Chapter One



It started when Yixing was 13 years old, early of December and Yixing just in the time to go home from his school, it was his first day of school and he already got some friends, he happily skipped to his house, hummed some random song that he could remember.

It was winter, and snow poured slowly from the sky, Yixing playfully took some of snow to his small hand and made it into a ball, he looked around and saw a tree, he grinned and threw the snow ball to the tree, he raised his hands up happily when it hit directly to the tree.

"Touchdown..." He yelled excited. He turned and started to walk again.

When he was passing the small park near his house he frowned. Yixing titled his head a bit and widen his eyes. He ran a little to the middle of the park and stood awkwardly when he saw someone laid or slept in the snowy ground.

"Uhmm..." Yixing squatted beside that someone, looked awed when he saw a beautiful girl in front of him.

*What is she doing here? Is she dead? Should I wake her up? She's so beautiful* Yixing thought.

"Noo... Noona... Are-are you okay?" Yixing asked her but still didn't dare to touch her. Yixing saw her eyebrow furrowed, he exhaled gladly.

*She's alive*

"Noona, you shouldn't sleep here, it's cold" Yixing said again, the girl who slept before whined and tossed. She opened her eyes and Yixing gasped silently.

*Her-her eyes... They’re amazing* Yixing thought.

The girl then turned her head and saw Yixing who looked at her agape. She sat up and widens her round eyes.

"You-you... Are you talking to me?" The girl asked, Yixing jumped backwards but fell when he tripped.

*What is that sound? Her voice? It's...* Yixing couldn't find an exactly word to describe.

"N-ne..." Yixing nodded. The girl looked lost but then smiled to Yixing made Yixing's heart skipped a beat.

"My name is Hyeso, what is your name?" The girl asked. Yixing blushed and looked down.

"Yixing.." He mumbled softly. Hyeso furrowed and leaned to Yixing.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you? What is that again?" She asked. Yixing bit his lower lips, he could smell her scent, it's mixed between watermelon and ice, and it's made Yixing a little bit dizzy.

"Ma-my name is Yixing" he said a little bit louder this time. Hyeso nodded and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Yixingie..." Hyeso said, smiled softly to the young boy. Yixing gazed at her and blushed but nodded.


Since that meeting, Yixing would always come to the park to meet Hyeso, he was mesmerized with Hyeso’s feature and loved to hear her soothing voice.

"Hyeso Noona, why do you always wear white?" Yixing asked one day. Hyeso titled her head and thought a while.

"Maybe because I love white" Hyeso smiled, Yixing blushed and fixed his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

*And you are so pretty, Noona*

"You’re so cute" Hyeso squealed and pinched his chubby cheek. Yixing pouted and rubbed his sore cheek.

"I'm not a kid Noona..." Yixing said. Hyeso giggled and stood up.

"Arasso, let's go, Noona will take you home and sing for you" Hyeso shoved her hand, Yixing grinned and took Hyeso's hand. They walked around the park while singing, Yixing wasn't shocked again when he felt Hyeso's cold hand. Hyeso told him it was because the weather.


It's been two months since their meeting, Hyeso waited Yixing in the usual place, and her pale face seems paler than ever. But something was off from Hyeso, she wasn't a cheerful like she usually was.

Yixing skipped happily to the park, he wears a scarf around his neck, but he also brought another for Hyeso, he can't help but a little bit worried about how cold Hyeso was.

When Yixing saw Hyeso sat on bench in the park, he grinned and ran to her.

"Hyeso Noona..." He called. Hyeso raised her head and smiled softly.

"Yixing'ie.." Hyeso stood up. Yixing stood beside her and grinned.

"I brought something for you Noona" Yixing took the scarf from his bag and shoved it to her. Hyeso furrowed and took it from Yixing.

"What is this, Yixing'ie?" Hyeso asked. Yixing looked down shyly and rubbed his neck.

"It’s a scarf, like mine" He grabbed his scarf that hung on his neck and smiled sheepishly. Hyeso blinked once but then smiled softly.

"I-I tried to find a white one like your favorite but there's none, so-so I get a blue one like mine" Yixing said, bit his lower lips nervously.

Hyeso gazed at her softly and sat down on the bench, Yixing followed behind, he gazed her worriedly.

"What’s happen Noona?"

Hyeso looked down and smiled bitterly, her diamond eyes got teary. Yixing felt his heart pang painful.

"Please don't cry, Noona, tell me what happen?" Yixing asked. Hyeso just gazed at him and shook her head.

"Anii.. Yixing'ie..." She said and tried to prevent her tears. Yixing smiled.

"It's getting warm though, the winter will end soon" Yixing said. Hyeso just looked longingly in front of her. She tried to prevent her tears but somehow it fell down.

"It is, it soon ends" she whispered.

"When summer has come, let's go to the beach, Noona, it would be fun there" Yixing grinned happily. Hyeso just nodded faintly.



In the last day of winter, the snow didn't fall and everything becomes a bit warm. Hyeso sat on the bench in the park, looking at the snow that slowly changed into water on the leaf and fell down to the ground.

Yixing ran into the park, grinned and laughed happily. When he saw Hyeso who sat in the bench, her neck rounded by his scarf, Yixing grinned even more.

"Hyeso Noona...." Yixing called her; she turned her head and smiled.

"Hyeso Noona, I want to go to the festival, let's go" Yixing took Hyeso's hand and pulled her.

Hyeso giggled and Yixing grinned, he missed the way she laughed, in these few days, Hyeso seems a bit sad, so he tried to cheer her up.

They’re having fun in the festival, they went to the ski rink and Yixing mesmerized when he saw the way Hyeso moved on the rink.

"Noona, how did you do that?" Yixing asked. Hyeso blinked once but then chuckled cutely.

"Did what Yixing'ie?" Hyeso asked. Yixing giggled lightly.

"The way you moved in the rink, it's like you’re floating.. Like the ice was part of you..." Yixing said. Hyeso smiled.

"It was?"

"Eung..." Yixing nodded cutely. Hyeso grinned and pinched his cheek.

Time flew so fast, Yixing walked to his house with Hyeso accompanied her. Hyeso squatted in front of him when they were in front of his house.

"Yixing'ie.. Take care of yourself ne, don't forget to study and don't forget to eat also" Hyeso said. Yixing nodded.

"See you tomorrow, Hyeso Noona..." Yixing forbid goodbye but Hyeso only gazed sadly to him. Yixing get in to his house while Hyeso still gazed his door.

"Annyong... Yixing'ie..." She whispered sadly as her tears went down.


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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 5: (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ) How about me and thehunie??????????????
Andweeeeeeee... SPECIAL CHAPTER for me puwlliiiizzzz..
junghyeji #2
Chapter 3: "Everything in white was so damn beautiful" ☜ yes.. I agree with it.. Hahaha

But what happen with hyeso? I don't understand.. She can hypnotize him? Or else??
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 2: Why did I become α bad onie??

haeri0610 #4
Who is Hyeso??
Snow angel? Or Snowman?

update soon ^____^