Chapter 6


~*~Chapter 6~*~


Luhan’s heart was pounding so hard. He had told his best friend Minseok about his very first boyfriend and Minseok had said that he would love to meet Sehun. So now had Luhan planned a meeting for the best friend and the boyfriend in a café.

Before they entered the café Sehun grabbed Luhan’s sleeve and looked into Luhan’s eyes.

“He knows that you’re mine right?” Sehun asked with a straight face and empty eyes.

Luhan nodded, he had told Minseok how much he loved Sehun.

“He knows” Luhan said.

After something that felt like hours, Luhan finally spotted a red beanie he knew was Minseok’s and not long after he also saw Minseok.

“Baozi!” Luhan yelled. ‘Baozi’ was Luhan’s nickname for Minseok. Since Minseok was a little chubby under that time.

Minseok spotted Luhan and waved at him.

“I’ll be right back” Luhan told Sehun, who nodded.

Luhan walked to Minseok and teasingly took Minseok’s beanie.

“Hey! Give it back to me” Minseok said and took back his beanie.

“Will you wait with me in the line while I order?” Minseok asked.

Luhan agreed and they both took a place in the line of three other people. When it finally was Minseok’s turn to order Luhan turned around to Sehun, who was looking at them intensely and full of suspiciousness.

Luhan waved at Sehun and Sehun waved slowly back to Luhan. Then, Minseok finished his order and they both went back to the table.

Minseok placed his things on the table and that was when Luhan noticed something that made his heart stop and tears form under his eyelids.

Sehun was gone.


Two weeks had passed since Jongin asked Luhan out and they had gone on a couple of dates together. Luhan was so happy that he had found someone that he loved in the same way as Sehun, but he was also suspicious about it. What if Jongin would disappear as well?

Jongin meant so much for Luhan.

“How have you been?” Joonmyeon asked and placed his recorder inside his pocked.

Luhan shrugged. “Great, I’m still seeing Jongin and we are slowly getting to know each other. I really like him”

Joonmyeon nodded as he took notes.

“Does Jongin know about your… illness?”

Luhan shook his head and when he felt Joonmyeon’s serious gaze hitting him he hurried to add:

“But I will tell him soon! I just want to know him better at first”

“As long as you tell him. How about Minseok? Has he met Jongin?” Joonmyeon asked.

Luhan shook his head; he hadn’t told Minseok that he was seeing someone at the moment. Luhan thought that it all needed time and he wasn’t sure how Minseok would react if he knew. Minseok was so sensitive and overprotective.

“Minseok doesn’t know that I’m dating” Luhan said.

Joonmyeon let out a disappointed sigh. “He should know, he is your best friend and he is taking great care of you”

Luhan agreed but somewhere deep inside he remembered about the last time he introduced Minseok to his boyfriend, Sehun. It was a horrible time for both Minseok and Luhan, their lives changed.

“Speaking of something else, how is your medicine working?” Joonmyeon asked.

Luhan bit his lips. He has been bad at taking the medicine because it was giving him pimples. Should he tell Joonmyeon about it?

“Well… I’m getting pimples from it” Luhan said and pointed at one red pimple on his cheek.

Joonmyeon sighed once again, was it the sixth time he sighed today?

“Do you want to change medicine once again? You have almost tired every single medicine that exists” Joonmyeon stated while he was looking at Luhan’s medicine-list.

Luhan thought about it for a while. Compared to all the other side-effects Luhan has had from the medicines, pimples were the best. And who knew what other side-effects there could be? Luhan didn’t want to take any risks now when he had Jongin.

“No, I can bear with having horrible skin. I didn’t get it when I was a teenager so why can’t I have it now” Luhan joked.

“Luhan… you’re only twenty-two” Joonmyeon said while he wrote down what Luhan and him had said.


The phone vibrated in Yixing’s pocket. Yixing picked it up and looked at the screen. The picture of incoming calls showed Kris’s face. Yixing rolled with his eyes and pressed on ‘ignore’.

He had been ignoring Kris’s calls ever since the day he found Kris and Tao in the bed together, he hadn’t showed up at any of his works and the atmosphere in their apartment were weird so Yixing did his best to not be around as much as possible.

Today had Yixing also got to know that he had been fired as the backup-dancer.

Yixing felt that his life was over; he had nothing left to live for. That’s why Yixing had been out drinking for the last couple of hours and he wasn’t completely sober. He wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t sober either.

A little bit further away on the street were two guys walking towards him. Yixing heard a familiar giggle and looked up. The two guys were Luhan and a friend of Luhan.

Yixing felt how his heart was beating faster at the sight of Luhan. A rush of joy flowed through his body when he saw that Luhan was walking towards him.

The adorable Luhan.


Luhan was walking with Minseok home from the psychologist; Minseok told Luhan some jokes about a lady on his work and the stories were hilarious so Luhan couldn’t help but laughing out loud.

“Hey, look at the person over there” Minseok said and pointed at a person who was walking towards them.

The person wasn’t walking straight and it was clear that he was drunk.

When Luhan got closer the saw that the person was someone he knew. It was Yixing.

Yixing got closer to Luhan and grabbed Luhan’s shoulders. Yixing was smelling alcohol and it was disgusting.

“Luhan, please… hold me” Yixing said with unclear words, it was more like a murmur that real speaking.

Luhan exchanged a gaze with Minseok, who nodded at Luhan and indicated that he should hold the dark haired boy.

Luhan placed his arms around Yixing and he heard how he burst out in tears.

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(Snowdrop) 12/5-13: Will be making the last chapters on this story in a close future! - Shabondama


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Lakwqpnskskakskskssj I LOVE IT!! This was so cute and tragic but lovely! I don't understand hiw this isn't more famous!!! Luhan's character was so tragic but at the end he was happy. I was actually expecting that idk how but luhan would meet a real lofe sehun and of course that sehun wouldn't know luhan but they will get know each other and live happily ever after.... BUT THIS ENDING WAS GREAT!! Luhan saying good buy to its past it was cute.
Luludeer1999 #2
The feels.... I like is story so much *_* one of the best
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 21: Love this story so much..
I like Yixing character in this story,so sweet and caring :)
amaxinglay #4
Chapter 21: omg.i read this twice.its awesome.can i translate it to persian?plz
Chapter 21: Author-nim...*poke* I want HunHan ending TT_TT.
Chapter 21: Omo Omo precious layhan ♡♡♡ loved your fic so much ;a; beautiful
Chapter 21: as a huge kailu shipper i am mad because you don't make them together DD:
lol no i'm just kidding :p
i can feel luhan's feeling through the whole story ;;;;;; great job

ohem_niking #9
Chapter 21: SUch a great novel :)))))))
i'm so inspired to this :)
you're a great author
Baekonandegg #10
Chapter 21: Beautiful ending :))