
I'm not dreaming my life!

You and Donghae kept smiling at each other and Eun Mi looked from you to him.

'Omma, can I have some water?' She asked and you turned to look at her.

'I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?' You asked and she frowned.

'Can I have some water?' She asked again and glared at Donghae.

'Sure.' You said and gave her the water.


'And do you have a boyfriend?' Leeteuk suddenly asked making you almost choke on your food. Donghae gave a glass water and glared at Leeteuk.

'Why do you ask?' You asked when you calmed down.

'Just curious.' He smiled.

'Why are you curious about me?' You asked again.

'A girl that is 19 years old and walks around with a 5 years old girl instead of a boyfriend. I just wondered if you had a boyfriend and if you did have one, he would be stupid to leave you alone outside.' Leeteuk said still staring at you.

'I don't have a boyfriend, because it's a waste of time.' You said and started to feel annoyed by this guy.

'Well, only people who never have been in a love will say that it's a waste of time.' He said and finally looked away.

'Omma is in love with daddy!' Eun Mi defended you and again you almost choked. And this time it wasn't only you that almost choked but Leeteuk and Donghae also started couching. The other 4 guys froze and looked confused.

'Their love is a special love!' Eun Mi said making it worse and you didn't know what to say.

'I saw them kiss!' She added and you gave up. You knew that there was no going back now.

All guys dropped what they were holding and frowned or looked stunned at you.

'Wasn't her dad, your cousin?' Heechul broke the silence while remembering what there was written on your phone. The other guys nodded.

'Uhm, it's a bit difficult to explainn right now.' You said slowly and glanced at Eun Mi, hoping that they would understand.

'Eun Mi-ah, you should finish your food, okay?' You said and she nodded happily.

You glanced at Donghae and for some reason you didn't want him to misunderstand. All of them started to eat again and the topic changed fast to something else.

You noticed someone staring at you and turned around to look. Your eyes widened when you saw your friend standing there. She looked just as shocked at you and before she could move, Leeteuk turned around and when he saw her, he waved at her.  She forced an smile and waved back at him.

You sighed when she slowly walked towards you and Leeteuk immediately got up and offered her the seat. He grabbed a seat from an other table and sat down next to her.

You stared at her with and expression that said 'What the hell happened?' but neither of you spoke. She greeted everyone except for Yesung and you understanded why. When Leeteuk kept asking her questions you noticed her hesitating a bit. Well the guy was being pushy.....

You got up and walked to the toilet hoping that your friend would understand the message and follow you. She did like you hoped and when she walked in, you immediately asked for an explaination. She asked back and you sighed.

When she suddenly started about Donghae, you felt even more annoyed because you knew that he was playing around. You fixed your make up and told her bout the plan on how to get out of there. She nodded and you walked out of the toilet first. In the corridor  you passed by Leeteuk. You thought he was acting weird but you shoved it off you and walked to the table. Hangeng was telling a story and even Eun Mi was listening. Donghae winked at you and you smiled while sitting down. You listened to the story too and didn't notice your friend and Leeteuk sitting back on their seats.

Everyone was eating their last bites of their food and you were helping Eun Mi finish her's when your friend suddenly got up and took a step backwards. She looked nervous and said that she wanted to leave and took a few steps backwards before bowing to the others. You noticed that she was feeling very uncomfortable and wanted to get up but Donghae grabbed your wrist making you stop. You felt a small shock going through your body and stared confused at him. He tried to say something but didn't know what.

Heechul got up, making everyone look at him. He tried to convince you on staying a bit longer and Eunhyuk nodded. In the end Leeteuk said that the dessert still had to come and pushed your friend back to her seat. When you saw that she was feeling helpless you soflty pulled your had awayy from Donghae's grip and got up. When you asked her if you could switch seats, you saw her face brighten. You sat down on her seat and she finally started eating.

'How did the fans find out about you staying here?' You whispered and he looked seriously at you for the first time this day.

'We still don't know but we think it was one of the other guests.' He sighed.

'Then, should I contact other hotels? Or maybe it's better to get you a house.' You started thinking.

'Well, I don't think that's needed. We're used to it and it's a part of being famous.' Leeteuk said and you felt annoyed.

'No, I said that it would be a vacation. So i will make sure that you can relax.' You said and he refused. Both of you started to discuss about a house and in the end you won.

When you finally were done discussing it, the table was cleaned up and the desserts were served. You felt your mouth water when you saw you favorite dessert in front of you.

'Uhm, but what are all of you doing here? In this city, I mean.' She said and you already knew the answer.

