Chapter 4 - Jealousy

Angel of Mine


Chapter Four: Jealousy


“You came into my life

Sent from above

When I lost all hope

Boy you showed me love

I'm check’n for you boy your right on time

Angel of mine


Nothing means more to me than what we share

No one in this whole world can ever compare

Last night the way you moved your still on my mind

Angel of mine”






The first time I felt jealousy, I thought I would never feel this, but I did and to this day I still feel stupid.


I still remember this day the YG family had decided to have a weekend of fun and the girls and I were excited beyond belief, because we got to have a rest with no performing, no crazy schedule, just simple REST


The only thing that didn’t work out was that Bom was feeling down and no one knew why not even us girls, the first day we were getting ready I saw you and Bom talking and to me it seemed very important but I just let it go I mean its not like we were going out and I had no claim over you.


When we finally arrived at the beach and everyone was having fun I saw you and Bom talking again but Bom was leaning on your shoulder, I mean not only did I like the YG outing and for getting me away from the crazy schedule but I also bought this y bikini, just so you could notice me and admire me, if only for a little second.


But instead you were sitting down and talking with Bom,


I tried to forget about the two of you by going jet skiing with Seungri, Daesung

Minzy, Youngbae, GD, CL and Se7en we all had to partner up Me and Seungri since he was the only one that would come with me, GD and Youngbae, Se7en and Minzy, Daesung and CL we were all having fun but my mind would always drift off back to you and Bom I wanted to know what the two of you were talking about so badly.


“Are you thinking about someone in particular” I didn’t realize that Seungri was sitting behind me.


“You don’t need to worry”


“Worry about what” acting like I didn’t know what was happening.


“He’s in too deep, to do anything else, so stop worrying”


“Am I that obvious”


“I would think so since we haven’t been moving for quite a while and you kept looking at the beach or in other words them”


I laughed when I realized that we were in the middle of the beach not even moving.


“Are you jealous” I could tell that he was loving this


“No I’m not, why should I be jealous it’s not like were going out”


“Your right I mean one day he’s taking photos with you the next he is chatting up another girl”


“Shut up Seungri, omo…”


“Look at that, your angry”


“I am not angry, I’m just trying to concentrate on what their saying” I quickly shut my mouth when I realized what I just said


“I knew it, you like Noona”


“No I don’t I like Seungh…” when I realized I fell in Seungri’s trap, I really should learn to be quite around big mouth here.


“What was that I didn’t quite hear that”


“I’m taking you back too the beach”


“Oh noona is angry”


“No I am not” I said finally arriving to the sand before I say something stupid.


I quickly got off and tried to take of my vest which was getting difficult to do, when all of a sudden I was lifted into the air, I was thrown over Seungri’s shoulder who was walking towards the water.


“Let go” I screamed feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment and I know that everyone was probably starring at us.


“Unless you admit that you like hyung” I was sure that he was enjoying every moment of this.


“No, Let me down”


“I’ll drop you in the water, if you don’t admit it”




“Fine I’m dropping you in the water” he shifted me a little making me loose grip a little when I quickly grabbed his shoulder


“Fine, I do” I whispered


“I cant hear you”


“I do” I said getting angry


“Wait what was that, I didn’t quite…”


“I DO” I screamed


“Okay, okay I didn’t know you liked him so much”


“Shut up, now let me down”


“One more thing are you jealous”




“I’m serious I’ am going to drop you”


“FINE THEN, I AM are you HAPPY!”


“Very” then Seungri dropped me into the water with me screaming.



Seungri smiled and when he turned around I realized that you and Bom were staring  at us and then Seungri took off and I ran after him like a crazy woman.


“YOUR DEAD” I screamed







The first time I was completely Jealous I mean I was jealous countless of times, the first time was when you shot a commercial with Lee Min Ho and I was furious that he kissed you and you kissed him I know the song was called ‘Kiss’ and it was your first digital solo and all but still they should not have added kissing to the commercial.


