

Please do ignore the grammar... Lame excused :p




It's been two years since they last encounter, Yixing now busy with his dancing life, his dancer team was the best team in the town, they had a solo performance every Saturday night in the nearest club and it always crowded when they performed. But still, Yixing felt empty inside, even in the crowded he couldn't feel anything, he's numb, his body ached, longed for a specific person and that's Hyeso, he missed her so much, he wanted to share his happiness, his success with her, told her how's his days, what he's been through, his sadness, he wanted her to hold him when he cried everytime his waist hurt, he wanted to wake up in the morning with her dazzling smile that she always gave him.

Yixing laughed, a lot, but never been the same way again, sometimes he would laugh a lot until he lost some breathe, but still he didn't feel anything, there's no happiness in him, as if he didn't know what happiness was, as if happiness wasn't exist for him. Yixing cried, a lot, it was like it's the only way to do when he missed her, cried until he fell asleep and dream that she was by her side, hummed him a soft song, lulled him to sleep, while caressed gently his hair, ended it with a soft 'good night, I love you' in his ear and he would woke up inside his comfortable duvet, and a happy feeling.

Yixing would always space out, even when he was in his dancing routine, he would messed up and hurt his waist even more, his close friend, Kai, would worried and told him t go to hospital because Yixing looked paler than before, but Yixing would just smile and assured him that he was fine.

Just like the other day, Yixing space out while looking outside the window when he was in his dance studio, Kai, his fried moved closer to him and stood up beside him, Yixing just smiled a little and continue to stare nothing particular outside the window.

"Hyoung, you know that you  lost some weight now" Kai said as he followed the older gaze, but when he found nothing interesting he turned his head and gazed the older, Yixing chuckled.

"Am i?"

Kai nodded and hummed, he sighed and pat Yixing's back then walked to the others. Yixing smiled sadly, it was the third winter without Hyeso and he had enough, he wanted to meet her, hugged her but he didn't know how to found her, he need his Hyeso, his soul-mate, his other half. Hyeso's kiss was the last thing that Yixing remember when his gazed suddenly darken and he collapsed.

"YIXING HYOUNG!!!" Kai and the others rushed to him and tried to help him.




Yixing opened his eyes and saw it was quite dark inside the room, he ran his gazed to surround him and found no one, he sighed and tried to sat up, he sighed when he saw outside the window and it was snowy. Yixing felt someone presence and turned his head, he gasped when he saw someone's there, stood near the window when there's no one there previously.

"Hyeso'ya..." Yixing stood up and ran to embraced her, Hyeso hugged him tightly too when she was envelope by his warm embrace. "I miss you..." Yixing whispered. Hyeso hummed softly.

She took him back to his bed and Yixing held her hand tightly, as if he was afraid she will gone if he let go. Hyeso looked at Yixing pale face and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry..." Hyeso whispered, Yixing frowned and his eyebrow furrowed.


"You become like this because of me, I'm the one that made you suffer all of this time" Hyeso murmured sadly, Yixing pulled her closer and cupped her cheek, he took her chin and raised her head and smiled.

"No, you're not, you complete me..." Yixing whispered and pecked Hyeso's lips, Hyeso smiled shyly. Yixing grinned and took Hyeso's cold hand and entwined with him.

"Look..." Yixing rose both of their hands which connected "My hand fit perfectly with yours" Yixing said, Hyeso smiled again but still with her sad eyes, Yixing felt his heart pang with the sight.

"Please, don't leave me again..." Yixing pleaded, Hyeso gazed him and Yixing drowned in her diamond's eyes. Hyeso sighed and looked outside the window, he opened it slightly and took a snow that poured from the sky to her hand, Yixing looked at her softly.

"Before you say that, will you listen to my story, my life?" Hyeso asked as she turned her head slightly to Yixing, Yixing nodded and hummed.

"I want to know anything" Yixing said, Hyeso nodded, inhaled and exhaled deeply, prepared herself.

"You do know that I wasn't from this world, I mean your world..." Hyeso said as she turned around completely and took a snow with her, she walked to Yixing and took his hand, she put the snow from her palm to him, and Yixing saw the snow slowly changed into a small flower. Yixing gasped.

