Chapter Six - Secerts

Angel of Mine


Chapter Six: Secerts


“When I first saw you I already knew

That there was something inside of you

Something I thought that I would never find

Angel of mine


You came into my life

Sent from above

When I lost all hope

Boy you showed me love

I'm check’n for you boy your right on time

Angel of mine


How you changed my world you'll never know

Right here from now

You helped me grow”






The first time I liked keeping secrets, I thrilled in the fact that you and me were secretly dating.

I loved the sneaking around because I didn’t care about anything as long as I could be with you even if it meant keeping us a secret then I will, just so I could see you.


We happened to have a schedule together, a day off, an event or party together we made sure that we would see each other,


One day when you and I got to be in the gym together, Youngbae and Daesung were their as well so we had to act normal, I was trying hard not to laugh because you kept trying to make me laugh with your stupid acts that I secretly liked but kept saying I hate it.


“Dara, Huyng do you want to  come out for juice with us” Youngbae grabbed his bag and Daesung just hanged around the door.


“No I think I’ll stay” I carried on walking on the treadmill trying to ignore what you would say so I wouldn’t make it obvious


“No I’ll stay as well, I have to go meet GD in 5 minutes” you said which I knew was a lie.


“Oh okay, but if you change your mind will still be down in the java café” Youngbae said, I also saw that Daesung was smirking at Seunghyun,


When they left, we both glanced at each other then you came up to me and grabbed my hand as you dragged me to the back room,


“Dara can you not come to the gym dress like this again” you said I glanced down at what I was wearing which was a white loose singlet and you could see my black sports bra and I wore black baggy track pants and blue trainers


“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing” I asked as we turned a corner to enter the locker room.


“Because Youngbae and Daesung wouldn’t stop starring at you” you said then we stopped, you turned around and I tried hard not to blush but it was so evident on my face because you held my face in your hands then you pressed your forehead against mine,


It was moments like these that I felt that keeping a secret was the best thing a person could wish for.


“I missed you” I whispered, you smiled then laughed as you moved my hair away from my face.


“Then stop going out with the girls” you caressed my face then you kissed my lips,

“I cant help it I love karaoke” I joked then we started kissing.

“So you would rather go karaoke than hang out with your awesome, cool and handsome boyfriend” interrupting our amazing make out session

“Because karaoke is better” I joked

“That hurt” you pouted,


“I love you”


I don’t know why I said it and I don’t know what I was thinking it just sought of came out unexpectedly that I didn’t realize what was happening I was to afraid to look at your face,


We just started this secret 4 months ago but to me it felt like forever and in all honesty I didn’t want to wait I needed to say it, I had to say it…


“I love you too”


I mean I had to say it right it made perfect sense…wait did he just say…


“I love you” I looked up at you, you were smiling down at me, you caressed my face as we stood their starring at each other I couldn’t get over what just happened my butterflies were going crazy my knees were about to give up on me and I could feel my face burning.


I saw that you were just as nervous as me.


I don’t know how long we stood their just staring at each other but to me it felt right.


I love keeping you all to myself, the secret we shared was ours and only ours.


“So what are you doing tonight” You asked leaning your forehead against mine.


“Karaoke” I giggled when I saw your face looking serious

“Again, Nope, tonight your coming out with me”

“Oh am I now” I joked drawing circle on your chest.

“Yeah you are, cause I’m your boyfriend and what I say goes” I loved it when you took charge, especially hearing it from your voice.

“I guess I have no choice then” I said then I kissed him again.



We both separated when we heard Minji’s voice

“I’ll meet you at the café tonight” you whispered and kissed me then left through the other way.


“Unnie there you are” I looked at Minji who was staring at me, she came up to me and grabbed my hand and led me out.

“Hurry up, did you forget we had Karaoke”

“Sorry but I have plans” Minji stopped

“But you never miss Karaoke”

“Yeah something sought of came up, can you tell the girls I said sorry”

I smiled and Minji nodded and left me their smiling like a mad woman who was in love, deeply in love.






The first time I hated secrets, I know how much you loved keeping us a secret, because you knew something that no one else knew and I know how much you love being bad and hiding things from the girls, but while you were loving it.


I hated it, I hated the fact that I had to hide you away from everyone else, I hated when other male celebrities and the boys talked about how they wanted you as their girlfriend, I don’t know how many times I wanted to say that you were mine and mine only and no other man should have the right to look at you.


