
Love at first sight.

SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! Here's chapter 2. :D


"Since you're here, why don't I take you around? There's still some interesting places you need to go." he mentioned.

"Sure.. I'd love to." I nodded.

His face lit up. "Let's go."

We left Starbucks and made our way down the pavement that was completely covered in snow. It was freezing cold and only God knows how I'm trying to keep myself warm. I shivered slightly, pushing my hands deeper into the pockets of my winter coat. Suddenly, I felt something warm around my neck. Curious, I looked up.

"Here.." as Junhyung put his red scarf around me. "You'll feel better. It's not good for a girl like you to catch a cold."

"Gomawo.. Junhyung-sshi. B-but you'll feel cold later!" I stuttered. He must have seen that I was shivering the whole time.

He let out a soft chuckle. "Just call me Junhyung. I'll be alright, don't worry." he reassured me with a smile.

I don't know why but I have this tingling feeling in my stomach whenever he smiles at me or makes the smallest moves. Uh.. wait. Why am I feeling like this again? I shook my head. Aish, forget it.

We began talking about our likes and dislikes. We were both stubborn and loved to play video games when we're still little. Well, I'm not just the girly-girl type. Turned out we had pretty much in common and I found it cool. He even told me they had to be casted in a variety show called 'Idol Maid' and his friends had to taste awful kimchi stew made by a woman named Bongsun-noona. He seemed so engrossed in his story I was trying to hold back my laugh the whole time. But nevertheless it made me smile at the same time. We passed by a few shops and stopped right in front of a tall white building with clear, glass doors. He led me in and we walked to the nearest elevator located at the lobby.


"Ladies first." as he stuck out his arm pointing to the elevator. I couldn't help but to smile at him.

There was awkward silence in between us, but he seemed like he didn't mind it at all and felt comfortable. I was looking down on my shoes all the time and the back of my neck was starting to ache from staying in that position for too long. I grabbed this slight chance to tilt my head up and look at him but instead I let out a groan because my neck stung from pain. I think he sensed what I was trying to do and caught my gaze. Bad, bad move.

I quickly looked away and fidgeted with my fingers. Junhyung had his trademark smirk and his attention was directed back to the elevator doors. How long is this gonna take...

Ding. Ah, finally.

He led me out and we had to pass through a narrow passageway to a door located at the far end of the room. I could hear music booming out from the walls. Wait.. did he just bring me to Cube Ent? All these while? I sighed a little too loud which made him accidentally hear it and turn to face me.

"Wae? We're almost here." the tone in his voice sounded like he cannot wait to show me something.

"Kids, I'm here." Kids? I looked over from behind and five guys turned their heads as the door clicked open. The room was big enough for a person to host a crazy party in here and had huge mirrors. A piano was located at the far end of a corner. I could tell this was their practice room.

"Aish, Junhyung. Where did you-"

"Oh, annyeong. I'm Doojoon." a dark-haired boy with soft features bowed slightly the moment he laid his eyes on me.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Minjung imnida." I greeted and bowed 90 degrees. I trailed behind Junhyung to join them at the corner. I sat down on this bench beside this brown-haired boy.

"Noona! I'm Yoseobie. Nice to meet you ~" he giggled. He had big eyes and a baby face. All of them then introduced to me one by one.

"Hi, I'm Jang Hyunseung." a boy with striking orange hair greeted me.

"I'm Lee Kikwang." flashing me an eye smile. He had spiky, black hair that fit well with his manly features.

"Annyeong, I'm Dongwoon. I'm the maknae of BEAST." a Western look-a-like boy greeted me. The maknae? No way. I thought Yoseob was the youngest. I chuckled.

"You can call us oppas." Oppas.. alright. From the first sight of them, I could tell they're really friendly and nice. I got to know each of their background stories and how they made it to Cube Ent with years of training.

"So.. what brings you here?" Doojoon asked with one of his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Oh, oppa. I--" I got cut off again. Sigh.

