Suju? What? Dad? Eilxir?

My Brother is a SPY! O.O


Play this for this chapter:

“So let me get this right...” Everybody attention was on you.

“You are all spy who are preventing Suju or Super junior, what ever you call them. To take over the world as they have the exotic elixir and they can strike anytime they want.” Suho nodded

“But why can’t they strike now?...I mean they have it”

“They can’t fully use it unless I or you give our blood and memories of our dad to activate” You nodded understanding the situation

“Wait!...What?!...Wae?!” You said surprise

“Well…our Dad…umm invented it…and..”

“Shut up! No way?! Wae?!”

“Because he invented it to help our org-“

“No way! Shut up! Wae?!”

“Melody… can you stop interrupting me and listen to me before you ask and why are you telling me to shut up?” Suho questioned you out of confusion

“Hahaa Mianhe…oh and I didn’t mean to be rude but we girls use shut up to express how surprise we are so…Mianhe oppa” You said embarrassed and everybody in the exo nodded with understandment except for Baekhyun, Lay, Sehun and Chanyeol

“Wow…they use shut up when their angry or surprise…Girls are so strange…” Lay whispered to Chanyeol,Baekhyun and Sehun

“Amen to that!” Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun whispered at the same time and they fist bump each others fist. While the rest of exo giggled at their members reaction.

“Anyways he invented it to help our organisation from defeating the bad guys, but he died after it was invented. The Suju and their soldier took the elixir and then ran away with it. But when they found out it wouldn’t work, they went back to the lab to get a clue and they saw our Dad's note. That’s when they found up they need our blood and our living memory with our dad to activate it. Since then they have been tracking me and tried to get me taken away but always fails...” You pouted and nodded

“So that’s why you didn’t tell me, that you’re a spy because you didn’t want me to worry and also you didn’t want them to find out I am your sister so you they won’t track me and kidnap me or kill me…Oh I get it…Sorry for doubting you guys…” You gave them a sad expression.

“No it’s ok, it’s natural to react that way.” Suho smiled at you and the rest Exo also smiled for to reassure you.

“By the way how did they find out about me?” You asked curiously

“I don’t even know myself…that’s why me and D.O were surprise when they came to our house yesterday, so we have to extra careful. And to protect you, you will have 2 EXO members to guard you in your room and follow you everywhere”

“WHAT?! OPPA! I NEED PRIVACY!...They can’t stay in my room…Nope! No way!” You eagerly moved you head side to side

“But it’s for your safety, Melody they could strike anytime and we don’t want you to get hurt.” Suho came up to you and sat beside you and put his hands on top of yours. He looked at you with a worried expression then you looked at him and felt bad.

“Fine…but they can’t follow me in the shower or stand outside it…it’s creep” You shivered by your own imagination

“We can if you want to…” Kai gave you a y smirk, but stopped as you and Suho eyed him.

“Sorry...I was joking, don’t take it seriously” Kai said with a surrender pose.

"Ok deal!" Suho smiled

“So who’s guarding me today?” You asked curiously

“Me and Suho” D.O replied to you.

“Ok…” You nodded.

“So who’s up for pizza?” You continued and everybody cheered.

“Who wants to make pizza?!” You said happily then the cheering stopped and they looked at you with a serious look, and smiled at you

“You do know I am not going to do it and that it’s midnight so no pizza place is open…” Everybody stared at their watched and scratched their heads.

“ took that long to explain to you everything..” Luhan said in amazement

“Well yeah, we’re talking about Melody here, do you know how many hours did the teacher explain about how babies are made…I mean come on, you would get that really quickly.” D.O replied.

“HAHAH! WHAT! How many hours was it??” Lay asked and your face was going red as a strawberry.

“3 hours, and I had to stay after school with her too, but you should've seen it, the teacher facepalmed herself so many times that I couldn’t even count it.” D.O laughed

“What?!!! Hahahahahahhaah! Dude! Really?!” Baekhyun started to burst out laughing and so did everyone else.

“D.O! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” You started running towards D.O but a fast runner he is, he got out of the room quicker than you. All of the EXO burst out laughing.


When you catched with him, you put him in a headlock.

“Ouch! GEEEZZZ MELODY! LET GO! MIANHE SORRY FOR SAYING IT NOW LET GO OF ME…I.NEED.AIR!” D.O tried to gasp for air but you made your grip tighter.