"No, I'm not a human" Hyeso whispered, Yixing looked at her and waited her to speak again "I'm not a ghost either, or a dead angel or whatever you said it was" Hyeso chuckled with her own lame joke. Yixing smiled and put the snow flower to the desk and let Hyeso sat in front of him.

"I was the creature that everyone said as a Snow Girl" Hyeso said, she took another deep breathe and gazed Yixing's brown orbs.

"I live only in the winter, that's why I only meet you in the winter, I can't live in others, like summer or spring or fall, because I will melt like snow from the heat" Hyeso smiled sadly, Yixing kept his face straight as it was even his heart was pounding so loudly and Hyeso knew this and she smiled sadly.

"I never expected that a human could see me, I would always made my self invisible so that human couldn't see me" Hyeso continued "But that day, the first time I met you in that winter, when you called me and touched me" Hyeso smiled.

"I never knew that the world beside white was really beautiful, you made it beautiful, I could see another color of this world, red, yellow, blue and purple" Hyeso caressed Yixing's cheek and Yixing caught it then squeezed it gently.

"The time that my older sister came then took me away from you was a purely hell for me, probably I would prefer be in hell then be in somewhere without you" Hyeso murmured sadly and Yixing should kissed her hand to cheered her up. It worked, Hyeso smiled.

"And by the time I knew you lost your memories of me for all of the time we've shared made me even broke, I almost killed myself when I really wanted to see you in the summer when you broke down because you lost your mother, and I know you love her so much..." Hyeso smiled sadly, Yixing pulled her closer.

"I love you too..." Yixing whispered and Hyeso chuckled, nodded.

"I know..." Hyeso smiled "May I continue?" Hyeso asked and Yixing nodded.

"Haeri Onie beg to me to forget you and let you live happily without knowing that I even exist" Hyeso continued and Yixing frowned, he didn't like that story but Hyeso just caressed his forehead softly so the wrinkled disappeared.

"And I really wanted to do that, seeing you from a far was enough for me, seeing you are happy, safe and have a good life was enough for me, and that day, when I see you in the park when you played your guitar was supposed to be the last day I saw you" Hyeso said.

"But the next day I couldn't help my self to see you again, I wanted to see you, my heart ached for you and when you walked towards me, offered me your hot coffee, I lost my self defensed" Hyeso smiled and squeezed their connected hands.

"I'm planning to talk to you just a few times, just want to memorized your voice, your gesture, your laughed, your gazed inside my mind before I completely leave you forever" Hyeso murmured. Yixing sighed.

"I know now what you mean about you telling me your story..." Yixing cut Hyeso's story and Hyeso gazed him sadly "And NO!" Yixing glared to her.

"Please..." Hyeso pleaded. Yixing closed his eyes.

'NO! I won't let you leave me, I don't care what happen to me, even it means I have to die just to be with you, I would do that..." Yixing said, a little growled. Hyeso whimpered.

"But Xing..." Hyeso played with Yixing's finger and Yixing sighed.

"No, and that's final, I won't let you decide what should I do, I want to be with you and no, I don't want to be separated with you anymore, not anymore..." Yixing whispered the last one and gazed her sadly "Please, Hyeso'ya... I had enough, I can't stand another day without you by my side"

Hyeso gazed him softly and kissed his lips gently, Yixing kissed her back eagerly and cupped her cheek to prevented her to pulled away. Hyeso hummed softly.

"You not afraid?" Hyeso asked, Yixing pecked her lips repeatedly and hugged her tightly.

"I'm afraid of losing you, can't hug you like this, touch you and see you anymore..." Yixing said. Hyeso nodded and hugged him back as tightly.

"I'm sorry..." Hyeso whispered.

"There's nothing to be sorry, this is my choice, I want to be with you and that's final" Yixing said. Hyeso whimpered and buried her face to Yixing's shoulder.

'I'm sorry to love you...."

"I never regret it, I'm so thankful that you love me and I love you..." Yixing said, whispered in her ear 'I love you's repeatedly.


When the morning came, Kai came with Suho and the others, Suho furrowed when he saw Yixing still sleeping, it was like he was in a deep sleep and a beautiful snow flower laid calmly beside him.

