Chapter 6 [The present (Part 6) – Date]

--- S£PARAT£D BY SOULδ ---

Chapter 6 [The present (Part 6) – Date]

[Hebe’s POV]

We stay there hugging each other until we heard a loud sound. I quickly turn around being alert about the surroundings. 

“Did someone saw my wings?”

This is the first thing that came to my mind. But this thought disappear when I saw two cats fighting over a fish bone that is near the dustbin. 
The dustbin is knocked down as those cats were fighting. I think that’s where the sound came from.

“Hebe.” JaeJoong called me 

As he called me, I turn around and look at him.
I blushed as I remember how I took the initiative to hug him and how I cry in front of him.
Now I think about it, that’s really embarrassing.
I stare at the floor hoping he won’t see how red my face is now.

“Urgh…” I started wanted to break the awkwardness 

But I seems can’t get anything out of my mouth and he just stood there and laugh.

“What’s so funny?”
I wanted to ask him, but I think I better keep quiet so I won’t cause myself more embarrassment.

“You’re so cute Hebe.” He said

 “Urgh… Th- Thanks”
I don’t know why I started stuttering but I can feel myself heated up. 

He just smiled at my reply and walk nearer to me.
Every time he took a step forward, I’ll take a step back at the same time.
He continues stepping forward and I continue steeping back until I reach the wall.
I’m stuck as he put both of his hands on the wall, blocking my way out.

“Urgh… Ja~ Jae?” I call out confuse by his action.

 “So… are we… a couple now?” He ask with a cute look

“Urgh… I…” I stretch my words not sure what I should say

He leans in closer to me. I try to back away but the wall is blocking.

As I can’t back away anymore, I close my eyes expecting that he would kiss me.



Nothing happen.

I can feel him beside me so I open my eyes and turn to the side a bit to look at him.
He has his eyes close and leaning his head on my shoulder.

“Jae?” I call

“Hebe. Xiao Zhen. Now, I officially ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?” He ask

I just stood there not moving, not saying anything and not even blinking.
I open my mouth… and close back after
I don’t know what I should say.
Never once I experience something like this.
What is this feeling again?
I can feel that my face heating up again.

“Can I take that as a ‘YES’?” He ask suddenly

“Huh?” I ask confuse

He stop leaning at my shoulder then looks into my eyes with both of his hands holding my face gently.

“I say, I want you to be my girlfriend and I take your silent as ‘YES’.” He said with a smile

I just look at him with my mouth slightly open.

“So… is that a YES?” he ask again

Still I never answer but he just smiled.
He pats my head then said “Don’t overstrained yourself. I’ll wait for your answer even if it takes forever”

As he wanted to back away from me, I hold onto his shirt tightly and nod my head.
He seems confuse there and asked “Does that mean… you… agree?” 

I nod my head again not saying anything more.
His confuse face slowly turn into a shock one then turn into a happy one.

“YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!” He keep on chanting as he’s jumping up and down like a little kid receive his first toy

I can’t help but laugh at his behavior. 
He stops jumping and just stares at me.
I stopped laughing and tilt my head to a side a bit.
“You laugh.” He stated

I look at him for awhile and turn to the other side.
“I’m sorry… I should not…” I apologize but was cut off by him

He runs towards me and hold my hands.
“Hebe. You should laugh more.” He said with a smile and continue “Let’s go on a date.” And pulled me along with him

“Where are we going?” I ask as I was being pulled by him

He stops walking for awhile and pointed to where the amusement park is.
“Let’s go” He said and continues pulling me with him towards the destination


When we arrive, I just stood there not moving at all.
This is the first time I went to an amusement park.
He bought the tickets and holds my hand pulling me with him. I just stare at his back still not moving.

“You know, you always looks so lonely sitting in the cafe alone while looking out the window” he said with his back facing me

He looks at me after awhile of silent and said “You should have some fun.” then smile at me

I nod my head and he leads me to the entrance.