"Well, I wanted to show how amazing BEAST is to her. I met her at Starbucks this morning." Junhyung told them with a grin. I've never seen him like this. Or have I.. nevermind. His eyes flicked to the clock, then back to mine.

"Alright, it's practice time. I should make up for the time I missed earlier."

"Stay here, okay?" Junhyung whispered. I nodded as I watched him take off his black baseball jacket and hung it on one of the hooks poking out from the wall beside me. I did the same as I hung my winter coat right beside his. His scent was sweet, like honey.

As they began practice, my eyes laid on Junhyung's hair all the way to his shoes. I examined all the little details in him. I didn't know he had perfectly toned muscles from his slightly chubby cheeks. I was deceived then. I smiled slightly. I watched attentively as each of them worked out every move flawlessly, following each beat and not missing a second of the rhythm. I got to know Hyunseung was the dancing machine of the group and.. well.. he was working out his thing alright.

I was kinda amused when they did a somewhat "penguin" dance whenever the chorus comes playing along. Fiction.. was it?

Both Yoseob and Dongwoon would sing along and follow suit. Doojoon expressed his whole feelings in one part. I couldn't help but to applause them all in my head as they're really good from what I expected. But, Junhyung was my main distraction among them all. My eyes were fixed on him throughout their whole routine. The way he raps, the way his hair falls perfectly into place even when he's dancing...

"Noonaaa ~ Noona!" a voice broke into my train of thoughts.

Huh. Wait, what? Was I daydreaming again? Oh god I gotta stop this habit. I grumbled in my head.

Yoseob's hand was frantically waving up and down inches from my face trying to kick me back into reality.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I got carried away.." I mumbled. The other guys had disappeared to I don't know where.

"Doojoon ah, let's go to dinner! I'm starving ~" he pouted. Can't this kid get any cuter?

He sighed and then nodded slowly. I could tell he was really worn out and he had dark circles under his eyes. "Aigo, this kid. Right after we finish packing up, alright?"

Dinner? He's kidding m-- WHAT. My eyes automatically darted to the clock. 6:15PM. How long have I been daydreaming and exactly how long have these boys been rehearsing? Man.. are they machines or some sort? I frowned.

"You okay, Minjung? You look.. as if you've just seen a ghost." I looked up to see a sweaty Junhyung giving me a confused-and-at-the-same-time-a-concerned-look.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. I didn't realise it's already past six.." I mumbled.

"Time flies fast ~" Yoseob hummed. I giggled.

The other boys went to get ready and after they prepared to leave the room, I put my winter coat back on and realised I had Junhyung's scarf around me all the time. Which I completely forgot about it. But I didn't mind though.. it made me feel right.

Junhyung walked towards me while ruffling his hair and in a swift move, he took his baseball jacket from the hook.

"How was our practice earlier?" he asked.

"It was really good! I didn't know they can sing very well too. Everything falls right into place." His face lit up a bit and I could tell he was satisfied.

He leaned in a bit and his breath on my face sent a chill down my spine.

"That's because BEAST is the B2ST." His voice was now low and it sounded almost like a growl. Yeap. He was giving me another of his trademark smirk.

I could only afford to giggle. You know.. you can be so cute at times. You just don't know it yet.

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Chapter 8: Totally in love with this story.
Update soon, author-nim ^^
yeah~ what a life~<br />
seriously,this junhyung guy is taking my nerve.<br />
stopped twittering,and right now,heading to japan. X(
aww~ this is so cute<br />
hope you can write more soon<br />
아자 아자 화이팅
twowoos #4
Thanks for reading ~ yes I will update soon. :)
junhyung-lover #5
lolytaaa #6
Update soon~ ^^<br />
The story is sweet~
UPDATE !!!!!!!
adilahaishah #8
OH WOW, I really really really love your story! Can't wait for the update! >_<
ppali~ update soon ^_^