Mother and Daughter

Smiling Eyes

“Mommy!” a little girl with hazel-colored hair ran excitedly towards her mother, a pair of drumsticks held in one of her little hands.

“Hey Sica, how was practice?” asked the girl’s mother.

“It was really fun mom! We tried doing rolls today, it was a bit hard at first but I got the hang of it. Teacher Sunny said I was learning really fast.”

“That’s nice dear, say, since you’ve doing really good with the drums lately, why don’t we go for some ice cream to celebrate? What do you say?”

“Ice cream? Yay!”

“I’ll take that as yes,” the woman chuckled as she took her daughter by the hand.

“What flavor do you want baby?”

Sica was concentrating on the dozens of ice cream flavors in front of her, not sure whether to pick chocolate or strawberry.

“Mom, I think I have a big problem,” a frown was visible on the child’s face.

“What is it Sica?”

“I can’t choose between chocolate and strawberry.”

The mother chuckled at her daughter’s so-called ‘problem’.

 “Then just choose both, baby.”

“Really? I can do that?” Sica looked happily at both her mother and the ice cream man.

“Why yes you could little miss, but are you sure you can finish it all?” the ice cream man said to Sica.

“Of course I can, I’m not called the Ice Cream Princess out my school for nothing!”

The mother looked at her daughter’s proud and smiling face, she felt so much happiness seeing Sica so full of joy. If only he were with her, everything would be perfect.

“Mommy, is something wrong?” Sica tugged on her mother’s blouse, a worried expression on her face.

“Nothing sweetie, come on, let’s go find a good place to sit.”

“Mommy, are you sure you’re okay?”

Sica was a bit worried for her mother, she rarely saw her like this and when she did it’s because of her mom missing Sica’s father.

“Are you thinking about dad again?”

“What? Oh, sweetie, just a bit. I just remembered back then the two of us would also go out for ice cream like this, he would always choose chocolate while I chose strawberry.”

“Your favorite flavors are the same as mine!”

“It would appear so sweetie, your dad also plays the drums, you know? I guess that’s where you got your love for the instrument.”

“Is he any good mom?”

“On the drums? Your father is great, the two of us and some of our other friends used to play as a band.”

“Wow, that’s cool. Mom, why are you and dad not together? I know you still love him.”

“Things got… complicated, sweetie. Mom had to move away while you were still inside me, I couldn’t tell him because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.”

“But you still LOVE him. Aren’t you going to go do something about it?”

“It’s too late Sica.”

Sica couldn’t believe her mother, Why would she just give up like that? Well if her mom wouldn’t do something about it, she will.

“Mom, do you know when Aunt Yoona is gonna come visit? I miss her.”

“I don’t know sweetie, I’ll text her.”

Hey Yoong, I know this is a bit sudden but is it possible for you to come and visit? I know things are a bit hectic with you being Butterfly’s manager and all, but Sica’s been asking about you. You know how your niece could be. But if it’s really not possible we understand.

It wasn’t long before the woman heard her phone vibrate.

Hey sis! Actually I think I could go visit, the company gave me and Tiff a vacation for a few weeks. But since I’m still responsible for Tiff I may have to go and take her with me. Oh and I have some good news! I met someone and I think things are going to good for me this time. I’ll try to call you later, I’m meeting up with his band mates. Yes! He’s in a band. Isn’t that cool? Love you sis!

A smile spread across the woman’s face as she read her sister’s reply.

“Mom? What did Aunt Yoona say?”

“Oh, what? Oh, she said she’ll try and swing by, isn’t that great sweetie?”

“Really? Yay! I can’t wait!”

The mother looked at her daughter cheerfully eating the last few scoops of her chocolate-strawberry ice cream unknown that Sica was planning something for her mom.

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