Old Memories and New Friends

Smiling Eyes

The soft sheets remained tangled upon Tiffany’s slender figure. She lied to Yoona when she said she had plans for today. Truthfully, she was afraid of seeing Vincent after what she did. She knew the man would most likely still hate her, but what she was most afraid of is what she would do. She knew that if she saw Vincent, her emotions would get the best of her.

I was the one who broke up with him, I have no right to see him.

“What’s that you got in your hand?”

“It’s a gwasshopper! Wanna see?”

“G-g-g-grasshopper?! A-a-a-as in a b-b-b-b- bug?!

“Yeah, you wanna touch it? You wanna?”


“Sheesh, it’s just a gwasshopper, there I let it go. Stop cwying. What’s your name anyway?”


“Hi Tiffany, I’m Vincent! Sorry if I scawed you with that gwasshopper, I didn’t know you were afwaid of bugs.”

“It’s okay… Uhmm, I have to go now, Mommy’s gonna pick me up soon.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow!”

“Sure, bye!”

“Tiffany, wait!”


“Can we be fwiends?”


“Hey Vince, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“Me? I’d like to be in a band!”


“I’m not really sure myself, maybe it’s because of this video I saw. The guy on-stage looked so happy. I guess I wanted to feel what he felt. What about you Tiff? Have you thought of what you want to be when you grow up?”

“I don’t know yet. But it’s good that you know what you want to be.”

“I know! Why don’t the two of us start our own band?”

“Me? But I don’t know how to play an instrument.”

“Then you could be the vocalist. I heard you sing before. You’re really good.”

“I don’t know Vince, I don’t think there’s a band that only has two members.”

“Don’t worry, there’s bound to be other kids who could play instruments.”

“Hey Tiff! I have big news! I hung out with these two guys at my class and guess what? One plays the drums while the other plays the bass! I already asked them if they want to start a band with the two of us and they said yes.  That means we just need to find another guitarist and we could go make our own band.”

“Really?! Nice! Wait, I think I can solve that guitarist problem.”

“How? It’s not like you can suddenly start playing the guitar.”

“Not me silly, there’s this transfer student in my class and it turns out she can play the guitar! I still have to hear her play but even if she’s not that good it’s not like she can’t practice with us, right?”

“Wait, is she that dark-skinned girl? The one the whole school is calling the Black Pearl?”

“Yeah! At first I thought she was one of those prissy attention-seekers but she’s actually kinda cool and nice.”

“Awesome, but we have one more problem though.”


“We need to have a name.”

“Tiff? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Who called you?”

“I-it-it’s the hospital…”

“The hospital? Did something happen? Tiff?”

“My parents… they… accident… my mom…”

“Tiff? Tiff? Tiff! Hey Duke! Mark! Help me out here! Tiffany passed out! Guys!”

“Tiff? Have you eaten?”


“I made you some spaghetti. It’s your favorite, right?”


“Come on Tiff, you have to eat something.”


“Tiff, don’t beat yourself up. There’s nothing you could have done.”


“… I’ll be outside if you need anything.”

“Tiff, seriously, this has gone too far, it’s been weeks since you’ve been like this. You’re sulking is not gonna bring your mom back.”


“Tiff, please, try to at least make an effort.”

“…shut up.”


“…I said… SHUT UP!”





“…I’m sorry, Tiff. I, I just wanted you to smile again. It pains me seeing you like this. Mark, Duke, Yuri, you’re dad, everyone’s worried about you.”

“You think I don’t know that? But it’s just so hard Vince. My mom was always there, when I got hurt, when I won my first singing contest. Every time, Vince, she was there every time, at all the ups and downs. Now she’s gone. Forever. No one will be there for me anymore.”

“That’s not true Tiff. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

“…you’re just saying that. One of these days you’ll get fed up and leave me.”

“I won’t.”

“How can you say that? How can you be so sure?”

“Because I love you. I always have, and I always will.”



“…say that again.”


“What you said earlier.”

“I always will?”

“…not that.”

“I love you?”


“I love you.”

“Hey Vince! You ready for tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? What’s gonna happen tomorrow?”

“It’s our English final! Don’t tell me you haven’t studied yet? The teacher told the class about it like a hundred times.”

“I was doing something else?”

“Seriously? At this rate you might fail the class!”

“Then help me study! Please pleasepleasepleaseplease pretty please!”

“Oh alright! But only this time, okay? Next time you really should listen to the teacher’s announcements.”

“Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much! Thank God you’re my girlfriend!”

“Hey Tiff! Wait up!”

“Catch me of you can Vince!”

“You know I’m not good with running! Come on, wait up.”

“If you catch me I’ll give you a kiss.”

Tears suddenly flowed out of Tiffany’s eyes. Remembering the things that happened between her and Vincent didn’t help either. She decided that taking a walk might make her feel better. It’s been a long time since she’s been in her hometown. I wonder if that small clearing is still there.

Taeyeon still couldn’t believe what happened earlier.

“Really? You’d want us to be part of your company?” Vincent looked as flabbergasted as the rest of them.

“Yeah, you guys are really good. Plus the way you perform, I can see you guys really love what you’re doing,” Yoona was having fun at their expressions.

“This is a big thing for us, I mean, we’ve always been doing stuff on our own. If we do agree to this, this is the first time we’d be under a legit record label,” Taeyeon was second to recover from the initial shock. “I think we may need some time in order to decide.”

“By all means, but I’ll be expecting a yes, alright?”

She decided she wanted to be alone in order to think about Yoona’s proposition. This is a big step for Mysterious Sally and she didn’t want to make any rash decisions. She decided to come to her personal little haven, a small clearing somewhere in the city.

As she made her way to one of the benches, she was surprised to find a girl sitting there. I didn’t know anybody else knew about this place. As she approached the girl, she couldn’t help but see the sadness in the girl’s eyes. Too bad, I bet she’s really pretty if she smiled.

“Umm, miss, are you okay?”

“Wh-who? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I thought I was alone, not a lot of people come here. I thought I was the only who knew about this place.”

“I’ve only been here a few times when I was younger.”

“Really? How come?”

“I’m not quite sure myself, but somehow, when I come here, my mind becomes calmer. You must think I’m crazy don’t you?”

“Not at all, that’s why I’m here too. When I was still a kid, whenever I was sad I used to come to this place. Though back then my friend would come with me as well.”

“Where’s your friend now? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“He and I had a, falling apart. It’s my fault though, still, I can’t help but miss him.”

“That’s too bad. Hey, I know, since your friend isn’t here, why don’t I be your friend.”

“Really? But we don’t even know each other.”

“Isn’t that how friends are supposed to start?”

“I guess you’re right.”

“See? By the way, I’m Taeyeon. What’s your name?”

“I’m Tiffany. Pleased to meet you Taeyeon.”

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