Stand by me

My Brother is a SPY! O.O


Play this song for the whole chapter :

“Wake up! Wake up! Melody?!” D.O shook you to wake up as sweat and tears fall from your face.

“MELODY!” D.O shouted and you woke up with your eyes wide open.

“D.O…” You quickly got up and hugged him.

“It was soooo scary” You cried

“It’s ok, it’s just a dream…just a dream” He your hair and tried to calm you down as you hugged him tighter and more tears fall from your eyes.

“OMO! Melody?! Kwenchana?!” Suho came in with a coffee tray and dumped it at your bedside table and ran to your side as fast as he can then he your back as you were hugging D.O. It broke D.O heart to see you cry, he wanted to help you more but all he could do is comfort you.

Soon as they heard Suho shouting all the EXO members came up with kitchen equipment such as spatula thinking they are being attack.

But as soon as they came in to your room they saw you crying and quickly ran to your side and dumped their pans and everything to the side.

“OMO! Kwenchana!” All of them said as they ran to your side.

You’ve been crying too much that you didn’t notice the others come in. You broke the hug from D.O and turned to them.

“Nee…It was just a bad dream” You sniffed and sighed.

“Awwww Melo Melo Melowly!” Baekhyun said and everybody stared at him.


“Melo melo melowly?! The hell is with the name calling?” Kris asked him and looked away like this:


“It’s cute isn’t it? ” Baekhyun moved his eyebrows up and down while the rest of the members face palmed themselves

“Isn’t cute melo melo melowly?” He gave you a creepy look and you suddenly bursted out laughing at his face

“Baekhyun! What is up with your face?! It makes you look like a byuntae!” You started laughing, D.O stared at you with a sincere look and Suho noticed this and smiled to himself.

“What?! Byuntae?!” Baekhyun pouted and you awed at his cute pout

“Don’t take my spot I am Melody’s Byuntae!” Kai shouted causing you to look at him weirdly

“But only if you wanted to?” He gave you a creepy look and you shivered with disgust.

“ANIYO! BYUNTAE!” You shouted and Suho came up to him with a magazine rolled up on his hand and smacked him.

“What did you do that for?!” Kai turned to Suho as he rubbed his head in pain.

“Sorry…there was an erted bug flying around your head” Suho smiled and evilly glared at him and this cause Kai to run and hide behind Sehun.

“Are you sure that your ok?” D.O asked worried about you

“Nee… thanks for asking and uhhh…” You coughed awkwardly trying to put it in words

“Thanks for letting me hug you…to comfort me..” You blushed and turned to the rest of EXO

“Thank you for everyone who made me laugh to forget about my horrible dream” You smiled at them.

“It’s Ok, we’re always here day and night” Sehun replied to you smiling


“No seriously we are going to be with your day and night because you know..we live here now and 2 guards have to follow you everywhere.” You laughed at his comment

“Thanks for protecting me and Sorry if I am wasting your time…”

“Waste of time? Really? Melody you think it’s a waste of time to protect you..” Suho asked you and you nodded in response


“Because your wasting your time protecting and not doing anything fun in your life…”

“Like what?”

“You know go to Lotte world, hang out with other friends or meet new people and get a girlfriend…” You suggested them and everybody looked at each ither and giggled.

“Melody, you got it all wrong… we find our job fun because it’s exciting and girlfriends? Aint nobody got time for that?!” Luhan said as he clicked his fingers like a sassy girl.

“Ummmm…dude you looked really weird just now…?” You said as you were holding in your laugh and so did the other members.

“Wae?!” Luhan whined

“Don’t ever snap your fingers like that please… You looked like a sassy girl, so don’t” You pleaded and you burst out laughing so did the other members.

“This is why your called Lulu hahahahahaha” You laughed and he pouted.

“Mianhe my little deer, it was just soo funny.” You came up to him and pinched his cheeks.

“Ouch! Let go of my cheek it hurts”

“Oh Mianhe” You let go of his cheeks

“We should really go to sleep because there's a big day ahead of us” Suho said and nodded but as soon as they were about to walk away.

“Ummm…Stop…. Can you guys….ummmm….sleep..”

“Here tonight?” You nodded as Lay finished your sentence

“Wae?” Chen asked

“Ummm….I know I didn’t agree with it at first…but I feel safer if you are all here, so can you sleep here tonight….it’ll be like a sleepover” You smiled and everybody looked at each other and nodded really slowly.

“Yay! Let’s set up some air bed.”

“No, you stay here, let’s go guys, follow me but we only need 1 person.” They nodded and Kris followed him. 

