Chapter 3 - Life Changing

Angel of Mine


Chapter Three: Life Changing


“How you changed my world you'll never know

Right here from now you helped me grow”






The day you comforted me, I would never forget because you stayed with me when you could have left, but you stayed, you stayed for me.


Remember when I was crying in the gym room when YG told me I couldn’t be a singer, so I had to get away so I came to the only place I could find that was empty.


“HELLO is anyone here” your voice is so deep that I new it was you I tried to cover my sobs hopping you wouldn’t hear me or turn on the light so you wouldn’t see me crying like a crybaby.


“Dara” you called out stepping inside and closing the door just leaving the two of us alone in the gym.


“I heard from Teddy…” you stated but you just stood near the door not knowing if I was or if I wasn’t there, you just spoke.


“…I know that hyung can be mean, trust me I know how it feels, but you know what I worked on it and I proved to myself and hyung that I can do anything, or if that doesn’t work spend a day with Daesung and everything would be back to normal…” at the mention of Daesung you laughed.


“…you may or you may not be in here, I don’t really care if I might be talking to myself, Dara if you are here just know that you have an amazing voice and the only person you can fear and challenge is yourself, are you going to stay here and waste unwanted tears or go out there and make a difference show everyone that you can do it. And if it doesn’t work, just tell me and I’ll beat those guys up for you…well it was nice, talking to myself I guess I’ll see you around” then you walked towards the door and opened it then you stopped


“I really hope that you were in here Dara” then you walked out and closed the door.


From that day on I worked hard your words encouraged me it made me go further to go for anything that I set my mind to. You helped me in so many ways and you’ll never know, by the way I took your advice and went to Daesung whenever I was down, he even offered to give me piggy back rides which I knew you didn’t like it cause you shunned Daesung for 3 weeks straight.

To say the least I was surprised, who wouldn’t, but that night what you said did change my life,


Oh how I wanted to thank you, tell you that everything that made me happy was because of you. The funny thing was that every time I got the chance I always backed out maybe I was to scared to admit that maybe my feeling for you ran so much deeper, that I was scared to acknowledge it, so I did the one thing that would cheer me up, I went to Daesung. I just wished he was you.






The day we had the longest conversation, You were sitting by yourself at the cafeteria just looking into space, I wanted to sit with you but I didn’t know what to say, I was nervous just standing here which was stupid.


I was about to walk away but your voice called out to me that was the moment I loved hearing you say my name.


I turned to see you waving I tried hard not to run to you and make myself look like a complete fool I sat opposite you, it was awkward at first, but soon we were talking about anything and everything that we could think off, we even talked about how we were in Gummys video clip together, we talked for hours not even realizing that the cafeteria was empty.


“T.O.P, can you do me a favor” You said and before I could say anything you came and sat next to me holding your phone out.


“I need to tell my fans that I spent all day talking to you” you scooted even closer to me I laughed at how awkward you were holding the phone so I took it off you, as we both smiled in front of the camera your head was leaning on to my shoulder.


You smiled when we took more than 1 photo if anyone had seen us they would have thought we were a couple. I couldn’t help but smile at that comment that I glanced around to see no one was their.


The next day was music to my ears, you see I was sleeping when Seungri came running in screaming at the top of his lungs


I woke up and made my way to the lounge to see what the fuss was, Daesung was sitting next to Seungri who was behind his laptop, probably gossip was one of the reasons he woke everyone up Bae came in and sat on the opposite side of Seungri I was about to walk back in the room when G.D came out holding his pillow he then hit seungri on the head before he stood behind all of them, I still couldn’t believe that GD was awake, so did everyone else.


They were so captivated by the article that they didn’t realize that it was 6 in the morning I decided to wait after they finished reading so I sat opposite them then I knew they were finished because they all looked up, each with different expressions.


Daesung was smiling, Seungri, was angry, while Bae and GD looked pissed then Seungri said “Hyung is there something you want to tell us” I was about to grab the laptop  when GD slammed his fist on the table, he then walked out of the apartment. I grabbed the laptop and what surprised me was a picture of me with Dara, Dara was hugging me from behind with a peace finger with me smiling, the caption underneath said.


‘ “Me and Tabi had a great day, all we did was talk and laugh kekekeke, thank you Tabi oppa for the great day and for the weird pictures we took together. I’ll keep the rest of the pictures as our little secret hehehehe”

YG LOVE, the two look like a great couple,

Dara from the famous girl group 2NE1 posted a photo…’


“You two look cute together…Tabi oppa” Daesung said as he got up and made his way back to his room not before hitting Seungri with his pillow.


Bae was quiet as he just got up hit Seungri on the head then walked of to his room.


I just sat their starring at the picture of you and I, my mind was blank as I walked back to my room, forgetting to hit Seungri. Who knew that the picture we took would change my life.


Of cause we both got scolded by hyung, but I was too dazed to realize that I was being yelled at.

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Chapter 7: woahh tabisan kkkkkk... romantic!
tabitabi #2
Chapter 6: I always love this story. I'm not even tired to read it over and over again, thank you for the story *bowing
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: love it! thanks for sharing!
Chapter 7: kyah . giddiness overload ♥
Read this again, and again feeling so happy after reading!

Please make more Tabisan fanfic.

Thank you!
oh, but don't worry Tabi I'll be making stories of Tabisan..^^
#8 sweet!

i really tabisan is real.

waaaah!!!! TABISAN!!! well i wont really be surprised if they are together in real life.. :D

tabisan will always have a special place in my heart (though I am a hardcore DARAGON).... kekekkekekkekke

thanks for this dear.. :D
#10 cute!