"Hyoung, we came to see you..." Kai said as he walked towards Yixing but still Yixing didn't move. Suho felt something wasn't right. Suho pulled Kai away and walked towards Yixing and gasped when he felt how cold Yixing was.

"Yixing... YIXING!!" Suho called him repeatedly but Yixing didn't bugged at all. Kai looked at Suho with a confused face.

"Hyoung, Yixing Hyoung was sleeping, let him..." Kai said but Suho turned his head and gazed Kai with a scared eyes.

"Jongin'ah... called doctor" Suho said, Kai furrowed and opened his mouth slightly just to asked what for he called the doctor "NOW!!" Suho yelled and Kai walked towards the door, calling the doctor and nurses.

A doctor and nurses rushed into Yixing's room, made Suho and Kai shifted into the corner of the room, it was fully chaos and Kai was trembling, he was okay yesterday, he was just tired and need rest, it was what the doctor said, so he let Yixing rested in the hospital while he went home to get some rest too. But now, what happen? why should the doctor yelled and told one of nurses to gave Yixing an oxygen mask, and what's that machine beeping sound. Kai held his breathe when the doctor put a thing to Yixing's chest and his body jerked up like an electricity went though his body but still Yixing didn't move.

Suho was afraid, he knew Yixing wasn't okay, since years ago, but the last time he saw him was yesterday morning when he was went by for a cup of hot chocolate and he saw Yixing was paler than before, but he also saw that Yixing kept playing the necklace that hung on his neck. Yixing didn't told him anything about the necklace, he just knew it was from a girl, a mysterious girl that he met when she and Yixing walked together while laughed, she was pretty, too beautiful even and her eyes was so bizarre, and when Yixing told him that he was in love with the said girl, Suho knew Yixing felt deep and he knew the girl felt the same way too, even he suspicious about the girl, she was like she wasn't from this world, everytime he met the girl, he couldn't help to shivered as if he was cold and when he heard her voice for the first time, he almost jumped from his seat because he never heard such a beautiful voice like that. But now, Yiixng was laid there, in the hospital bed with every cable that connected to the machine, tried to wake him up but it was like Yixing didn't want to woke up anymore, Suho could see Yixing peaceful face, as if he didn't regret anything. Suho didn't realize when his tears went down to his cheek.

The doctor sighed and shook his head, he already tried his best, he didn't know too what happen with this young man, yesterday he came with bad condition but not that worse, it was a simple exhausted thing condition, because he dance too much while he sometimes forget to took a rest. The doctor assumed he just need a rest, a few days sleep to recovery his condition, but this morning, when his friends came to see him and he was yelled that this young man didn't even woke up, he went panic, what happen with this poor guy, why he suddenly become like this, he looked so healthy, he didn't have any particular illness, but when he tried to gave him a CPR, he didn't reacted, as if he refused to wake up again. The doctor turned his head and gazed his friends and shook his head with sad face. His friends gasped and couldn't contained their feeling when they both suddenly held their selves to the wall.

"I'm sorry... he was gone..." The doctor said slowly. Suho and Kai looked down, couldn't believe what they've been heard. Yixing, their friend, their partner, their brother was gone, just like that without a single goodbye, without any warned, just gone...





The bell tinkling softly and Suho turned his head and smile when he saw Kai came with a new guy, the guy was surely tall just like Kai, and he was a great dance, he was new in Kai's team, he was the replacement for Yixing, it was two months after Yixing was gone and sometimes Suho would missed him and prayed that it was only a dream, that probably Yixing would came to the cafe and ordered his usually hot chocolate.

"Jongin'ah..." Suho greeted the younger, Kai grinned and hopped up to the counter, his friend followed behind "Sehun'ah..."

"Hi, Suho Hyoung" Sehun greeted him back. Suho walked towards them and asked them how's their day and they began to told him everything, he would chuckle when Kai and Sehun fought about not that important thing. Suho smiled and looked at Sehun's hand and furrowed.

"Sehun'ah..." Suho called him, Sehun turned his head and hummed "Where did you get that?" Suho asked and pointed to the bracelet that rounded on Sehun's wrist. Sehun and Kai followed.

