Chapter Three


Yuppzz... I felt so into this story, I will update my other story around tonight though...

Please do ignore the grammar, too lazy to check it :p (lame excuse)




"Rise and shine~" a motherly voice shown up, Yixing winced and tossed around.

"5 more minutes, Omma" He murmured in his pillow, His mom chuckled and sat beside him, she pulled his sheet and shook his body gently.

"Come on Yixing, you will be late" His mom said. Yixing whined but sat up and rubbed his eyes. His mom giggled and ruffled his hair but the frowned when she saw a necklace that hang around Yixing's neck.

"Where did you get this, Yixing'ie?" His mom asked. Yixing looked down and rubbed the necklace, he furrowed then frowned for a moment.

"I... Don't remember" Yixing said, he furrowed his eyebrow. His mom frowned too but then chuckled.

"Probably you bought it somewhere but then you forget" His mom said and stood up.

"Probably~" Yixing mumbled. His mom smiled and walked leaving Yixing.

"Hurry honey, or you will be late"

"Ne, Omma" Yixing said and stood up then went to the bathroom, he once again looked at the necklace to the mirror, he rubbed it gently.

"I don't remember I bought this..." He murmured gently but then shrugged it, he went to the shower.




8 Years Later...

Yixing walked in between the snow that poured softly from the sky, he huffed and a white puff come out from his lips, he smiled gently. Yixing adjusted his bag and looked around, it was the park that usually he went when he was a child, his eyes softened when he remembered he was used to came here with his mother and his friends.

After her mother died two years ago, Yixing having no interest with school or college, so he stopped and since then he worked part time as a dancing teacher and in the weekend like this, he would sat in the bench in the park, under the tree, playing his guitar and singing for everyone, there's a time when someone gave him some money, but when Yixing angry and shoved it back to that man, that man said the money wasn't for Yixing but for his music and he doesn't meant to under estimated him as a hobo. Since then Yixing never mind if every one who listened his music gave him a coin or money, he sometimes gave all the money to the grannie who sold a cookies near the park.

Yixing shoved his bag down and he started to took his guitar and arranged the key, he played for a minute and smiled, he looked up and saw some people already surrounded him as if they already waited him to play. Yixing took a deep breathe and started to sing, he closed his eyes as he drowned to his own voice, when he opened his eyes again he saw a girl that sat opposite to him, he stunned with her beauty, they locked eyes for a moment before someone blocked his view to the girl, when that someone moved a side, the girl was disappeared, and Yixing swear he could smell a watermelon and ice mixed together and he felt familiar with it and he doesn't know why he felt his heart beating so fast.

It was a cold Monday and Yixing was in his way to his dance studio to teach, Yixing took his time to step by to the nearest cafe to grab a cup of coffee, he smiled when he saw the waiter, Joonmyoen, smiled so angelic to him.

"Yixing... usual?" Joonmyoen asked as he moved to behind the counter and prepared Yixing's coffee, Yixing chuckled and nodded.

"You do know, Hyoung" Yixing walked in and sat in the seat near the window, he looked outside and smiled when he saw snow poured slowly and freeze everything. Joonmyoen came with a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.

"It's in the house" Joonmyoen said as Yixing gave him a confused stare but soon smiled gently to the older. Joonmyoen sighed and looked outside too.

"It really lovely to see a snow like this, isn't it? everything seems so beautiful in white" Joonmyeon said. Yixing couldn't argued because it was true, everything in white was so damn beautiful. Yixing felt a pat on his shoulder and turned his head slightly to see that Joonmyoen going back to the counter while Yixing turned to saw outside again.

Yixing saw a boy ran with his friend as they played snow fight as they laughed together, Yixing smiled gently and his eyes wondered to the road and frowned when he saw a girl stood in the corner of the street, not far from his dance studio, her eyes was closed and her half face covered by a blue scarf, funny, Yixing thought, her scarf was so similar with him, same color, same shape. Yixing then remember that the girl was the same girl he saw in the park that day.

