→e p i s o d e 1

→ Perfect Isn't Always Perfect

pictures of OCs: left to right → Park Kyungmi, Moon Ara, Jung Chaerin, Liu Mengxin, Jung Bomi

"Alright everybody, out of the Science Building and into the library. Hurry it up!" an irritated Mr. Jung, the science teacher, yelled as he filed all science students out of the building and into the study hall library right next to it.
"What in the world is going on?" the students questioned each other as they filed out of the building. Some students still wearing their safety goggles and other students carrying measuring tools.
Mr. Jung made his way to the front of the crowd as every student filled the study hall library. He faced them and cleared his throat for all to hear, the murmur of the students died out upon hearing it. 
He took a deep breath as he faced the students, about 230 of them, and grumbled, "Which one of you pulled the emergency alarm?" 
A timid hand slowly made its way out of the many heads in the crowd and a quiet voice replied, "I did sir." 
"Please step forward." Mr. Jung demanded. The students made way for the scrawny looking male who made his way to the front. Mr. Jung faced him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "What was the emergency that made you pull the alarm?" he asked as the whole student body stared at the male student, waiting for his answer.
"Well," the student started, "I thought there was an odd smell coming from the Chemistry lab so I pulled it for safety precautions.
"Way to go Chemistry students! You guys are wasting our class time!" a booming male voice yelled out in the midst of the crowd. 
Mr. Jung glared at the direction of the outburst and shouted, "This is not the time and place to say those things. Quiet down." Mr. Jung turned his attention back toward the male student standing next to him and questioned, "Are you part of the chemistry class?" 
"No he isn't." a strong voice interrupted as a female student emerged from the crowd. "I am part of the Chemistry class and I have not seen him in any of our classes or discussions." she turned to glare at the male student as he looked down in slight fear. "The odd smell that he might have smelled is from a project we were working on, nothing dangerous. Why this student was near the chemistry lab I'm not aware of but I can assure you there was no need to pull the emergency alarm. The Chemistry students are not at fault." She explained with strong authority and poise as the rest of the students stood still and watched her in silence. 
Mr. Jung sighed, "Well then, if that's the case, there shouldn't be anything wrong. Still, I will go check the building to be sure there is no hazardous substance lingering in the air." He turned to the female and muttered, "What is your name?"
"Liu Mengxin." She replied calmly. 
Mr. Jung nodded, "Alright, I'm going to to talk to you a little later is that alright?" 
Mengxin nodded. 
"Okay, well for now, everybody must stay in the study hall until everything is cleared." Mr. Jung stated to the rest of the students.
Groands were heard across the room as Mr. Jung proceeded to leave the library. Mengxin, irritated at the turn of events glared once more at the male student who admitted to pulling the alarm. She walked over to one of the tables in the study hall and sat down. she sighed as she cupped her face in her hands, stress overtaking her. 
"Way to go Xiao Xin." a low and suave voice called out from behind. 
She rolled her eyes and spoke dully, "First off, that is not my name. Second, the guy who pulled the alarm is part of  the PhSU (Physics Student Union) isn't he?"
A chuckle was heard as he replied with amusement, "How did you know?" 
"You're such an annoying jerk Kris, do you know that?" Mengxin retorted as she didn't even turn to face him.
"It's not like I told him to do it. I don't have that much power as the President." Kris responded in defense. 
"Why don't you just get out of my sight." Mengxin growled as she buried her face even further into her hands. 
Kris smirked and mocked, "I am not even in your line of sight, for your information."
Mengxin ed her elbow backwards as she succeded in hitting Kris in the thigh, a yelp of pain coming from his mouth. 
"Damn calm down. I'm leaving. You're never finding a boyfriend like that. Geez." Kris muttered as he walked away rubbing his leg.
Mengxin turned and watched Kris half limping away, a smile appearing on her face from the satisfication of watching him hurt. "I hate him so much." She grumbled to herself. she turned toward the table again as she eyed a stack of paper sitting in the middle of the table. She grabbed one out of curiousity and read it over. 
"MinamLove Matchmaking Services Request Form?" she read out loud, her eyes narrowing in confusion. "What is your ideal type?" she continued to read on as she eyed the paper up and down. 
She smirked, "My ideal type is everything Kris is not." She looked to the bottom of the paper to see the check boxes for interested or not. "I can get a boyfriend if I wanted." She thought to herself, debating whether to fill out the form or not. Her hand hovered above the 'yes' check box as she whispered, "I do want a boyfriend." 

