Chapter Five - Our First

Angel of Mine


Chapter Five: Our First


“What you mean to me you'll never know

Deep inside I need to show


You came into my life

Sent from above

When I lost all hope

Boy you showed me love

I'm check’n for you boy your right on time

Angel of mine


I never knew I could feel each moment

As if it were new

Every breath that take

The love that we make

I only share it with you”






Our first kiss it was amazing, it was unexpected but it was everything I dreamt of and so much more.


It was getting dark and the whole YG family were gathered around a beach bomb fire under the stars, making smores that Minzy wouldn’t stop eating, You were sitting next to Youngbae and Daesung and Bom was with CL, Seungri and Se7en, GD and Gummy were talking everyone was enjoying themselves except me because we hadn’t talked and I was angry, the first half of the day you were with Bom then when you were finally alone Teddy oppa came and snatched you away, then when it came to dinner Daesung and Minzy stole you away from me, everyone was ruining my day, that I just needed time to think.


“Where are you going” Teddy asked making everyone stare at me as I stood up.


“For a walk daddy if that’s okay with you” I said Kush laughed at Teddy, I walked off leaving Kush to get scolded by Teddy


“What it was funny” Kush pleaded


I walked along the beachside, just thinking  what if I do like Seunghyun and I don’t know what to do, I could tell him, and if he said yes then we can face anything and everything  together, but if he said no I will be left broken hearted,

But if I don’t tell him, then my heart will be safe but I’ll be living in regret and jealousy if I were too see him with someone else.


My mind and my heart were hurting how is it that no matter what I choose one of them  would end up hurting me.


What if he liked Bom, that changes everything.


I saw a rocking bench on top of a hill that over looked the beach that I went to it, I needed to think about what I was really thinking about which confused me even more than I thought it would.


“Is this seat taken” I glanced up to see you who was looking at the empty seat next to me,


“Nope” I felt nervous and happy at the same time that I didn’t want to ruin this moment at all, The stars were clear the moon was just above the sea and you could see the reflection and the light from the moon that it made it easier to see everything around you.


“Dara” “Seunghyun”

We both said that we both laughed.


“You go first” “You go first”

Your kidding right


“Seunghyun” I took the chance to say it fast you glanced at me.

“There’s something I have say, you might or you might not feel the same way and I know that what I’m about to say can change a lot of things but I need to say this or I’ll be left…”


“I like you”


“…wandering for the rest of my life, what if, and I don’t…wait what” I said as I looked at you realizing what you just said to me, I smiled then you smiled


“I like you Dara, a lot”


“I like you too” I could feel my cheecks burning.


We looked at each other and I could feel butterflies because you leaned forward and I knew what was going to happen next that I decided to meet you half way that our lips connected,

Cliché as it seems I honestly felt fireworks.


When we separated you smiled down at me.


“I knew I should've kissed you during Gummy’s video” you joked I just slapped you in the arm


“You should have” then you kissed me again as we both just stared at each other you smiled and I couldn’t stop blushing.


This moment was so amazing that I didn’t want it to end.


“Wait I thought you liked Bom” I blurted out

“As a friend sure” You said


“but today at the beach you two seemed close”


“Yeah, cause GD told me to look out for her” I smiled then leaned in too kiss him


“Wait when did this happen” I said being confused about Bom and GD dating Bom never told us


“I think she should be the one too tell you” we both smiled and leaned in, when.


“Wait, were you jealous” you were smirking


I glared at you before I just grabbed your shirt and kissed you.






Our first secret date the night that I couldn’t stop smiling, our first date you wanted to go out but for some reason we couldn’t really decide where since it always ended with me and you being celebrities and if any one saw us, not only would we be in trouble by the president but our fans would be more hurt.


It was funny how we discussed our first date at lunch of cause it was basically code talk since everyone was on the table and I mean everyone the whole YG family you sat next to Daesung with me sitting next to you on your left side it was funny that no one realized that we were holding hands under the table but it was hard for me to eat since you were holding my right hand, Seungri was sitting next to me opposite you was CL and opposite me was Youngbae, but we were all their and eating.


Then when we thought that we would never get anywhere Se7en just happened to mention a café that he and Han Byul went to when the two were secretly dating to Youngbae.


I glanced at you and you nodded.


“Hey Noona, do you want to go to the café that hyung was talking about” I looked at Seungri who leaned over me to get your attention, we didn’t have time to let each others hands go that the little trouble maker saw and he quickly sat back.


“But its all right, we don’t have to go” Seungri said snickering I wanted to hit him.


“What was that all about” CL looked at Seungri I grabbed your hand again and looked at you, while you tried hard not to feel embarrassed, you looked really cute.


“I just thought Noona would want to go with someone she likes am I right Hyung” Seungri was nudging my shoulder I coughed trying to breath properly.


“Yeah you should take Won Bin to that café” Minji suggested


“Do you still like Won Bin” Youngbae asked leaning in


“Me thinks she likes someone else” Seungri who was smiling from ear to ear


“I don’t think Santtoki would ever like you, so you should just move on” CL laughed making everyone laugh


“Why are you people talking about dating” we all looked at the front entrance to see Sajangnim that we all went quite we both pulled our hands away.




That night we discussed the rest of the details for our date through text which ended at 1 in the morning when Seungri came barging in wanting to know everything.


I met you at the café since we decided that you should go first so it wouldn’t seem suspicious at all


You sat at the back when I walked in it looked completely empty except for this old man behind the counter who was reading a novel “Lies, Lies, Lies” the cover read I walked to you, you wore a mini floral skirt and a light blue top and a grey cardigan but when I glanced at your shoes I realized you were wearing your JS addidas sneakers, that I wanted to laugh I guess it is hard for you to dress like a normal girl, but you were never normal.


We sat and talked for 6 hours not even realizing time had gone by so fast, that we both panicked when we realized what the time was, apparently you had to be at a dancing rehearsal with the girls and I had to get back since I had to be in the recording studio with Teddy to start on my new song.


When I realized that we both wanted this date to go so well that we turned off our phone’s so the real world wouldn’t call us and we didn’t care about the consequences we just went for it.


And that night we ended it with a simple goodnight kiss and you and I couldn’t stop smiling , even when I came to sneak up on you practice and you were still smiling and you looked dazed.



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Chapter 7: woahh tabisan kkkkkk... romantic!
tabitabi #2
Chapter 6: I always love this story. I'm not even tired to read it over and over again, thank you for the story *bowing
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 7: love it! thanks for sharing!
Chapter 7: kyah . giddiness overload ♥
Read this again, and again feeling so happy after reading!

Please make more Tabisan fanfic.

Thank you!
oh, but don't worry Tabi I'll be making stories of Tabisan..^^
#8 sweet!

i really tabisan is real.

waaaah!!!! TABISAN!!! well i wont really be surprised if they are together in real life.. :D

tabisan will always have a special place in my heart (though I am a hardcore DARAGON).... kekekkekekkekke

thanks for this dear.. :D
#10 cute!