He Needs To Know

One More Time (Lies' Sequel)
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"Mommy won't talk to me again" jieun frowns as she sat on her bed cross armed. 
Haemin smiles at her and patted her head 
"She don't talk to anyone, jieun" she said 

"but why? I thought she feel better? Dad said that mom are getting okay" jieun continue throwing tantrums 

It's been a week since you gain your memories again, and you came back on your mute self. 
You didn't say anything to anyone, even on junhyung. 
At first he thought that you're getting back on depression, he keeps hearing your cries every night, softly calling for Kris name. 

You keep asking yourself why he forgets you, did he move on already or he just didn’t love you? 
Only jungho made you calm, he is the only one you could tell that yours. 
He resembles Kris so much, his eyes, lips, and nose. 

Junhyung starts to regret his decision not to take you to Kris, but he can't help to feel selfish. 
He can't let you go that easily, but he too knows that he need to let you go, you are right. 
You are not hyeri, hyeri is dead long time ago. 
He can't fool himself, he can't erase the fact the hyeri is dead. 
He need to set you free, not for you but for his wife's memories. 

"Just give me time, I will take you to him" he said as he continue watching you 


It's jungho's third month since he left hospital, he need to get a shot for his health. 
Junhyung told to haemin to get jieun ready, then he went to your room. 
You are already dressed; you are watching jungho sleeping on his crib. 

"Hye---" he stops himself, there's no reason to call you on that name 
"Meifeng" he softly said your name, walking on bed. You keep your eyes on jungho, like he's the only one in the world 

"Meifeng" he calls again and sat on bed opposites from you, he could read the pain and miseries written on your face, he take a deep breath before he speaks again 
"Do you really want to see him?" 
You stays in silences, you continue patting jungho's small legs sending him on deep sleep, junhyung open his mouth again about to speak when you interrupt him 
"That's it matter if i want to see him again?" you asks "You're right, he probably forget me" you finally look at him 
"Yes, I do want to see him again, to touch him again, to hug him, to kiss him, I really miss him, but why? Why would i go to see him? He choose Luna over me, did you know that she is the reason why we fought?" you started to cry, junhyung scooted close to you immediately, he pulled y
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i may update on monday my net phone broke down.. sorry! :9


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taodayah #1
I know this story from my friend.when first time i read,the story was very awesome.i have stopped read this fanfic a few month ago.bcause i tought no best story i can read.but when i read ur story..my mind said "i must read this story until the end" ..jyeah..awesome XD...
Chapter 20: Omg!! The ending is Like i was expecting.. they married. finally.
Chapter 12: ohhhhh finally he knows..huhuhu
Chapter 11: Luna you decided a good thing
Chapter 10: Freaking liarrrrr.. He's so selfish. He doesnt know anything about kris. he just care to his own happiness. TT.TT
Chapter 7: Huhuhu The sad part is here. Oh poor kris. If only he knows ..
Chapter 6: Luna saw her! Omg she wouldnt be the devil again right? She regreted everything she has done. I guess she would be the angel.. Hope so.
Chapter 4: I doubt if junhyung loves her. He just consider her as his past wife.. aha kris is back. He just prentending right? I hope so.
Chapter 3: Oh I think now I know why the story title is lies. This story is full of lies. Oh man junhyung. T.T
Chapter 2: Ohhh someone save her. And it was him.. T.T hopefully kris will find her.