Chapter 15.

I.. Introduced the wrong girl?!

3rd Person POV

"Yah, what's with the face?" Taeyeon said as she yawned, scratching her head.

"Unnie! Sooyoung's dream is weird!" Yuri shouted in horror.

"Is it about food?" 

"Well.. neh?"

"Then it's perfectly normal." Taeyeon said and continued heading for the bathroom. 

"YAH!" Sooyoung shouted.

Taeyeon knew that the best option was to run into the bathroom, lock the door and wait until Sooyoung leaves -- and so she did.

Sooyoung knew what Taeyeon was trying to do so she stood impatiently outside the bathroom door. "KIM TAEYEON I'M GOING TO WAIT HERE ALL DAY IF I HAVE TO, YOU KNOW THAT!" She shouted.


"YAH!!" Sooyoung shouted even louder. "YOU WAIT 'TIL I--" 

Sooyoung was interrupted when her phone started ringing. She rolled her eyes when she saw that the incoming call was from her 'boyfriend' -- no other than Kim Jonghyun. Without hesitation, she pushed the red button, rejecting Jonghyun's call.

"Who's that?" Yuri asked, confused.

Sooyoung looked at her. "Jonghyun." She answered. Sooyoung was serious when she said she would wait infront of the bathroom door the whole day.

"Why didn't you answer it, then?" 

"I have no reason to. He's just going to ask me to do stupid stuff for him." 

Yuri raised an eyebrow and a smirk started to slowly form onto her lips. "Like what?" 

Sooyoung knew what that face meant. She took a deep breath, turned around and looked at Yuri in the eyes. "Yuri-ah.."


"Do you want to die?" Sooyoung asked, not smiling at all.

Yuri slowly stood up from her chair. "Ani." She said in a fast way, and ran away -- into Hyoyeon's room to be exact. 

Sooyoung puffed her cheeks as she sighed. Her phone rang again. She irritatingly picked up, sighing out loud. "What?" She answered.

Jonghyun's POV

"Sooyoungie~ buy me food, please?" I pleaded, acting cute. 

Kyuhyun hyung just left, and I am really really pissed off during our conversation. Minho left earlier too because he needed to work out.

"Why don't you just buy yourself food?" She answered.

"Because you lost our bet and you promised to do everything I told you." I answered.

She groaned and put down the phone. I'll take that as a yes. A small smile formed into my lips, but I still can't forget what happened earlier.


"Hyung, I'll be going first, I need to go to the gym," Minho told me. I nodded in acknowledgement as he turned to Kyuhyun hyung. "I'll be going first, hyung. Take care." He said and bowed.

Kyuhyun hyung smiled at him. "You take care of yourself too." 

With that, Minho left. 

Kyuhyun hyung immediately opened his bag and gave something to me, which I recognized. 

"W-why is this with you, hyung?" I asked.

"You left it at the building when you fainted. Luckily I was the only one who saw it." He answered, closing his bag. 

"A-ah. Kamsahamnida, hyung." I said and put "Sooyoung's underwear" (the one I used in the restaurant) aside.

"Jonghyun-ah," He said as he looked outside the window.

"Neh, hyung?" I answered, trying to sound as calm as possible. To be honest, I'm acutally a bit scared of hyung. I think what I did last time was a bit disrespectful to him. 

"Do you like Sooyoung?" He asked.

"N-neh?" What's with the sudden question? "O-of course I.. I do." Wouldn't it be weird if you tell someone that you don't like your 'girlfriend'?

"Ahh.. I see. Your relationship is real, isn't it?" He asked.

I was surprised. Does he know? Who told him? Sooyoung?

"Of course hyung, what makes you think it isn't? Is it because of our frequen't fighing?" I asked.

"Ani.." He answered and turned around with a smile. "I'm going, now. Take care of yourself. We have a concert to do soon." He said and walked towards the door. He held the doorknob, but before twisting it, he looked at me. 

"By the way, there's still a price tag on the underwear you bought." He smiled (sarcastically) and left.

~*~End of flashback~*~

"ing smartass." I muttered while scanning the television for a good program to watch. "Of all the things he would have seen, why the price tag? AND WHY DID I FORGET TO REMOVE IT?" I threw my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes. 

But then my eyes opened remembering Kyuhyun hyung. "Could it be.. that he likes Sooyoung?" I asked myself. 

I shook my head. "So what if he does, it's not like you care!" I shouted at myself.

"god, I must be crazy! Talking to myself, aish!" 

The door opened and it finally revealed Sooyoung -- and Se kyung.


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OTL I thought I already posted the chapter last night, turns out i was wrong. Here you go!!


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Chapter 38: I miss Jessica
Chapter 34: Ewww hahahaha but seriously I need more
Chapter 31: Naaaaw something will change!
Chapter 49: I stumbled upon this fanfic because of my first roleplay ship, and I am still so in love with this. ;_;
I hope you'll be able to update this soon, author-nim !!
young_grasshopper #7
Chapter 49: Rereading this story for the umpteenth time and I still love it. I'm excited for the next update. And oh my goodness, there have been SOOOO many JongSoo moments within like the last 6 months. I wish more people would ship them haha
Dinorai #8
Chapter 11: This is the best piece of literature ever. I'm at loss for words as to how amazing this story is LOL jonghyunxsooyoung
Raven_Hatter #9
Chapter 11: im done Jonghyun is so tight
Chapter 1: please update soon