'Apparently, there are more fans in this country than we expected. The managers found out that the fans heard about where we were staying and told us that we had to stay inside all the time.' Eunhyuk answered.

'None of us wanted to stay inside on our vacation.' Heechul said and you grinned satisfied while glancing at Leeteuk.

'told you so.' You whispered to him.

'SO we searched for places to go that would be quiet and we heard this place would probably be abondend since most people that live here, go on vacation abroad.' Leeteuk said while totally ignoring you.

'And seriously looks like the city is really abondend.' Donghae added.

'Today there are concerts and festivals in the capital. All teenagers that didn't go on vacation went there to party.' You said as last before eating the strawberry of your dessert.


You smiled at the sweetness of the strawberry. Just when you wanted to take a bite of your cake, Donghae put his strawberry on your plate and you looked stunned at him. He explained that he saw you smile and then winked at you. You blushed and smiled back at him.

Leeteuk teased Eun Mi and you immediately glared at him. You called him a ert without hesitating and Eun Mi enjoyed her dessert. Everyone laughed at your comment and even Leeteuk ended up smirking.

Everyone was talking through each other and before you knew it, wine appeared on the table. Time went faster than you expected and everytime Leeteuk tried to talk with your dongsaeng, you could see her panic and you would end up mocking him.

Only after, your friend's phone rang and she got up to pick up, you realized that it was already past 8pm. You were talking with Hangeng, when your friend came back and nodded at you. You knew that it was time to leave and ended your conversation with him.

'Thank you guys for the delicious dinner and the fun talk but I have to take Eun Mi home. It's already past her bedtime.' You said and they nodded.

'It was fun talking with you. We should hang out again.' Heechul winked at you and you smiled.

'Of course but would you please leave this ahjussi at home?' You said half joking half serious. He frowned.

'I'll only stay home if you'll let your friend come over.' He said and winked at her. You got tired of all the times he tried to flirt with your friend even thought she clearly didn't like it.

You ended up in a glaring contest with Leeteuk and Eunhyuk had to pull him away before your friend could apologize for your behaviour.  She pulled you and Eun Mi out of the restaurant and let out  a huge sigh when you were standing outside.

Donghae followed you and before you could even move away from the restaurant he appeared.

'Uhm. Let me walk you to the car.' He said and you frowned. You waved at your friend, signing her to leave.

'There's no need for that.' You said and smiled.

'It's already dark and I can't let 2 pretty girls walk alone on the streets.' He said and you wanted to refuse but he bend down to Eun Mi.

'Are you tired?' He asked and she nodded. He smiled and lifted her up.

'You don't need to carry her, I can-' You tried to say but he cut you off.

'Just let me be kind to you for once.' He said and you sighed.

'Then, please follow me.' You said and he smiled satisfied.

He was quiet while walking and Eun Mi fell asleep fast.

'There's something else you wanted to talk about, right?' You asked after making sure that Eun Mi was asleep.

'Actually, there are a few questions i have but I'm not sure if you'll want to answer them.' He said and you just stared in front of you with a cold look.

'Ask.' You demanded and he sighed.

'Are you really in love with your cousin?' he asked and you knew that he would ask that.

'What do you want me to say?' You asked back and searched for your car keys.

'The truth.' He said and you opened the door to the backseat. He put Eun Mi in the car and you put a blanket over her. You closed the door and leaned against the car.

'I loved him for a few years... and now he went to America, to get his ex girlfriend back. I tried many times to stop loving him but it never really worked out like I wanted.' You said and Donghae could see the pain in your eyes. You couldn't cry anymore because your heart was burning from the pain.

'To forget an old love, you need a new one.' He said and stepped closer to you. He grabbed your hands and put them on his chest.

'Yeah but I don't need a love that will leave my side anyway.' You said and pushed him softly making him step back. He was still holding your hands against his chest.

'Do you like Leeteuk Hyung?' He asked suddenly.

'Where the hell did that come from?' You frowned.

'Just.. You kept getting in the way when he tried to get close to your friend. I thought that you were jealous.' He said and you smirked.

'So because you were jealous, you thought I was being jealous?' You said half joking but he didn't say anything and kept staring at you.

'My friend has a boyfriend and I noticed that she couldn't handle the way he kept acting towards her, so I helped her out.' You added when he wouldn't say anything.

'Are you done with your questions?' you asked and he stared into your eyes making you feel nervous.

'Will you give me a chance?' He asked and you sighed before pulling your hands away from him.

