Chapter Two


Please Ignore The Grammar, I'll Check it later (It's been my excuse now adays :p)




The next day, Yixing, like usually, skipped happily to the park, the snow already melted and the sun warmly shining. He get inside the park and went to the usual place he met Hyeso.

He furrowed his eyebrow when he didn't see Hyeso there, he came closer to the bench and sat on it. He looked around to his surrounded and smiled.

"Hyeso Noona probably late, even she never late, I just wait here until she come" Yixing murmured softly. He took one book from his bag and started to read it.

It's been 3 hours since Yixing sat on the bench, and Hyeso didn't appear, Yixing worriedly looking around and stood up, it's getting dark and he has to go home but he need to see Hyeso first.

"Where's Hyeso Noona?" Yixing mumbled but the sighed, he took his bag and went home with his shoulder slumped down.

The next day, Yixing wish Hyeso will be there, but she's not, Yixing once again went home after wait for almost 4 hours.

Yixing always came to the park for Hyeso, but it's been a month since they last met, and Yixing missed her so bad.

He lazily put his head on his palm and started to draw. He was in the class and he wasn't in the mood to study.

"Who is she?" One of his friend asked. Yixing stopped and turned his head.

"She-she is my friend" Yixing said with a bit red on his chubby cheek. His friend smiled.

"She so pretty"

"She is..." Yixing smiled softly and caressed his drawer.

"Seems she was more than your friend?" His friend made Yixing blushed.

"A-anii.. She's older than me, so-so I just saw her as my Noona" Yixing said. His friend chuckled.

"But you saw her picture with different eyes, you know.." His friend said. Yixing just kept silence.




Two years later...

Yixing was 15 years old this year, he will started a new school. Yixing stood behind the window and gazed the rain outside the window.

*It's been 2 years, Hyeso Noona, where are you?* Yixing thought. He sighed and started to draw again.

It was the first day of winter, Yixing took his old scarf from his closet and rounded it to his neck. He took his bicycle from the garage and paddled it to the town. He smiled and once in a while pushed his glasses to his bridge of nose.

Yixing passed the usual park and stopped. He gazed it for a while and decided to go inside the park. He paddled his bike and smiled, remembered the times he shared with Hyeso.

Yixing stopped abruptly when he saw someone, his mouth opened agape, he parked his bicycle and walked slowly to the bench where a girl sat. The girl turned her head and her eyes glimmer and she smiled softly.

"Yixing'ie..." She whispered, Yixing felt the goosebums when he heard her voice, how he missed that melodious voice.

"Hy-Hyeso Noona~" Yixing didn't believed his eyes. There she was, the girl that always in his mind for these past 2 years, sat on the bench where they usually were, smiled as the same as Yixing ever remember.

"I missed you..." Hyeso murmured softly. Yixing grinned widely and he ran slowly to Hyeso.




And there they goes, every day Hyeso and Yixing will played till dark came and Hyeso will took Yixing home. When everything seems to went right, its should be the end of it.

In the second week when they finally reunited, Hyeso and Yixing were laughed together as they swung slowly in the swing. Yixing shoved his hand to Hyeso and Hyeso grab it immediately, she squeeze it lightly earn a cute giggle from the younger.

"Noona... How old are you?" Yixing asked, Hyeso turned her head to him and tilted her head slightly.

"Uhmm... 19 I think~" Hyeso pouted slightly, Yixing chuckled and pushed his glasses to his' nose bridge.

"What are you, forget your own age" Yixing laughed, Hyeso laughed also and shrugged. She stood up and shoved her hand.

"Come on, it's late, I'll walk you home" Hyeso smiled. Yixing pouted but the stood up also, he took Hyeso's hand and let Hyeso lead them.

"Wae?" Hyeso asked when they walked together, Hyeso look down to Yixing who kept silence and pouted.

"I'm not a child, Noona, I don't want you to baby seated me" Yixing whined. Hyeso giggled and Yixing just smiled when he heard that voice which similar with bell.

"I know~"

"Then why you still baby seated me?" Yixing stomped his feet and stopped walk. Hyeso sighed softly and smiled to him.

"I'm not, Yixing'ie... Is it wrong if I want to spent a little more time with you?" Hyeso stopped also and looked at Yixing's eyes. Yixing blushed and looked down.

"You're so cute" Hyeso pinched softly his cheek. Yixing just smiled.