"Hey. Hey, sleepy head." a guy's soft voice called out to his best friend peacefully sleeping behind him. The guy nudged her on the head slightly as she stirred from the touch, lifting her head slowly.  

"What do you want?" she stammered as she opened her tired eyes. 
The guy laughed, "Time to pay attention snorlax." 
The girl shook her head to wake herself up. "Did I snore?" she questioned in worry.
"No no it was just a joke." he responded amused. 
"Don't tease me like that." she pouted. 
"It's hard not to." the guy chuckled. "Is it your brother again?" the guy questioned as he grabbed a paper that was being handed to him from another student. 
The girl nodded, "Yeah, he kept me up all night again."  
"Hey Donghae and Bomi. Stop talking and fill out these forms the teacher handed out." a random student called out as the boy and girl turned to face him.
"Sorry." they said in unison. 
"Oops." Donghae whispered as he looked over the paper that was handed to him a few minutes before. 
Bomi, her eyes falling from fatigue, chuckled, "Give me one too." She grabbed a paper and looked it over. "This isn't class related." she mumbled as she lay her head against the table. 
"It doesn't sound like a bad opportunity though." Donghae reasoned as he filled out the form in front of him. 
Bomi shook her head in disagreement, "Nah, I don't need to get associated with a matchmaking service. I have a brother to take care of." 
"You're really independent though. Maybe a boyfriend can get you to be more open?" Donghae encouraged as he shook her arm to keep her awake. 
Bomi moved her index finger left and right, "Nope I refuse." She filled out the form very vaguely and handed it to Donghae. "You're my "boy"-friend." she chuckled to herself as she closed her eyes to rest once more. 
Donghae smirked as he took her paper and placed it on top of his own. He eyed the paper and found a check box for interested or not left empty. "She didn't see that part." Donghae thought to himself. He turned around to see Bomi already knocked out.
"This is for your own good. Don't hate me." Donghae whispered as he checked the box for 'yes' and handed the papers up. 

"Time is up! Turn off all stoves and ovens and place all utensils on the counter." Mrs. Lee shouted out to her culinary class.

A uniform relieved sigh was heard throughout the class as the students laughed and talked with their friends on the difficulties of the food they made or whatever else. 
"I did it." a bright faced girl laughed as she looked at the little macaroons she made. "I love dessert day." 
She took out her phone and took a quick picture of them. She searched through her contacts and found the number she was looking for. 
She opened up a new text and attached the photo and wrote, "Oppa! I made macaroons in culinary class. You can't have any. :P" She sent the message and giggled to herself. A while later, her phone rang signaling a reply. 
"Chaerin, I know you're going to give me some. Don't even lie." the replier said in return. 
She laughed upon recieving the reply and was quickly approached by another girl, cute faced with milky white skin. 
"What's so funny Chaerin?" the girl questioned. 
Chaerin laughed, "I'm just teasing my brother." She chuckled as she eyed her friend's cream covered apron. "What did you make today Jieun?" Chaerin asked as she pointed to her friend's apron in amusement. 
Jieun blushed from embarrassement, "I just made a simple cake. Didn't do so well with putting the cream on it though." She laughed as she turned to the plate of macaroons. "Your macaroons looks so pretty!" she complimented as she smlied at her friend.  
"Thanks! I try." Chaerin exclaimed happily as Jieun laughed at the enthusiasm shown from her friend. 
"Attention class!" Mrs. Lee suddenly announced, "Leave your desserts on your counters and I will come around and grade them. For the rest of class, come up to grab one of these forms and fill these out. Our school would like us to have these done by the end of school today. You may leave once you're done." 
"I wonder what this is about." Jieun questioned as she walked up to grab a form. "I'll get one for you Chaerin!" 
Chaerin nodded, "Alright! Thanks Jieun." Chaerin turned to her phone to respond to her brother again. she opened the text and replied, "Too bad Dae-. If you want one you have to do something for me!" 
The reply came quicker than before as it read, "Daehyun. not Dae-. You can only call me Oppa or Daehyun! -o- And isn't being your twin brother enough of a reason?" 
Chaerin giggled at the reply. Jieun returned right at that moment and handed Chaerin the paper. "Fill this out before replying again Ms. Giggly." Jieun teased. 
Chaerin stuck her tongue out jokingly as she took the paper and read the title. Chaerin stared at the paper and stayed silent. She looked at Jieun and Jieun looked at her back.
"Is something the matter Chaerin?" Jieun questioned as her eyes looked at her oddly. 
Chaerin smiled, "Nope. Let me text my brother one more time before I fill this out." 
Jieun laughed, "I'm not the boss of you! Do what you want." Jieun assured as she continued to fill out her paper. 
Chaerin nodded as she took her phone and wrote to Daehyun, "Oppa, what would you say if I got a boyfriend?" 
The text took a while to return but when it did, Chaerin jumped in surprise from the ring. She opened the reply which read, "That's so random... But I mean I guess..it's your choice."  
Chaerin sighed as she read the text over again. She sighed and took the form. She filled it out and checked the 'yes' box for interested. "MinamLove Matchmaking service, treat me well." Chaerin whispered as she folded the paper and turned it into the front.
She returned to her seat when her phone rang once more. She grabbed her phone out of confusion and opened the text sent to her. 
It said, "I'm still getting a macaroon right? I'm hungry Chaerin." 
Chaering laughed, "Fatty." 