It is really fun as we goes from rides to rides.
We even go for the side stalls games.
JaeJoong wanted to win the Mickey Mouse keychain for me as he saw me staring at it for quite sometime, but he always failed to do so.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get that keychain for you.” He stated as he pays for another round

I told him that he doesn’t need to do so and ask him not to waste money on it but he just keep on telling me that if I like it, he’ll definitely get it for me.

After a few more failures 

“JaeJoong, it’s really ok. I don’t actually like it that much so let’s go.” I told him not wanting him to waste more money on it.

“But…” he started but I cut him off by shaking my head
He looks at me for awhile and nodded his head and continues “One last time. OK?”

I smile at his request and nodded my head.
He pays for one more rounds and when he gets the token he turn to me.
He shows me the only token in his hand and asked “Can I have your support in this last round?”
“Huh? Urgh… Sure?” I said not sure what he meant by support

He asked me to close my eyes and I did and the next thing I know is that our lips are connected.
I open my eyes shock from the sudden kiss he gave and just stand there like an idiot.

“We’re dating now, so it’s quite normal to kiss… right?” I thought to myself as we’re still in the middle of kissing

He broke off the kiss after awhile, smile at he and look to the token he thrown out.
When did he even thrown it out?
Don’t ask me cause I don’t know that myself.

Amazingly, this time the token didn’t touch the line and there we got our prize for winning.
He asks for none other than the Mickey keychain I stare at awhile ago.

“Give me your phone.” He said

“What for…?” I asked but still hand over my phone to him without getting the answer

He attached the keychain to my phone and handed my phone back to me.
“For you… This is what you want right?” 

“Thank you.” I thank him and smile looking at the keychain.

I keep my phone and went to the game stall then pay for another round of ‘Throwing Token’

I took the token hold it in my hand and close my eyes.
I can feel everything as if the world is moving in a slow motion.
I can hear everything clearly as if they’re talking to me.
When everything is clear to me, I block all the noise and only concentrate on the game.
There and then, I throw out the token that is in my hand and I won as my token is not touching the line.

“Wow.” I hear JaeJoong said

I smile at him gave him the prize I won.
The prize I choose is a Minnie Mouse keychain similar to mine.

“So… is this a ‘Couple thing’?” he asked 

I totally forgot about that. My intention is just purely wanted to give him something as a return gift.

“I… urgh…” 
I wanted to explain but will he be disappointed?

He ruffled my hair and said “You’re so cute when you get nervous.” Then kiss my forehead.

I blushed as he did so, then he continues “And I like it.”

He laughed when he saw my face and holds my hands and start walking around to see if there’s anything interesting.

I just keep looking at our hands which are now attached together until he spots a photo sticker booth.
“Hebe. Let’s take some picture.” He said

“Huh?” I asked as he pulled me into the booth

He started posing for pictures while I just stood there staring blankly at the screen.

“C’mon Hebe, at least smile a bit. This is the last picture.” He said hugging me from behind while looking at me with a pouting face.

I turn my head to the side and look at him.
He looks cute when he pouts.
When I wanted to say something…


That’s the sound telling us that the last picture has been taken.

We went out and choose what picture we want and edit it.
The only picture we choose is the last picture.
Well it’s not like we have a choice.
The others pictures are really weird cause I just stand there like a statue and staring blankly at the screen.

The last picture seems like we wanted to kiss each other though.
But that’s the only ‘nice’ picture so I just take it.

It’s really fun playing at the amusement park and it’s also very tiring.
We went to have dinner before heading back but I already feel like sleeping.
As we’re waiting for our dinner to came, I lie on the table trying to get a nap but it is really uncomfortable.

JaeJoong pulled me towards him and lays my head on his shoulder.
“Sleep.” That’s all he says

I just nod my head and close my eyes and slowly drift off to my dreamland.


A/N: did anyone read this? I plan to delete this account if there's none...


Signing out
27th July, 2010

Xiaobiiee aka zhen


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well.. at least there's someone who read it... anyway..<br />
thanks for reading.. you can continue read thhis story at:-<br /><br />
thx again
littlecat #2
please dont close your fic, i'm really like it and waiting for your new update chapter ^_^ i think someone just forget your fic or dont give comments, dont give up your fic, i want to read all your story, ok ???<br />
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