Make Me Love You, Junsu

Our Happy Family...Not


Changmin called for the boy as he walked down the stone pavement.

"Where did you go?" Changmin asked himself. He sees someone sitting on a bench at the far end of the pavement and his face immediately light up.

"Junsu!" Changmin called happily, running towards the boy. The boy sitting on the bench looked at Changmin before turning away, not wanting to see him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your family now?" Junsu asked.

"But you're my family also." Changmin replied, sitting down beside Junsu causing the boy to move away slightly.

"I'm not part of your family. I don't belong there." Junsu said coldly.

"Then be one." Changmin stated, making Junsu look at him.

"And how do you even expect me to do that?" Junsu asked, rolling his eyes the next second.

"Be my lover."

"Very funny, Changmin." Junsu said, standing up.

"I'm going home. Go back to your family. They are probably waiting for you." He continued. "I'm serious." Changmin said, holding onto Junsu's wrist to stop him.

"Be my lover, Junsu." Changmin told him, looking up at Junsu.

"Weren't you the one who confessed to my Jae ap...I mean your own father?" Junsu asked.

"I knew about you liking me. You told Jaejoong about it that time. I overheard it." Changmin said.

"So? It's not as if you can like me back. Your heart likes Jaejoong...a man supposedly to be your father." Junsu said.

"We can try. Make me love you, Junsu." Changmin said, standing up. Junsu looked at Changmin.

"There's no way I can do that, Changmin. Believe me when I say that." Junsu said before turning his back on Changmin, leaving the boy standing there alone.

"Where are you going?" Changmin asked. Junsu stopped walking, his head turned slightly back.

"Now why should you care?" Junsu asked him back before stopping a cab, getting on it and not giving Changmin a chance to follow him. Changmin decided to just bring Jaejoong back to the dormitory so he went back to the Jung's villa.

"Did you find him?" Jaejoong asked the moment Changmin step inside the house.

"Jae, relax babe." Yunho said, rubbing the man's arm in an effort to calm him down.

"My son is missing. How am I going to relax, you tell me?" Jaejoong snapped at the man standing behind him. Yunho's hands immediately got off Jaejoong's shoulders, raising his hands as if he was caught or something.

"Ok, don't need to get mad at me. Geez, your temper is so quick compared to the past." Yunho mumbled, enough for the shorter man to hear it.

"What did you say?" Jaejoong asked, turning behind to look at Yunho as his hands rest on his waist.

"I said-"

"Ah appa, let's not start fighting just few hours after you guys meet again. Jaejoong, we should go home. Junsu said that he's going home." Changmin said, stopping the two men from starting an arguement.

"Should I send you back?" Yunho asked.

"No. I am capable enough to guard Jaejoong-"

"He's your umma. Call him umma." Yunho interrupted Changmin.

"Wait a minute. Why must he call me umma? I'm a man like you and Junsu even calls me appa. Changmin should call me appa also." Jaejoong said, stepping into the conversation.


"Well, Jaejoong. From what I remember, I used to top you. That also means you're the bottom and therefore, you should be called umma." Yunho carefully explained as he looked at Jaejoong.

"Umm, anyone?"

"Me being the bottom doesn't mean that I should be called umma. After all, the reason that I have to be the bottom everytime we do it is because of your stupid ego that doesn't want to be the bottom."


"My stupid ego? Excuse me, this man standing in front of you is the same one that made you kept every single night eighteen years ago. Do you want me to refresh your memory on how I did that? Because I can do it again with you. I'm sure your hole is still tight, ain't it?"

"Hell yeah it is cause I don't go around ing other people around. What about you, Yunho? Has your become small over the years?"


"What?" Both Yunho and Jaejoong shouted as they looked at Changmin who immediately cowered down when the two men shouted at him.

"I hate to interrupt your little arguement but on a serious note, that's enough with the details on those bedroom talk." Changmin said, putting another stop on their small fight.

"Now it's time to go home. My...umma shall go back home with me while my appa, stay here like a good boy and take a good rest. You want to talk with umma? Talk tomorrow." Changmin said before grabbing on Jaejoong's wrist.