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Mr. Kim, the dance instructor counted off as the students moved to the rhythm of the beat. He watched as each student moved to the choreography in their own style and feel. He nodded his head as he watched, two students particularly catching his attention. A girl and a guy. He sighed as he got up from his sitting position and clapped loudly, "Alright everyone. That's good for today." 

All the students sighed as they moved to stretch their bodies, breathing heavily from the intense choreography given by the teacher. 
"Everyone work on the techniques you learned today. By next week I want each of you to make your own choreography. It can be with
a partner or not. Okay dismissed." Mr. Kim announced as the students were packing up to leave. He eyed the two students that caught his attention and called them over. 
"You two in the far back, please come over here." Mr. Kim stated as the said two looked at each other and walked over to the him. 
"You called for us sir?" The guy questioned, ruffling his sweat filled hair. 
Mr. Kim smirked, "Your name?" 
The guy looked up at Mr. Kim then at the girl next to him and answered, "Kim Jongin sir." 
Mr. Kim  nodded as he turned to the girl, "And your name?" 
The girl paused as she her lips out of habit, "Park Kyungmi." 
"Do you guys enjoy dancing?" Mr. Kim questioned calmly. 
"Of course," Jongin answered, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't." 
Kyungmi nodded and smiled, "Same for me!" 
Mr. Kim smiled and asked, "Do you guys have an interest in competing at dance competitions?"  
Kyungmi and Jongin looked at each other and shrugged, "I guess we do." Kyungmi replied slightly confused. 
"Don't be alarmed," Mr. Kim chuckled, "I see potential in both of you and was wondering if you'd like to participate in a competition that I host. Not just anyone can participate." 
The two nodded their heads and smiled. "That sounds cool and exclusive." Kyungmi laughed. 
"Yeah, Where would we sign up?" Jongin beamed, "Competition is always a fun
Mr. Kim grinned at the enthusiasm, "I'll give you the forms, just make sure to fill them out before you leave today." 
They both nodded as they watched as Mr. Kim disappeared into his office. 
"Hey Jongin." Kyungmi said as they waited for Mr. Kim to return with the forms. 
Jongin chuckled, "Yeah? What's up?" 
"What do you think the competition will be like? Do you think there will be a lot of people our age? Or what if there are really young kids that are better than us? That would ." Kyungmi mummbled on as Jongin just laughed. 
"We'll find out when we get there. Calm down." Jongin replied amused at her curiousity. 
"Okie dokie." Kyungmi laughed as she eyed the clock on the wall. Her eyes wided as she gasped and scrambled to get her things, surprising Jongin from the sudden movements.
"Woah woah woah there, What's the matter with you?" he stammered as he grabbed her arm to calm her down. 
"I'm late! I have to go to to work! Can you fill out the forms for me?" Kyungmi asked as she ran around getting her things. "Is that okay?"
"Why not just get Mr. Kim to call your work place saying you'll be late?" Jongin suggested, trying to calm her down. "How would I fill out the forms anyway?" 
Kyungmi shook her head, "No no I have to go right now! I'll text you my information! Just say I'm interested in everything and anything!" 
Jongin scratched his head and hesitated, "But, wait Kyungmi." 
"Sorry Jongin, thanks! Bye!" Kyungmi yelled out as she ran out of the building leaving Jongin confused and dumbstruck. 
"She's soo...weird." Jongin stated as he shook his head. 
Just then, Mr. Kim walked out, confused at why there was only one student facing him. "Where.. did Kyungmi go?" 
Jongin chuckled awkwardly, "I'll be filling out her forms. She had to go do something." He laughed as he just aimlessly pointed to the direction Kyungmi ran off. 
Mr. Kim laughed, "Very well then. Just to tell you one of these forms are not dance related. Our school wants us to fill them out." 
Jongin nodded, "Oh really?" 
Mr. Kim nodded as he handed Jongin the forms, "Just put them on desk next to the door on your way out." 
Jongin nodded once more as he fiddled through the papers. He found one titled "MinamLove Matchmaking Services Request Form" and laughed. 
Jongin chuckled to himself and looked toward the direction of the door. "She said to just write that she's interested in everything and anything right?" he questioned himself as he smirked, lifting the paper to his face. "Well that's exactly what i'm going to do."

