Come Back

One More Time (Lies' Sequel)
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Sun is brightly up on the sky, smiling down on earth. 
The sound of waves calm everyone’s' soul, you can smell the scent of fresh flowers 
you watch the butterflies and birds dance around, giving a beautiful show. 

Everything around you seems beautiful and perfect; yet again you didn't know why you are here. 
There's many questions flowing on your mind, and each of them are longing for answers. 
Answers that you didn't know where and how to find, or if you could really get an answer 

All you know is, 
You are standing in front of the sea, watching it moves and glints, like there’s a million crystals are flowing on it. 

"Mom!" a faint voice calls behind you 
"Mom!" slowly you turn your body, jieun are waving to you. 
Behind him is junhyung, holding a basket on his hand. 
He smiles, waves at you too. 
Haemin came from your side 
"Come on, ms.hyerin" she said, slowly pulling you to where junhyung and jieun we're are 

Junhyung watch you with smiles, he can proudly said that you getting better. 

"Dad, mom is so pretty" jieun giggles shaking his hand, junhyung beam at her "Really?" 

The little girl nodded with a smile 
"She's pretty like jieun!" junhyung chuckles; he likes it whenever jieun see herself as you. 

Today, junhyung want to take you on beach before he left to seoul again. 

"Mommy!" jieun run to you and hugs you, you look down at her 
"Ji-eun" you softly whispers her name, jieun and junhyung gaps at you like you are some kind of ghost 
"Omo? Ms.hyerin, you finally speaks?" heamin blinks at you, junhyung grab your hand 
"You speak, you just said jieun's name, yeobo can you repeat that again?" he hopefully ask but you only blinks at him. 
"It's okay, don't force yourself" he said 
"You heard that? Mom called your name, she probably love you very much" he lift jieun up to his arms, haemin take the basket from him 

"Come on, yeobo let's go" junhyung grab your hand, junhyung rented a nippa hat cottage enough for four of you. Junhyung takes you and jieun on a walk around the beach, you of course silently watch your sorrounding, jieun mumbles every interesting thing she saw. Junhyung never let you to be alone; wherever he will go you and jieun are with him. 

"Daddy, look!" Jieun calls, she was standing in front of a shop of stuff toys 
Junhyung and you walks to her "What is it baby?" he asks kneeling down on her, still holding your hand. 
"Dad, I want that!" jieun point her finger at the small stuff toy, it's was white and hairy dog, an alpaca. 
It was dress on pink, a hat of pirates with a small eyes glass glued on its face.
Your eyes flew on the toy; you feel your heart skip a beat. 
A fast flash of scenario plays on your mind. 

"Who you love the most? Me or Ace?" you pout, crossing your arms on your chest, kris deep laugh echoes on the room, he took your hand, massaging your knuckles with his long slender fingers 
"Of course, I love you the most, baobei" he then lean to kiss your nose 
"Whenever I’m away from you, I always imagine that you are ace" He smiles only earning a frown from you 
"Yah! Do I look like a dog?" 

"Ace, isn't a dog, his alpaca, don't be jealous huh? I love you, remember that" 

Junhyung smiles at his daughter, 
"Do you want that?" jieun nodded eagerly 
"Okay, let's buy that" junhyung stood up, jieun cheer happily, and run inside the store, Junhyung laughs at her cheerfulness and turn to you 
"Yeobo? What happen?
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i may update on monday my net phone broke down.. sorry! :9


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taodayah #1
I know this story from my friend.when first time i read,the story was very awesome.i have stopped read this fanfic a few month ago.bcause i tought no best story i can read.but when i read ur mind said "i must read this story until the end" ..jyeah..awesome XD...
Chapter 20: Omg!! The ending is Like i was expecting.. they married. finally.
Chapter 12: ohhhhh finally he knows..huhuhu
Chapter 11: Luna you decided a good thing
Chapter 10: Freaking liarrrrr.. He's so selfish. He doesnt know anything about kris. he just care to his own happiness. TT.TT
Chapter 7: Huhuhu The sad part is here. Oh poor kris. If only he knows ..
Chapter 6: Luna saw her! Omg she wouldnt be the devil again right? She regreted everything she has done. I guess she would be the angel.. Hope so.
Chapter 4: I doubt if junhyung loves her. He just consider her as his past wife.. aha kris is back. He just prentending right? I hope so.
Chapter 3: Oh I think now I know why the story title is lies. This story is full of lies. Oh man junhyung. T.T
Chapter 2: Ohhh someone save her. And it was him.. T.T hopefully kris will find her.