And A Twisted Ending...

Twisted Love

Hyukjae POV

“I can’t believe we’re gonna do this.” Min sighed, rubbing his temples.

I simply smirked. “Anything for my Kyu baby. So, are you in or are you out?”

“It’s not like your monkey can do this without me...”

I chuckled. “Well then off to Mokpo Highschool we go.”



Donghae POV

“Aish, stop moving and let me disinfect that wound.”

Kyu pouted. “It hurts Hae!”

“Of course it hurts; your wounds are still fresh. But, care to tell me who roughed you up this bad?” I already knew. Sungmin had told Hyuk and I the names of the four seniors but I wanted Kyuhyun to tell me exactly what had happened. These past days Kyuhyun hadn’t mentioned anything concerning the incident at all; except the names of the four boys that is.

Kyu sighed and looked away. “I already told you guys, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Why not?”

Kyu sighed again before getting up off. He looked back one last time before running up the stairs, “Being bullied isn’t something I’m very proud of.”

I sighed as Kyu ran up to his bedroom. I understood that he was embarrassed but we needed to know. My phone began to ring and seeing the Caller ID, I smirked.


“Hae, we’ve found the boys.”

“Great. You know what comes next...”

“Of course I do. Wish me luck, fishie.” I could hear the smirk in Hyuk’s voice before I hung up.

Sighing, I collected all the medical equipment. ‘Lee Hyukjae, you better not get yourself hurt or I swear I’ll kill you.”


Kyuhyun POV

I sighed as I walked into my room. All of the other day’s fighting was flooding my mind. It all had happened so fast, I couldn’t even fight back...

I was walking home from school later than usual. Math club had run late that day and since I didn’t really want to go home anyway, I stayed even later than the rest of the members cleaning. When I finally walked off school premises, the sky had grown dark.

I was simply listening to my music when suddenly the head lights of a car shone upon my face. Startled at the sudden intrusion from my music, I pulled off my head phones and stumbled back.

A man’s voice screamed from the car as my head snapped up to see seniors from my school.

The car’s engine died out as four buff guys stepped out. At this point, I was just startled, not alerted or guarded at all. It all happened so fast; one moment they were across from me and then suddenly I was on the floor, dodging their kicks and punches.

I curled into a ball, protecting my head as much as possible.

Pain. So much pain radiated through my body as I felt my shirt tear and my back pelted with wounds. At some point, my hand was crushed under the weight of a buff guy’s shoe. All the physical pain was welcomed to me; I knew I deserved it for hurting my Sungminnie. Everything seemed to be a blur after tears started coming out of my eyes. Within minutes of my painful torture, I became numb to the ministrations.

Every kick, every punch, every painful thing became unimportant as I only pictured Sungmin’s face. Even as I passed out I only uttered a single “Minnie.”


When I awoke, it was past ten o’ clock. I was sore all over and my leg seemed as good as gone. With one foot and a bloody back I dragged myself home. All the way until my doorstep I only wondered one thing ‘Why did they hit me anyways?”


Sungmin POV

My face was stoic as I saw the four boys playing rugby in the school field.

“Well, now is the time.” Hyuk’s voice was emotionless but I knew better. He was beyond furious.

We strolled towards the boys, our badass leather jackets and skinny jeans making us look intimidating. As soon as we were on the field, one of the boys noticed. He whispered to the rest of his teammates, and within moments the whole group stood just a few feet away from us.

I smirked. “Hello boys. Playing some rugby, I see.”

The tallest of the bunch, a blonde haired buff guy, snarled, “What’s it to you.”

“Not much. By the way, do you happen to know Cho Kyuhyun?” Hyuk’s eyes were ice cold, his voice the same temperature.

Another guy scoffed. “The math geek who has all the girls whipped.” It wasn’t a question. “I don’t like him one bit.”

I tensed but before I could spout out curses, Hyuk already opened his mouth. “I don’t suppose you know who we are then?”

“No I don’t. I don’t care either.”

I smirked. “I’m his boyfriend.”

Gasps were heard from the boys before Hyuk spoke as well. “I’m his cousin. And now, we’re going to make pulps out of you boys.”

We just ran forward. Hyuk knocked down the blondie with a punch to the jaw while I head butted a short brunette. Another guy, a raven haired with a chubby face, rushed towards Hyuk while he pelted the blondie with kicks but I beat him to it. Running up behind the black haired male, I bit onto his arm.