"C'mon girls! Pick up the pace!" Coach Jung yelled out as the girls ran back and forth across the field, dribbling soccer balls with their feet as they ran. 

One girl, with the number 02 on her jersey, stopped in place and stretched out her legs. She looked toward the coach and complained, "Coach! Can't we take a break? We've been at it for two hours!"
"Two hours too little!" Coach Jung yelled out in reply as he blew his whistle. "Go again!" 
The girl groaned as she took up her position to run again when a girl with the number 01 on her jersey ran passed her. "This is why you're number two. You're weak." The girl with number 01 on her jersey mocked as she turned to smirk at the other girl.
"This little.." girl number 02 growled as she dribbled her ball close to girl number 01 and purposely tripped her. Girl number 01 looked up to see girl number 02 grinning at her. "I may be weak, but at least I have a boyfriend." 
Girl number 01 growled, irritated that many people knew about her desire for a boyfriend but inability to get one because of her masculine personality. 
"Hey, number 01! What's the matter with you, get up!" Coach Jung yelled out in irritation, oblivious to what was going on. 
Girl number 01 grumbled as she got back up on her feet. She faced the Coach and yelled out, "I have a name Coach. It's Ara! Moon Ara! Remember it!" she scoffed as she saw girl number 02 directly in front of her. She smirked as she lifted her foot and kicked the ball right into the back of her head, causing her to fall flat on her face. 
"Ohhhhh. Bullseye. Wait till her boyfriend sees her broken nose." Ara chuckled as she smiled with satisifaction. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Coach Jung standing besides her.
"Come with me." Coach Jung muttered. 
Ara rolled her eyes as she followed the Coach, but turning around to see other girls helping girl number 02 up. Ara laughed as she continued to follow Coach Jung. 
"No talking, no noise. Follow." Coach Jung ordered. 
Ara shut and quietly followed, smirking and holding in her laughter as she went. 
They reached the athletics office and entered. Coach Jung closing the door behind them. He sighed and faced Ara with disappointment.
"Ara. What did I tell you." He sighed as he took a seat in his chair, "Please control your temper. At this rate you're going to get kicked off the team." 
Ara scoffed, "You can't kick me off the team. You need me Coach. I'm your best player." Ara crossed her arms and glared. "And stop calling me number 01. I told you it irritates me!" 
Coach Jung shook his head, "I can't favor you just because you're our best player Ara. You have to play by the rules. Learn to be less assertive and more...graceful." 
Ara laughed, "You're funny Coach. I'll try when the time comes." Ara took a seat in the chair across from the Coach's table. She lifted her right ankle to rest against her left knee (the way guys sit) and leaned back in the chair, arms crossed. 
"Can you start by the way you sit?" Coach Jung suggested as he eyed Ara's sitting position. 
Ara shrugged, "But i'm comfortable." 
Coach Jung shook his head as he fiddled with the papers on his desk. He looked to her with a sad look and said, "I'm sorry Ara but you're going to be put on probation for a while." 
Ara frowned as she shot up from her seat and shouted, "You can't do that! This isn't..."
"It's so that the other girls can get practice time in. If you keep provoking them we wont be ready for the season. Take a break since you don't really need the practice anyway." Coach Jung reasoned. 
Ara scoffed, "And why don't I need the practice?" 
Coach Jung sighed and admitted, "Because you're too good." 
Ara smiled and bragged, "That's why i'm number 01 Coach." 
"Good for you. Now go wash up. We're going to wrap up for today." Coach Jung mumbled as he leaned back in his chair. 
Ara turned to leave when a form on one of the Coach's counters caught her eye. She picked one up and smiled. "Um Coach?"
"Hmm?" Coach Jung responded, his eyes closed from exhaustion. 
"What are these forms on this desk here?" Ara questioned as she looked over the form titled "MinamLove Matchmaking Services Request Form."
"They're forms that the school sends in for the students to fill out. If you want to fill one out, then do it and go turn it into the main office." Coach Jung stated dully, on the verge of falling asleep on his chair, tired and worn out from the day. 
Ara noddded, "Cool. Thanks Coach! I'm leaving then." The Coach nodded his head as Ara closed the door of the Athletics Office. 
She turned to stare at the paper in her hand and looked it over. "Have a boyfriend? Be a girlfriend. Of course I can pull it off. I'm Moon Ara."


