→ e p i s o d e 2

→ Perfect Isn't Always Perfect

 enjoy the random pictures above that even i don't understand why they're up there.  tehee

*takes place a few months after 'the beginning'* 
"You called Coach Jung?" Ara asked as she opened the door to the Athletic's Office. 
Coach Jung nodded as he motioned for her to come in. Ara took a seat in front of him, resting her right ankle on her left knee and leaned against the chair. 
Coach Jung sighed, "You still haven't changed your sitting habits I see." 
Ara smiled and admitted, "I tried coach. It's not easy." 
"Try harder." Coach Jung muttered as he shook his head and looked down to some papers scattered on his desk. He looked back up to Ara and sighed. "Do you know why I called you in here Ara?" he began, stress evident on his face. 
Ara's smile faded as she eyed the Coach oddly and responded, "No. Is it about my probation from playing? C'mon Coach it's been like two months." 
"No it's not. However, it's something that can result in your probation getting longer." Coach Jung stated bluntly, sighing every other minute. 
Ara frowned and scoffed, "And what might that be?" On the verge of major irritation Ara adjusted her seat to eye the Coach. "What is it?" Ara repeated glaring deeply into Coach Jung's eyes. 
Coach Jung remained silent as he turned a paper on his desk toward Ara's direction. Ara looked down to the paper and smirked. She leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "What can I say Coach? I can't be good at everything." 
"You don't understand Ara." Coach explained, "Your grades determine whether you'll still be on the team or not." 
Ara laughed in disbelief and retorted, "So what if i'm a bit slow with my studies? Does that have anything to do with kicking a ball around?" 
"It does for the school Ara." Coach grumbled. He sighed once more then looked Ara straight in the eyes. "We got you a tutor Ara." he stated firmly, "Whether you like it or not." 
Ara groaned, "Of course I don't like it!" 
"Well you're going to deal with it. Especially since midterms are coming up." Coach Jung responded quickly, grabbing a paper and handing it to Ara. "Go to the library. He's probably already waiting for you." he continued as he shooed her away. 
"He? A guy?" Ara grumbled as she took the paper and looked it over. "Well, I guess it's better than a snobby girl." she mumbled to herself as she slightly bowed to Coach Jung as she left the room. 
Ara walked out of the Athletics building and toward the library. She grumbled to herself, kicking pebbles as she walked. 
"Just because i'm a bit slow." Ara scoffed as she pouted. She walked into the library and found no one in particular that looked like someone who could be her tutor. She suddenly eyed someone with red hair sitting at one of the tables and laughed. "Let's go see if this guy knows anything." she chuckled as she approached the male student with red hair. 
"Hey." she stated as she tapped the guy on the shoulder. He turned and smiled at her. 
"You must be Ara." the guy with red hair responded, standing up to greet her. 
Ara's eyes widened as she stepped back, "Uhh yeah. And you are?" she questioned, confused at the situation. 
"I'm Luhan. You're tutor." he answered as he held out his hand for a handshake. 
Ara took his hand and shook it. "No need to be so formal." she commented as she released her hand from his grip. Luhan took his seat as Ara eyed him oddly, thinking to herself, "that was really unexpected." 
Luhan smiled then looked over to Ara and questioned, "Sit down. Is there any subject you want to start with?" 
"Woah woah, you're taking things quite fast aren't you?" Ara complained as she crossed her arms. "I just got here." 
Luhan laughed awkwardly, "Just trying to help you with what you need as soon as possible." 
Ara frowned, "Thanks but I don't even have any of my stuff with me at the moment." 
Luhan nodded, "I see. Just use my notebook for now then." he replied handing a notebook over to Ara. 
"Uhh thanks." Ara muttered as she took the notebook. She flipped through the pages, sighed and looked around the room, nodding her head to no apparent beat or rhythm. 
"Do you have anything specific you'd like to work on?" Luhan questioned as Ara started pacing the floor. Luhan frowned and cleared his throat, "Would you care to sit down at least?" 
Ara shook her head, "No.. I don't even know what's going on right now to be honest." 
"I see." Luhan answered. He looked over at Ara's uninterested expression and suggested, "Maybe we should start actual tutoring some other time then? When you actually have something to work on." 
"Great idea." Ara agreed as she forced a smiled. "See you later then." Ara muttered out as she dashed out of the library. 
Luhan's eyes grew wide in shock as Ara disappeared before him. "That didn't work out as I expected." he said as he scratched the back of his head in confusion. His phone suddenly rang signaling a text message. He reached for his phone and read the text and frowned. "What? Right now?" 
Ara turned to see the library already a good distance away from her, "Studying atmosphere is so sufficating." she complained as she shook her head as if she was traumatized. 
"What the heck was with that guy's hair anyway." Ara mumbled to herself as she just decided to walk as far away from the library as possible. 