“!” He screeched as I dug my teeth in.  Seeing that he was weak, I jumped up and kicked his lower half using my martial arts skills, finishing our duel.

Hyuk ran off towards the last boy. He looked frightened by now, his eyes wild.

“G-Get away from me!” He yelled to Hyukjae.

Hyuk didn’t even flinch as the boy started throwing pathetic punches. I watched as Mr. Bodyguard Hyukjae dodged every punch, soon after knocking the boy out with one single hit.

We both dusted our hands and looked towards each other.  No words were shared, only a thumbs up sign. We didn’t feel proud by our actions, not even happy but at least now the school would know not to mess with Cho Kyuhyun...


Author’s POV

When Hyuk and Sungmin got home to Kyu’s farmhouse, Hae was fast asleep on the kitchen counter. Hyuk sighed, and lifted the fish to their bedroom.

Before he got to the steps he looked back at Sungmin. “Min?”

“Yeah Eunhyukkie?”

“You did well for my cousin. I wish you two the best.”

Sungmin smiled. “Same for you and Hae. Goodnight Hyukjae.”

“Good night Sungmin.”


Sungmin chuckled as he saw how Kyu was snoring loudly inside his room. Climbing into bed beside the younger, Min let out a content sigh.

He traced the younger’s sharp features, from his pointy nose to his red lips. “I really love you Kyuhyunnie.”

Kyu smirked as Min gasped. “I love you too Minnie.”

“You were awake?!”

Kyu chuckled. “If I said yes would you take back what you said?”

Min cracked the most gentle smile Kyu had ever seen. “Never. I meant that from the bottom of my heart.”

Sungmin pushed his lips onto Kyu’s as the younger immedietely melted.

This is nice.’ Kyu’s mind chanted as he deepened the kiss.


Hyukjae gently lay Hae down on the bed before climbing in beside him.

Hae cracked open one eye then the other before breaking into giggles.

Hyuk cocked an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m imagining you being all kinds of manly and beating those asses. It’s really hot.”

Hyuk smirked. “I’m just 200 pounds of appeal.”

Hae choked. “200 pounds, my . You and your skinny body, 200 pounds? Yea, right.”

Hyuk sulked and turned away from the fish. “I’m not skinny!”

Yeah and I’m not handsome. Stop kidding yourself Lee Hyukjae.”

Within moments Hyukjae turned around, got above Hae and pinned his wrists above his head.

“Say it again.”

Hae gulped. “Hyukjae...”

“Don’t say my name like that.”

“Like what?” Hae frowned.

“Like you’ve just come from one of our hot love making sessions.”

Hae blushed as Hyuk chuckled and pecked his lips.

“You know Lee Donghae...”


“I don’t know how I fell in love with you but I just did.”

Hae’s cheeks turned redder with each sentence. “I don’t know how I fell for my twisted bodyguard either.”

“That’s only ‘cause you’ve loved me since the beginning.”

“Being cocky, are we?” Hae looked at Hyuk intently, not disagreeing with his previous words.

“So, do you want this twisted bodyguard to become something more, something even more twisted?”

Hae was confused to the bone. “W-What do you mean?”

“I mean I’d like to become your twisted husband. Will you marry me Lee Donghae?”

Hae’s eyes widened before he broke into sobs. Hyuk released Hae’s wrists, wiping his tears away.

“Don’t cry Hae Hae. If you’d like, we can wait. I’m getting impatient, I know.” Hyuk sighed before getting off of Hae and settling beside.

Hae panicked. “No! That’s not what I meant. I-I mean... I’d love to.”

Hyuk’s jaw dropped before he looked into Hae’s eyes. “What did you say?”

“I said I’d love for you to become my twisted husband.” Hae wiped away the tear that threatened to fall from Hyukjae’s eye and smiled.

Hyuk’s heart felt ready to burst in joy as he sobbed happily and embraced his soon to be husband.


Finally, everything felt complete. In a twisted sort of way, that is...


There it is. The end. 

Thanks for all the support this fic has gotten. I plan to make a sequel so stay tuned. :D I hope I haven't disapointed yall through this fic. ^^ Aigoo I wish this fic hadn't ended. :( My most fav fic I've ever written honestly. :) Please do comment what you've thought and just... Thanks <3 


~ Your Author Peporo

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1639 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....