Author's  Note:

First off, I want to apologize for not updating for the past two weeks. I've been busy with school work, home stuff, and getting sick for couple of days. I know that is not a good excuse but I hope that my absence hasn't caused you guys to leave this story. 

Back to talking about this 'teaser' but for me this is more like an intro than a teaser. Is a teaser and intro the same thing? I'm not sure but whatever, I updated. It took quite a while for me to update and again I apologize for that. But I hope you will not be disappointed and read the teaser with a lot of joy and excitement. I also hope that you weren't confused with a lot of the words changing from "the girl" and "the guy" or "girl 01" and "girl 02" to actual names and characters. I did that to create "suspense" for the applicants because if you haven't realized, the chosen applicants are revealed in this update. 

Congratulations to:
KPop_luverr (Park Kyungmi)
simplistx (Liu Mengxin)
kpoplover602 (Jung Chaerin)
cassievipelf (Jung Bomi)
ddred88 (Moon Ara) 

Thank you so much to everyone who applied! It was really hard for me to choose my girls with your applications. I hope I didn't offend any of you who have applied and did not get chosen. I also hope that you will stay to read the story even if you didn't get chosen. Also, I realized that after I chose all my girls that four EXO members will not really have any interations with any girls.... (Kai, Chen, Lay, Tao) I find this odd but at the same time it makes sense because three of the chosen girls chose the same guy for their perfect guy and right guy. How the drama unfolds regarding that we'll find out later. As for the nonchosen EXO members, for sure they will be used as cameos in the story. Which also has brought me to consider having those applicants who have chosen any of the EXO members above as perfect or right guy to make cameo appearances in the story. We should share the love to all EXO members no? 

As I said before, I really hope you guys liked this update. I know I am not the best writer and have a lot to improve on. Which is why i'd really really super appreciate it if you guys give comments, constructive crticism, praise, suggestions, etc so that I can get better. For chosen applicants, comments are a must so I know that you have read and are keeping up with the updates. If you guys can, please send me encouragements as well because i'm super stressed and irritated. This is actually my THIRD time updating this. The previous two there were mishaps with my mouse and computer that caused me to lose everything I did. All my editing and formatting. So I am quite sad and irritated. So please excuse any mistakes. I will go back and fix them later. Sorry for the randomness. It is just my author venting and feels. >~< 

At any rate, I hope you guys will have a great rest of the day and week. 
High five everyone~
(EXO-M Xiumin biased so no judging. I find him just so adorable here)


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It's been so long everyone! but just a heads up that I will most likely update a new chapter sometime tonight! I'm so excited (: I hope you're all still here~


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okay first comments about the chapter. 1) I love what you're doing with Mengxin's character, but more importantly how you're nailing Vic and Amber as well. A+. Though I do wonder how long you're going to take to get into her relationships - not that there's anything wrong with a slow build-up! :) 2) MAN I LOVED HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD CHANYEOL WAS HERE IDEK i just really felt that that fit his cheery, confident character.

also your chart is so cute haha - i'm actually really surprised nobody picked jongdae. he's so handsome though!!! :< and minseok's so squishy!!!

and now the questions!