"Move to the rhythm everyone!" Kyungmi yelled out as the people in the room danced along to the beat of the music. Kyungmi laughed as she danced alongside the students, helping them when they needed it. Suddenly the sound of the music disappeared. 

"What's going on?" Kyungmi wondered as she turned toward the stereo system to find the studio dance instructor standing next to it. She immediately bowed 90 degrees as did everyone else. "Is something wrong?" she asked in confusion. 
The dance instructor shook his head and responded, "No. But someone is looking for you Kyungmi." 
"Me?" She replied shocked pointing to herself. She looked at the other students who just shrugged their shoulders and motioned for her to go. Kyungmi pouted as she walked over to the dance instructor who pointed outside. 
"Kyungmi!" someone called out just as Kyungmi stepped out of the studio rehearsal room. 
"Ohh, Chorong!" Kyungmi exclaimed as she ran over to her older sister. "What are you doing here?" 
Chorong sighed, "Hey, I told you to address me as 'unni' remember?" she smiled as she handed Kyungmi a cellphone. "You left your cell phone at home again. It's been ringing for the past hour." 
"I was wondering where it went." Kyungmi laughed as she took the phone and scratched her head. "Thanks unni!" 
Chorong smiled, "No problem." she paused as she watched Kyungmi closely. "You've been okay right Kyungmi?" 
Kyungmi chuckled, "What do you mean?" 
"You know..." Chorong began, "I mean, it seems like those girls are still bothering you." 
Kyungmi paused as she scoffed, "No, of course not! What makes you say that?"
Chorong sighed, " I saw the letters in your room. Are you sure you're doing okay?" 
"Oh..those." Kyungmi recalled. "They're nothing. Just trash. I'm okay." she assured. 
"Alright then." Chorong concluded. "I'll be going then." 
Kyungmi nodded, "Okay! Be safe!" 
Chorong smiled as she and Kyungmi turned to leave when she suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah Kyungmi." she called out. 
Kyungmi turned to her sister and grinned, "Yeah? What's up?" 
"Mom and Dad are coming down to visit us. Come home early to help me prepare dinner alright?" Chorong explained as she smirked. "Don't make me do all the work." she warned as she laughed.
Kyungmi chuckled, "Sure thing! Don't worry i'll be there! I think I need to get back inside now. Can't disappoint the instructor as his assistant." 
"Alright then." Chorong responded as she turned to leave. Kyungmi smiled as she watched her sister get into her car and drive off. "She needs to stop worrying about me." she mumbled to herself. She looked through her phone to see unopened texts from an unknown number. 
"What's this?" Kyungmi questioned as she opened up the text to read it. "MinamLove Matchmaking Service? Is this a spam message?" she scoffed as she deleted the message and walked back into the studio. "That's probably what it is." 

"I'm almost done with the book." Mengxin sighed happily as she eyed the remaining pages of the book. She put the book down as she moved to face the library computer in front of her. "What new book should I look into next?" She muttered to herself as she went to the search engine to browse the different books in the library. 