Yixing didn't know how long he has been looking at the girl, it was when he saw her, the time was frozen with the snow, Yixing put his chin to his arm and his eyes never teared away from the girl. It was when the girl opened her eyes slowly and looking through Yixing with her diamond eyes, Yixing gasped, he knew that eyes, he ever saw it somewhere but he couldn't remember, and when the girl was smiled gently to him, Yixing forgot to breathe for a minute.

Yixing stumbled to the dance studio as he still saw the girl in the corner of the street, her pale face almost made Yixing gawked and her diamond eyes which Yixing assumed seems really sad made Yixing drowned inside, he took a step forward to the door but in the corner of his eyes he saw how's the girl shivered and he turned his eyes and saw how white the girl is, maybe as white as snow and she seems so soft, so fragile, like a snowflake. Yixing brave himself and turned around and walked to her, when he was in front of her, he could smell a watermelon mixed with ice, he cleared his throat and the girl looked up, Yixing once again drowned to that diamond eyes and forgot how to breathe.

"...Xing..." The girl mumbled, she smiled sadly. Yixing snapped back, did he heard the girl called his name, but how did she knew. Yixing shoved his coffee to the girl and the girl just saw it with a frowned in her face.

"It-it's will keep you warm" Yixing stuttered, damn it, he never felt so nervous like this before, but the girl just stood there, didn't took the coffee from Yixing, instead she smiled softly to him.

"I'm not cold.." She said and Yixing almost faint because he never heard a voice as melodious like her, wait he did, he did heard that voice somewhere before but he couldn't remember, he cursed inside his mind to be a forgetful person.

"What's your name?" Yixing asked softly, the girl eyes glimmer and he could saw a sparkled inside her eyes.

"I'm Hyeso..." She whispered softly.




It's been a week since they met in the cold road and the awkward Yixing offered her a hot coffee, now Yixing just gave her an ice coffee, strange taste but Hyeso seems love it, especially a really cold ice Latte. Yixing loved her expression when she gulped down the liquid through her rosy pale lips.

Yixing found Hyeso was cutely strange, he felt he really knew Hyeso for a long time, when Hyeso laughed, he felt his heart was bursting because he felt so damn proud of himself to made Hyeso laugh, and she laugh just for him.  When she speak, he had an urged to ran his fingers to her face, because he felt she kept avoiding his eyes and blushed, and when their hand touched even it just a coincidence, he felt he need to held him self to jumped to her and crushed her to his chest to warm her because her finger so cold as an ice.

Maybe it was the weather or maybe because of his heart, but Yixing found him self really love to a simple thing about the romantic scene, whenever he saw a couple holding hand, walked in between the snow, he smiled to him self and imagined it was him and strangely, Hyeso. Yixing just met her, yet he felt Hyeso already captured his heart, and when he met her and saw her flushed face because the cold weather, Yixing want to shouted loudly how much he love her and want to kissed her all the time.

"Xing..." Hyeso called him when she watched him played a guitar in the park that Saturday, Yixing looked up and smiled widely, Hyeso once again wear white and never forget the scarf that hung loosely around her neck, Yixing loved that scarf hung in her neck, he tried to found the one that similar to hers but he couldn't remember where he put it.

"Hey..." Yixing put down his guitar and shifted a bit just to make a room beside her, the weather seems bad today, it was windy and the snow poured heavily, but it never stopped Yixing to came to the park and met Hyeso.

"It will be a storm, maybe we shouldn't met for a moment, Xing" Hyeso murmured gently but her eyes seems sad "You might get cold..." She continued, Yixing smiled gently.

"I don't mind..." Yixing said as he took his chin to his palm and looked through Hyeso's diamond eyes, Hyeso smiled and shook her head.

"I don't want you to get sick" Hyeso said and her diamond eyes seems sad, Yixing took her chin and saw her with his gentle eyes.

"I won't..." He said, Hyeso frowned and want to argued when she felt her lips captured with a soft kissed, Hyeso widen her eyes.

"I've been waiting to do this since we met" Yixing whispered when he pulled over but didn't moved to far, their lips brushed each other, Hyeso just kept silence and tears pool in her eyes. Yixing seems didn't realize it and one more time pressed their lips together.

