward them waving. 
"Victoria! I need the room key!" Amber shouted loudly as she ran over to their table. 
Victoria frowned, "Why must you always forget your room key!" She looked toward Mengxin and complained, "Having a roommate is so annoying sometimes." 
Amber arrived just in time to hear Victoria complain to Mengxin. Amber pouted as she defended, "Having a roommate isn't as annoying as hearing your student union president brag about a going on a date with a super cute girl throughout the whole meeting."
Mengxin laughed, "Aren't you an astrophysics major? So you're in the Physics Student Union right?" 
Amber nodded, "Our Student Union President is...." 
"Kris." Mengxin interuppted, "I know very well." 
"Being the Pathobiology Student Union Presidnet I'm sure you guys heads a lot." Amber commented as she saw Mengxin nod in agreement. 
"That arrogant jerk." Mengxin grumbled.

"Our president can really ramble on about useless things." a girl mumbled as she walked out of the meeting room .
"Thanks Jingwei, nice to know you feel that way about my personal life." Kris retorted as he handed her a bunch of papers for her to fill out. 
Jingwei looked up at him and smiled awkwardly, "Oops." She looked through the papers and found a form that read MinamLove Matchmaking Service Request Form. She frowned as she took the paper out of the stack and handed it back to Kris. "I don't need this." She stated bluntly then smiled and walked away. 
"Just take it. We have too many extras. You can throw it away if you want." Kris reasoned as he placed the paper back onto the stack. 
Jingwei looked up at Kris, who was literally a foot taller and smiled, "If it's not related to Physics, I'm not interested, especially in romance." 
Kris laughed, "It's not that bad. My first meeting..." 
"Was great. I know. The whole Physics Student Union knows." Jingwei interrupted. She smiled at him as she placed the papers into her bag. "I'll be going on my friend run now." she exclaimed as she waved bye and ran off. 
"Friend run?" Kris repeated as she walked away confused.
Jingwei laughed happily as she took out her phone to make sure she didn't have any more classes for the day. She walked moderately fast and ended up running right into a male student. 
Jingwei fell to the floor along with her phone. The male student stood shocked with wide eyes. His eyes already wide to begin with. 
"I'm extremely sorry. Are you alright?" the student asked hurriedly, shock and worry etched into his face. 
Jingwei got up from the floor and dusted herself off. She looked at the alarmed student and joked, "I'm fine. But I still think you should compensate for knocking a lady over." 
The male repeatedly bowed as he agreed, "Of course. Is there something you need?" 
Jingwei laughed, shocked that the male took her seriously. She smiled as she held out her hands and asked, "I'd like some food." 
The male nodded in understanding. "I don't have food with me right now but I can go buy you a meal." 
Jingwei shook her head, "No. I want you to make me food. Make it at the University kitchen at that." She smiled as the male stared at her dumbfounded. 
"E-excuse me?" he muttered as he stood in confusion.
Jingwei handed him her phone and ordered, "Give me your number and meet me at the University kitchen in about two hours. If you don't come, I'll hunt you down." She teased as she watched the male type his number into her phone confused and returned her phone. 
Jingwei smiled and waved, "See you later." 
The male waved back, trying to understand the situation as he did so. 
Jingwei looked down at her phone and read off the contact name. "Do Kyungsoo. I hope you cook well." 

Author's  Note:

Sob I lied.. I said I wasn't going to disappear for more than a month without telling you guys but I did.. I hope you guys don't mind and enjoy this update!  I had some family trouble and school problems. sigh..

Thank you to those who played the guessing game on my last update! It was fun! Congrats to | kpopsaywut | kwon yejin | for guessing correctly first! I'm not sure if you were able to notice the "emphasis" of your OC in this update. Emphasis really means you get written about more but with so many characters it's hard to tell! I hope everyone doesn't get confused between characters either, many of the girl's personalities are pretty similar so it's hard to distinguish them sometimes. I will try my best to write them separately and uniquely!

Please don't be upset if your OC isn't written about as much as others, or if there isn't much "going on."  Everyone's relationships will grow and progress at different speeds. I will try to equally give out parts as much as possible, unless other wise stated as a contest prize. 