"I don't think Xiao Xin should be playing around on the computer when midterms are coming up." a low voice sneered, amusement evident in the tone. 
Mengxin groaned, "Must you show up everywhere?" She turned to her right to find Kris snickering to himself. 
"Why not? I turned up behind you last time, now to your right. Maybe next time to your left?" He joked as he leaned against the divider separating all the other computers in the library. "By the way, you gave me a bruise last time, hitting me in the shin." He complained as he crossed his arms. 
"Good." Mengxin replied as she rolled her eyes and continued to type into the computer. "Show up on my left and you'll get another bruise somewhere else." 
Kris chuckled, "Sure, whatever." He eyed her computer screen and scoffed, "Jane Austen? When were you into romantic novels? Does Xiao Xin want a boyfriend?" Kris snickered trying to hold in his laughter. Suddenly, Kris yelled as his left arm throbbed in pain.
"I guess we didn't have to wait until you showed up on my left." Mengxin grumbled as she turned to glare at Kris. "Would you just go away." 
Kris smirked as he rubbed his arm, "Don't worry I'm leaving. I'm meeting up with someone anyway. A girl. Female." 
Mengxin frowned as she eyed him in disgust, "Well isn't that great. Why don't you go have fun and leave me alone?" 
"Alright then. Bye." He smiled as he turned to leave, eyeing Mengxin one last time. He shook his head laughing as he put his hands in his pockets, "I'll go have fun studying for sure." 
Mengxin sighed in relief as she saw Kris leave the building. "Why does he have to be such a jerk?" she muttered to herself as she sat in front of the computer blankly. She looked around and found the MinamLove Matchmaking Service Form in a pile next to the computer. She sighed again with her head down. "When will I ever get a chance with someone?" she wondered to herself. Suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder, snapping her out of her daze. 
"Excuse me?" a young male questioned, his finger in midair after tapping Mengxin in the shoulder. "Can I use this computer?" he asked politely as Mengxin sat wide eyed at the male in front of her. 
"Joonmyun.." she stammered as she looked around at the other computers. "There are other computers available." she pointed out as she suddenly felt herself getting red.
Joonmyun smiled and nodded, "I know." he agreed. "I just happen to have a file saved on this specific computer." he mentioned as he took out a usb. "Just want to get the file." 
"Ahh. I see." Mengxin mumbled. "Then by all means." she insisted as she got up from her chair.
"You don't have to move." He added. "I just want the file." He reached over her and grabbed the mouse, clicking away looking for the file. He looked over to her and questioned, "How did you know my name?" 
Mengxin turned to him in confusion, "Huh?"
"You said my name when I first asked if I can use the computer." He continued as he smiled upon finding the file he was looking for. 
Mengxin nodded in realization and responded, "Well you're the president of the student council, always making announcements and what not. Who doesn't know you?" 
"True." Joonmyun chuckled as he finally saved the file onto his usb then stood upright to face Mengxin. "Thanks for letting me use the computer." he finished as he turned and left. 
"No problem." Mengxin replied as she watched him leave. A smile appeared on her face as she whispered, "Joonmyun, Kim Joonmyun finally noticed me." 

"Where in the world does this girl exactly want to meet?" Kris grumbled as he walked around the school study hall, looking for his study buddy. He finally came across a table with a girl head down on the table as if she was sleeping. Kris sighed as he shook his head, "Found her." He walked over and sat down across from her. He poked her in the arm and waited for a response. 