Then I got really jealous when DARAGON came along all because of that stupid song ‘Hello’ I mean it was catchy but I still hated Jiyong for getting all those stage performances with you and to think that everyone thought you two were dating, which you weren’t.


Then when I thought that DARAGON died down, SUNDARA came along and you had too film two video clips with Youngbae, I hated Hyung for making you do that, and so when I heard that you were visiting Youngbae for his Inkigayo performance, I had to come and see if you were or if you weren’t performing with Youngbae, since Seungri told me you were and I now know I shouldn’t have listened to him. But when I arrived I saw CL and Minzy that I immediately started to panic thinking that you were changing and getting ready for your performance,


I knew Youngbae has feelings for you, Youngbae was like a lost child when it came to you that it made me furious just even thinking about it and then like a light from heaven you walked in wearing your casual clothes but still looking beautiful as ever.


Right then and their I had nothing to fear, because you were here, I still remember the look on your face when you walked in, it was like you were happy to see me and that DARAGON and SUNDARA had nothing against TABISAN, what can I say fanfictions are my guilty pleasures.


Then when I thought I had nothing else to worry about Seungri came along, that little rat, I was on the beach at the YG outing, comforting Bom who was crying because of Jiyong I didn’t know the whole reason I just knew Bom needed a shoulder to cry on..


Although Jiyong did tell me to check if Bom was alright.


Then as my day just got even worst you had to wear a very revealing and y two piece blue bikini, I wanted to grab you and cover you from everyone’s eyes and what made it worst was that little rat got to ride at the back of you on the jet ski and I could see that he was loving it because he would always glance at me and smile his cheeky grin.


You seemed so happy that I was angry that I wasn’t the one making you laugh, instead it was….


“You two are both weird” I looked at Bom who I had forgot was still here




“Honestly you would think that the two of you were from different planets”


“What are you talking about”


“Nothing, nothing at all” Bom looked at me then carried on building her sandcastle


I glanced at GD who was starring at Bom 


“You know what I’m just gonna say it, Do you love her”


“What are you talking about” I said looking at Bom like she was crazy


“I know you do and both of you are too dumb enough to admit it and as much as you deny it, it will always be their, She likes you a lot I know this for a fact, she was so happy when she came back with photos of you and her together, she wouldn’t stop staring at it, it was like her god damn screensaver, she like wouldn’t go sleep until she saw your photo, it was kind of scary and annoying”


“Are you talking about Dara”


“No I was talking about Minji of cause I was talking about Dara, are you that dense, wait what am I talking about, you are that dense, a piece of advice, a girl likes it when he takes charge”


“AAHHH”I turned to see you being lifted over Seungri’s shoulder who was carrying you into the water “Let Go” you screamed then the two of you seemed to be talking about something, but I was just to busy, thinking of ways to kill Seungri that I didn’t know what the two of you were saying.

Then you screamed “I DO” which at that moment sought of gave me chills for some weird reason.


“FINE THEN, I AM are you HAPPY!” You screamed


“Did you feel that” Bom said out of the blue I just shrugged my shoulders and so did she then I looked back at you to see you in the water, oh how I felt sorry for Seungri, wait who am kidding no I didn’t, because the idiot had the nerve to look at me and wink, before you screamed his name and took off after him while he ran away.


“I would honestly feel sorry for your children” I glanced at Bom who just smiled then carried on doing her castle trying desperately to ignore someone in particular.

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Chapter 7: woahh tabisan kkkkkk... romantic!
tabitabi #2
Chapter 6: I always love this story. I'm not even tired to read it over and over again, thank you for the story *bowing
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: love it! thanks for sharing!
Chapter 7: kyah . giddiness overload ♥
Read this again, and again feeling so happy after reading!

Please make more Tabisan fanfic.

Thank you!
oh, but don't worry Tabi I'll be making stories of Tabisan..^^
#8 sweet!

i really tabisan is real.

waaaah!!!! TABISAN!!! well i wont really be surprised if they are together in real life.. :D

tabisan will always have a special place in my heart (though I am a hardcore DARAGON).... kekekkekekkekke

thanks for this dear.. :D
#10 cute!