Yixing could feel Hyeso's cold lips, but strangely soft and molded perfectly with him, he ran his finger to cupped Hyeso's neck and tilted his head to got a better angle, Hyeso shut her eyes tightly and tears ran down to her flushed check, she gripped Yixing's jacket to composed her self. Slowly she moved back and let Yixing pecked her lips lovingly.

"I can't..." Hyeso whispered, Yixing didn't said anything as he still feel high from the kiss they've shared "I'm sorry..." The words that slipped for Hyeso's mouth after that seems snapped Yixing and he looked at Hyeso's sad eyes.


"I can't love you..." Hyeso said again, this time her new tears forming and run down, Yixing used his thumb to erased it and cupped her face, he pressed his forehead to hers and looked at her eyes.

"But I do, I love you..." Yixing whispered, Hyeso whimpered and closed her eyes then sighed and pressed her lips to him, Yixing shocked for a moment but then closed his eyes and let Hyeso kissed him lovingly.

"I love you too, since the first I laid my eyes on you..." Hyeso said as she broke their kiss, Yixing smiled and nodded.

"Me too.." Yixing said but Hyeso shook her head impatiently.

"No, you don't understand, I love you since the beginning, Xing, when we played together in this park, when you gave me this scarf, when I held your hand and took you home, even when they grounded me, I love you since..." Hyeso told him, Yixing furrowed his eyebrow, confused. He didn't know what she talked about, held his hand and took him home, when did that happen? and the scarf? when did he gave it to her?

"I.." Yixing frowned "I don't understand.."

Hyeso smiled sadly and rubbed Yixing's chest or more over, his necklace, the same necklace that Hyeso left it for him, to take care of him, to gave him a bit of her self to remember, but he didn't, her family made him forget her, and it's killed Hyeso inch by inch, she sometimes saw Yixing from a far just to made sure he was okay and cure her heart when she missed him. Yixing took Hyeso's cold hand and entwined their finger.

"I'm sorry, Xing... Sorry..." Hyeso cupped his face and ran her finger to his eyes then to his nose and last to his lips, the same lips that claimed hers before.

Yixing felt her fingers and his heart fluttered, but slowly he felt he couldn't opened his eyes and he felt so weak.

"Hyeso'ya.." Yixing whispered. Hyeso pressed her lips to his ear.

"Sleep..." Hyeso whispered "I love you.."

"I love you too..." Yixing whispered back and let his body drown to the sleepiness




Yixing having a strange dream, he was 13 or so when he saw himself laughed with a girl that looked like Hyeso, but Yixing furrowed, he didn't remember this thing, and how was Hyeso never changed a bit, it was like she never grew old. Yixing snapped when the scene changed in the ski rink, he saw how Hyeso moved on the rink, just like she became one with the ice, the scene changed when Hyeso held his hand and they laughed each other when they were in the way to Yixing's house, he saw when Hyeso was abruptly pulled by other girl and disappeared into a thin air. Yixing jolted and wake up abruptly, he was sweating and his breath hard, he looked around and realize that he was in his own room, he still remembered the scene that he and Hyeso was kissing and after that he went blank.

"What happen?" Yixing murmured then sighed when he remembered the dream, it was a strange dream but funny, Yixing felt missing that moment, he stood up and walk to his closet to find a clothes, he absentmindly took one shirt but then a scarf fell down, Yixing looked down and stunned for a moment, it was the blue scarf, the exactly same scarf that Hyeso wore. Yixing took it and gasped when he realize something.

"Hyeso... Noona?"





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Thanks for reading anyway ^^


It will be a short story, 5 Chapters for max, so it will be 2 more chapters to go...


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Until then... Mhee0901 out


Yay for me \m/

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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 5: (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ) How about me and thehunie??????????????
Andweeeeeeee... SPECIAL CHAPTER for me puwlliiiizzzz..
junghyeji #2
Chapter 3: "Everything in white was so damn beautiful" ☜ yes.. I agree with it.. Hahaha

But what happen with hyeso? I don't understand.. She can hypnotize him? Or else??
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 2: Why did I become α bad onie??

haeri0610 #4
Who is Hyeso??
Snow angel? Or Snowman?

update soon ^____^