"Five more minutes Yoogeun. Not right now." she mumbled as she shifted in her position, completely hiding her face. 
Kris looked up in irritation, "Jung Bomi. Bomi? It's Kris. Not Yoogeun. Wake up." he ordered as he in turn started shaking her to wake her up. 
Bomi stirred in her sleep as she suddenly shot up in the chair and looked directly at Kris. "Kris?" she yawned and stretched. "Sorry about that. I'm just..." 
"tired from your job and taking care of your brother? I know." Kris interrupted, finishing the sentence that Bomi always says to him after waking up.
Bomi nodded and acknowledged, "You know too much about me already." 
"It's not my fault when you mutter things in your sleep." Kris responded then smirked. "Did you get any studying done while I wasn't here? Midterms are coming up." he questioned looking over at the notebook in front of her. 
"Yeah. I finished the past five assignments I wasn't able to get to also." she exclaimed as she slapped her face lightly to wake herself up. 
"That's good. You're pretty amazing to finish all that in such a short time." Kris admitted. 
Bomi chuckled, "It's experience. All I ever do is work anyway." 
"True. You should go out more though. Get a boyfriend. Live life. You really have no life." Kris suggested as he fidgeted with his fingers. 
"I don't need a boyfriend thank you very much." Bomi frowned. "So rude." She muttered to herself. 
Kris smirked, "I can hear you." He patted her on the shoulder and sighed, "Sorry. I didn't mean it." 
"Yes you did." Bomi pouted as she stared down her paper. Her phone suddenly made a loud buzz that caused her to jump. "What the?" she whimpered, not liking being startled. 
"What is it?" Kris wondered as he moved to the chair next to Bomi to see the text. 
Bomi turned so her phone was out of his sight. "Nosy much?"
Kris shrugged, "Just curious." 
Bomi shook her head as she opened up a new text and read it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the text. 
"MinamLove Matchmaking Service..." Kris exclaimed out lout as Bomi turned to find Kris reading the text from behind her. 
"Hey!" Bomi shouted as she punched Kris in the left arm. "You know I hate when people read behind my back!" she growled in anger as she closed the message and turned away. 
Kris groaned in pain as he rubbed the spot where he got hit, "And I already got hit here earlier today." 
Bomi frowned as she turned to Kris again and sighed. She bowed her head in regret. "Sorry. I didn't mean to. I just.. you know I don't like when people read behind me. Sorry." she apologized sadly as she continued to look toward the ground. 
"It's fine." Kris assured. "Stop being like that." he patted her on the shoulder again, having her look up with regret and sorrow on her face. 
"Sorry." she repeated. 
Kris laughed, "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm just curious now as to why you got a message from a matchmaking service. I thought you didn't want a boyfriend." 
"I don't." Bomi answered. "The text must be a mistake." 
"Give me your phone." Kris suggested as he extended his hand for the phone. 
Bomi handed him the phone and Kris read through it. He smiled as he handed the phone back. "It says you have an appointment with your perfect match." 
"What?" Bomi frowned as she looked at the text herself. 
"But lucky for you. You can decline or not. Just reply to the text with a 'no'." Kris continued as he eyed Bomi in amusement. 
Bomi sighed as she looked at the message one more time and replied with a 'no'. She put her phone down and sighed. "Why in the world did I get this text." 
"Only people who request for this service would get the text." Kris mentioned as he chuckled to himself. 
"But I didn't request for it." Bomi argued trying to remember if she ever did request for a matchmaking service.
"Well our whole school was asked to fill a form out a couple months ago. Maybe then?" Kris reasoned as he remembered the big bold letters spelling out "MinamLove Matchmaking Service Request Form."
Bomi furrowed her eyebrows trying to recall. "I'm sure I checked no for that form though." She remarked wondering why she got the text. 
"Don't stress over it. You just had to say no which you did. All settled." Kris concluded as he moved to sit comfortably on the chair. Suddenly his phone rang, signaling a text. He grabbed his phone and looked at the text and laughed. 
"What is it?" Bomi questioned. 
"It's my turn." Kris chuckled as he looked over the text again. 

"Good work everyone! Let's all head on home!" Kyungmi shouted out to all the students in the studio. She waited until all the people filed out of the studio to clean up and get everything ready for the next day. She finished in 30 minutes time and headed toward the door to close the studio for the day. "Man i'm tired." She muttered to herself as she smiled, closing the door behind her. 

