
Love at first sight.

I walked into the kitchen, running my fingers down my hair. Just. What the hell happened back there? Why am I feeling like this?

Do I like him by any chance or so? Aish. I shook my head.

No way.

".. Noona?" a voice broke the silence in the room. I look up to see Yoseob and the others having a smug face on. "You okay? You look pale." Yoseob told me.

"Yeah.. I guess--" My head began to spin and in a second, everything out. "Noona!" was all I heard.

I could hear people whispering and something heavy sitting next to me. I opened my eyes slowly, only to find five guys all standing on infront of my bed, with worried faces.

"Ah, you're up." a familiar voice echoed through the room. I turned my head to see Junhyung sitting cross legged on the bed. So that's where the weight came from. I tried to sit up straight, but my head continued to spin, making me a complete failure to just sit upright.

"Minjung! Be careful!" Hyunseung said, widening his eyes.

"Damn it." I hissed under my breath.

"Here, let me help you." Junhyung assured. He helped me to sit upright and adjusted my posture so that I won't have a backache.

"Thanks." I mumbled, rubbing my temples, hoping to ease the throbbing pain in my head. "So what happened?"

"You suddenly collapsed on the floor. Kikwang hyung went to call the doctor and Junhyung hyung carried you up here," Dongwoon confessed. My cheeks flushed pink and I facepalmed myself.

"The doctor said you passed out because you haven't eaten anything since morning." he added. "Aigoo.. I shouldn't have troubled you guys. I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Ani, you're not at fault. Gwenchana," Doojoon reassured with a smile. "You should get some rest now.. Junhyung, we'll leave her in your hands. See you, Minjung."

I nodded. "Thank you, oppa."

He waved goodbye, then headed out of the door with the other guys. Yoseob rushed to give me a quick hug. I gave him a small smile till his image disappeared out of the door.

I glanced at Junhyung who had been staring at me after Yoseob gave me a quick hug. "Stop looking at me like that. Is that your daily habit or something?" I whined.

He chuckled. "You like what you saw this morning?" My eyes widened, bringing me back to the stupid scene. "Wh-what!? Nooo! No! Wh-"

"Just admit it." he interrupted. His lips curve into his trademark smirk. I glared at him. Wow, I have no idea this guy can be a hell of a pain in the . I rolled my eyes. "Not even one bit." I protested.

Pfft. What, he expects me to fangirl over it?

"Are you sure?" I could tell that you do.." he chuckled. Oh my god. Yong Junhyung.. Okay. You gotta chill. C-H-I-L-L. I puffed out my cheeks, letting out a heavy sigh. "Don't get me started, Junhyung. Seriously." I told him. He laughed lightly and got off my bed, heading to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get you food. I'll be right back!"

I opened my mouth to stop him but he already disappeared. I sighed as I looked around the room. While waiting for his return, the thought of my grandmother came flashing into my mind again. I used to recall her making breakfast in bed for me, always entering the room with the brightest smile she has.

Her wrinkles on her forehead are hidden by her pure white fringe. And whenever she smiles, I'd love the way on how her dimples would sink in her cheeks, her facial features clear enough for me to see. She would be very patient with me whenever I needed someone to be there.

A tear rolls unconsciously down my cheek. My heart began to hurt somehow but I shrugged it off.

".. Minjung?" Junhyung whispered. "Oh, you." I exhaled a laugh while I wiped my tear with a finger. I had been too engrossed in my thoughts that I was oblivious about him coming in the room.

"You okay?" Worry made his tone sharp. I glanced at him before lowering my head and twiddled with my fingers. I smiled weakly, taking a moment to answer. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I replied.

"You're fine?" he repeated. I could tell he was frowning over my sullen tone.

He knew I was lying, but I didn't look at him yet. Then silence filled the room. I lifted my eyes to meet his stare, eagerly wanting to hear my explanation. "Junhyung-ah, I'm fine." I repeated, trying to put on a hopeful face.

He let out a heavy sigh before coming closer to me. He picked up the spoon and scooped some of the porridge, then bringing it to me. "Say ahh."

I opened my mouth and soon the flavour of chicken filled my mouth. He began feeding me slowly from there. We continued talking, laughing and stopping occasionally. I felt the special connection again. Whenever he smiles, my heart would skip a beat for no apparent reason. No. He's just my friend. Just Junhyung. Yes. Nothing else.

"Junhyung," I breathed his name. He turned his body to face me. "Hm?"

"Thank you."

He raised one of his eyebrows. "Hm? For what?"

"For all this. For letting me stay here, for taking care of me--"

"Hey hey," he said, his voice almost turning into a whisper. He cups my face with both of his hands before continuing, "It's no big deal, okay? As long as I'm here.. it's enough for me. If you're happy, then so am I. Same goes to the guys. Don't worry 'bout it." he reassured with a smile.

He leans in to peck me on the cheek before letting go of his hands. "Rest well. I'll be at the living room if you need me." I nodded as I watch him disappear down the hallway.

He had let the door open so that he could watch me from the living room. "Thanks, Junhyung." I said softly.

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Chapter 8: Totally in love with this story.
Update soon, author-nim ^^
yeah~ what a life~<br />
seriously,this junhyung guy is taking my nerve.<br />
stopped twittering,and right now,heading to japan. X(
aww~ this is so cute<br />
hope you can write more soon<br />
아자 아자 화이팅
twowoos #4
Thanks for reading ~ yes I will update soon. :)
junhyung-lover #5
lolytaaa #6
Update soon~ ^^<br />
The story is sweet~
UPDATE !!!!!!!
adilahaishah #8
OH WOW, I really really really love your story! Can't wait for the update! >_<
ppali~ update soon ^_^