Drive Back Home

Smiling Eyes

Vincent was holding the steering wheel of the band’s van too tightly. To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He was really thankful that the person sitting beside him is sleeping soundly.

How did it come this? Vincent thought to himself.

The five members of Mysterious Sally were enjoying the dinner of pork chops and mashed potatoes prepared by Duke. It was a good thing he knows how to cook, or else the others would probably just heat up the frozen pizzas.

“So, anything interesting happened while I was out?” Mark asked his bandmates.

Taeyeon and Vincent glanced at each other but quickly looked away. Jay saw this and tried to stop himself from giggling. Duke and Mark were confused as to what happened.

“Seriously, something’s up. I can sense it,” it was Duke’s turn to voice out his thoughts.

“I-it’s nothing g-guys, seriously,” Taeyeon stammered.

“Yeah, tell them Jay, you were with us the whole day,” Vincent added.

“Woah, don’t point fingers at me. I was asleep the whole time,” Jay raised his hands in mock surrender.

An awkward silence washed over the bandmates. Luckily, Vincent’s phone suddenly started ringing. The startled vocalist quickly made a beeline towards his little gadget.

“Yeah, I’m near. Uhuh. Sure. I’ll ask them. Alright. I’ll text you if I’m gonna be bringing them over.”

“Who was that?” Jay was the first to ask.

“My mom, I called her a few days ago saying that we came back here. She said to come pay her a visit and if you guys would like to come with.”

“Oh yeah, you said this is your guys’ hometown but why are we staying in a hotel?” Taeyeon suddenly asked.

“This is our hometown, well, me and Duke anyway. Vince here just stayed in an apartment in the city while we were still students. It’s ‘cause there wasn’t a high school where he came from, so he opted to go into the city,” her cousin answered.

“I see. But it looks like Vince’s mom knows you guys.”

“She does. We’ve been over at her house a few times. She makes the best apple pies. Like, you haven’t really tasted apple pie until you’ve eaten the ones Aunt Lily made,” Jay’s mouth began to water at the memory of the pies.

“Well it looks like I already know your guys’ answers. I’ll text my mom to bake us some of her pies tomorrow.”


The five of us were supposed to come together, Vince thought to himself as he kept on driving to his ancestral home.

Just then, he heard the person beside him stirred a bit and slowly woke up.

“Are we there yet?”

It took a few seconds for Vincent to properly think of an answer.

“Hey Vince, I asked you a question.”

“W-what? Oh yeah, we’re gonna be there in about half an hour. Why don’t you get some more sleep?”

“Oh, okay. Wake me up when we get there, okay?”

“Okay.” I am so gonna murder you guys when I get back.

“Where are those three?” Taeyeon asked as she sat inside her band’s van. Duke, Mark and Jay were nowhere to be found and it’s already an hour past their meet-up time.

“I texted them a while ago, still no reply,” Vincent said. He was starting to think his three friends somehow set him up.

“I’m tired of waiting, let’s just go already. Your mom might get worried if we get there late.”

“I guess you’re right. Well buckle up, it’s gonna take us a few hours to get there.”




Taeyeon’s phone suddenly received three messages, thinking it was from their three friends, she quickly fished her phone from her pocket.

The first message was from her cousin.

Hey cuz! Bad news, I won’t be able to go to Aunt Lily’s house, Yoona said something about a meeting and she needs one of us to go with her. Have fun!

The next was from Duke.

Hey Tae, an old friend of mine suddenly wanted to meet up with me. It’s been years since I last saw her so I won’t be able to go with you guys. Say hello to Aunt Lily for me.

The last one was from Jay.

Taengoo! If you’re reading this then I’m probably not with you guys going to Aunt Lily’s. Though it pains me that I won’t be able to eat Aunt Lily’s pies, it gives me great pleasure to know that you’re gonna have some alone time with Vince. *wink* Anyway, you two have fun and remember to use protection! Just kidding, I know you won’t do that. But seriously, use rubber, you could never be too careful.

Taeyeon’s face became as red as a beet after reading Jay’s text. Did he know about her crush?

“Hey, Taengoo, was it them?”

If Taeyeon’s face could get any redder, it would after hearing Vince call her “Taengoo”.

“Taengoo, Taeyeon. Hey, you alright?”

“W-w-what? Yeah, I’m fine. It was them, they said they’re sorry for not being able to make it.”

Vincent just sighed. He knew his friends were up to something.

“Taengoo, wake up, we’re here.”

Taeyeon slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a big house, the type that rich farm-owning families would have. Taeyeon looked at Vince with wide eyes.

“That’s your house?!”

“Well, yeah. It’s kinda big, isn’t it?”

“Kinda? That’s a freakin’ mansion! Why are you wasting your time with us when you’re rich as hell?”

“Hey, I’m not wasting my time with you guys. I love what I’m doing. I’d rather be up on stage performing than be here managing the farm with my folks. Besides, they understand.”

Taeyeon still couldn’t believe what she was seeing. But she told herself that she may as well get used to it seeing as they’ll be staying here for three days.

“Come on, mom’s waiting inside.”

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