"It must be tiring to be the assistant dance instructor." a familiar voice called out. Kyungmi turned to find her childhood friend waving at her. 
"Daehyun!" Kyungmi exclaimed as she dropped her things and ran over to him to gave him a hug.
"Calm down Kyungmi." Daehyun chuckled as Kyungmi released from her hug.
"What are you doing here?" Kyungmi asked happily, joy filling her after seeing her friend. 
"I was on my way home and remembered you worked at this studio. I thought i'd stop by." he responded also happy to see his high school friend. 
"Thanks buddy." Kyungmi chuckled. "I should go get my stuff." she added as she walked over to where she dropped her things. 
"After you get your stuff we should head over to my house." Daehyun suggested. "My sister is in a baking mood and is making a whole mess of sweets." 
Kyungmi's eyes lit up. "Is she making cheesecake too?" she asked getting really excited. 
"Most likely." Daehyun responded laughing at Kyungmi's enthusiasm. 
"Then i'll go." Kyungmi agreed as she walked with Daehyun and toward his home.
"Chaerin I'm home! Where are you?" Daehyun called out as he entered the home with Kyungmi. 
"Where else would I be! In the kitchen Dae-!" a sweet child-like voice replied. Daehyun frowned upon hearing the nickname while Kyungmi chuckled silently. 
Daehyun shook his head as he walked over to the kitchen to find dozens of sweets, treats, and desserts on the counter. His eyes widened, shocked at the amount his sister had made. 
"Chaerin are you crazy?! Why did you make so much?" Daehyun gasped as he eyed every thing. 
Chaerin pouted, "I told you I was in a baking mood." She looked passed Daehyun and found Kyungmi standing behind him.
Daehyun caught where she was looking and gestured toward Kyungmi. "Chaerin, do you remember Kyungmi? From high school?" he questioned bringing Kyungmi closer to the counter.  
Chaerin's mouth opened as she remembered. "Mhmmm I remember. How are you doing Kyungmi? Are you doing better?" 
Kyungmi chuckled, "A lot of people keep asking me that today. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." 
"No problem." Chaerin smiled as she grabbed a small cheesecake and handed it to Kyungmi. "For you." she beamed as she handed her the cake. 
Kyungmi's face brightened as she looked at Chaerin with gratitude. "How did you know I like cheesecake?" she wondered. 
"Daehyun has weird ways to give hints." Chaerin responded in amusement as Daehyun glared at his sister with a 'thats-not-something-you-mention' look. 
"What do you mean?" Kyungmi asked curious as to what she meant. 
"I'll show you!" Chaerin said excitedly. She ran over to her phone and came back to where Kyungmi was. 
Kyungmi looked over at her phone to see a text that read 'give girl cheesecake' that was sent from someone labeled 'Dae-.'
Kyungmi and Chaerin laughed as they both looked at the text together. Daehyun shaking his head in embarrassment on the couch. 
At that moment Chaerin's phone buzzed signaling a new text. 
"Oh. Wonder what this is." she questioned as she opened the text. "MinamLove Matchmaking Service..." she read aloud. 
"Oh." Kyungmi commented in realization. "I got a text from the same place earlier today too. Is it spam?" 
Chaerin shook her head, "Nope! You would only get the text if you requested for the service. You must have done that then." 
Kyungmi frowned, "Umm no. I don't remember at all signing up for a matchmaking service." 
"Why not check the text again? Maybe it was sent to the wrong person?" Daehyun suggested. 
"I can't. I deleted the text message thinking it was spam." Kyungmi shrugged. "Can I see what your text says Chaerin? To get an idea of what it was?" 
"Of course." Chaerin agreed as she showed her the text message. "It seems to just say to meet my new match at the location it sent me." Chaerin concluded after reading the text. 
Daehyun frowned, "This sounds kind of shady... Not a good way to run a business." 
Chaerin nudged Daehyun, "They gave us this request at school Daehyun. I'm sure it's authentic." 
Daehyun shrugged as he saw Kyungmi continue to look at the text. A look of confusion etched onto her face. 
"Is everything alright Kyungmi?" Daehyun asked as Kyungmi looked toward him and pointed at the text. 
"It says to respond 'no' if you're not interested. But I just deleted it." she began. "What do you think deleting it does?" 
Daehyun and Chaerin both shrugged. "I don't think it means anything. You just deleted it." Daehyun responded not sure what to say.
"You don't think someone out there is waiting to meet her right?" Chaerin wondered feeling the awkwardness rising in the room. 
"I think there is..." Kyungmi admitted.  

Author's  Note:

Hello everyone! Here is the new update! It's been quite a long time since my last update and I apologize for that. I will never be away for that long without notice ever again. I really hope that all the chosen applicants are still with me and reading and for all the silent readers and not too, I hope you will still support this story! 
[Reminder that chosen applicants should comment every so often or..byebye ] 

Another announcement i'd like to share is that I will not be taking part of this story anymore. Which is why there is no portion written about my OC in this update. Sorry to previous applicants for the inconvience of taking D.O. and Xiumin as perfect and right guys and ending up not even being a part of the story.  I have already updated the story by taking my parts out and so forth. In turn of not being in the story, another spot has opened up in this story. SO, for past applicants who are still reading this story and may still be interested in being IN the story, you can re-apply (with possible new perfect and right guys) and may be accepted. If there are possible new readers who would like to apply then that is awesome too! 

The thing that may be different about this is that I am not limiting the choosing to be one applicant (since only one person (me) has dropped the story)  I'm reopening the application to however many applicants I deem would be appropriate for the story.  So if it comes to it, this story can be a drama of 12 different love stories. (If every member of EXO was included that is) Confusing yes? But it's okay because I have so many ideas that i'd like to incorporate into this story. 

So that is my announcement and the end to my yet again long Author's Note...I talk too much.

Application information and link is in the forward. 

their comeback is jjang~ 

and because this part of the Wolf MV makes me die of laughter.

bye everyone!

