
Love at first sight.

So two weeks just passed by like that.

I got closer with the rest and eventually they've become a part of me. More like a true family feeling. Junhyung and I have been closer than before, excluding the times where I have to refrain from hitting him.

Yoseob and Dongwoon became my best friends, so whenever I was feeling down or such I could either go to one of them to cheer me up.

The boys have been busier too, having to win countless awards on music shows like Music Bank, Inkigayo and Music Core. They'd invite me backstage sometimes, even having the advantage of introducing me to other Korean artists. I didn't have the fangirling feeling in me as I wasn't a frequent listener of Korean pop.

I was still chilling in the English music industry. But I can't deny Korean pop's better.

Yeah. I'm biased.

At times, either Yoseob or Junhyung would text me before they perform and I'd hurry to the living room to switch on the TV.

There ya go, six beautiful boys on stage performing Fiction. They had performed On Rainy Days recently and boy, was I proud to see them drenched in rain. As usual, I'd have my full attention on Junhyung. Everything about him is perfect.

And I couldn't deny that.

Ah. We also did chores during weekends. I'd instruct the younger ones to do simple things like washing the dishes, sorting out things and cleaning the windows. I'd usually mop the floor and do the laundry with Doojoon. While Junhyung and Hyunseung go to work on arranging the bedsheets of each of the member's rooms.

I smiled to myself, recalling the all of the memories I've spent with them in this house. And Junhyung, of course. I couldn't ask for more.

I had been folding the clothes since morning, and I still had a pile more to go. I sighed, picking one of Yoseob's Swag t-shirts and folding it neatly. I reached out to grab Junhyung's shirt. I looked at it for a moment and smiled to myself when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Thinking about me, hm?" Thinking about you? Ahah. I chuckled, placing the shirt at Junhyung's pile.


He smirked. "Liar. You were thinking of me."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine fine.. you got me there."

"Um.. Minjung?" he whispered as he released his arms, now taking one of my hands and squeezing it slightly.

I gave him a look as I shifted closer to him. "Yeah?"

He had this confused look at first, his eyebrows knitting as if he's trying to form the right sentences in his head. He opened his mouth slightly, but then he hesitated and rubbed his temples.

He hung his head low, thinking of a solution. I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head to meet his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He wouldn't move. I reached out to lift his chin slowly to make him look at me, but his eyes wouldn't budge an inch. He finally mustered up the courage to speak as he opened his mouth to whisper. "I'm heading to Japan soon."

My heart sank.

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Chapter 8: Totally in love with this story.
Update soon, author-nim ^^
yeah~ what a life~<br />
seriously,this junhyung guy is taking my nerve.<br />
stopped twittering,and right now,heading to japan. X(
aww~ this is so cute<br />
hope you can write more soon<br />
아자 아자 화이팅
twowoos #4
Thanks for reading ~ yes I will update soon. :)
junhyung-lover #5
lolytaaa #6
Update soon~ ^^<br />
The story is sweet~
UPDATE !!!!!!!
adilahaishah #8
OH WOW, I really really really love your story! Can't wait for the update! >_<
ppali~ update soon ^_^