"I'm an appa. Call me appa, Changmin." Jaejoong said, pouting slightly as they stopped to get a cab by the roadside.

"Do I look like I care whether you are being called umma or appa? It's still the same. You are my parent, aren't you?" Changmin asked and Jaejoong nod, deciding to just keep quiet.

"Geez, you two grown ups. Fancy fighting over a name." Changmin continued causing the man to pout even more. A car pulled up in front of them and Jaejoong immediately pulled Changmin behind him.

"What do you want, Yamapi?" Jaejoong asked, knowing clearly that the car was Yamapi's and he confirmed it when the man himself got out from the car.

"I'm on my way to the dorm also. Come on and get in. I'll send you two also." Yamapi said.


"No thanks, Yamapi. We are able to go back home by ourselves." Jaejoong said. Yamapi shrugged and Jaejoong assumed that he would leave but instead, Yamapi stood right in front of the two. He grinned at the two, his hand reaching out for Changmin.

"Stay away from my family."

Jaejoong heard Yunho's voice before he was pulled back. Yunho stood right in front of the two of them, shielding them from Yamapi.

"I don't know anything about your relationship with my father but from what I heard from Jaejoong, it isn't that good of a relationship. So, I would rather you leave now before I beat you into a pulp for being one of the people that tried to trouble my family." Yunho said.

"Your family that you're talking about was gone eighteen years ago. Right when Jaejoong left you and Changmin. Don't you see, Yunho? He left you because he thinks that you can't live without money. Do you know what that means? He doesn't want you if you're poor, Jung." Yunho immediately punched the man in the face.

"Watch your mouth. You may know him for eighteen years but Jaejoong isn't like that. I know him more than you." Yamapi just chuckle when he heard Yunho said that.

"Go before I really beat you." Yunho threatened and Yamapi just shrugged again, finally leaving. Yunho turns around to look at Jaejoong and Changmin.

"I'm sending you home. Now that I know people are troubling you, I'm not going to leave you guys alone without any protection." Yunho said.

"There's no need for that." Jaejoong said.

"I lose you once, Jae. I don't want to lose you again." Yunho told Jaejoong causing Changmin to just cringe by the side.

"Let's put a stop on that mushiness. I can't take it anymore. Find a car, appa." Changmin said and Yunho pointed to something behind the two. Changmin looked behind before walking to the limousine that was waiting for them.

"Yunho." Jaejoong called when the man walked pass him.

"Yamapi coming here means that-"

"They are watching us." Yunho completed the sentence for Jaejoong.

"I'm going to ask Yoochun to find out about those people." Yunho said, turning around to look at Jaejoong.

"Jae, I hate to say this but I think that we should stay away from each other for now. It's for your own good. I don't want them to harm you anymore." Yunho continued, his face clearly showing the worry he had on Jaejoong.

"Yunho." Jaejoong called softly, his right hand caressing Yunho's cheek.

"Jaejoong, I'm sorry." Yunho said, his hand holding onto Jaejoong's right hand as his face leaned on it. He may have not admit it but Yunho really missed Jaejoong's touch on him.

"Yun, I don't need those protection. I've been through all these trouble for eighteen years already. I'm used to it."

"But Jae-"

"Yunho, trust me I'm going to be alright." Jaejoong insisted and Yunho sighed.

"Promise me you'll call me if they ever do anything to you or Junsu. You just have to promise me that and I won't get those bodyguards for you." Yunho said and Jaejoong nod at him.

"I promise you." Jaejoong said, smiling a little bit at Yunho.

They finally got inside the car only to find Changmin asleep at the back of the car. Yunho sends the two of them back to the dorm. Jaejoong decided to go with Changmin to his room just to see if Junsu was there but Junsu can't be found in their room.

"Umma,  Junsu must be on his way home." Changmin said, knowing that Jaejoong was still worried.

"Alright. You should sleep, Changmin. I'm going upstairs." Jaejoong said, leaving the boy in the room alone.