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Thank you!
It's been so long everyone! but just a heads up that I will most likely update a new chapter sometime tonight! I'm so excited (: I hope you're all still here~


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okay first comments about the chapter. 1) I love what you're doing with Mengxin's character, but more importantly how you're nailing Vic and Amber as well. A+. Though I do wonder how long you're going to take to get into her relationships - not that there's anything wrong with a slow build-up! :) 2) MAN I LOVED HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD CHANYEOL WAS HERE IDEK i just really felt that that fit his cheery, confident character.

also your chart is so cute haha - i'm actually really surprised nobody picked jongdae. he's so handsome though!!! :< and minseok's so squishy!!!

and now the questions!

1&2) 9? You've got nine girls in the story. Plus you've used 9:00 pm a lot too lol

3) Hyun Bin's 'That Man' from Secret Garden!!!
Chapter 10: oohhhh a relation chart.
too bad it doesn't tell whose the right guy LOL
awww xuimin and chen :(
and yes i got those references LOLOLOL
it was okaaaay for me, just hoping they'd be more funny LOLOL

i have yet to get to reading the chapter, but thanks for the hint ^.^

will get to reading the chapter asap and make a comment :D
Chapter 9: So uhm crying because MY POOR TAO OPPA OH MY GOSH WHY I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING MY CHARACTER OBLIVIOUS TO YOUR FEELINGS Dx I really love all the couples in here, but Mengxin and Joonmyun are my favorite; she's just so in love with him and it's so cute but I'm pretty sure he likes Aeyoung and WHYYYYY. </3 I like Bomi and Chanyeol too (even if I'm jealous that she's with my second bias).
So for the contest thingy, I know that the song is from Secret Garden because I looked it up so I could listen to it as I cried with this chapter okay. As for the numbers, I was going to guess 2 too but since you said in the pairings chapter that it wasn't that and it was a time, I went through all the chapters (yes all) and found that the number 9 is used most for the time. And there's 9 girls in the story? Is that right?
OMFG XIUCHEN NEEDS LOVE AUTHOR-NIM FEEL FREE TO PUT THEM IN THE STORY IF YOU WANT BECAUSE MY POOR BABIES Dx Minseok was actually my first EXO bias and my friend ships me with Jongdae xD
PenguinCakes #4
Chapter 9: OMG yay an update! Welcome back author-nim! I really love the chapter and how everyone interacts with each other. The way you connect them is really cool and. I can't wait to see when the drama starts!
Hmmm.....I'm guessing the number is two because everyone always seems to be in pairs but I'm not sure about the song , from what I read of the other comments it seems to be from a drama and it's pretty sad to say I have never watched one, mainly because I cry easily so let's just save my tears.
Chapter 9: I have to say I love how every character is connected with each other and the chapter was really cute! I really liked it, great job! About the number I think is 2 and the song is sung by Hyunbin and it's from Secret Garden! ^-^
Chapter 9: Welcome back!!! First, let me say that I love this story so much! I like how all the characters are somehow connected, it makes the story feel more...complete??? Haha, this chapter was really cute! It wasn't like fluff galore but it had lots of cute/funny interactions between the characters :)
Chapter 9: dude, we would wait for you to update till the end of time because it always worth it! im usimg my kindle for internet surfing since we havent paid our bill so i skimmed through the chapter a bit but i saw the authros note and wanted to answer right away since i feel like i always miss them. the name of the song tao sing is this man from the kdrama secret garden.um,im going to say that the number you use alot is 2. i saw it twice in this chapter and it fits since well,its a romance story ad evryones in pairs, you know,couples. im sorry if this isnt what you wanted! its tough using this kindle to type stuff out.
i'm glad your back!!!! :D
i'm excited to read the next update though i probs won't get a chance until friday when i come home LOL

annnd i'm also anticipating the update of your other story tooo :D
PenguinCakes #9
Chapter 8: OMG such a long chapter, but I loved it! The interaction between the exo boys and the girls is so entertaining to read and can I just say I love Kris' personality.
Oh poor Tao, in love with his best friend :(
And then there's Yejin who has has a crush on Kai
OMG there was also Yoogeun and Lauren just totally brings me back to SHINee's and MBLAQ's 'Hello Baby' days~
Sooo many people having crushes on each other...
Anyway great update and I can't wait to see what you have installed next XD
wxfflemeup #10
I can't even..
You don't even know how I feel.. <3
well. maybe you do, but oh well..