1&2) 9? You've got nine girls in the story. Plus you've used 9:00 pm a lot too lol

3) Hyun Bin's 'That Man' from Secret Garden!!!
Chapter 10: oohhhh a relation chart.
too bad it doesn't tell whose the right guy LOL
awww xuimin and chen :(
and yes i got those references LOLOLOL
it was okaaaay for me, just hoping they'd be more funny LOLOL

i have yet to get to reading the chapter, but thanks for the hint ^.^

will get to reading the chapter asap and make a comment :D
Chapter 9: So uhm crying because MY POOR TAO OPPA OH MY GOSH WHY I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING MY CHARACTER OBLIVIOUS TO YOUR FEELINGS Dx I really love all the couples in here, but Mengxin and Joonmyun are my favorite; she's just so in love with him and it's so cute but I'm pretty sure he likes Aeyoung and WHYYYYY. </3 I like Bomi and Chanyeol too (even if I'm jealous that she's with my second bias).
So for the contest thingy, I know that the song is from Secret Garden because I looked it up so I could listen to it as I cried with this chapter okay. As for the numbers, I was going to guess 2 too but since you said in the pairings chapter that it wasn't that and it was a time, I went through all the chapters (yes all) and found that the number 9 is used most for the time. And there's 9 girls in the story? Is that right?
OMFG XIUCHEN NEEDS LOVE AUTHOR-NIM FEEL FREE TO PUT THEM IN THE STORY IF YOU WANT BECAUSE MY POOR BABIES Dx Minseok was actually my first EXO bias and my friend ships me with Jongdae xD
PenguinCakes #4
Chapter 9: OMG yay an update! Welcome back author-nim! I really love the chapter and how everyone interacts with each other. The way you connect them is really cool and. I can't wait to see when the drama starts!
Hmmm.....I'm guessing the number is two because everyone always seems to be in pairs but I'm not sure about the song , from what I read of the other comments it seems to be from a drama and it's pretty sad to say I have never watched one, mainly because I cry easily so let's just save my tears.
Chapter 9: I have to say I love how every character is connected with each other and the chapter was really cute! I really liked it, great job! About the number I think is 2 and the song is sung by Hyunbin and it's from Secret Garden! ^-^
Chapter 9: Welcome back!!! First, let me say that I love this story so much! I like how all the characters are somehow connected, it makes the story feel more...complete??? Haha, this chapter was really cute! It wasn't like fluff galore but it had lots of cute/funny interactions between the characters :)
Chapter 9: dude, we would wait for you to update till the end of time because it always worth it! im usimg my kindle for internet surfing since we havent paid our bill so i skimmed through the chapter a bit but i saw the authros note and wanted to answer right away since i feel like i always miss them. the name of the song tao sing is this man from the kdrama secret garden.um,im going to say that the number you use alot is 2. i saw it twice in this chapter and it fits since well,its a romance story ad evryones in pairs, you know,couples. im sorry if this isnt what you wanted! its tough using this kindle to type stuff out.
i'm glad your back!!!! :D
i'm excited to read the next update though i probs won't get a chance until friday when i come home LOL

annnd i'm also anticipating the update of your other story tooo :D
PenguinCakes #9
Chapter 8: OMG such a long chapter, but I loved it! The interaction between the exo boys and the girls is so entertaining to read and can I just say I love Kris' personality.
Oh poor Tao, in love with his best friend :(
And then there's Yejin who has has a crush on Kai
OMG there was also Yoogeun and Lauren just totally brings me back to SHINee's and MBLAQ's 'Hello Baby' days~
Sooo many people having crushes on each other...
Anyway great update and I can't wait to see what you have installed next XD
wxfflemeup #10
I can't even..
You don't even know how I feel.. <3
well. maybe you do, but oh well..