
Smiling Eyes

Jay woke up with a smile on his face, he remembered dreaming about his favorite actress, Summer Choi.

How I wish I could meet you my beautiful, long-legged goddess.

Just then, Jay’s phone lit up, a text message waiting to be read.

Good morning Jay, this is Dr. Sanders, how are you feeling? Did the medicine I gave you help? Inform me immediately if you experience any kind of pain alright? Give my regards to your friends and family.

Jay smiled to himself, the good doctor has been with him ever since he and his family found out about his condition.

I’m fine doc, I think the meds are doing what they’re supposed to. I’ll keep you posted. I’ll tell them you said hi. Say hello to the wife and kids for me.

Jay got up from his bed and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. He looked at himself in the mirror, his long disheveled hair, prominent jaw and lively eyes betray nothing about his hidden condition. Only Vincent knows about him, seeing as the guy once caught him downing a couple of his meds. He was afraid that Vince would tell the others about him, but fortunately for him, Vincent stayed quiet. Jay appreciated that, ever since then he knew he could trust his friend.

He stared at his reflection longer only now, different thoughts came into his mind.

What would the others say about the record deal? I know Mark’s going to agree, partly because of Yoona and partly because he wants fame. Same goes for Taeyeon, without the Yoona thing of course. Duke’s probably gonna go with the majority. And Vincent, hmmmm, what would Vincent choose? I really have no clue what goes inside that guy’s head most of the time but I’ll trust he’ll do what he thinks is best for all of us. As for me, well, I know I’m game. Carpe diem baby!

After a few minutes, Jay started to walk to the door to get some food from the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Vincent and Taeyeon alone. Looks like things are finally hitting off for those two, better not disturb them.

“Three dozen eggs, 4 liters of milk, 4 liters of orange juice, 3 kilograms bacon, 2 kilograms of pork chops, 5 whole chicken, 3 boxes of assorted cereals, 7 boxes of frozen pizza, 8 tubs of ice cream, wow, I never realized the five of us ate so much, and to think these are what were gonna eat just for the next 3 days,” Duke took a look at his almost full grocery cart full of different kinds of food and a few toiletries.

I should hurry up and get home, those guys might be hungry already.

“Duke? Is that you?”

Duke quickly turned his head around and was met with a pleasant surprise.


“Yes, Duke, it’s me.”

“I almost didn’t recognize you, you’re blonde now.”

“Haha, being a brunette bored me.”

“Wow, how long has it been? Nine, ten years?”

“I know right, so, do you still play the drums?”

“Yeah, I’m actually in a band right now.”

“Wow, that’s cool, so, you guys under a label or anything like that?”

“Truth be told, we’ve just been offered, we’re still thinking whether or not we should say yes though.”

“Why? I mean, it’s gonna be good for you guys right?”

“I guess so, anyway, how about you? Do you still play the drums?”

“Not so much I’m afraid, I do teach kids though.”

“You a teacher? Never would have thought.”

“Me either, but it’s fun. I actually have a student with me today, her mother is out on work so I decided to keep her company for a while. Would you like to meet her?”

“Sure, where is she anyway?”

“I asked her to get some ice cream, she should be here any second.”

And sure enough, a little girl holding a tub of ice cream came towards Sunny. She had shoulder-length blonde hair and had this air of coldness around her, like she doesn’t like talking to strangers.

“Hey Sica, you can put the ice cream in the cart.”

“Sure Teacher Sunny, by the way, who’s he? A friend of yours?”

“Yes, his name is Duke, he plays the drums as well, you know.”

“Really? Hello Mister, I’m Jessica, but everyone calls me Sica, nice to meet you,” Jessica said as she stretched out her right hand.

Duke didn’t know but he had a sudden urge to hug the child in front of him, like she’s his daughter or something. Not wanting to look like a e, Duke just decided to shake the hand in front of him.

“Pleasure to meet you Sica, like you teacher said, I’m Duke. So, you’re studying how to play the drums?”

“Yes! Teacher Sunny says I’m very good at it already for my age.”

“And your age would be?”

“I’m six!”

Six? My daughter would be the same age as her right now.

“Mister, are you alright?”

“What? Oh yes, I’m alright.”

“Say Duke, would you like to go with us to the studio, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard you play, and I’m pretty sure Sica here would like to hear you as well, after all, you are the one who taught me in the first place.”

“He’s your teacher? Wow! Mister could you come with us? Pleeeeease?”

“I would love to, but I gotta get home early, my bandmates must be starving right now. But tell you what? Sunny here is gonna exchange phone numbers with me so I could come another time. Sound good?”


“So then, I’m gonna go finish my grocery list and be on my way, it was nice meeting you Sica.”

“You too Mister Duke!”

“Just call me Duke, the mister kind of makes me sound old.”

“Sure Duke!”

“Well Sunny, a pleasure seeing you again. I’ll call you?”

“Sure, take care.”

Duke left the two girls to finish his grocery shopping. Somehow, because of reasons unknown, meeting and talking with Sunny and Sica made him want to go for the record deal.

“Ugh, Yoo-Yoona…”




“Why’d you stop?”

“Do you think they’ll say yes?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think you’ll bandmates would say yes?”

“I’ve known those guys for years, I’m pretty sure they’ll say yes.”




“Yes Mark?”

“It’s about Tiffany…”

“What about Tiffany?”

“Uhmm, you see…”

“Oh God, please don’t tell you didn’t have with her!”

“NO! Nothing like that!”

“Then what?!”

“Uhmm, me and the guys sorta knew her back then, except Taeyeon.”

“Knew her? What do you mean?”

“You do know that this is Tiffany’s hometown right?”

“Yes, so you mean to say you guys are from here as well?”

“That’s right, actually, before Taeyeon, Tiffany was our vocalist.”


“Yeah, she and Vincent were the ones who got me, Duke and another girl to form our band, some… things happened that made the other girl leave the band. A few months later, along comes Jay.”

“And? I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Vincent and Tiffany were a couple back then as well.”


“Tiffany broke it off with Vincent in quite a bad way.”

“I’m guessing you want me to do something about this?”

“Yeah, I just don’t want the two of them to see each other yet, Tiffany knows we’re here though, I sorta met her when I went to the bathroom after our first night together.”

“You think Vincent’s still hung up on Tiffany?”

“I know he is, the two of them have been together since they were kids.”

“Alright, I’ll make sure the two of them don’t meet for now, at least not until the contract has been signed.”

“Thanks Yoona.”

“You’re welcome, now where were we?”

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