'I don't want to. You're on vacation and I don't mind flirting but I'm not a vacation love.' You said and walked around the car to the drivers seat. Just when you wanted to open the door, your phone ringed and you picked up while staring at Donghae.


'Tomorrow night there's a masquerade. You know from aunt Suzy. A lot of successors from big companies will attend and I want you to come and see if you can get some business deals with those young guys.' your father said immediately.

'Well, hello to you too, father.' You said.

'I'm sorry but I'm not going to flirt with them just so you can get your business deals.' you hissed.

'Don't be stubborn You'll have to take over the company anyway in the future and you will need a fiancé  I can approve of.' He said annoyed.

'What if I told you that I liked a famous singer and wanted to date him?' You said and Donghae gasped.

'Quit acting like a child! You know I won't accept those guys. The party starts at 6pm. You better don't be late or bring some weird guy with you.' He warned before hanging up.


'Seems like my dad won't ever accept you.' You said and he looked disappointed.

'So, do you know how to dance?' You asked and he looked confused at you.

'What are you trying to do?' He asked.

'If my dad already dislikes you without even meeting you, I wouldn't mind giving you a chance.' You said while smirking evilly.

'So you want to use me for making your dad mad?' He asked and you nodded.

'You asked me for a chance. Do you care what the reason is for giving you a chance?' You said coldly and he wouldn't answer.

'So I'll text you.' You said and were about to get in the car.

'Oh and I don't like attention so don't tell anyone about this conversation.' you said and finally got in the car. You watched him walk away from your car and hesitated before driving towards him. You opened up the window of the passengers seat.

'Want a lift?' You asked and he smiled before getting in.

'Why so kind?' He asked while fastening his seatbelt.

'Want me to drop you here?' You said annoyed and he chuckled. 


You focused on driving while he just stared at you.

'You know it's 30 minutes away from your hotel. Are you going to stare the whole way?' You asked, finding it hard to concentrate on the road.

'I'm sorry, it's just that my eyes immediately look at your lips.' He said.

'Playboy.' You mumbled but he understood you.

'I'm not a playboy.' He pouted.

'How many girls have you told that sentence?' You asked and he bit his lip.

'See, you're a playboy.' You grinned.

'As if you don't know how to flirt.' He hissed.

'What are you talking about?' you frowned.

'At the dinner, you knew perfectly well, how you should flirt with every type of guy.' He said and looked out of the window. You gasped and immediately parked.

'What the hell?! Can't you drive or something?!' He said annoyed.

'What are you talking about?! What do you mean with flirting with every type of guy?!' You said trying your hardest not to yell because of Eun Mi.

'With Heechul hyung, you just accepted it when he flirted with you. With Hangeng hyung you kept listening to him and gave him full attention when he told his story. With Eunhyuk, you would joke and you even pouted. You acted perfectly towards them and you knew how to keep their attention on you.' He said and you actually felt hurt by his words.

'If you want to think about me like that then go ahead. I was just being kind and had no intention of flirting. When you make friends, don't you also start with being kind and adjusting yourself a bit to their personality?' You said and turned to look at him. You could see in his eyes that he was feeling guilty.

'I....' He didn't finish his sentence.

'Whatever, it's late and I'm tired.' You said and started driving again.

While driving Donghae looked out of the window all the time while you kept glancing at him.

When you arrived at the hotel he got out fast without saying anything. You sighed and before you realized you got out of the car.

'Wait!' You said fast and he turned around. You rushed over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

'Maybe if you'll help me, I'll forget about him fast.' You whispered and walked back to your car with red cheeks. Leaving Donghae frozen and stunned in front of the hotel. You smiled when he stared at you and drove away.

When you got home You texted all the other members, besides Siwon, Sungmin and Kyuhyun about the masquerade and also texted your stylist before going to bed.


How are you doing??

I'm damn tired >.< and tomorrow school

Please give me comments for inspiration or just to cheer me up ^-^


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Chapter 8: She should end up with Jamesss!! I'm begging you let her end up with him! They would be perfect together. Am I the only one to see?? Still love the chapterr and your stories <33
Chapter 7: ohhhhh so now i know what happened to the boys and kyu..and donghae with her?uhh...hmmm...well yeah maybe,okay?hahah
James should end up with her!! And why did you drug him :( I'm waiting for another update !!
meme1919 #4
Chapter 2: Hmmmmmm maybe leeteuk is good for her!!!! Donghae can be here best friend!!!! ^-^
meme1919 #5
Chapter 1: It was long lol but its kool can't wait for the next update ^-^