Jaejoong slowly walked up the stairs to his penthouse. He opened the door, frowning when he remembered that he did lock the door when he went out just now. His eyes widened upon seeing the figure sitting by the window in the dark.

"Junsu!" Jaejoong immediately run towards the boy, wrapping his arms around him.

"Darling, where did you go just now? I was so worried about you." Jaejoong said before releasing Junsu from the hug.

"Honey, why are you crying?" Jaejoong asked, cupping Junsu's cheeks as he wipe the tears away gently.

"Appa." Junsu called, hugging the man tightly.

"It's alright, honey. Tell me what's wrong." Jaejoong said, rubbing Junsu's back slowly.

"I like him, appa. I like him so much." Junsu said, sobbing loudly.

"I know, darling. I know."

"But he likes you, appa. He told me to make him love me but I know I can't do that." Junsu said causing Jaejoong to feel guilty for making Changmin like him.

"I'm sorry, Junsu. Appa was bad." Jaejoong said.

"No you're not, appa. You are never the bad guy. You are an angel. Someone who tries to make things right for everyone. Someone who sacrifice his love for someone else. Someone me by raising me like his own son." Junsu said, looking at Jaejoong.

"I know, honey. What did Changmin tell you just now?" Jaejoong asked.

"He told me to be his lover." Junsu confided.

"Well, don't you want to be one? I thought you like him, darling." Jaejoong said.

"But he likes you. I won't be able to make that feeling of him liking you disappear." Junsu said.

"Junsu, you can't say no when you haven't even try it yet. Give it a try, honey. Maybe you could." Jaejoong said, trying to change his mind. Junsu looked at Jaejoong's eyes before smiling a little.

"I should go back to my room." Junsu said.

"Don't you want to sleep here?" Junsu shake his head at Jaejoong's question.

"Let me send you back to your room." Jaejoong said.

"It's just downstairs, appa. I'm going to be fine." Junsu said, waving at Jaejoong before leaving. Junsu walked down the stairways before going to his room. He was stopped at the front of his room by Yamapi who was smiling at him.

"Junsu." Yamapi called.


"It's time for one of your brainwashing lessons again."

"Hmm?" Junsu felt a sharp pain at the back of his head before his whole world turned black. Yamapi let the man behind Junsu carry the boy over his shoulders.

"Load him in the car. Mistress will be happy to know what we did." 



New update!!! Sorry for the late update. Been busy with school. But hey, everybody is busy, right? Comments are loved. XD

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Chapter 14: Love it... But I hate Yunho's mom though. Its good his dad died already.. What an evil dad
BTW Nice work..nice ending
I love this family...I hope MinSu have a great life together
jiyool #2
Chapter 14: nice work.. and nice ending
Chapter 14: I'm happy it ended well ^_^ I thought Junsu would really kill somebody~~~
hymeki #4
Chapter 14: It's really true love between yunjae,,
Eighteen years still hold love for each other without fade..
It's really awesome,,
Hope this love will happen in real world for yunjae, wkwkwk
Always keep the faith ^_^
purpleangel #5
Chapter 14: the minute there's even a slightest hint of trouble, Jaejoong decides to leave Yunho. if i were yunho, I wouldnt hold on to Jaejoong's promise so much.
purpleangel #6
Chapter 14: I guess Junsu's more important to Jae than Yunho since Jae was ready to leave Yunho if it meant he gets Junsu back. That's quite selfish and inconsiderate since he didn't even consider the fact that Yunho's been waiting for him for 18 years already. Not to mention Yunho's been miserable without him. In the end, All Jae cared about was Junsu. That kinda unfair on Yunho's part.
MissEztie #7
Chapter 14: owh so sweet
yay finally they can live happy. Nice ending. Thank you
MissEztie #8
Chapter 1: wow I'm curious about the plot. Better to find out soon
Chapter 14: waaaaaaww so sad but happy ending T,T

i'm salute for yunjae love .... no matter how long they're separated.... their love never less xD
ElfCassieYenJi #10
Chapter 14: this story is so nice iys just the duration of time that they are separated is too long. hehe anyways i like it.:)