First Impressions

The player's confession

~Tiffany's POV~ I was lazing with my members in our dorm. Today was a special day as we got to take the day off. These days were rare and we cherished every passing moment. I was chatting idly with Taeyeon and Jessica when Yuri interrupted us. "Yah have you heard?! There's a new boy group called EXO and one of the guys is a total cutie!" She squealed and jumped about excitedly. I raised my eyebrows at her excitement and the rest of the girls gathered around us. "OMG I think I know who you are talking about. Xi Luhan right? I met them yesterday while they were training. I swear that guy is an angel." YoonA piped up. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon's eyes grew two times the size of saucers and bombarded YoonA with questions. I admit I am pretty interested in this new kid but seriously how good can he look? I sighed and shook my head with an amused expression. I tried to continue my conversation with Jessica and Taeyeon but they were too interested to find out more about the new group. I huffed indignantly and sulked on the couch. Suddenly Taeyeon looked at me with puppy eyes and I gulped. I braced myself for what was coming and sure enough Taeyeon asked me to accompany her to go see the new group. I sighed and nodded my head in agreement. I was kind of curious about the new group and I mean it won't hurt to find out more about them right? It's be like a sunbae and hoobae greeting. I started to get ready. After all I did want to look my best when I meet the 'baby face angel'. I wore my favourite pink dress that puffed out at the end and barely covered my . I did my hair and put on my red lipstick. I smiled in satisfaction and confidence as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Grabbing my phone and wallet I skipped out to meet Taeyeon. She wore mini shorts and a plain cropped top. y! We linked arms and made our way to sm training centre. 

Pushing the doors of the centre open I sighed in relief as the cool temperate caressed my exposed back. The weather was so hot today! Taeyeon and I went to the bathroom to do a quick check on ourselves before going to meet the new group. As we neared their practice room we heard laughter and a lot of noise. I grinned as I pictured their shocked faces when I open the door and signalled Taeyeon to stand on the other side. I pushed it open gently and walked in confidently, Taeyeon following behind me. "Hey is this the new group EXO? I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I'm Tiffany by the way." I flashed my infamous eye smile at them and quickly scanned their faces. They were all very handsome but I didn't see the "baby face angel" anywhere. The boys looked too stun to do anything but the next minute there was an uproar. Although i didnt hear all of them i managed to figure out some. "Omg it's Tiffany from snsd! My bias for a long time!" "Dude it's Taeyeon! I love her voice!" I supressed my laughter by pressing my hands to my mouth. A collective awwww rang through the room. Suddenly a tall handsome guy approached me with his hand outstretched. "Tiffany-sshi it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kris the leader of exo-m." I giggled at his accent and shook his hand. I realised that they were all younger then me but incredibly handsome. "Nice to meet you too Kris. And call me noona. Tiffany-sshi makes me feel old." Kris laughed and nodded. "TIPPANY NOONA~" he sang and I giggled. Taeyeon suggested we introduced ourselves one by one. I sat next to kris and Taeyeon. Just as Kai finished introducing himself the door burst open. There he was... The baby face angel. His eyes widen in shock when he saw me and I waved. His face broke into the most gorgeous smile I ever seen. I couldn't help but smile at him too Kris moved away from me giving the angel space to sit next to me. He turned to me and winked. "Hi Tiffany-sshi. I'm Luhan. I have been your fan for years. I think you are very pretty." I blushed furiously and giggled like a love struck school girl. "Call me noona. Tiffany-sshi makes me sound old." I repeated and he smiled. We spent the entire afternoon getting to know each other more. I grew closer to Luhan and Sehun. Taeyeon was busy talking to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Unfortunately, manager oppa called me asking me and Taeyeon to go back to our dorm. We stood at the door of EXO's practice room and said out good byes. Kris smiled and waved energetically. When it was Luhan's turn he gave me a light hug and whispered into my ear. "Thanks for coming today. See you soon Fany noona." I blushed and hugged him back. Luhan released me gently and hugged Taeyeon too. I felt uncomfortable as I etched them. Was it jealousy? I shrugged. I barely knew Luhan yet I was feeling protective over him. Was it love? I sighed and linked arms with Taeyeon and we made our way back to our dorm. "Sooo do you like Luhan?" She asked. I gasped in shock and stared at her. She laughed and patted my head. "Aigoo Fany ah. It's so odvious. Go for him! But you should know that he can be a player." "How do you know that?!" I exclaimed in shock. That can't possibly be true. That baby face angel wouldn't even hurt a fly... "Chanyeolie told me so." She said simply. I looked at her in doubt but stayed silent. Hmm looks like I'll be doing a little investigation. When we got back. The other snsd members bombarded us with questions about exo. It struck me that I didn't ask for Luhan's number i sighed sadly and sank down on the couch to watch running man. Suddenly my phone beeped and I opened it to find that I have recieved a text from an unknown number. 

From : Unknown

To : Fany noona ^^

Fany noona it's me Luhan! I got your number from Taeyeon noona. Just wanted to say hi! =D 

I laughed at his cuteness and quickly saved his number. 

To : Luhanie <3

From : Fany noona ^^

hahaha hey! Did you enjoy this afternoon? 

I waited impatiently for him to reply. 

From : Luhanie <3

To : Fany noona ^^

Yes I did! Spending time with you really brightened my mood! Erm tomorrow would you like to meet up? For a meal. We can get to know each other better that way! Heehee ^^

My heart was beating wildly and I danced around the living room like a lunatic, screaming like a teenage girl that just had her first kiss. My members looked at me weirdly and Sooyoung grabbed the phone out of my hands and read it aloud. "OMG seriously?! Fany-ah you are so lucky!" YoonA said enviously. "Psh you have your Taecyeon. Wow good luck for your date tomorrow unnie!" Seohyun said giving me an encouraging hug. I nodded and smiled like an idiot. 

To : Luhanie <3 

From : Fany noona ^^

Sure! 1pm? 

Just as I put my phone down it beeped again. 

From : Luhanie <3

To : Fany noona ^^

Ok! I'll meet you outside your dorm! See you tomorrow noona. Nights and sweet dreams =^^=

I sighed happily and hugged my phone to my chest. See you tomorrow my angel... I thought quietly. With that I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about Luhan. 

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MysteriousGurl16 #1
Chapter 6: plz update soon
Chapter 6: Please update soonnn jaebal
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON ^_________________^
Lufany_kpop07 #4
Chapter 6: I love the story! Update please! I'm dying!
Chapter 6: They're so funny ! ;3
Chapter 4: interesting... ¬w¬
gpangestika #7
nice story ^^
Hehehe, I was influenced by the title, Player.. Nice one