"Ah.. this one?" Sehun touched it and smiled "I didn't remember though, when I woke up one day I already wear it, it was an important thing for me, I can't even let it go, when I let it go then I forget to wear it again, something inside me will hurt" Sehun said, tilted his head slightly. Kai snickered and rolled his eyes, Sehun glared him.

"Ooh..." Suho just nodded but frowned because his bracelet was look familiar but he didn't remember where he saw it.



Suho, Kai and Sehun walked together in that cold night, it was still felt cold even it was the end of winter, they laughed when Kai told them a simple joke.

"Ahh.." Sehun whinced when he bumped into someone, Kai and Suho walked in front of him while leaved Sehun behind. Sehun hold his left shoulder that bumped into someone and turned his head slightly when he gasped and held his breathe.

"I'm sorry..." a beautiful voice came and Sehun swear he ever heard that voice somewhere.

"No, It's o-okay..." Sehun said stuttered, the girl smiled and nodded "I'm sorry, but did we meet somewhere before this? you look familiar..." Sehun asked, the girl gazed him sadly and smiled softly but before he heard the girl's reply, Suho and Kai called him and told him to hurry.

Sehun turned his head and yelled an 'okay' then turned to the girl but she was gone, Sehun furrowed and looked around but couldn't find her. Sehun frowned.

*I met her somewhere and...* Sehun pressed his palm to his chest *Why my heart felt so hurt, I felt like I'm going to cry* Sehun bit his lower lips.

"Sehun'ah..." Suho called him and snapped him from his thought "What are you doing? Let's go..."

"Ne. Hyoung..." Sehun ran slowly to Kai and Suho.

He didn't see when a girl looked at him from a far with a sad eyes and tears poured from her eyes, she sighed deeply.

"Goodbye Sehun'ah..." Haeri whispered "See you in one year later..." She murmured then disappeared into a thin air.

Sehun walked and laughed with Suho and Kai but then looked his behind when he saw a few snow poured from the sky but then disappeared, he furrowed but then turned his head again and laughed with Kai.

Suho sighed when he saw Kai and Sehun laughed together, he couldn't help but thought it would be nice if Yixing is here with them, it would be complete. Suho turned his head to across the street and furrowed when he saw someone he knew.

*Yixing...* Suho furrowed his eyes and saw a guy that looked like Yixing stood in the street, closed his eyes and his head raise to the sky, suddenly he opened his eyes and smiled when a hand rounded to his waist, Suho gasped when he saw someone that also looked like Hyeso hugged the guy and they smiled each other lovingly, they both then suddenly turned their head and gazed Suho, Suho felt his knees weaken, it was definitely Yixing and Hyeso, they both wore white and smiled gently towards Suho.

"Suho Hyoung..." Kai called him, Seho then turned to Kai who stopped walk and gazed him confusedly with Sehun.

"Ne, just a moment, I thought I saw.." Suho turned his head again to saw the couple but he saw no one, Suho furrowed and turned around.

"Hyoung, what happen with you,  before ith was Sehun who acted weird and now it was you" Kai whined. Suho still tried to find Hyeso and Yixing and saw the couple walked leaving him far away, holding each other lovingly while laughing and sometimes Yixing kissed her softly in the forehead. Suho gazed them until they disappeared and smiled gently, he turned away and walked to Sehun and Kai.

"Nothing, I just saw a pretty girl..." Suho said, Kai and Sehun snickered and continued their walk.

Now he realized that Sehun's bracelet looked like the one that Yixing had but Yixing's was hung around his neck. Suho smiled to himself and now he knew that Yixing was happy with his loved one, together, nothing will separated them again, Yixing was finally happy.




It's end!!!

Yayyy... Finally...


Thank you so much for reading, subscribing and please do comment to :(

I will write better than this in my next story

Please do continue to support me...

Thank you so much...


Until then...

Mhee0901 Out

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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 5: (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ) How about me and thehunie??????????????
Andweeeeeeee... SPECIAL CHAPTER for me puwlliiiizzzz..
junghyeji #2
Chapter 3: "Everything in white was so damn beautiful" ☜ yes.. I agree with it.. Hahaha

But what happen with hyeso? I don't understand.. She can hypnotize him? Or else??
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 2: Why did I become α bad onie??

haeri0610 #4
Who is Hyeso??
Snow angel? Or Snowman?

update soon ^____^