The first meeting.

Love at first sight.

The cold night breeze that was coming from my window danced playfully with my long, brown hair. I scanned my living room from the sofa I'm sitting on as I pay attention to each and every small detail of this beautiful apartment my parents bought for me in the heart of Seoul before they left. White walls that are almost covered with picture frames, big and small. The dandelion that hangs just right above me, with its light beaming out of the diamond-shaped jewels that shine like stars in the dark. The last detail I noticed was the cold, marble floor that fills the perimeter of the room.

I darted my attention back to the picture frames on the walls. I scan each of them till my eyes laid on this particular picture frame. Right in front of me hangs a huge family portrait placed with a signature at the bottom right of the picture. There stood my parents and I. Smiling. I was the daughter they equally loved and doted on. My mind then replayed flashbacks of the accident. I was curious why I was the only one who managed to still come out alive even after the horrific impact. But at that point of time, I was too young to understand anything.

Yet accept the fact that my parents are gone. Forever. My grandma found me and picked me back up in pieces. She takes care of me well and makes sure I don't cause any problems. Everyone in school wasn't willing to be my friend, but I didn't mind that at all. Exactly on my 18th birthday, my grandma was in a coma and eventually passed away. I've lost everyone. The people I've loved the most and the ones that I obviously cannot live without has left me to fend off on my own. They're all in heaven right now.. probably watching over me.

I shrugged the thought off my mind. I turned and looked at the clock. 12AM. Time flies and it's already midnight. November has ended and December is welcomed by the first flakes of snow falling down. I let out a heavy sigh. I decided to sleep on my sofa tonight and reached for my blanket and put it over me. As I laid my head back, I closed my eyes and I eventually fell asleep.

The sound of birds chirping softly outside caused me to wake up. Time check: 8:30AM. I stretched a bit and went to shower automatically. After I'm done, I went to get dressed in my favourite cream-coloured dress along with a peach winter coat. Secured my beanie and went downstairs to grab my boots before heading out of the house. Once ready, I closed the door gently and made my way to Starbucks to have my usual breakfast. While walking, I scanned each building. The city of Seoul is really beautiful.. just like what my mother used to tell me.

'Aish, I didn't expect it'll be that cold today.' I grumbled to myself. A cold breeze hit me out from nowhere made me shiver as I put my hands in the pocket of my coat for warmth. I reached Starbucks and opened the door. The bells greeted me and I walked to the counter to order hot chocolate. The counter staff handed the cup to me as I paid and thanked her. I turned to the door to head out and continue my stroll.

Suddenly, I felt something hit me.

"Aigoo, mianhamnida! I didn't mean to! Jeongmal!" I bowed to whoever I bumped into and apologising repeatedly.

I looked up and saw a man standing before me. I could tell he was really good-looking. His black hair stood out as the gentle morning sun rays shone on his hair strands which showed different shades of brown. His fringe falls perfectly into place along with his sideburns. He had firm facial features along with a perfect nose and heart-shaped lips that fit like a jigsaw puzzle. I couldn't see his eyes as he was wearing shades. More like a disguise?

'Why is he disguising so early in the morning? Is he trying to hide something?' I wondered.


"I was in a rush and I didn't see where I was going." he said with a sly smile.

"Oh.. If i-it's okay w-with you then." I stuttered.

He chuckled at my awkwardness. He looked kinda cute when he chuckles. He smiled as his eyes lay at the empty cup I was holding earlier that is now on the floor with hot chocolate spilled all over.

"I'll get you another one. Why don't you wait for me at the table over there? I'll be right over," I was about to stop him when I realised he was already at the counter getting me another cup of hot chocolate.

Too late.

I headed over to the table and sat down. I watched him from afar and I could see that he was pretty slim for a guy, but still firm. Soon, he headed over to the table and handed me the hot chocolate he got me earlier, along with his coffee placed in front of him.

"Here you go."

"Uh.. kamsahamnida. You shouldn't have.." I felt my cheeks turn pink.

He chuckled once again. "Cheonmaneyo. You seem like.. a foreigner around here? Pardon me." he asked.

"Oh. My Dad's a Korean while my mom's a Singaporean. I moved here ever since I've no one else to rely onto there.. My parents died because of an accident and my grandma fell into a coma when I was still very young." I explained to him.

"Ah.. jeongmal mian-hamnida."

Silence fell in between us. The question of asking him about his disguise is at the tip of my tongue. Should I..? Well here goes nothing.

"Why.. why are you shades?" I broke the silence which seemed like minutes. Oh my god, shades!? I should've asked him why he looks like a suspicious person instead. He paused. He took off his shades and his eyes laid on mine."

"Do you know me by any chance?" he asked politely.

I tilted my head lightly to the side and scanned his face one more time. His eyes were a little cold but it was calm. The dark circles below his eyes are visible, but nevertheless he's still flawless. Like an angel.

"Ah.. Mian-hamnida. I don't really know who you are." I said.

His face brightened up a bit. "Gwenchanayo."

'I'm actually from a famous boyband, BEAST.. Do you know them?" he asked.

"BEAST?" I paused as confusion start to form in my head. I've seen that word before but I don't really know where it's from..

He nodded lightly "I'm the group's rapper. I live with five other guys in a dorm not far from here."

"No wonder I see your posters everywhere. So you're famous eh.. I thought you were only an ordinary resident here." I said.

"I almost forgot." he smiled warmly. He took out his hand, what seemed like he was asking for a handshake.

"I'm Junhyung. Yong Junhyung." he greeted. His smile never leaved his face.

I took out my hand and we did a brief handshake. His hands were warm and really soft.. "I'm.. Lee Minjung." I blushed.


[Junhyung's POV]

"I'm.. Lee Minjung." A shade of pink flushed through her cheeks. Lee Minjung.. I chuckled to myself. It's a surprise she doesn't really know who BEAST is, but that's okay.

She's pretty cute. I want to know more about her.


Well that was a pretty long chapter LOL. Do enjoy reading! <33333

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Chapter 8: Totally in love with this story.
Update soon, author-nim ^^
yeah~ what a life~<br />
seriously,this junhyung guy is taking my nerve.<br />
stopped twittering,and right now,heading to japan. X(
aww~ this is so cute<br />
hope you can write more soon<br />
아자 아자 화이팅
twowoos #4
Thanks for reading ~ yes I will update soon. :)
junhyung-lover #5
lolytaaa #6
Update soon~ ^^<br />
The story is sweet~
UPDATE !!!!!!!
adilahaishah #8
OH WOW, I really really really love your story! Can't wait for the update! >_<
ppali~ update soon ^_^