“Melody, dear, stop now” Sehun said as him and the other exo member approach you, while Suho went into the living room as he found it normal for you to strangle D.O as you almost do it everyday. As they were coming near you, you turned around and gave them a scary glare.

“DON’T COME NEAR ME OR I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” All of them backed away and ran to the living room.

“IF.YOU.DIDN’T. LET. ME.GO. NOW. WHO.WOULD COOK. PIZZA. AND FOOD. FOR. YOU.THEN.!” You let go of D.O and turned to face him.

“Fine…You live, now cook me pizza peasant!!” You said as you pointed at the kitchen. D.O gasped for air and rubbed his neck.

“All right...” D.O started to mumble about you.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME!” You shouted

“Nothing…” D.O ran terrified on what you are going to do next.

“Haha that should teach him..” You smiled to yourself

You came to the living room and as you came near them they stood up from the couch and you gave them a cluless look.

“Whats wrong?” You asked them as you approach the couch to sit down.

“Nothing, I am just going to help D.O now” Kai replied running to the kitchen

“Me too.” Then everybody followed except Suho.

“What’s wrong with them?” You mumbled to yourself and Suho smiled at your cluelessness.


“Pizza’s ready!” D.O shouted out and you ran to the dinner table and looked at the pizzas that are laid on the table

“Wow! You never fail to surprise me.” You smiled

“Well your welcome” He bowed to you and smiled

During that night they told you about their Missions and their funny moments in the Mission. Your favourite memory that they told you is when D.O pants fell down because he didn’t wear a belt and the girls fainted at the sight. You laughed so much that every time you look at him, you just laughed your head off non stop and he would give you a threatening glare.


“I am going to sleep now” You yawned as you got up from your sit

“Oh melody we forgot to tell you, EXO’s going to live here from now on for you protection.” Suho told you as you were about to go upstairs, you turned around with a shock face

“WHAT!...Oh great..Thanks for the heads up” You said sarcastically

“Oh hey at least I warned you” Suho smiled

“Yeah Yeah Yeah” You stretched your arms in the air and smiled while D.O and Suho follows behind. You opened your bedroom door and you forgot that your room was messy because of the fight.

“Great….” You sighed and an idea popped into your head. You turned to D.O and Suho and gave them a puppy eyes.

“Please can yo-“

“Fine” Suho said before you completed your sentence

“Guys, we have to clean Melody’s room!” Suho shouted on the top of the stairs and one by one EXO members came in to your room and started clean the place.

“Thanks” You hug each one of them while cleaning and they smiled at your hug.

30 minutes later they finish cleaning with your room and all of them evacuated the room so you can sleep.  D.O and Suho sat by you side while you drift off to sleep to dreamland.


You were running out because of fear but you tripped and struggled to stand up and ran, you cried for help.

“Help Help Help! Please!” You shouted but only screams replied to you

“HAHHAHHAHA You will never escape princess until, I take your blood!” The demonic voice said to you. Then a scary monster started to approach you.


“HAHAHHAHAHA ANIIIYOOO!” The monster imitated you

“WAE?! WHY YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?” You cried as you shouted at the monster.

“HAHAHAHA I WILL KILL YOU” The monster walked towards you,closer and closer. Tears fell on your face

“SOMEBODY HELP” You called out but all you could here was an evil laugh from him.


Author's note:

Thank you for the nice comments, I really appreciate it

Thanks for the subcribers

I will update soon^^

Night my lovely readers, Sleep well

DO is so cute^^



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Chapter 13: this made me laugh hard..its just funny and cute at the same time..
Chapter 6: surprisingly i can feel her pain as if it's my own..
kyungsquishysoo #3
Chapter 16: Awww D.O. confessed :3 tell you like him back melody!!
12345ip #4
Chapter 15: update pls!!!!
Chapter 15: the strands of her hair is just creepy seriously how did that person get them anyways.
kyungsquishysoo #6
Chapter 14: Hmm im gonna guess chen is good XD
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 13: Hope her and kyungsoo do get together in the future because they are already so cute together!
Chapter 13: Hwaiting I will be waiting till the end of your big haitus
Chapter 12: good luck for your exam..this is a nice story^^
Chapter 10: pee-rain XD good chappie