Vacation to MALDIVES

The player's confession

~Tiffany's POV~ "Thank you guys for your good work! And so as to encourage you we decided to give SME idols a break. All of you will be spending 1 week at Maldives. Enjoy!" Screams and cheers could be heard all over the building and I hugged my SNSD members. "We are going to MALDIVES!" "It's going to be AWESOME!" "Boys with only swimming trunks!" "KYAAAAAAA~" I laughed and bounced around with my over excited members. We rarely got a day off and now were going to spend 1 week at my dream resort! Thank you so much GOD! I looked bet and spotted the guy I was looking for Luhanie oppa winked at me and I blushed. This vacation was going to be amazing! SNSD rushed back to the dorm and I started throwing my bikinis, sun block, shorts and t-shirts into my luggage. I wore a cropped long sleeved pullover and mini shorts. I was so excited I could hardly breathe. When we finally packed we headed to the airport to meet the other idols. We spotted SHINee and F(x) together and waved at them. "Tiffany unnie you look so pretty! I can't believe we are going to Maldives I'm so super excited!" Said a hyper Luna. I giggled and grinned at her. I spotted EXO walking in together and Luhan waved at me from afar. He was wearing a tight fitting shirt, knee high shorts and sunglasses. He looked so handsome! I waved back and grinned. "Noonaaaa!" Chanyeol screamed, running ahead of s to meet me. "Hey Yeolie!" I said happily. I caught Luhanie oppa frowning at us and I winked at him. Soon it was time to board the plane. We jumbled up the seat tickets and picked at random. I found out that I was going to be sitting with Luhanie oppa and Jonghyun (CN Blue). I sat in the middle and Jonghyun immediately engaged me in conversation. He was really good looking and funny. I left a hand slip under my blankets and rest on my lap. I turned my head towards Luhan oppa who pouted at me. "Fany why aren't you paying any attention to meeeee?" He whined cutely into my ear. I blushed and pushed him away gently turning my head back to Jonghyun and started talking to him again. However I couldn't resist Luhanie oppa and I intertwined our fingers. I sneaked a peek at him and he grinned triumphantly as he watched TV. The plane flight was long and Jonghyun oppa fell asleep. I sighed and felt my eyes closing. I removed the arm rest between me and Luhanie oppa's seat and leaned against his chest. He pulled me closer and rested his arms on my stomach. I giggled and snuggled closer to him. I woke up to somebody calling my name and saw Luhanie oppa smiling down at me. I saw that Jonghyun oppa was beginning to stir in his sleep and I got off Luhanie's chest and fixed my hair. "Morning beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and hugged him briefly. Jonghyun woke up with a humongous yawn causing me to laugh out loud. He smiled lopsidedly at me and greeted Luhanie oppa. The plane landed and I tried to get up but my legs didn't respond. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I gingerly tried to stand up but a pair of muscular arms wrapped themselves around my waist and heaved me up. "Come on Humpty Dumpty." Luhanie oppa said pushing me lightly. I shot a glare at him before walking out of the plane. A coach was there to pick us up and I kept my eyes glued to the window. The whole place was breath taking and I couldn't wait to jump into the crystal clear waters. As I got off the bus, the sun was shining brightly and I was momentarily blinded. Suddenly a pair of sunglasses slipped themselves over my eyes and I turned around. "Thanks Yunnie oppa!" I said cutely, hugging his mid drift. Yunho oppa is like my brother I never had. He always takes good care of me. I linked arms with Taeyeon and Sooyoung since I was going to be sharing a house with them. The island was beautiful and we changed into our bikinis. Mine was a light pink that complimented my skin tone. I wore a sun hat and waited by the door for the others. "Unnie I think you should go first. Taeyeon unnie needs my help in arranging her clothes." Sooyoung grumbled. I laughed and headed out. From afar I say all the guy idols gathered together. I spotted Luhan's blond hair. He wore swimming trunks and sunglasses. His fine chiseled abs were displayed for all to gawk at and I my lips unconciously. I noticed that none of the girls had come out yet. Yunho oppa saw me from a distance and waved at me. "Yunnie oppa!" I yelled waving energetically at him. The male idols all turned to my direction and every jaw dropped. I suppressed a smirk as I took my time walking over to them, swaying my hips as I walked. A breeze blew and my hair was swept off my shoulders revealing my milky white collarbones. Yunho oppa just smirked and closed Changmin oppa's hanging jaw for him. I winked playfully at Luhan oppa and he walked over to meet me. "You're y." He said seductively into my ear and I blushed, hitting him playfully on the arm. I saw s glaring at him and he draped an arm around my shoulder. "Since when were they together?" "Tiffany is mine!" "Shut up hyung you got Seohyun already!" "Do you think I might have a chance with her?" "Wow her body is smoking!" "Look at those curves!" I giggled as the male idols looked at us in jealousy. I winked at Jonghyun oppa who smiled back. Next to Yunho oppa, Jonghyun was my best friend. We often hung out together when we were trainees and he never failed to send me home everyday. "Ugh lets get out of here. There are too many guys staring at you." Luhan oppa stated and dragged me by the hand to a secluded area on the beach. "Yah oppa see my hand is turning red because of you!" I mock scolded. "It's not THAT red. Ok finr I'm SORRY! Please forgive my Fany-ah. Oppa will be upset if you don't." Luhanie oppa said with aegyo. I laughed and flung my arms around him. He lift me off the groud and I wrapped my legs around his waist, resting my head on his rock solid chest.