I did how ever loved how you were so cliché about a lot of things that I couldn’t help but love it to,

Like the time we were at the café that we always tend to go to and we would always sit at the back you would always order your coffee frappachino while I order a tea which you would always laugh at.


I remember that it was raining and for some reason you wanted to sit next to the window because you loved looking at the rain when it hits the window and that their would be no one outside because everyone would be running around and wouldn’t even realize that two celebrities were inside a café shop drinking away.

We talked about random things like we always did, we tried not to talk about our busy schedule or work related stuff, because in the café shop it was just you and me and no one else.

You also started talking about how you love the rain and how much it would be cool if we were out their I saw the longing in your eyes,


I also realized that you were wearing a nice floral dress and you didn’t bring a jacket, so for once I decided to do something cliché and maybe it would give me a chance to make our relationship seem like it didn’t have to be a secret.


“Come with me” I stood up and made my way to your side I offered my hand

“Where are we going” you got up and took my hand

“Here” I took of my jacket and put it around you, you giggled

“Okay where are we going, because apparently it is raining and we cant go…”

“Outside” I finished as I led you to the front entrance and I grabbed the umbrella from the front entrance stand and opened the door for you, no one was outside the street it was empty and cold but you seemed to be the most happiest person ever because you wouldn’t stop smiling,


I opened the umbrella and you went under and I followed, and since only one person could fit under this umbrella I grabbed you and pulled you towards me andi heard you giggle which made me smile.


“This is beautiful” you said when you put your hand out to catch the falling rain drops we walked in the middle of the road their were no people, no cars, nothing but the rain and us.


“I always wanted to kiss in the rain” you said looking up at me smiling

“You watch too much movies”

“What can I say, I’m a er for romantic movies” you hugged me around my waist leaning back to look at me

“You’ll catch a cold” stating the obvious

“But it’ll be worth it” you pouted

“Says who” I questioned almost giving in

“Me” you grabbed the umbrella and threw it to the ground as the rain started hitting us like crazy I could feel my clothes already soaking up, but I could hear you laughing.


You looked beautiful your face was glistening and some of your hair were plastered to your face I grabbed your face and moved some of the hair away from your face as I pulled you towards me and kissed you hard.


I pulled away when I realized we were kissing in the middle of the street and I could hear a honk I looked up to see a car coming,


I quickly grabbed you and we both ran to the side walk we were both drenched and leaning on the wall trying to catch our breath,


You started laughing and so did I, you slowly walked towards me smiling, I didn’t tell you then but you looked so y when you were walking towards me because it was raining and you were soaked wet and wearing my jacket.


“I told you it’ll be worth it” you grabbed me and we started where we left off I angled your head so that I could have better access to the inside of your mouth, both our tongues fought for dominances but as always I won, I loved it when your hands would comb through my hair, but the feel of your lips against mine was the best.



We both ran back to the café, underneath my jacket since it was our only shelter, I glanced back at the road to see my umbrella squashed.

“You owe me a new umbrella” I said

“Well you owe me a new dress”

“That’s you fault” you pouted again.


“Thanks honey” you said walking into the café and I stood their dumbfounded ‘honey’




“I heard that” I just laughed as I followed you back into the café where the old man just laughed at us that we were drenched and I knew that he saw our little scene outside. Your cheek were red when you realized that we had an audience.


“You two better get warmed up fast before you catch a cold, there are some spare towels in the back room”


“Kamsahamida” Dara bowed so did I as we walked to the back room.


Another reason why I liked this café because the owner was a very smart, wise old man who hardly knew anything about celebrities well as much as I can tell but at least he knew this secret of us along with Seungri and Bom but at least they knew, so for now I’ll just accept what I have with you now.


“Hurry up you’ll catch a cold” you were pulling me to the back room. I just glanced at you and smiled at how lucky I was.

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Chapter 7: woahh tabisan kkkkkk... romantic!
tabitabi #2
Chapter 6: I always love this story. I'm not even tired to read it over and over again, thank you for the story *bowing
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: love it! thanks for sharing!
Chapter 7: kyah . giddiness overload ♥
Read this again, and again feeling so happy after reading!

Please make more Tabisan fanfic.

Thank you!
oh, but don't worry Tabi I'll be making stories of Tabisan..^^
#8 sweet!

i really tabisan is real.

waaaah!!!! TABISAN!!! well i wont really be surprised if they are together in real life.. :D

tabisan will always have a special place in my heart (though I am a hardcore DARAGON).... kekekkekekkekke

thanks for this dear.. :D
#10 cute!