Coming Back

Smiling Eyes

“Hey, we’ll always be together, right?” asked the girl to her lover

.“Of course, are you doubting our love?” answered the boy.

“I’m not, I just wanted to make sure.”

“I love you so much, you know that, right?”

“I know, and I love you too.”

The scene changes, swirls of smoke start to fog the sweetness of the couple. A dimly lit street appears, raindrops drum cheerfully on the rooftops seemingly mocking the argument of the two people below.

“Whatever happened to we’ll always be together?!” shouted the young man.

“Times have changed Vincent. I can’t always be the one cleaning up your messes. I have a life of my own as well!” answered the infuriated woman.

“Then I’ll change, I’ll be more mature, please Stephanie, I’ll do anything, just don’t leave me.”

“I’m sorry Vincent, but this is goodbye.”

A blinding white light suddenly appeared in front of the man, preventing him from following the love of his life.

“Dude, dude, Vince, hey man, wake up!”

“Wh-what? What happened? Where am I?” asked the groggy Vincent.

“Aish, seriously dude, you were mumbling all through your sleep, it kinda looked like you were having a nightmare,” said the man who woke Vincent up.

“Hey Duke, did you happen to understand what I was mumbling about?

Duke wanted to say he heard his friend repeating the name Stephanie over and over but decided against it. He figured he wouldn’t want Vincent to remember how she left him and the others.

“No dude, just some random sounds, that’s why I was worried.”

“Is that right? By the way how long ‘til we get there?”

“About five hours, why?”

“How about letting me drive for a bit, you look like you could use some sleep.”

“Sure, I’d like that.”

Duke pulled the van to the side and opened the door quietly as to not wake up the three other people at the back but Vincent, unfortunately, didn’t quite go along with his plan.

“I’m innocent! I don’t got no weed!” shouted somebody from the backseat.

“Now Jay’s awake, so much for sleeping,” said a slightly annoyed Duke.

“I’m sorry dude, I didn’t know he would wake up,” apologized Vincent.

“Nah, it’s okay man, and Jay, there are no cops, so if you do have weed with you, don’t worry, it’s safe,” said Duke to his fidgety friend.

"Ahh, is that so, hehe, then mind me asking when were gonna get there? My hurts from sitting so much," complained Jay.

"In about five more hours, I was planning to drive in place of Duke but if you want we could stop for a while so you could stretch your legs," answered Vincent.

Unknown to the three friends, the other two passengers woke up because of the noise they were making.

"What's with all the noise? Are we there yet?" asked the sleeping girl.

"It can't be couz, I remember sleeping at about 2 AM, and looking at my watch now, it's only half past 3," said the girls cousin.

"Then why is everyone so noisy? Argh, this is annoying, I can't sleep now that I've woken up."

"We're sorry Taeyeon, but it's because Vincent here couldn't be bothered to keep himself silent while switching places with me," apologized Duke to the girl.

"Well since all of us are all awake I'll just get out of the van and stretch my legs for a bit, move over Mark," said Jay.

All five people went outside of the van to breathe a little bit of fresh air.

"Hey Vince, are you sure you want to do this? I mean we are going back there," asked Mark to his friend.

"I'm not really sure dude, but I do know that if I do this, the whole band is gonna benefit from it, so I really shouldn't think about my own personal feelings right now, especially since we've come a really long way from being a garage band," answered Vincent while gazing at the beautiful night sky.

"Wow Vince, since when have you become this mature? I thought for a second I'm gonna be the only mature one in this group," said Taeyeon jokingly.

"Savor it Taetae, this is a rare occurrence, even rarer than an eclipse," added Jay.

"Oh shut up guys," said Vincent.

A few more minutes of stargazing and the bandmates decided it's best to get going, since Vincent volunteered earlier, he is now in the driver seat.

I can do this, it's been two years already, I've already moved on, Vincent thought to himself.

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Chapter 3: it is a nice chapter
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