So to conclude for today, I would just like to celebrate again our wonderful Chen's birthday. In Korea it has already passed but where I live, there is still about 3 and 1/2 hours left! I'm happy I was able to update today (: 
remember to comment and if you're new subscribe. it makes me happy ^^


*side notes: 

"friend run" is Jingwei's spontanious walking around trips where she goes around meeting new people. She is a social butterfly isn't she?
anything else you might not understand, please ask~

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Thank you!
It's been so long everyone! but just a heads up that I will most likely update a new chapter sometime tonight! I'm so excited (: I hope you're all still here~


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okay first comments about the chapter. 1) I love what you're doing with Mengxin's character, but more importantly how you're nailing Vic and Amber as well. A+. Though I do wonder how long you're going to take to get into her relationships - not that there's anything wrong with a slow build-up! :) 2) MAN I LOVED HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD CHANYEOL WAS HERE IDEK i just really felt that that fit his cheery, confident character.

also your chart is so cute haha - i'm actually really surprised nobody picked jongdae. he's so handsome though!!! :< and minseok's so squishy!!!

and now the questions!

1&2) 9? You've got nine girls in the story. Plus you've used 9:00 pm a lot too lol

3) Hyun Bin's 'That Man' from Secret Garden!!!
Chapter 10: oohhhh a relation chart.
too bad it doesn't tell whose the right guy LOL
awww xuimin and chen :(
and yes i got those references LOLOLOL
it was okaaaay for me, just hoping they'd be more funny LOLOL

i have yet to get to reading the chapter, but thanks for the hint ^.^

will get to reading the chapter asap and make a comment :D
Chapter 9: So uhm crying because MY POOR TAO OPPA OH MY GOSH WHY I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING MY CHARACTER OBLIVIOUS TO YOUR FEELINGS Dx I really love all the couples in here, but Mengxin and Joonmyun are my favorite; she's just so in love with him and it's so cute but I'm pretty sure he likes Aeyoung and WHYYYYY. </3 I like Bomi and Chanyeol too (even if I'm jealous that she's with my second bias).
So for the contest thingy, I know that the song is from Secret Garden because I looked it up so I could listen to it as I cried with this chapter okay. As for the numbers, I was going to guess 2 too but since you said in the pairings chapter that it wasn't that and it was a time, I went through all the chapters (yes all) and found that the number 9 is used most for the time. And there's 9 girls in the story? Is that right?
OMFG XIUCHEN NEEDS LOVE AUTHOR-NIM FEEL FREE TO PUT THEM IN THE STORY IF YOU WANT BECAUSE MY POOR BABIES Dx Minseok was actually my first EXO bias and my friend ships me with Jongdae xD
PenguinCakes #4
Chapter 9: OMG yay an update! Welcome back author-nim! I really love the chapter and how everyone interacts with each other. The way you connect them is really cool and. I can't wait to see when the drama starts!
Hmmm.....I'm guessing the number is two because everyone always seems to be in pairs but I'm not sure about the song , from what I read of the other comments it seems to be from a drama and it's pretty sad to say I have never watched one, mainly because I cry easily so let's just save my tears.
Chapter 9: I have to say I love how every character is connected with each other and the chapter was really cute! I really liked it, great job! About the number I think is 2 and the song is sung by Hyunbin and it's from Secret Garden! ^-^
Chapter 9: Welcome back!!! First, let me say that I love this story so much! I like how all the characters are somehow connected, it makes the story feel more...complete??? Haha, this chapter was really cute! It wasn't like fluff galore but it had lots of cute/funny interactions between the characters :)
Chapter 9: dude, we would wait for you to update till the end of time because it always worth it! im usimg my kindle for internet surfing since we havent paid our bill so i skimmed through the chapter a bit but i saw the authros note and wanted to answer right away since i feel like i always miss them. the name of the song tao sing is this man from the kdrama secret garden.um,im going to say that the number you use alot is 2. i saw it twice in this chapter and it fits since well,its a romance story ad evryones in pairs, you know,couples. im sorry if this isnt what you wanted! its tough using this kindle to type stuff out.
i'm glad your back!!!! :D
i'm excited to read the next update though i probs won't get a chance until friday when i come home LOL

annnd i'm also anticipating the update of your other story tooo :D
PenguinCakes #9
Chapter 8: OMG such a long chapter, but I loved it! The interaction between the exo boys and the girls is so entertaining to read and can I just say I love Kris' personality.
Oh poor Tao, in love with his best friend :(
And then there's Yejin who has has a crush on Kai
OMG there was also Yoogeun and Lauren just totally brings me back to SHINee's and MBLAQ's 'Hello Baby' days~
Sooo many people having crushes on each other...
Anyway great update and I can't wait to see what you have installed next XD
wxfflemeup #10
I can't even..
You don't even know how I feel.. <3
well. maybe you do, but oh well..