
When Love Walked In

"Love is when you would give up your whole world; give up your life, your everything just to make sure that person you love is okay"


I did not know my mother was sick. She never told me, and how could I not notice it. Wasn't it kind of obvious that she is, and now here I am at the hospital bed watching my mother's pale lifeless face in front of me. I held onto her hands hoping that all this is a dream, and a dream I want to wake up. 
The person who means the whole world to the only one and me I have left. How can life be so cruel at times, and why does it have to be my mother? I just want to see her smile again, and not the weak smiles, but a happy smile she use to give me. For her to be healthy, but now, she is here. The words the doctor said to me still keeps repeating in my mind, making my heart clutch in pain making tears fall from my eyes. 
"I'm sorry, but it seems your mother has fallen ill." The doctor told apologetically, as I held onto my mother hands tight. 
"Is there anything you can do?" I asked the doctor, as he patted my back. 
"We will try our best, but for now we have to run some tests on her," the last thing the doctor said before walking out to his office. 
It has been a day now, and the results are still the same. My mother still has not woken up yet, and I really want to hear her voice right now. I miss her warm hugs, kisses, and her wonderful laughter. I miss the smell of her cooking when I arrive home from work, and help her around. The way we would have a water fight, as we wash the dishes after we eat dinner. 
"Omma, if you can hear me wake up soon" I whispered and silently prayed.
"Omma, I love you so much," I said finally breaking into tears as it falls down to her hands. I feel her hands twitching. 
"Omma?" I gasped in shock, as I feel her hands twitching beneath mine, and finally her eyes opened. 
My mother looked around the hospital room, and her eyes then landed on me. "Honey, where are we?" She asked me softly, as she wiped away the tears still falling down my eyes. 
"Omma, we are at the hospital because you are ill," I told her my voice cracking a little.  We sat there in silence, until I decided to break the silence. “Omma, why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her disappointed, angry, and upset not at my mother but at myself. 
“Honey, I am sorry but I didn’t know how to tell you” my mother responded, as she brought me in for a hug, as I breathe in her perfume. She smelled like cherry blossoms, she said it is the scent my father loves. That night we cried until we could not cry anymore, and I fell asleep next to my mother. 
Hi  my lovely and wonderful subscribers and readers reading this update here is the long awaited chapter 5. Sorry no N and Eunyoung encounter on this one. But there will be more of their moments, so please be patient with me. So how is it? Love it? Like it? I just want to thank you guys so much for the support that you subscribers have given me and this fanfic. It makes me feel the love <3 that you guys give it, and I just want to say that I love you Subscribers and readers too ! <3333333333333333333 [Feel the love] So again thank you so much. See you lovlies again on my next update. Okay? 
Love Always & Forever, 
Kimmie_asian_17 <33333
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Sorry for my lack of update, but I'll have chapter 10 as soon as possible [when love walked in]


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Chapter 15: Awww i love your story a lotssss ^^ update soonnn if u cann ^^ i will waitt ^^
xNarya #2
Chapter 16: Get a big great rest and hope that you won't abandon it.
Happy 2015 & I wish you the best ~
Chapter 16: Update soon! If you're looking for a good co-author please contact me! :D Keep it up, authornim!
wanda22 #4
Chapter 16: please update it soon.. :(
NurRTqa #5
Chapter 16: And I mean advance merry christmas. Gosh, what's wrong with me. Haha!
NurRTqa #6
Chapter 16: Oops! I mean 'really', not ready. Haha! :D
NurRTqa #7
Chapter 16: I ready do wish that you continue your story, but I also understand how you feel of having to lose motivation to write because I, too lose motivation to continue my story as I currently having writer's block. Well, it's your choice since you're the author. Oh, and have a merry christmas! (Though I don't celebrate) :)
touchchandara #8
Chapter 3: Wow, keep going I like it
wanda22 #9
Chapter 15: thanks for the update author.. i really miss this story..
Chapter 15: aw omg~ its so cute! his heart racing just at the thought of her~ screw minyoung! gosh. oh well. i didnt meet her, so i guess i shouldnt rlly say anything. and it kinda that they never met her. so anyways, i would love to be a co author, but im not the best co author in the world, lol. i cant even update my own story. srry! oh well. why do u need one though?