"We'll get the kitchen stuff down..." Chen said and Luhan and Xiumin followed him out the door.

"By the way, why Kitchen equipment for defense?" You asked D.O

"Oh! They usually lose their gadgets and forgot where they put it so they grab anything to defend themselves." D.O replied and you giggled and thought *What a very organized spies they are*

“We’ll get snacks” Chanyeol and Baekhyun said in unison

“Wae?” You asked

“Because we’re hungry…” Chanyeol replied

“Can I come?” Lay said to them

 “Yup, I want bacon hahaha I want to eat myself” Baekhyun exclaimed. Chanyeol moved his head side to side with his head low down and Lay face palmed himself. Chanyeol walked to the door and the 2 followed.

“Oh we need our duvets and pillow, all of you come with me except D.O, stay here with Melody, Come on!” Sehun said

“Yeah I need my Gucci bag” Tao exclaimed

“Really?” Kai said with his eyebrow raised

“What? We need to sleep in style, oh I also need my Panda bear” Tao smiled

“Ummmm….ok” Sehun said and everybody followed him out, leaving you and D.O alone in the room. You walked out to the balcony and looked up to night sky and D.O followed.

“Look a shooting star!” D.O said and pointed at the falling star

“Wow!” You closed your eyes and wished. D.O watched you and also did the same.

*I wish for my Oppa’s health and I wish they will always stand by me like this.* You wished

* I wish that Melody and my hyung’s will always be safe no matter what and I wish for Melody will notice my feelings for her…* He wished and opened his eyes and looked at you and smiled.

“What did you wish for?” D.O asked curiously

“I can’t tell you or else it won’t come true.” D.O nodded in understanding what you are saying

“This must be really weird but I use to think that shooting stars looks like a star running because they have diarrhea.”

“Pffttt hahahahahahahahhahahahhaha! That is stupid and funny!” D.O laughed and you pouted

“This is when I was a kid….ok”

“Also I thought that rain is pee from God and whenever it rains for a long time, my friend said it’s God peeing for a very long time…” You looked away embarrassed and D.O stared at you with a wide eyes and started to have a laughing fit.

“It was my friends fault ok they made me believe it…” (Btw the pee God thing was true hahaha that's what I use to think because of my friends *face palm*....T.T I am gullible and always will be hahahah...seriously I will believe anything hahaha)

“HAHAHAHA YOUR SO GULLIBLE!” He burst out laughing and you started to laugh with him because you found it stupid too. His laugh was like this:


“D.O….” He stopped laughing.

“Yup…” He turned to look at you wiping his laughing tears

"I hope you and the EXOs will always stand by me" You smiled to him

"I know we will...always" He smiled and your heart skipped a bit

*What is going on you?* you thought. Then a random memory appeared in your mind.

“By the way do you remember the time that you promised that you will marry me someday …”

“Hahaha yeah...I’ll see if I can keep that promise and make it come true..” D.O awkwardly laughed and looked up at the night sky

“What? What do you mean?” You turned to look at him but as he was about to answer, Suho came in.

“Hey, guys” Then after he entered the rest of the members followed.

Soon all of you are in bed

*I wonder how I can help my brother….Oh I know I could join them! Yeah I can fight! I have the skills, I’ll ask him later when the morning comes.* You thought before going to sleep.


The next day…

“Oppa? Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah sure Melody what is it….” He asked

“Oppa? Can I join your spy team?” You said as you pleaded him

“Ne- WHAT?!” Suho said with a wide eyes


Author's note:

Hope you liked this chapter 

I'll update soon

Btw the Pee=rain is from God is based on me when I was a kid hahaha, but it was my friend who told me and I believed her hahahhahaaa

And the Shooting star was Sooyoung's drama thing hahahha

Good night my lovely readers, sleep well.


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Chapter 13: this made me laugh hard..its just funny and cute at the same time..
Chapter 6: surprisingly i can feel her pain as if it's my own..
kyungsquishysoo #3
Chapter 16: Awww D.O. confessed :3 tell you like him back melody!!
12345ip #4
Chapter 15: update pls!!!!
Chapter 15: the strands of her hair is just creepy seriously how did that person get them anyways.
kyungsquishysoo #6
Chapter 14: Hmm im gonna guess chen is good XD
kyungsquishysoo #7
Chapter 13: Hope her and kyungsoo do get together in the future because they are already so cute together!
Chapter 13: Hwaiting I will be waiting till the end of your big haitus
Chapter 12: good luck for your exam..this is a nice story^^
Chapter 10: pee-rain XD good chappie