"Okay~" he whispered. Hyeso beamed and nodded.

"Let's go~"

They walked hand in hand once again until Hyeso stopped abruptly. Yixing stunned and turned back.

"Hyeso Noona, why you stop?" Yixing asked. Hyeso pulled him, hide him behind her.

"O-Onie~" Hyeso stuttered and looked down. Yixing took a peek from behind Hyeso and gasped silently when he saw two girls, they also wore white dress, and has the same eyes with her.

"Hy-Hyeso Noona, who are they?" Yixing whispered. Hyeso squeezed Yixing's hand gently then turned around.

"Yixing'ie... You can go home by your self right? It's not that far, you'll be brave right?" Hyeso looked down and pat Yixing's cheek while smiled softly. Yixing furrowed his eyebrow, confused.


"It's alright~ we'll meet tomorrow, hmm?" Hyeso assured him. Yixing nodded even he was confused.

"There's no tomorrow Hyeso, you're grounded" The melodious voice heard. Hyeso looked down and the tears formed from her eyes. Yixing looked at Hyeso and frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean, Noona?" Yixing asked. Hyeso turned her head and tried to walked to Yixing but someone grab her arm.

"Let's go~"

"Please give me time to say goodbye to him first, Ri Onie, please~" Hyeso pleaded. Haeri looked at her then sighed and nodded.

Hyeso walked to Yixing and squatted in front of him. Hyeso tried hard to prevented her tears.

"Yixing'ie~ I'm sorry, I can't play with you anymore, you have to study hard, don't forget to eat" Hyeso pinched his check lovingly. "I really love your chubby check" Hyeso murmured softly, Yixing looked at her confusedly.

"Why we can't play anymore, Noona?" Yixing asked, "Where do you wanna go?" He confused. Hyeso bit her inner check and smiled sadly.

"I have to go, far, really far" she whispered. Yixing felt his eyes teary.

"But~ you promised to play with me tomorrow" Yixing whined, his tears went down on his chubby check. Hyeso nodded.

"I know~ I'm sorry Yixing'ie"

"No~ I don't want you to leave me again, don't leave me, Noona" Yixing started to sobbed. Hyeso hugged him and rubbed his back gently.

"Don't cry, Yixing'ie~" Hyeso tried to hold her tears also.

"Hyeso'ya, let's go" someone grab her arms and made Hyeso pulled away from Yixing.

"No~ don't hurt Hyeso Noona" Yixing cried, he tried to pushed someone who grab Hyeso before.

"Haeri Onie, please, he doesn't know anything" Hyeso pleaded. Haeri just gazed Yixing with her cold eyes.

"Go home now~" Hyeso cooed to Yixing but as a stubborn kid, Yixing shook his head.

"I won't, don't take her, where you going to take her?" Yixing asked stubbornly.

"Yixing'ie~" Hyeso whispered, Yixing stunned and froze for a moment. "I'm sorry~" she whispered again then let Haeri and the other girl pulled her and disappeared to the thin air.

Yixing gasped and ran to nothing, he turned around but there's nothing.

"Hyeso Noona~" Yixing whispered, he looked down ready to burst in tears when he saw a medal like in the ground, he squatted and took it, it was a necklace with a snowflake pendant in it.

"It's Hyeso Noona's necklace" Yixing murmured then his tears went down to his chubby cheek. "Hyeso Noona~" He sobbed.

Yixing went home and laid his body to the bed, he didn't know why but he suddenly felt really tired and want to sleep. He closed his eyes and rubbed gently the necklace that surrounded his neck.

"Don't leave me, Hyeso Noona" He whispered then let the sleepiness through him.





Mhee0901 here~~~


Wahh, it's a bad story and a bad chapter..

I hate myself that couldn't write more good chapter, I promise I will try my best for the next chapter..


Thank you very to subscribes, and please do comment too :(

Pretty please...


Thank you...

Until then.... Mhee0901 out \m/

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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 5: (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ) How about me and thehunie??????????????
Andweeeeeeee... SPECIAL CHAPTER for me puwlliiiizzzz..
junghyeji #2
Chapter 3: "Everything in white was so damn beautiful" ☜ yes.. I agree with it.. Hahaha

But what happen with hyeso? I don't understand.. She can hypnotize him? Or else??
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 2: Why did I become α bad onie??

haeri0610 #4
Who is Hyeso??
Snow angel? Or Snowman?

update soon ^____^