"What's wrong Fany?" He asked softly, walking to sea without me knowing. "I love you oppa." I said quietly. Luhanie oppa stood frozen at the beach before clearing his throat and chuckled. "I love you too Fany." 

~Luhan's POV~ "I love you oppa." Those were the words I did not want to hear from her so fast. Love... Hurt me once. Was I ready to love again? Maybe I was. I was always happy around Fany. Seeing with with other guys caused me to be jealous, something I never felt when I was 'dating' other girls. This was it, the sign sent from God. Fany was destined to be with me. I'm certain. I chuckled to cover the awkward silence. "I love you too Fany." I said. "Yay oppa LOVES ME!" She squealed excitedly and patted my head. "Good oppaaa" she cooed mischievously. "Yah Fany I'm not your pet! Stop it or you're going to regret it." She laughed and ruffled my head. "I warned you!" I yelled, throwing her into the sea and splashing in after her. "YAH XI LUHAN!" She screamed. Uh oh somebody is mad... I ran out of the water only to be dragged back by her. "Kyaaaa oppa has to be wet too!" She screamed, pulling me closer to her. I turned around to face her in the water. Everything seemed to be in slow motion now. I watched as water droplets ran down her face, wetting her lashes giving her an innocent look. I gulped as she came nearer to me. "Oppa you got something in your hair." She said, leaning closer giving me a full view of her cleavage. ! ! ! Don't come closer! I screamed mentally in my head. My roast was dry and I couldn't seem to say anything. self control. I lifted her up in the water and pulled her closer to me crashing my lips against her soft ones. I and nibbled her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She did willingly, pulling my head closer to deepen the kiss. She moaned into the kiss causing me to have an . She traced my cheekbones with one finger the other rubbing my biceps. "OMG WHAT THE ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Fany broke the kiss and looked at a thoroughly shocked Jessica unnie. I groaned at the interruption and Fany laughed. "Jessy just leave them alone. I think Luhan is doing what any man would do if he sees a girl soaking wet in the water." Onew hyung said winking at Fany and me. "YAH are you staring at my Tiff now?!" Jessica unnie screamed, hitting Onew hyung on the head. I pulled a stunned Fany behind me and I smiled in satisfaction when Fany wrapped her around my middle and stuck her tongue out at Onew hyung. "Oppa~  Luhan oppa is so much better than you~" she said with aegyo in a joking manner. "Aigoo this kid. Honey you need to tame this girl." Onew hyung complained to a poker faced Jessica unnie. "Tsk I don't blame her. Luhan is cuter and more handsome after all. Pity you are dating me if not I would have snatched him away from Tiff." I laughed any Fany tightened her grip around my waist. "Ya...yah! Fany I can't breathe." I whined turning around to face her. "Oppa is mine!" She exploded with aegyo and I hugged her swinging her around. "I'm yours." I sang and she giggled. "OH MY GODDDD!" Onew schrieked like a girl and froze on the spot. "Wae hyung?" I called out as Tiffany peered worriedly over my shoulder.!" He yelled and went pale. I supressed a snicker and calmly ran over. "Don't more oppa!" Jessica noona said. "NO JESSY! EWWW IT'S ING LOOKING AT ME!" Jeez Onew hyung was such a baby. I bent down and picked up the snake before flinging it into the trees. "There better now? Now shut up and gain your dignity back." I joked and he hit my chest.

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MysteriousGurl16 #1
Chapter 6: plz update soon
Chapter 6: Please update soonnn jaebal
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON ^_________________^
Lufany_kpop07 #4
Chapter 6: I love the story! Update please! I'm dying!
Chapter 6: They're so funny ! ;3
Chapter 4: interesting... ¬w¬
gpangestika #7
nice story ^^
Hehehe, I was influenced by the title, Player.. Nice one